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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => MTO Maps => Topic started by: MrOblongo on April 30, 2010, 08:44:01 AM
Well, reworked all this map again, added airfields and thanks to Viking, got some very nice textures for this. So, enjoy.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
This was made for the "Run for Tunis" Campaign and maybe the last stages of the Tunisian Campaign. Kairouan is not added yet and is not very usefull since it was used most for the Kasserine (not present) battle.
This map use vkg textures from El Alamein map + Some new one (included).
Thanks to:
Agracier elevation map and texture asigned to elevations
Potenz for merging the ed_01
Viking for the excelent textures
Gilb57 for the textures
A couple of points regarding this map's load.ini - If you use UP (or any HSFX based system), note that the texture:
Water1 = land/summer/Spain_Tex_512_06.tga
is not included in HSFX, and must be added manually to your mods folder, or changed to something else.
Also, the following lines need to be edited to read:
City0 = land/summer/dlv_Sinai/dlv_Sinai_downcity.tga
and also:
Wood1 = NTL_/forest/summer/NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood1.tga
Wood3 = NTL_/forest/summer/NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_Wood3.tga
Tree0 = NTL_\Trees\NTL_Darwin_Small\NTL_Darwin_Small_AlteredBush6a.tga
for it to work in an HSFX based system.
Very cool map, and thank you MrO for your effort.
cheers - viking
Thank you Mr_O for this nice map of Tunisia,this suggests well for future successful campaigns
Thank you Viking4570 for the lesson in syntax,and now it's work fine
Whoa, thanks for clarifying that Viking, will add the textures ASAP.
Fixed the load.in texture, now it should work with HSFX and UP.
Well, for this map only got info about 4 of the airfields. Bône Harbour was made from a 1950s picture so maybe it have one extra runway. Same for El Aouina, which was made using a 1950s french airport diagram and a map of the tramway of tunis which had the airport diagram. Bizerta is, i think, the most accurate one, the runway is still in use so i just copied it. Also got a pic of Mateur airfield...very bad one in black and white.
All other airfields are just generic ones since i found no info at all. If anyone happend to have anything, ill be pleased to have it so i can adjust the shape and location of the airfields.
For example, i know Souk el Arba was not just one airfield, i know the existance of at least 2 other runways codenamed "Waterloo", 12km ENE and "Victoria", 12km ESE. Also important is the fact that many of these bases were modified by the allies prior the occupation for use against Sicily and Italy, so in this map they should represent the Late 1942 and Early 1943 layouts... Well, the task is huge but im doing my best :).
I keep getting a load.ini error
(SAS installs only)
I keep getting a load.ini error
(SAS installs only)
Which one?.
when I try to use FMB, and load the map, it takes a few seconds and then at the bottem appears a message "tunisia 1942 load.ini error" (or something close to that)
Guys lots of Mod textures in the Load.ini: VKG egipt, NTL forests, etc. etc..
I know it sasys so in the post, but,
Please can we have every texturte needed in the package - that means don't take anything for grante, put every non stock TEX used.
I know its a lot of work!, but pelase! it' s more work to search the load.ini an teh n teh net for that particular texture or forest.....
Will do a texture pack later...
Added a textures zip in the first post for those not using UP or HSFX. Will post pictures ASAP.
Sorry again for the problems :D
La Goulette Port
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
El Aouina Airfield
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
Over the Desert
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
Lac Bizerte
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
Sidi Ahmed Airfield
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
Bône Harbour and airfield
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
Really wonderful mate!!!
You have done a great work!!!!
Very loveable!!!!
yep, very nice map here ! I really dig flying over deserts, is there any campaign or missions to fly over Tunisia ? (apart from those : http://sparviero1946.altervista.org/ (http://sparviero1946.altervista.org/) )
Thanks for this map, love the desert stuff!!
THank you Thank you thank you Mr.O!
beautifull map as allways with you.
The textures pack have the texture folder with a wrong name.
Now it is _text
And it should be _tex
Sorry :P
Mr O !
A very nice map, thank you.
Many thanks for the beautiful map! 8)
Fantastic, map, gents....i always enjoy desert maps, and they just seem to be getting better and better!
thanks for the work! ;D 8)
Will be fixing some minor bugs ive been finding soon to release a fix.
THX Korrigan I'll give it a try and report back in a few minutes, (waiting for Malone to move this to the tech help)
ok, Mick, i moved it to a new topic in the Missions section for now.....https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,5387.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,5387.0.html)
we can carry on from there... ;)
-Added some rivers
-Made the towns of Tebourba, Medjez el bab and other a little bigger
-Added La Sebala airfield south of Protville
-Deleted some misplaced buildings
-Bridges are made of woodplates since i still dont know how to do them :P
-Little tweaks to ed_m01 and ed_m02
-Modified load.ini to have Desert skins
Oh, now thats some good news, thank you for your continued generosity and Craftsmanship! :D
Any chance to get the mto textures download link somewhere?
Interesting map
Any chance to get the mto textures download link somewhere?
The link for all the textured used in this map is in the first post of this topic.
I Have already downloaded these textures, but I need in particular the mto textures that are missing in my map folder. I need them someother maps I have.....
Excelente mapa Oblo. ;)
I´m just to stupid for this it seems
Installed it right(i believe), got QMB files, 20% loading error if map is chosen in QMB (2.0)
Also the same problem with Coral Islands.
Think I both installed them right
I dont know if this is the right place for the post, I´m not sure if I should open a thread in the Techhelp forum
I must report a bug. The marked airfield in the map is not flat, thus it is impossible to take off from it on autopilot. (It seems it is on a hill while both ends of the runway are on the slopes...)
Oh, noticed that a while ago, ill fix it ASAP!
Thanks for using the map :)
HOTFIX for La Sebala Airfield
https://www.mediafire.com/?8vu5yd9ba3s9wod (https://www.mediafire.com/?8vu5yd9ba3s9wod)
Just replace the original map_h.tga.
Thank you very much ! :)
As I told I cant get this and some other maps not to work
is it maybe becaus I use QMBpro 2 and the "old" config.ini / all.ini settings ?
Symantec Endpoint Protection on my PC is complaining about "HTTP Malicious Toolkit Variant Activity 2 detected" when I go to the Mediafire download page.
Anyone else having this problem?? Alternate download site?
Excellent map!
There is a mission or campaign on this map?
yep, very nice map here ! I really dig flying over deserts, is there any campaign or missions to fly over Tunisia ? (apart from those : http://sparviero1946.altervista.org/ (http://sparviero1946.altervista.org/) )
Indeed. Very nice map. Good potential for a retexturing.
Unfortunatly as for so (too) many new good maps there is a serioux lack of mission makers. We would need more campains to take advantage of all those new maps.
Very nice work MrOblongo :)
Still need to add some airfields and redone the towns, maybe using the new desert buildings... unfortunately theres a total lack of info about the airfields in this area. (Specially Souk el Arba complex)
Personally have made 50 misions following the book Focke Wulf Fw-190 in africa. For private squadron campaign. That book is the very origin of this map.
