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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => UK_Singles => Topic started by: gio963tto on October 09, 2016, 02:01:08 AM
The Fairey Albacore
THE Fairey Albacore was the last bomber \ torpedo biplane FAA, substitute Swordfish did not satisfy the expectations it will eventually return to its predecessor, robust and with a closed cabin had a fault less maneuverability landing, starred with the Sword of numerous operations it was preferably used for the defense of the Arctic convoys. Diff-FM meeded.
The hier -ASV is a version with early radar , are only fictional not work , for have this erase the "-ASV" and overwrite ,for return at the default version erase "hier -torp"
(https://s22.postimg.cc/s5d9nmdg1/18_08_2016_16_31_43.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/nw8jlga6l/)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/g9l8k4bxwbqdb17/Fairey_Albacore-sas.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/g9l8k4bxwbqdb17/Fairey_Albacore-sas.7z)
A Albacore ASV with working radar by CWatsonhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52809.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52809.0.html)
!!!!A New default skin by Max_Thehitman https://www.mediafire.com/file/gw82kwfpz4ckm5z/Albacore_Skins_default.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/file/gw82kwfpz4ckm5z/Albacore_Skins_default.7z)
Gio963tto- All new 3D work
Ton414- Original Albacore slot and FM
Slipper- Research material
CWatson- Class revisions
* If you were involved in this mod and do not appear in credits please inform CWatson or Gio and you will be added asap
Greetins Gio.
Thank you very much Gio & all others involved :)
nice. is there a way to have both models ingame. one with early radar and the other with torp or can the main folders be renamed?
Thank you very much, Gio, Ton, Slipper and CWatson.
The Albacore served extensively with the Fleet Air Arm in multiple theaters of operations, it is wonderful to see it brought to IL-2 1946. Thank you again.
Excellent work, thank you very much all those involved. 8)
Wiushing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Many thanks to all involved! :)
Great addition, many thanks to all involved, 8)
thanks a lot to all involved in this Project .
She's a beauty.
Thanks to Gio, Ton, Slipper and CWatson.
:D :D
Cool aircraft :D ,But it haven`t got a working back gunner :(
But it haven`t got a working back gunner
:D Normal ! ;)
Folder cockpit T-Gunner (Albacore-TGun) exist but Java code is disabled! ;)
Nota : Albacore-P folder is for pilot.
Woohoo, yeah Baby.
Long awaited beauty, I like her pleasing curves for a Biplane.
Tried her, she seems to suffer FM trouble. Anyone else getting her cracking up Gs and very confusing to fly like a stone.
Tried her in CUP and DBW 1.71, but same trouble. Autopilot does crash fly her.
Thanks to all involved
Good looking aicraft. I like its design and its a wonderful 3dmodel.
Its flying in my 4.12 VP-Modpack.
but my airplane has been stolen by Japanese pilots ! :o Those spies ! :D
Its no problem, I think I am able to place British pilots into the cockpit.
I have been trying to find a way to do so as well. I know zero about these things, mostly trying to reverse engineer 3D fix pilots made by other modders to try and understand how it works.
Is it just a matter of replacing the right things or does it involve something that might be over my head?
Good looking aicraft. I like its design and its a wonderful 3dmodel.
Its flying in my 4.12 VP-Modpack.
but my airplane has been stolen by Japanese pilots ! :o Those spies ! :D
Its no problem, I think I am able to place British pilots into the cockpit.
That is odd, I just checked the final version I worked on and it has the British pilots I placed in it. I wonder if an older version is posted here.
I have placed the pilot files in the download link below. Just download and unzip the folder and copy and paste the files in it into the Albacore's 3DO/Plane/Fairey-Albacore(Multi1) sub-folder and all should be fixed.
Thanks again,
Many Thanks CW, That is very cool of you 8)
I was going to place a sexy Angelina Jolie in the cockpit driveseat, but
since you have the RAF guys
That´s great too !
Long life to the classic Fairey Albacore ! ;D
Many Thanks CWatson
Many Thanks CW, That is very cool of you 8)
I was going to place a sexy Angelina Jolie in the cockpit driveseat, but
since you have the RAF guys
That´s great too !
Long life to the classic Fairey Albacore ! ;D
I hope she is classic enough to see some of your fine skinning skills applied to her. :)
I was using the old mod-airplane, I was not aware of an upgraded new version.
This one is much much better! Beautiful details. Nice 3d-model.
Thank you CWatson and Gio! 8)
I have now replaced the pilot skins for these more detailed versions... a little gift for your game.
-- DOWNLOAD--- > https://www.mediafire.com/file/oop6rqwwzoxbo4d/3_Pilots_Faery_Albacore.7z
Cheers and Thank you
I will paint some new skins for it. I have to do some reading research about it some more.
Great job gio, CWatson, and all others involved! Thank you for expanding Il-2 1946 a little more.
Many thanks Max, I may not count myself as a 'purist' but these japanese crewmen looked ... bizarre in Albacore!
Great add, thank you all involved
Great addition. Now all we need are a couple more Regia Marina ships to recreate the battle of Matapan.
In the screenshot I have posted above it is the early version skin (default).
