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Special Aircraft Service
The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => C.U.P. Downloads => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Module 3: WAW (World at War) => Topic started by: SAS~Monty27 on November 06, 2016, 02:08:01 AM
Make sure you are up-to-date to WAW Part-20 from previously.
1) JSGME DISABLE everything
2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #WAW to -#WAW .
3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'C.U.P. WORLD AT WAR PART-21' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
4) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
5) Delete old -#WAW at your convenience.
#WAW_DCG_compatibility_mod_v1.1 By Moezilla & sniperton
These additions and changes, from the DCG Compatibility projects, have been permanently incorporated into #WAW.
For the DCG Community it will still be necessary to apply their JSGME addons and use their tools, since the DCG project is still ongoing. However, these fixes benefit everyone and move towards a tidier C.U.P.
Many thanks in particular for the new Weapons.properties, great work by Moezilla & sniperton.
Ship and Vehicle Optimisation By Moezilla:
Many thanks to Moezilla for these well constructed improvements and tune-ups. No longer necessary as JSGME Addons, they are fully integrated into #WAW with Part-21. Features updated Ship Extension Mod (SEM) and also catches 12 ships in WAW which were not covered by the SEM's disappearing sailors mod.
In addition to sorting out several of the ship models, and resizing many ordnance textures for improved performance, Moezilla has also rationalised the various vehicle mods, from WngFlyr, Tomoose, SAS~Epervier and Western0221. The FMB Menus now provide several new variants for an even greater depth of Mission Builder experience. All the LODs have been sorted out too. Diorama makers are going to love this!
Halifax Rework By Ranwers
The great classic Halifax has been refined and completed to this point. Its truly a work of art by Ranwers. For backwards compatibility we have also retained other Halifax models, even though this latest one is the best by far.
Ki-49-II Donryu By 101tfs
Our virtual Imperial Japanese Army Airforce goes from strength to strength with this fine aircraft from 101tfs. This is a superb quality mod all round with all manned crew positions working and a fully rated 412 bombsight working perfectly with PAL'S HUDMOD. So there's another one!
Nakajima Kikka and Trainer- Own Slots By Lone Wolf & CWatson
Lone Wolf has made a very good model here and provided two very interesting aircraft for CUP. This is their natural home and I'm delighted to make them permanent fixtures in #WAW, many thanks to Lone Wolf. We are likely to be doing a lot more together, across all of the eras, in the near future.
Short Sunderland: (Readmes Included)
Barnsey12 continues to provide a major contribution to the longevity and development of Il2 - He is a prolific and skilled 3D modeller who has introduced many new aircraft into the Il2 Simulator - These include: the Helldiver, Skyhawk, P82 Twin Mustang and the classic Short Sunderland.
In many cases other team members have assisted with additional code and fixes for the increasingly complex requirements of the, now highly modified, Il2 Sim-engine. Specifically; the SAS-EngineMOD is now a standard requirement for naval aircraft mods and much more besides.
However; these new Il2 aircraft are Barnsey's models first and foremost - His contribution cannot be under-stated. If in the past the impression has been given that Barnsey's role in their creation has seemed to be 'played down' - That was never my intention.
I say again - first and foremost - a big thank you to Barnsey12.
With regard to this release of the Short Sunderland into CUP World at War (#WAW) we should also thank: CWatson, SAS~Storebror, SAS~Epervier and TON 414. To be working together again, as a community, can only be a good thing!
More skins for the Sunderland are available by downloading the original package from Il2 Freemodding. Say thanks to Barnsey12 while you are there.
Stationary Planes By Mission_bug
Essential Updates constantly maintained by Mission_bug - Thanks from all of us for your hard work.
JSGME Options
Just a couple of minor switch ON/OFF features and fixes with clear documentation.
Always remember that the #WAW SFS content is contained, away from the rest of the sim, inside SFS_WAW. As of #WAW Part-21 the new, replacement #WAW Mod folder is complete. #WAW Part-21 represents a complete backup (+all the previous SFS content) for #WAW. As long as you have this new #WAW Mod folder you are completely safe and backed-up. In other words, if you mess it up, just dump it and replace the entire #WAW folder in about 20 seconds.
Finally, my thanks and warmest regards for RDDR and eMeL, the mainstays of Team CUP, without whom none of this would happen.
November 2016
Yes! :) :) :)
Downloading right now.
Thanks a bomb Monty + Team 8)
Thanks for your help too Mike. I think you and Pablo will be impressed by how 'code tidy' this set is. As its a Restore Point install, it tidies up everyone who gets it. (eMeL said it was 'painless surgery' and RDDR said he felt very clean afterwards!)
Don't forget to take out all JSGME Options before doing anything. (posted for others benefit not yours ;D)
Thanks again Monty, eMeL, RDDR and all others involved, directly or remotely.
Downloaded, installed, works like a charm.
Makes me feel like a child with a new set of toys today. Any better would be illegal :D
Best regards - Mike
:) :) :)
Thanks a lot
Stil missing: a mod allowing more time off work and home chores in order to give my full attention to your masterpiece ;) ;)
:) :) :)
Thanks a lot
Stil missing: a mod allowing more time off work and home chores in order to give my full attention to your masterpiece ;) ;)
;D That's certainly a mod we'd all like ;D
Thank you for all your efforts everyone involved!