Still need to add some airfields and redone the towns, maybe using the new desert buildings... unfortunately theres a total lack of info about the airfields in this area. (Specially Souk el Arba complex)
Personally have made 50 misions following the book Focke Wulf Fw-190 in africa. For private squadron campaign. That book is the very origin of this map.
You are part of a online squadron ?
Still need to add some airfields and redone the towns, maybe using the new desert buildings... unfortunately theres a total lack of info about the airfields in this area. (Specially Souk el Arba complex)
Yea new desert buildings could help you a lot. Lejo made a good work by using Canon's friendly fps objets. It's easy to use them as a module to create bigger complex like villas or mosques. There is big bildings with a europeean style. Most of big towns of north africa use europeen architecture as a consequence of colonisation period.
Sorry for a dumb question...
I installed truckloads of JGSME (Silent Hunter3) but never Map of Il-2... so which of two files goes -where?
(No readme...) :(
Finally had some time to try it... simply great map...real feeling of flying over wast Tunisia coastline ???
Many thanks... for a great MTO map ::)
(Maybe one day - joint project with redko ? I wish you two make a mixed textures project...)
Finally had some time to try it... simply great map...real feeling of flying over wast Tunisia coastline ???
Many thanks... for a great MTO map ::)
(Maybe one day - joint project with redko ? I wish you two make a mixed textures project...)
Nice pics Blond. I like the B&W one :)
Still need to add some airfields and redone the towns, maybe using the new desert buildings... unfortunately theres a total lack of info about the airfields in this area. (Specially Souk el Arba complex)
Personally have made 50 misions following the book Focke Wulf Fw-190 in africa. For private squadron campaign. That book is the very origin of this map.
You are part of a online squadron ?
Actually yes. www.goafenix.com :D Salute
This is a list of airfields provided by the author of "Focke Wulf Fw-190 on North Africa".
1 - Bizerta Sidi Ahmed (ON MAP)
2 - Mateur (ON MAP)
3 - Kroldjane
4 - Tindja (ON MAP,location hyphotetical)
10 - Protville Centre (ON MAP, only one field)
11 - Pinorth (Location UNK)
12 - Protville East (ON MAP, only one field)
13 - Porto Farina South
14 - Galaat El Andeless
15 - La Sebala (ON MAP,location hyphotetical)
16 - Protville West (ON MAP, only one field)
17 - Sidi Athman
18 - Djedeida (ON MAP)
19 - Sebala North (ON MAP, only one field)
30 - Tunis El Aouina (ON MAP)
31 - Ariana
32 - La Marsa (ON MAP,location hyphotetical)
33 - Fochville
40 - Menzel Bou Zelfa
41 - Soliman West
42 - Soliman centre
43 - Korbous Centre
44 - Korbous North
46 - Soliman South
47 - Grombalia I
48 - Grombalia II
49 - Bou Ficha
50 - Marie Du Zit East
51 - Marie Du Zit
52 - Depienne
53 - Cheylus
54 - Oudna
55 - Creteville West
56 - Creteville
57 - Hammam Lif East (south of 41)
70 - Menzel Temime
71 - Lebna
72 - illegible
73 - illegible
74 - Korba West
75 - Lebna North
76 - Menzel Temime South
77 - Menzel Temime North
78 - Tozegrane
79 - El Haouria
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi. I dl'd and installed your map but have the same problem as Badger on the first page of this thread - load error runtime java or something like that. I don't us UP or HSFX.
Added a textures zip in the first post for those not using UP or HSFX. Will post pictures ASAP.
Sorry again for the problems :D
I can't find the textures zip anywhere here. Has it been deleted? I installed everything inside the dl putting the textures in their correct (AFAIK) folders.
Thanks for any help
Here is the link to the file:
Thanks for trying the map.
Recently added Kirouan airfield (Hani). And i'm playing with the textures.
BETA textures from Central Med map.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
It looks great, Oblongo. I squeak just a little these trees, but its fantastic :o :P
Good job, Mr.
Gran trabajo, compañero.
Thanks for the quick reply on the textures.
I dl'd them and compared what was in the folder with what I had in my Mapmods folder and found I already had everything anyway.
Have I put them in the wrong place? Remember, I DON'T have HSFX, UP or any other pack - I just have a heavily, manually installed mods, modded game. The path I used for the textures is IL-2_Primary\Mods\MAPMODS\maps\_Tex with the various textures put in the folders as was shown in the 'Textures' download. Is there a problem with this?
I'd very much like to use this map if at all possible.
Thanks for your time.
Plowshare, same case as me, no pack etc ... may be I have the fix for you, read here :
Thanks a million, man. That little thing with the Tree0 = AlteredBush8a.tga did the trick.
What process did you use to winkle out that little gem? What twigged you that that was the culprit?
This is a tool that would be very useful for those of us that don't have UP, HSFX, or any other pack but would still like to install and use mods even if they're made for those packs expressly.
In fact, I'll go one step further, stick my neck out, and say that there seems to be a trend that those of us who play offline only, or have our own little squadrons with our own sets of mods, are being left slowly, yet more rapidly, behind. It's refreshing to have folks like yourself that take the time to make sure folks like myself can still enjoy putting mods we want, and want alone, into the game we love.
And to short circuit some: yes, I appreciate that the modpacks will ensure a level playing field for all those who play online. However, please don't assume that those lone wolves out here aren't worth the thought...
Thanks again Mick.
And MrO:
It's great to be able fly over Tunisia and finally see those great textures of yours. One small problem but I think you may have addressed it: There are trees in the Med off the coast in some places. I think I'll have to go in and turn the video options down from Perfect to lose the trees.
Thanks a million, man. That little thing with the Tree0 = AlteredBush8a.tga did the trick.
What process did you use to winkle out that little gem? What twigged you that that was the culprit?
... you're welcome mate, my pleasure, well as I wrote in in my post it is my friend Redko who gave me the fix :
"... guys after 6 months of trials and despair, and THX to redko I can now at last fly over Tunisia !!"
As a map maker himself he suspected there was something weird with that texture, and I am really glad to share his fix with you, man it took me 6 months to be able to fly over Tunisia ...!!
And don't miss FlatSpinMan's upcoming Tunisia campaign (unfortunately it won't be released before january, real life caught Flat up ...)
I agree with you that it is going to be more and more difficult to fly with mods without a pack, mainly because of conflicts between mods, which is not unexpected, so many modders using sometimes the same java class files now. I however will do my best to go on modding my sim "by hand" (and help my "stand alone" friends out there), in the ancient way, mainly because I don't want to pile tons of mods and the umpteenth version of the same AC.
I'm aware of the trees in the water and other problems. I don't have much time to work on the map (any help is appreciated).
I'm aware of the trees in the water and other problems. I don't have much time to work on the map (any help is appreciated).