Now I will post a slightly upgraded version here for you.
It is only 2 test skin and I still need to add more details to the skin-template, so I can
later create some Historical versions. With numbers and codes and other camouflage.
--- DOWNLOAD and test ---> https://www.mediafire.com/file/cee39dk59145la8/Albacore_2_Skins_dirty.7z
These 2 skins have been weathered and are a little dirty, because this was a very used airplane in WW2.
I would like to say THANK YOU to Stalker (Murdoc) for sharing his beautiful skin-template with me. I will add to
it more details and other things.
Thanks for sharing Guys
Here is a little upgrade from the previous Test skin I posted yesterday. This time I also retextured the interior skins for
all details to blend in better with the outside skin. More details all around.
The brown looking box in the middle is the gas tank and mechanism to move the wings backwards for the carrier version. At least that
is what I believe it is. All Albacores had this thing covered in a brown colored bag-thing.
Also added a new glass type of skin which makes the glass slightly more blue in color and a little scratched from weather. Transparency
on the glass was also changed for more transparent glass, to see the interior and it will reflect sunlight very nice also.
Below is a Skin mapping from the 3d-model using the "Stainless Gizmo" ;D as I like to call it.
It is a wonderful program developed here at SAS-1946 by our good friend Stainless. You can use it in your
airplane folder as a "Void" skin, for future use in painting skins.
Name this " z_Fairey_Albacore_Void "
All the lines and details have been mapped to the skins from the 3d-model and the interior has been textured. Thank you
once again to STALKER for his skin-template.
Now if no further changes will be made to this airplane, new skins can start being created.
I will wait for GIO to make his next upgraded version post and then I will make more historical skin.
Lovely! Thanks Max! :)
Good day and thankyou,
Another lovely airplane I am looking forward to flying.
I have so far only managed to upload the Sunderland
and the Barracuda but have failed on the Duck and now
the Albacore. I have tried changing file names both on
the air.ini file and on the downloaded file. I have tried leaving
parts out as I am not sure about the Fm files and putting
them back in. My set up is:-
Medion computer: Interl (R) Core (TM) i3 CPU 550 @3.2 GHz
RAM 4.00 gb System 64 bit operating System.
IL2 4.10.1 SAS Mod Act 3.06 DBW 1.71 UP3_RC4
I will have to check but I think DBW 1914 is 1.61
Track IR running ok.
Always willing to learn and dig if anyone can point me in
the right direction it will be most appreciated.
For any newbees like me
I took the Fairy_Albacore folder out of the Fairy_Albacore-sas folder
I took the Albacore_FM file out of the DBW-410fm and replaced the
one in the Fairey_Albacore Folder
Problem solved...
I like a lot this plane but found a problem in flying , the plane flies well but it turns slowly the left making at the end a complet turn ,even keeping the wings horizontal is it supposed to act in this way? I dont think for this is necessary the log but I put in here just in case...have anyone the same behaviour?
thanks for any feedback
FM called 'FlightModels/Albacore.fmd:Albacore_FM' is being loaded from File: 'albacore_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Albacore.fmd:Albacore_FM' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'albacore_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Fairey-Taurus:Albacore_FM.emd' is being loaded from File: 'albacore_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Fairey-Taurus:Albacore_FM.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'albacore_fm'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
Flight Model File FlightModels/Albacore.fmd:Albacore_FM contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
FM called 'FlightModels/Albacore.fmd:Albacore_FM' is being loaded from File: 'albacore_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/Albacore.fmd:Albacore_FM' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'albacore_fm'
BMPLoader bmp8PalTo4TGA4 s=PaintSchemes/Skins/Fairey-Albacore/$Bf-109E4 9JG26 Yellow 1 Schopfel blank--Graf.bmp s1=3do/Plane/Fairey-Albacore(Multi1)/summer s2=PaintSchemes/Cache/0
at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.BMPLoader.bmp8PalTo4TGA4(BMPLoader.java:375)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.BmpUtils.bmp8PalTo4TGA4(BmpUtils.java:75)
at com.maddox.il2.net.NetUser.tryPrepareSkin(NetUser.java:1581)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.prepareSkinInWing(Mission.java:1399)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.prepareSkinInWing(Mission.java:1370)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1357)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:762)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$600(Mission.java:120)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:463)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'PaintSchemes/Skins/Fairey-Albacore/$Bf-109E4 9JG26 Yellow 1 Schopfel blank--Graf.bmp'
INTERNAL ERROR: Bitmap 'PaintSchemes/Skins/Fairey-Albacore/$Bf-109E4 9JG26 Yellow 1 Schopfel blank--Graf.bmp' size: 0 != 512 | 1024
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.0 COLOR 6.0 RANGE 6.0 TYPE 6.0 ID 6.0 NAME 6.0 ALTICON 0.1 ALTSYMBOL + ALTCOLOR 0
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.0 COLOR 6.0 RANGE 6.0 TYPE 6.0 ID 6.0 NAME 0.0050 ALTICON 0.1 ALTSYMBOL + ALTCOLOR 0
Mission: QuickQMBPro/Pacific_Midway/Pacific_MidwayRedNone00.mis is Playing
warning: no files : music/inflight
1>mp_dotrange FRIENDLY DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 6.000
1>mp_dotrange FOE DOT 14.000 COLOR 6.000 RANGE 6.000 TYPE 6.000 ID 6.000 NAME 0.005
1>timeout 60000 file il2stab.rcu
[Nov 23, 2016 7:33:56 PM] -------------- END log session -------------
If I understand your question, this behavior was caused by the engine torque.