There is a trick using a tree.tga texture for water, like the one people use to make trees. The file must remain totally black, without white point on it, so no trees appears on the water
It's used by master Avala on bengalli map if i remember well. If i find this again i pm you the trick. ;). Can't wait to start working on your map senior :)
Can't wait to start working on your map senior :)
... you mean you are going to revamp Mr Oblongo's map ??!! The very same map FlatSpinMan is using to build his Tunisia campaign ...??!!
Phew ! :P
hmmm, very interested in this map, as i have just finished reading Jimmy Corbin's 'Last of the Ten Fighter Boys'.
in it he relates his time flying for 72 squadron, through nov '42 flying out of Souk al Arba, before moving to Souk el Chemis in jan '43, and this map covers all off this an there area of operations perfectly.
map, check,
planeset, check,
background info, check,
well, don't expect anything soon, as i in the middle of running a BoB campaign for the dangerdogz, but afterwards i think this will be my next project.
Wonderful Fruitbat! Love historical missions :)
Thanks in advance
MrO... Could do You have an answer to my post on coast shore foam ? How did You make it... :
To be honest, i have no idea :S
Maybe because i used the Water Coast Tile in the coast to erase the trees from the water. Is the only clue i have.
MrO... Could do You have an answer to my post on coast shore foam ? How did You make it... :
You make these shallow waters by painting it in the map_C. But there some limits, in some coasts the shape avoit to make it render even by painting the map_c
Read my old topic about Palau map repaint here, in page 3 we are speaking about how to make that:
You can dl the last version of the map here, take a look to the map_C and use map map_c tool to reform the map, i will how all this is painted.
MrO... Could do You have an answer to my post on coast shore foam ? How did You make it... :
You make these shallow waters by painting it in the map_C. But there some limits, in some coasts the shape avoit to make it render even by painting the map_c
Read my old topic about Palau map repaint here, in page 3 we are speaking about how to make that:
You can dl the last version of the map here, take a look to the map_C and use map map_c tool to reform the map, i will how all this is painted.
No, correct me if I'm wrong but what Blond wants is to eliminate the foam of the border, not create shallows. I think it's a combination of changing just the borders of the map_C with also applying the right textures in the coastline. I did something of the kind in my Iwo repaint at some point, but I was able to do that because the map_C and the map_T didn't match exactly.
Oh ok.
My english sucks ;)
Yes redko, I am trying to find out how to decrease coast foam... for example at Palau... or Chichi Shima...?
hello noob question here:
how do i install this?
patience with me plz...
EDIT: solved!!
Ok, lets see what we could do with this map. I guess the best idea would be to start the work with Tunis sector as i don't know exactly what is Flatspinman doing for his campain. Mick, as beta tester maybe you know where the scene will take place mostly ?
Are You being serious Redko ?
You are going to rework Tunisia map ?
Give us some more info... My mother in law likes to dogfigt over that one (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img843/5133/45440427.jpg)
Yes mister MrOblongo seems to be ok for third part work hahaha...
I will see if i can get something enough interresting to be released.
With all these new kickass desert maps and desert WIP maps it gets real hard to decide the sightseeing tour of the day. :D
I love them all. Just installed Mr Oblongo's Tunisia map.
Thanks, Mr! :)
Hey Redko,
Reworking fine Tunisia map will be challange even for your moding skills...
Tunisia is more complex landscape than MTO (...read Lybia)
There are variety of desert colors:
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img821/2497/tunis5r.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img853/6672/tunis1.jpg)
Also they have bushy-desert areas:
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img638/7991/tunis2.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img23/6844/tunis14.jpg)
There are many semi-green and green mediteranean patches in NorthTunisia:
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img36/5979/tunis6.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img535/5228/tunis8.jpg)
Tunisia mountains are much lighter than your dark MTO texture:
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img846/384/tunis10.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img87/8456/tunissunset.jpg)
You will need some 3-4 new texture patterns...
Best luck Maestro!
If you make it - who needs Cliffs of Dover ! :)
If you make it - who needs Cliffs of Dover ! :)
... Blond I couldn't have said it better ... ;)
Tunisia revamped by Redko + FlatSpinMan's Tunisia campaign ... who then would need to have dried grapes frozen gesticules over the winter British countryside ....?? :D
Hey Redko,
Revorking fine Tunisia map will be challange even for your moding skills...
Tunisia is more complex landscape than MTO (...read Lybia)
There are variety of desert colors:
Also they have bushy-desert areas:
You will need some 3-4 new texture patterns...
Best luck Maestro!
If you make it - who needs Cliffs of Dover ! :)
Yea i know. I have been studying the map since 2 month. 8 kinds of different climats. The map made by Oblongo covers mostly cultivated part. There isn't to many desert but more dry agriculture. It's greener near the big cities linke tunis, the question is had that area the same level of agriculture in WW2 than today ?
I'm looking for some archives of french period. There will be much more fields here than MTO
Should be much less cultivated 70 years ago...
Nice pics thanks :)
So....this is for test only, don't make any conclusion, this is all previous stages, i'm not shure to keep these textures, and i haven't fixed the colours, this is just for "concept".
Just textures, you can see the stock objects on the ground, i will have to remove this and use Lejo's pack of objects + more maybe.
And here is the problem and my question. The actual map describe the modern Tunis and if we consider what was the city in WW2 period i should remove those land parts in red here:
This a middle age urbanism stage for Tunis :
And the city until 1914 :
You see it seems that those land stripe weren't there. And the is also some fortification to create, as until the war the city was limitated to the old fortification system:
Just before the begining of the war:
Detail about fortification:
I will have to bild that too. If someone has more informations about the city before WW2 begins please share with us, and confirm that the land stripes must be eliminated from the map, it's my opinion. I will try to find more date from my side of course.
The second question is about the castle Oblongo added in the town, on my pics and in Oblong's version it's in the town as there is no fortification system. There it seems the catle is outside. IF i don't mistake it's the "Fort of Sidi-ben-Hassen"...
Bay of Tunis from Sidi BelHassen. Drawing but interresting.
City plan of Tunis 1941-1942, scale 1:10.000 (in French ;)):
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/tunisia_city_plans/txu-oclc-6539920.jpg (http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/tunisia_city_plans/txu-oclc-6539920.jpg)
City plan of Tunis 1941-1942, scale 1:10.000 (in French ;)):
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/tunisia_city_plans/txu-oclc-6539920.jpg (http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/tunisia_city_plans/txu-oclc-6539920.jpg)
Oh nice thanks.
So there was. Nice! Just have to change a little the shape
@ Uufflakke an Mick thanks
Whoa!, i didnt notice all this! Awesome!, Thanks Redko!