A clockwise turning propeller, as viewed from the cockpit, cause a 'left torque', so turning an aircraft to the left, slowly but consistently.
You will need some right rudder trim input.
If I understand your question, this behavior was caused by the engine torque.
A clockwise turning propeller, as viewed from the cockpit, cause a 'left torque', so turning an aircraft to the left, slowly but consistently.
You will need some right rudder trim input.
Thank you for your reply,
I tought that torque should affect also the wings..(i.e. should cause also the right wing to raise slowly, don't know) anyway it is the only plane I tested in the game with such an evident behaviour, or at least this is my impresssion ,anyway a fine mods, I like it.
You're right. A torque effect will cause a turn, e.g. to the left, and the opposite wing will raise, with some airplanes steeply and with others very slowly.
Generally, a powerful engine will generate a strong torque and this became stronger with any increase in power, so More Power = More Torque.
The Albacore had a not very powerful engine, so the torque effect was light.
You're right. A torque effect will cause a turn, e.g. to the left, and the opposite wing will raise, with some airplanes steeply and with others very slowly.
Generally, a powerful engine will generate a strong torque and this became stronger with any increase in power, so More Power = More Torque.
The Albacore had a not very powerful engine, so the torque effect was light.
Ok I'll try trimming the rudder maybe will work, should ease in aiming the torpedoes...
thank you
You're right. A torque effect will cause a turn, e.g. to the left, and the opposite wing will raise, with some airplanes steeply and with others very slowly.
Generally, a powerful engine will generate a strong torque and this became stronger with any increase in power, so More Power = More Torque.
The Albacore had a not very powerful engine, so the torque effect was light.
Ok I'll try trimming the rudder maybe will work, should ease in aiming the torpedoes...
thank you
You're right. A torque effect will cause a turn, e.g. to the left, and the opposite wing will raise, with some airplanes steeply and with others very slowly.
Generally, a powerful engine will generate a strong torque and this became stronger with any increase in power, so More Power = More Torque.
The Albacore had a not very powerful engine, so the torque effect was light.
Ok I'll try trimming the rudder maybe will work, should ease in aiming the torpedoes...
thank you
oK Cafs, I followed your suggestion and it makes the job, thank you for your help
I'm glad that I could help you.
@ Max: The link for the new pilots is down. Any chance you could re-up that!? ;)
Good looking aicraft. I like its design and its a wonderful 3dmodel.
Its flying in my 4.12 VP-Modpack.
but my airplane has been stolen by Japanese pilots ! :o Those spies ! :D
Its no problem, I think I am able to place British pilots into the cockpit.
That is odd, I just checked the final version I worked on and it has the British pilots I placed in it. I wonder if an older version is posted here.
I have placed the pilot files in the download link below.
Just download and unzip the folder and copy and paste the files in it into the Albacore's 3DO/Plane/Fairey-Albacore(Multi1) sub-folder and all should be fixed.
Thanks again,
CWatson already posted his original version, they are good to use too ;)
Thx! :)
Found this Glitch of the rudder damage today :D
(https://i.postimg.cc/Jh3gfGRL/2019-05-12-at-17-13-28.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DWZBsfWj)
One of the most beautiful biplanes of WWII! Great job!
Why did you use an American cockpit though? Swordfish is a much closer match, and with a different canopy would make this wonderful plane perfect!
You like to make doubles....
New FM:
Vasya - you are a genius! a big thank you for that vast improvement on the Albacore FM; now she actually feels and flies like a real plane and not the piece of junk she was before...
Fm updated - more precisely configured for the native profile.
Found this Glitch of the rudder damage today
:D :D 8)
6 years later I notice that the shadows are mouldy and that there is a big problem on the rudder.
Don't despair!
Here is the fix... ;)
... it was high time ...! 8)
Many THX ! ;)
Many thanks Gabriel! 8)
Merci beaucoup, Epervier 8),
The last changes to this aircraft were made by Epervier ]thumleft[
Skins that are in the video:https://www.mediafire.com/file/xtdzn00fe9iigp6/Albacore@SeaHurricane.zip/file
fajne video i świetne skórki ]thumleft[, Dzięki wielkie Yaro 8),
Pozdr. Piotrek
Dzięki za ocenę Piotrek
Pozdrawiam Jarek ]hello[
Giotto's Fairey Albacore is certainly a beautiful 3D model made with care, it only has one small defect that should be corrected, the engine cowling is still a little too angular, it would need the intervention of a modelling expert to make the bonnet more rounded and more realistic... "ad maiora semper !
absolutely, Albacore still needs a bit of love :D, it's a pity that Jeronimo is not here :-X,
Really Happy to see Albacore flying wearing Skins i've made (codes and markings)