Here is the only map that have all the airfields of Tunisia with names (Post Allied Invasion i think, but you get a picture)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img94/7002/naair401996mapoftunisia.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/94/naair401996mapoftunisia.jpg)
This one is supposed to show the Axis Airfields in 1942 and the next one is from the book Fw-190 in Tunisia showing northern Tunisia area.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img830/5840/tunisian.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/830/tunisian.jpg)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img12/7991/tunis2.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/12/tunis2.jpg)
And this one is important for Tunis Lake and the electric train lines.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
I am so glad to see that you are serious about it Redko :) I thought it was "maybe" idea...
My personal opinion is - that you don't have to vaste your inspiration and energy on city perfection... 99% of virtual pilots have never seen Tunis - even modern one, let alone 1941-43...
The most important features are landscape textures, i.e. mixture of Tunisian textures... Who needs perfect city if we have "repetitive" texture paterns at 3000m altitude view?
(These are PC dogfight maps - not a turist agency maps ;))
Also, keep in mind that that desert maps have a serious problem with ugly Il-2 roads (gray and sharp)... so desert maps look beter (more natural) without any roads (as the roads are dust/send roads).
(Even MTO would have more realistic look without any "Il-2 roads"...)
The most important features are landscape textures, i.e. mixture of Tunisian textures... Who needs perfect city if we have "repetitive" texture paterns at 3000m altitude view?
(These are PC dogfight maps - not a turist agency maps )
Agree. That's why i'm using only one texture for cities and the rest for landsacpe. Luckily Oblongo used many time the same texture on 1-2 textures slots on his load.ini, which means that starting back to 0 it's possible to reassign one texture per slot and increasy divesity.
Most par of this map will be culture or very dry cultures, the real desert is more in the sout. Oblongo's map stop before. Gil repaint of Maraz Central goes more into the desert.
In the other hand i will try to make a Tunis people could recognize, just a little at least, but fyable. I send a pre pre pre pre beta to Mick for test. The size of the city is historical but i will have to make it smaller to make it flyable. There is any french gamers here and some may now the city, it's important to make it look a little to the real one. Hand a historical city could be sexy for missions maker= bomb the harbour, sink ships in La Goulette detroit; bomb the little train rails..or protect this or that sector....
To finish i'm agree too about the roads...i would remove it but it could make problems for some missions. I remember many missions of Battle OF EL Alamein using Desert_Online map use road, many missions have for objective colums of trucks destruction and they use the roads. It would be necessary to create more way points...
But it's possible. Most of gamers here post immediatly help request without trying to solve their problems alone or by using serach function...if i remove road i just can't image how polluted threads would be, i don't have time to make technical support, just a little enough to make for my own maps...
But i like you idea....and you what...people is saying that most of tga values are used to make.........roads, yeas those shity road...remove it could maybe unlock these tga values....for TEXTURES :P.
As i already said some where, give me 40 textures slots (well 50, be friendly), i make you the world ;) hahahahahah
This one is supposed to show the Axis Airfields in 1942 and the next one is from the book Fw-190 in Tunisia showing northern Tunisia area.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img830/5840/tunisian.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/830/tunisian.jpg)
You want all these airfields to ba added ?
Red, check your PMs, I have completed the Tunis beta test ... ;)
Lol, no redko. I never added all the airfields because there is no info at all about them. And actually dont know if the map is actually showing the airfields. The ultimate solution wuould be having 2 statics for 1942 and 1943 with all the airfields which is more of what i consider polite to request. Way to many :P. Just nice textures and maybe 2 or 3 more airfields is all this map needs.
I don't know - would it be a technical difficulty to relaese two versions of the same map: one with "roads" for mission-maniacs and another without any visible roads for visual-maniacs...?
I wish for years to have Il-2 winter and desert maps without "Il2-roads"... there is always first time ;)
... it is true that those IL2 roads are immersion killers ... ;)
WW2 North Africa "roads" were almost invisible... 80% of them:
Why would these "roads" be so visible from distance ? ...as fat gray drawlines ?
Even these days... they are often covered with "moving sand":
Roads in tunisia were not that invisible. And there were lots of railways. Road/Railways are much needed for mision making.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
(http://www.eucmh.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/hist_us_uk_20_ww2_africa_pic_us_sened_tunisia.jpg) (http://www.eucmh.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/hist_us_uk_20_ww2_africa_pic_us_sened_tunisia.jpg/)
... well in fact redko currently has a serious prob with his overheating mobo, that's why you've not been able to spot him these past days since he spends most of his spare time buried inside his rig, blowing to his heart's content on his burning mobo like there was no tomorrow ... ;)
Yes that's right. My motherboard is dying, i can't use it too much even to see videos in streaming. The pc shut down. I saved all my map and textures files in 3 DD to avoid troubles or a corrupted OS. I'm bilding my new rig.
I just recieved my core i7 2600k this moring, i will get the new power supply (corsair 650 tx) and the DDR3 ( Kingston HyperX Genesis Special Edition Grey 2133 MHz 4 gigs) this week end.
I will order the motherboard ( Asus P8P67 Pro (B3)) and the pc case next week i think.
Thanks for you comics Blond, i like it, very funny ;)
I just recieved my core i7 2600k this moring, i will get the new power supply (corsair 650 tx) and the DDR3 ( Kingston HyperX Genesis Special Edition Grey 2133 MHz 4 gigs) this week end.
I will order the motherboard ( Asus P8P67 Pro (B3)) and the pc case next week i think.
... phew, Red, you bought all this very nice equipment with the royalties of your desert maps I suppose ...!! :D
Lol. Oh no, i was planning to change my ring anyway. A little for COD and some other things. I was thinking to do this in july ... for the return of the sunny day but the troubles with my BM changed all.
March 26 Update
So, i'm waiting the new motherboard to bild my next PC. My daily one haven't shuted down for a week but i know it will if i work some 3d populating. So i just restarted for the moment the texture work.
The map is a mess, pieces of textures everywhere -Mick knows that- so i can't show you too much of this wip work. But i can show what textures could be used for airfields. I make one which fit quite nice with Oblongo's airstrips. Oblongo did a good work in terms of historical researches for airfields so no need to change this and use blank runaways for exemple.
I just will need the fix the colour and contrast, but that's for the end of the process. :)
Maybe more pics tonight if i have time ;)
You see...pieces of Viking's textures and mine randomly. It's a long job to repaint a map. The most hard will be to find the best desertical/agriculture style to represent the place.
To many contrast levels i know, i'm working on this
Now that's better
Testing some quick missions for this map...
Ouch, i'm done >:(
Bildings doesn't fit the textures for the moment, this will change for the release day
Very cool!
Desert maps have one advantage: Since they are literally blank with regard to population and modern street systems in most terms etc, realism is much easier to archive in flight sims IMHO. The more of them in IL-2 the better!
Chrs :)
Can't wait to try this...Redko
(Just try some mud-grey desert water color... this blue is...hmm)
Yea i will do something for the water colour too. Depends also of the choice of the shallow waters textures. I think mister Oblongo was trying to catch a special colour, very local, we will have to deal with that too.
It's going to be nice, even at low altitude i hope :) :
Some of the mid-dry agriculture textures. It's going to be progressive to desert parts:
Tunis. This is the state of the city when my pc started to crash. I will resize the city a little to something smaller compared to the surface the city had at the WW2 time to keep a god Fps...but even with a smaller size it's going to be a big city.
Here the old medieval defense system, i know some parts where still there at the WW2 time but i don't know excatly at what point it was still there. Well it's an amateur work, i just hope to improve a little the map that's all ;):
You see here some parts are just textures...i have to finish to populate this as soon as i get my new pc. There will be a big density to simulate the old medina.
... super Red, tu as légèrement "sali" les maisons blanches non ?? c'est bien mieux comme ça, elles jurent moins... Merci ... ;)
I just hope that you're not starting a turist guide business... ::)
Prefer to have you as map artist...
Exactly what i had in mind but couldn't achieve.
MrOblongo, I would like to publicly thank you for allowing Redko to revamp you very good Tunisia map, this plus FlatSpinMan's upcoming Tunisia campaign is going to give us hours of sheer delight ... :D
Exactly what i had in mind but couldn't achieve.
Uufflakke is working on some new tree to make it fit with the textures and to get a better description of tunisian environment. He is collecting new datas about Tunisia now. Your map is going to be nice senior :) ;).
When I finish with Tunis I will send you a beta to test the map, maybe there is things you wanted to ad but by lack of time never did it. I know about the missing airfields.
I would also need to have an idea of you pc configuration, proc and CG.
beautiful redko! please keep on going with this wip, we need it!
Redko, you are a champ! Gorgeous! :P
beautiful redko! please keep on going with this wip, we need it!
Thanks ;)
Redko, you are a champ! Gorgeous! :P
Thanks sir. Hey...just played 3 missions of your campain for Mixx map, delicious :P. Hopefully we'll have one of yours aslo for the new version of this map ;D
Lets make this thread reach 20000 views :P
Work of today. I'm still in the texture creation process, the complet set is not ready but i started to paint some little areas with what i have for the moment.
I have to say that play the quick missions for this map even at a early wip stage is already very fun. Good sign...
I created a template to pupulate the little villages. In quick mission one there is a town in the south of the US airfield. For those who played this here is how it looks now :
The US airfield once bombed:
Some new textures:
Really good mate!!!
Simply stunning Redko!
Hum....back to some years behind ::)...
Just tested CoD. I was hoping this way to use textures and most of all transition from one texture to another one would be just a bad dream forever. THE thing i was fighting against is making his return = the disgusting grey spots....
texture falling from nowhere...
Don't want to make a debate about Cod after all what have been said but....this is a regression. Not only compared to my own work (no personal glory guys...) but just take a look to Mixx maps for exemple, all the efforts made from month and month to make the map modding skip out of this archaic method of representation.
Look that uniform grey...what's the problem guys, is this so hard to paint it manually and difference of tones ? Looks like Super Mario Bross. What the fuck is going on here ? Please take Mixx on the team guys....I could help if were in Russia but please, don't work like that.
Sorry guys but i'm so sad
To many red in the colours. Bad filters, looks like Birds of prey....and arcade game. This not how light and colours work for real.
Not to worry, when COD gets "optimised" and it surely will, you have a great future in continuing the outstanding start you have made in IL-2
I was not around when IL-2 first came out but am sure there were issues to work through in the first month of release.
This map is looking outstanding, and as with other new and repainted maps, the future for IL-2 AND Cod looks better every Day :)
Thanks for all the hard work!!
A little update.
The map is going to be hard to reskin. There is many different types of landscapes in tunisia even if the main part would be a typical mediterranean landsacpe.
I have 3/4 of textures ready, i'm not shure about the last 1/4 so this may change in way. The hardest part will be to eradicate repetitive patterns.
I don't think to finish this before 1 month i guess.
Avoid patterns is gonna be the big cake...
A little update.
The map is going to be hard to reskin. There is many different types of landscapes in tunisia even if the main part would be a typical mediterranean landsacpe.
I have 3/4 of textures ready, i'm not shure about the last 1/4 so this may change in way. The hardest part will be to eradicate repetitive patterns.
I don't think to finish this before 1 month i guess.
Avoid patterns is gonna be the big cake...
Redko, I think I have offered in the past more or less clearly collaboration but now I offer it clearly and explicitly. You are textures man, I'm postprocessing man and pattern-eliminator. Let's team, for god's sake, we'll progress faster, the maps will be definitive, and we'll jump from one map to another and definitely IL2 will be a strong alternative to CoD for a looong time, at least on the maps side...
To be honest actually we should create a wider team with more modders, especially a couple of them who have other complementary strengths, I'm thinking particularly in 2, one well known by creating new good exotic maps from scratch, and another specially good with cities and objects, guess who :) let's create the bloody xmen team man! :P
We modders are an independent and proud race but, hey, it's that the best way to move forward? Other teams are moving faster, look at the 1956 development team...
Sorry about the speech etc., I'll understand if you want to continue alone, btw good map, and, hey, thanks for the warm colours! :P
Woooow... Redko!
I feel like I can touch olive or lemon tree underneath!
Great combianation Mate...
I'm not a man for team work.
The fun in life is when you learn by yourself. I like to take my time and explore many directions. Sometimes my path cruss the one of another guys, sometimes not. I got some very very nice collaborations with Agracier, Avala and Lejo (sorry man i allways forget you SAS code and since i know that with a bad spelling it means shit cake ... :D) but it was some kind of coincidences. Never something really prepared.
I guess Agracier/Ufflakke (? yes i forget something ...) are a real team, with Kapteeni. Well i guess they work like a team. I prefer to work alone, i'm a lonely man. But nothing forbid you to mod "my" maps once finished. I allways said my textures are free, free for DL and editing, you can change the names or whatever. The only thing i ask is make you own texture folder to avoid overwriting, that's all.
So wait the end of this map re-bild process and see what you can fix or change to your liking. You don't need my approval to publish a download link for your version of "my" desert_online repaint. I guess people will like that version too. I saw some nice things i will use maybe for my Final Version of Desert_Online.
And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.
Double "U", double "F", double "K"...shit...always forget that...my bad Uufflakke :P. In french it's very hard to remember this.
And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.
so i'm here. J'attends toujours ton repaint de la Lybie que tu voulais m'envoyer (voir post sur la MTO). ;) i know you worked on it!!!
Tout comme je n'aimais pas tes premières textures que tu avais montré sur FS , the last-ones looks very good, nice eye-catchers!Looks so much natural compared to the first ones you showed, day and night difference!
Would be tempted to check your work again.
Anyway, instead of making small maps of repaints of others, it would be soooo much better to start a new one, a big this time, something where men could fly from Marsa al brega to the gates of alexandria. Actual PC's can handle it, especially with the 4gig exe :D...especially that most of the land is empty, the objects would be only on the coast.
something like that, started some time ago and working on it when having time:
I'm not a man for team work.
The fun in life is when you learn by yourself. I like to take my time and explore many directions. Sometimes my path cruss the one of another guys, sometimes not. I got some very very nice collaborations with Agracier, Avala and Lejo (sorry man i allways forget you SAS code and since i know that with a bad spelling it means shit cake ... :D) but it was some kind of coincidences. Never something really prepared.
I guess Agracier/Ufflakke (? yes i forget something ...) are a real team, with Kapteeni. Well i guess they work like a team. I prefer to work alone, i'm a lonely man. But nothing forbid you to mod "my" maps once finished. I allways said my textures are free, free for DL and editing, you can change the names or whatever. The only thing i ask is make you own texture folder to avoid overwriting, that's all.
So wait the end of this map re-bild process and see what you can fix or change to your liking. You don't need my approval to publish a download link for your version of "my" desert_online repaint. I guess people will like that version too. I saw some nice things i will use maybe for my Final Version of Desert_Online.
And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.
OK man, sorry to hear that but I completely respect you and understand you :) I've been also always a loner also and my dedication to this is very random so it's difficult to work with me anyway. But with the years I've appreciated the advantages of working as a team.
I'm glad also to see that you understand that I respect you a lot and that if I try to reuse your work and modify it to my liking, I appreciate a lot all the trouble you've done to look for nice textures, object placing, editing diferent map_T.tga's etc. And how you've evolved and improved since your first trials on Okinawa etc (I've evolved too, thanks God)
Are you OK then I suppose for my publishing versions of your Desert, SandsofTime and MTO? No worries I'll try to be super respectful so don't overwrite textures, load.ini's etc.
Keep the good work! :)
And for Lybia map, I would suggest you to contact Bada and Lal, present them your work and maybe if you are lucky they will accept it. This map is looking good with these new MTO textures indeed. Ask to Bada. If you don't know where to find him maybe Mick could make the link.
so i'm here. J'attends toujours ton repaint de la Lybie que tu voulais m'envoyer (voir post sur la MTO). ;) i know you worked on it!!!
Tout comme je n'aimais pas tes premières textures que tu avais montré sur FS , the last-ones looks very good, nice eye-catchers!Looks so much natural compared to the first ones you showed, day and night difference!
Would be tempted to check your work again.
Anyway, instead of making small maps of repaints of others, it would be soooo much better to start a new one, a big this time, something where men could fly from Marsa al brega to the gates of alexandria. Actual PC's can handle it, especially with the 4gig exe :D...especially that most of the land is empty, the objects would be only on the coast.
something like that, started some time ago and working on it when having time:
Hi Bada :) what do you think of my version of Redko's textures over your map then? want more screens of the different features, the big canyon at the South of the map, the dry rivers, the 'meteorite' craters? cheers :)
Double "U", double "F", double "K"...shit...always forget that...my bad Uufflakke :P. In french it's very hard to remember this.
I think for modding a game you need to be a loner I guess.
Actually when I started repainting I did a few houses for fun after reading a post by Agracier he would like to have some typical Spanish houses for his SCW maps. But it turned out to be 70 or 80 houses at the end. Then I assisted him in creating all kind of templates for his maps. It was nice working with him 'cause I never had to wait a long time to see if something I did got added to a map or if something needed to be changed or whatever.
Creating the desert houses for your maps was fun to do also.
How about your 3D skills by the way? I remember you started learning how to create your own houses?
That's something I would like to master also but besides lack of time I don't want to learn it by reading posts here and there or watching YouTube tutorials. It is a kind of frustrating we don't have some more houseblocks in different shapes and heights. Something like Canonuk did. Then we could populate cities very quickly and still fps friendly.
In case you missed it; in another topic you were talking about the Aloha Tower repainted into a minaret for the Tunesia map.
Here is a first concept I posted in that thread. ;)
Hi people.
First of all guys, by respect for Oblongo's map and thread, for all things not directly related to Tunis map and WIP, pleaso go to Mick's thread concerning my textures and other project here:
Let's not polute this thread please, thanks. Or it's gonna be hard to follow the wip work for this map.
I would love to do a campaign for this GORGEOUS map! Wonderful job!
Nice minaret Uufflakke, here is mine, inspired from casablanca's minaret for the texture if i remembre well ::).
I have to erase the kind of antena in the top..
Here the city Tunis, still under populating process:
I have been looking for the sectors covered by this map and what we can say is that this is most a classical mediterranean landscape. No big deserts areas here.
Tunis mounts:
There is lot of green there. Some textures i'm creating for these kind of woods:
Even the sectors is the south are never completly a desert, but a combination of green and sands.
By the way my 3d lessons are going slow :P. I hope to able to show you my first objects soon.
I would love to do a campaign for this GORGEOUS map! Wonderful job!
Oh i think Oblogo would love it too man :). I hope to release this fall may.
Hello again! Sorry for having been out of touch so long. I really haven't even touched IL2 in the last couple of months - earthquakes, trips to NZ, study, work, house full of sick kids and parents - too much going on recently.
Anyway, Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz that looks impressive.
Can you let me know what areas will need reworking to fit your new coastlines and stuff? Once I get time I want to use this map to the fullest.
Hello again! Sorry for having been out of touch so long. I really haven't even touched IL2 in the last couple of months - earthquakes, trips to NZ, study, work, house full of sick kids and parents - too much going on recently.
Anyway, Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz that looks impressive.
Can you let me know what areas will need reworking to fit your new coastlines and stuff? Once I get time I want to use this map to the fullest.
Hi Flat, that's so nice to hear from you again my friend. We were all a little worried about your situation, hope all is better now, we all need to have this japanese spirit which makes that whatever occured things must go on.
Wellcome back, we are all waiting your campain, and it seams Poltava his in the mood to make us another one. Lot of fun in perspective after COD's "the fishing simulator" disaster.
About the coast i can tell you for the moment = since there si a lot of diversity in tunisian landscapes i'm using right now the shallow water texture slot of the load.ini as a standard texture slot, for lands. Same for rivers so i can use 100% of textures slots to repaint the map. Haven't retouched the coast for the moment, i think i will, but not like what i made for Desert_online.
The best i think is that i send you a beta map to see this by yourself, in 2 weeks i will be working on this aspect of the map, the guess the whole work will be done for fall may...
Nice minaret Uufflakke, here is mine, inspired from casablanca's minaret for the texture if i remembre well ::).
I have to erase the kind of antena in the top..
Well, I hope you will succeed in removing the antenna on top of the building. I didn't...
I tried to make it invisible with editing the alpha layer like I did with the other minaret but to no avail this time. :(
It's a kind of blasphemy to have this cross shaped object on top of an islamic minaret. ;D
By the way I extracted the damage model files of the Aloha Tower and if you want I can PM them to you. Originally they were not included in Boomer's Object Pack.
Re minarets: The towers are well painted, but too large. Why don't you do a repaint of the wood airfield watchtower or the lighthouse or the water tower?
Is anyone going to do over the rivers? They break up.
I have a previously released version of Mr O Tunis in my JSGME already -
I assume v3.1 is the latest version April of 2011 -
I looked in my JSGME FOLDER and I can not tell which version I have installed.
So, just remove it and drop the new one in leaving the
MAP MOD all.ini file lines the same?
I have a previously released version of Mr O Tunis in my JSGME already -
I assume v3.1 is the latest version April of 2011 -
I looked in my JSGME FOLDER and I can not tell which version I have installed.
So, just remove it and drop the new one in leaving the
MAP MOD all.ini file lines the same?
Mr Oblongo's last version brought more vegetation and green parts to the map. I think v.3.1 is the latest. Anyway all what you can see now on pics is from a completly remade map, still under WIP. Release fall may if all is fine ;). There will be lot of new things with this incoming map. BTW... some screens update in a couple of minutes :)
Ok so the map is now taking the real first steps to the whole painting process (so i have more to show now). I have my textures, some things to fix like colours and contrast to make of all those textures a single thing. But what you are going to see is close to what the map will look for at the end. A semi dry land, with many green parts in the north.
I'm working with 3 textures for cities : one for big towns like Tunis, one for country middle/sized towns, and another one for desert villages. Here the last one i called "tatouine" (lol ;) ).
Here is an exemple of this texture for Tadjerouine, a city in the south the map. It's a mix desert/dry agriculture. I'm creating different templates to make cities of different sizes. Enjoy :
Possible rock desert textures. I have to fix the contrast to make it look better
Exemple of dry agriculture, the last steps before the real desert. More desert agriculture pics will come, there isn't enough repainted parts in that sector of the map to show more for the moment.
This is what you will have more in the north. Seen through pit glasses, so the colours are more saturated for real !
I will have to repaint the rivers too...
Here i'm working on who to make a natural and progressive transition from dense agriculture and human activity to mid dry and desert parts.
Stunning mate!!!
Very very nice Redko! Besides I've noticed in your pictures a beautiful "quasi" Fiat BR-20. Could you please tell us which aircraft is and where is it possible to find the skin?
Thanks, Chopperman.
Wow, Redko, c'est superbe !
Beautiful as usual and so photorealistic, I'm always amazed by your mastering of textures (http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu224/phbrajon/good2.gif)
Very very nice Redko! Besides I've noticed in your pictures a beautiful "quasi" Fiat BR-20. Could you please tell us which aircraft is and where is it possible to find the skin?
Thanks, Chopperman.
Those are B25C-25NA hacks for BR 20s, you can download them here :
Possibly one of 2-3 best maps ever made in Il-2 rich modding range... if not the best one.
We should make a petition (signed by fans) to involve Redko in possible future expansion MTO pack - for CoD... Hope that Oleg is watching these screens...
??? ::) ???
Rivers should be in sandy-shallow-muddy green...
awesome redko, cant wait to make some vids on this map, halfwayish through making one on your mto map, but keep getting distracted by other projects.
really great work. 8)
I knew this map had potential and knew that Redko was the map to take 110% out of it. Impressive work!
Thank you Mick for your tip, very appreciated.
Woow... check out these pages:
If I got it right... there is updated map (new textures ?) but still not released ?
Redko is currently revamping Mr. Oblongo's Tunisia map, and normally FlatSpinMan should use it for his upcoming Tunisia campaigns (1 blue and 1 red later)
Redko is currently revamping Mr. Oblongo's Tunisia map, and normally FlatSpinMan should use it for his upcoming Tunisia campaigns (1 blue and 1 red later)
Yea i'm working hard to finish this in the same time as Flat next campain. I'm populating right now the NE coast, around Tunis as it was at the time. The actor static for this map is going to be much more heavier than the curent map. Soon pics for those parts, for now it's still wip so you will have to wait for that guys.
8 may 2011 little UPDATE
Painting is going on. I have new textures. One slot texture is remaning, i'm keeping this till the final map, slots are precious :)
I made some new textures for desert fields. I will use those ones as they fit better. A perfect tunisia atmophere. The rendering for those ones is pretty nice even close to ground, better than the previous ones. There is parts of tunisian land which are shooted at hight resolution, so it pays to wait and take the time to for those special places.
I lake your new hills... they are much better than dark ones.
Great work maestro! ::)
How i use my COD :
You will be very pleased guys know to that the Tunisia map you are going to play is made with COD support :D :D :D
Funny that's exactly the same thing I'm using my SH5 disk for.
So don't you say again - that Ubi has become useless for simulations... :D :D :D
Any news Mr.Redko?
Any news Mr.Redko?
My bet is - tonight ;) Sunday night...
... what about a very famous memorial day ...?? ;)
Hi again,
I'm back in the FMB saddle a little bit now finally. Been going through the missions already made and trying to work out what the hell is happening. It's been a good chance to beta test. Most are pretty achievable but man, a couple are really tough. I've got waxed about four times in a row in one mission by Spits diving on me. I placed them, forgot them and then, despite getting killed time after time just couldn't see where they were coming from. Going to leave that as is - it can't have been a party for the LW once the Alllies got into gear. Another mission also has the possibility of being very 'unfair' but again, bad things happen sometime. Try to survive and count yourself lucky.
M. Redko - very much looking forward to seeing how this beauty turns out, and what needs to be altered.
Will it be in UP3.0, or at least compatible with it? Ditto for the amazing objects uufllakke has made for it.
I can only look goggle eyed (http://www.zone-anime.com/vb/images/smilies/wakuwaku.gif) with the prospect of 'active' missions over these landscapes, I would hazzard a guess I would be to busy looking(http://www.zone-anime.com/vb/images/smilies/092_.gif)at the map to notice bandits for the first couple of 'sorties'.
I wonder if there might be thoughts of a slightly lighter cpu versions of your creations, for those of us on under 2G ram pc's, naturaly after your done with how staggeringly impressive this one is going maybe?
... what about a very famous memorial day ...?? ;)
June 6 would be pretty good. It's the target.
There are 2 things pissing me off with the textures and transition to dry parts. I guess more work needs to be done. I'm afraid to repaint again a part of the map..grrr >:(. Anyway before release i will have to :
- send a copy to Uufflakke for some tree work
- send a copye to Flat
- send a copy to mike for testing, fps things.
Oh by tha way...intel i7 2600K at 4Ghz totally rock. No fps troubles upon Tunis...and there is many objects on it. There will be maybe 2 actors, one for slow rigs...wait and see.
May i request a copy for testing when the testing time comes?
Hey redko,
This is probably too late but I have just been directed to the below site which has some amazing WW2 era pics of various cities and towns in Tunisia.
The following are all from Sfax.
Any News Mr.Redko?
Hey redko,
This is probably too late but I have just been directed to the below site which has some amazing WW2 era pics of various cities and towns in Tunisia.
The following are all from Sfax.
No it's not too late mate thanks, i'm checking this
Back ;)
As you know i get some troubles with this map. Hard to repaint because Tunisia is really rich in terms of landscapes. North parts are back to the standard resolution, desert will remain at 2 and 4.
But changing in the north makes that now textures and patterns, mostly for cities doesn't match anymore so i have had to redo this again... :(
Anyway things are going sweet know. Desert parts are less sandy than MTO, more rock like you all can see on pics about tunisia deserts. Sandy parts are more in the south, far than the map represents. I have maybe 1 or 2 textures i can remove and turn it back to sand if you want, i know people liked MTO repains because of the sands effects.
This Oblongo's Tunisia map is going to be really complementary of fictitious MTO but as Flatspinman is using that one too for his new campain it's going to be fun :P
First pre-release video. Enjoy ;)
And BTW if someone can help alexander it would be nice....i could but i don't remember or to change the clouds in UP...
"Redko do you know how to make the high clouds appear in the MTO_Light
stock map? Right now it just has a plain blue upper sky with the standard
lower cumulous style clouds, but would love to see the higher layers
(Clouds256/CloudsNoise tga) above them.
simply beautiful mr Redko!
Kickass again!
Regarding clouds:
Isn't that what he refers to the upper cirrus/stratus-clouds layer, activated by "HighClouds = Clouds256.tga"(instead of MTOClouds256)?
That is quite simply stunning Redko and just about as real as any map could be, if it wasn't for the obvious IL-2 roads you would think that you were really flying over Tunisia, may be the dark roads could be turned into the lighter desert roads so they blend in a bit more? the towns look fantastic, i've flown over Tunisia several times and that is exactly what it looks like......you are without doubt the master!! Can't wait to fly over this map its beautifull ;D
regards Blumax
Any News Mr.Redko?
Yes of course ;)
I can only look goggle eyed (http://www.zone-anime.com/vb/images/smilies/wakuwaku.gif) with the prospect of 'active' missions over these landscapes, I would hazzard a guess I would be to busy looking(http://www.zone-anime.com/vb/images/smilies/092_.gif)at the map to notice bandits for the first couple of 'sorties'.
I wonder if there might be thoughts of a slightly lighter cpu versions of your creations, for those of us on under 2G ram pc's, naturaly after your done with how staggeringly impressive this one is going maybe?
The map should work without any problem with most of pc...like most of IL2 maps. Its just that tunis region will be pretty much populated, like canon'UK map. Good rigs will get better fsp. All the coast is populated. As far i can see, most of Flat future campain are taking place more in the lands...
We will se when both map an campain are released ;D
Hey Redko, any chance to release this weekend ? How to travel for three weeks... ;)
Nop, i m of in sweden for 2 weeks and there is still a lot to do with thiz map
Redko. U alive?
Redko. U alive?
... one thing is sure, he is back from Sweden and completing the map ... ;)
Any news?
... you are right MrOblongo, it's been some time now since I last heard from him, I'm going to PM the lad as soons as now ... ;)
.... I sent him 2 emails (I have 2 different email addresses to join him) but still no answer one month later ... :'(
I'll email him again ... ;)
Hope he's well.
Also patiently waiting for this new masterpiece.
Basically this map and the Mig-21 are the 2 WIPs I like most..personally.
OK; no more post here for now by me, I know how it sucks to open a post just to see someone asked again for an info instead the hoped release lol. ;D Sorry, guys and girls. :D
Redko is busy with something called real life. ??? :o ;)
He won't be back untill mid December so we need to have some more patience before this map will be released.
Read his comment here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwwt5AEpVjw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwwt5AEpVjw)
good to know 8)
good to know 8)
THX Uufflakke, now I understand why he didn't reply to my emails ... ;)
Thanks, Uufflakke..good to know from here as well.
Some pics from his MTO Modded map which is in DBW 1.4 (and presumably later variants too). It is such a good map. Here's hoping he returns from Taiwan some time and gets a chance to continue his incredible work. (Redko - I understand totally how RL gets in the way - trust me!).
You're gonna like these!
... redko is alive ...!! :D :-\ :-*
Just saw him here ...!! ;D
Say red, you don't need to hide anymore, we've spotted you mate ....!! 8)
Wasn't his post from Feb 2011 sorry to seem a bit of a downer, hope he is well and back soon :)
... jeez, my bad ...!! :-[
Sorry guys, I was so enthused that I took my expectations for granted ... :'( :-[
:( ( ;))
Indeed sad that he is still showing no sign of his health and well being - hope the master is doing fine.
Thread necromancy, I know. ;)
Did anyone get and keep a beta of redko's work? It was looking so promising!
If nothing has survived, I'll have to do at least some work on my own copy.
... not sure at all, but I'll dig deep in my back up DDs, just in case I kept the textures redko sent me for beta testing ... 10 years ago ... ;)
I have lost absolutely everything from 1946... Im still amazed that this thread is still active!. Put quite a hard work on this at that time!. Thanks everyone!
... hey ... ! ... glad to see you here, amigo ...! 8)
Welcome back ..! ;)
Great to see you again Mr O!
Just checking... was the retexturing ever finished? Was looking soo great.
... hey, nice to see you around, mate ...!!! 8)
Unfortunately, and AFAIK, the reskinned map was never finished ... :-[
Just got an answer from Redko on youtube:
"Hello MrOblongo. How have been going? Good I hope. Sandly I left modding community 10 years ago and I'm not active anymore. I don't have my modding tools and raw materials. Il2 is something from the past, or closed period of my life. I released all my textures once. I hope someone will take the suit and maybe finish this map repaint."
So this ends up a 10 years mystery. And if someone wants to carry on with it... go.
The textures are one thing. Easily as important is the map_T.tga. I was watching Redko's progress back then, and the way the textures were arranged in order to give an organic appearance was where the magic lay. The only map_T I've ever seen has vast areas of monolithic texture coverage, and thus the unavoidable tiling repetitiveness.
If only someone had Redko's map_T in its latest state, that would present a very helpful point from which to continue.
Over the years I have periodically looked at this map with an eye to improvement. I even captured Google Earth images to use as the framework for the basic landscape types (realizing that human land use will have expanded in the intervening 80 decades.) So many projects pull me in many directions simultaneously...
The only one that could have Redko's textures is Mick and for sure Google Map and other satellite images will be very different in particular for the coastal areas. Should be possible to find digitized sets of land use maps from the fifties that could provide good hints on which type of texture to use
I have what are purported to be Redko's textures. It's the map_T.tga which now would be good to have, as it would bypass many hours of 'reinventing the wheel.'
The only one that could have Redko's textures is Mick and for sure Google Map and other satellite images will be very different in particular for the coastal areas. Should be possible to find digitized sets of land use maps from the fifties that could provide good hints on which type of texture to use
... I'll dig up some more in my back ups, but little hope ... :-[
... oK guys, this is all I could find, not even sure it will be of any help ...