UF! You've made my day!
Mega Thanks :)
Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk
It must be noted that the WAW-20 Spitfire Vb TROP2 seems now included in WAW-21.
Good to see you back at it Monty and CUP team! Great update and top-notch introduction as usual!
:) Hi Monty and crew, many thanks for this great update. Downloading now, can't wait to see the result. :) :)
Whoo-hoo! Lucky I have a day off work tomorrow ;D
It must be noted that the WAW-20 Spitfire Vb TROP2 seems now included in WAW-21.
Good to see you back at it Monty and CUP team! Great update and top-notch introduction as usual!
Good to see you too Whistler - creator of our favourite sky mod. ;D
Many thanks for all your hard work. Superb.
You just made my day Simon, many thanks to you and all involved 8)
Thank you Simon for yet another superb addition. Kudos to you all, you guys rock :)
Thank you very much Monty & to all involved.
Thanks a lot!!! to all the modders involved in this great work, the future seems bright for this sim thanks to all of you!!
Hi to all the Team,
Many Many thanks,
It seems to be getting smaller, BUT BIGGER
Great update!
Cheers edc1(stan)
Yep, you got it Stan!
There will actually be a further (small) update before Christmas. This will be a VERY simple drop-in install adding 3D aircraft upgrades and some new models. ;D
Fantastic, thank you all!
Cupskaia for everybody!
41 minutes to wait... not a very fast internet here. Somebody said NBN?
EDIT: Flying it!!! Having a blast! It feels smoother ...
Great upddate, only drawback is that it killed the Spitfire Mk XIV low back version.. (sorry there seems to be no link for this, I'll check when not at work :-X) And I'm confused on the Spitfire Mk Vc versions, are these Knochenklutschers or SAS~Riken versions ?
Edit: in the peace and quiet of my home I checked the Mk Vc's. In my WAW#20 I had only the default and Knochenlutscher's Vc's active. All others where disabled for one or the other reason. Thats why I panicked a little o_O when I didn't see my usual planes. So please forget the question on the Mk Vc's, we must speak of these later.
Great upddate, only drawback is that it killed the Spitfire Mk XIV low back version.. (sorry there seems to be no link for this, I'll check when not at work :-X) And I'm confused on the Spitfire Mk Vc versions, are these Knochenklutschers or SAS~Riken versions ?
Can't see any MkXIV problem - Can you give me the air.ini entry, or the name as shown in plane.properties, and we can check it out?
many thanks simon and all involved, this is the best flight sim in the world by a country mile.many many thanks guys .kev.
Spitfire Mk XIV low back version..
Do you mean the bubble canopy Mk XIV version?
Monty,check your pm please.
Yes, bubble canopy version.
Edit: the plane I meant was: Spitfire MK XIV fr version, by SAS~GJE52 at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,28910.0.html For me one of the nicest Spitfires ever made. Only the topic is gone ::(. In WAW #20 it worked perfect after using the right versions of 0663FD60279A2B56 and A961ED8C11A53FA0
You may have a point there friend, we'll fix it. And thanks for the heads up :)
Many thanks to Simon and crew for yet another masterpiece!!!! 8)
Thanks a lot, Monty, Emel, Epervier, Barnsey, CWatson and all modders that work tirelessly improving our awesome simulator.
Thank you all very big to those who helped put this together.
Perhaps this should include the P1Y
Thanks for making my day!!!
Perhaps this should include the P1Y
fantastic update but still loads left out? Stalingrad grain silo, Jagdtiger, lots of max's stuff (bus collection esp), several new maps, Ki94, ditto the P1Y1, Barracuda?? Dont wanna sound ungrateful but are these coming up later???
cheers! Now this begs the question - these new aircraft that come with Part-21 are not included Sniperton's Weapons Compatibility Mod correct?
My question too ;) :D
Just another note of thanks for the Hangar 19 crew and colleagues, for yet another successful download, a trouble-free installation, and a further expansion of CUPworld. ;D ;D ;D ;D
When I try the Dodecanese Campaign I get this .... any ideas why?
When I try to post my Log File with insert Code I get this:
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (50000 characters).
How do I know what part do you need to see? :-|
Look into your config.ini file, scroll down to the [Console] section and check your settings for "LOGKEEP=" If you have it set on 1 "LOGKEEP=1" than your log file will continue to build on its own each time you play the game. If you set it to "LOGKEEP=0" each time you play the game, the log file will overwrite itself to display only your most current game. Sounds to me you have it set to 1 resulting in the log file becoming very large.
Regardless if you have your log file set to 1 or 0, you will find your errors toward the end of the log file. Usually there will be a "error" identified in a line around 30 lines or so from the end of the log. This is likely where your failure occurs and from that point to the end of your log, this is what you want to post. The smart people will guide you with specific questions from there.
Ok, let me see if you can see the logfile this way .... :)
DougW60. I checked my config.ini and it was in 0. The logfile is still huge. So, I found a way around, I hope. Thanks anyway
Yes, bubble canopy version.
Edit: the plane I meant was: Spitfire MK XIV fr version, by SAS~GJE52 at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,28910.0.html For me one of the nicest Spitfires ever made. Only the topic is gone ::(. In WAW #20 it worked perfect after using the right versions of 0663FD60279A2B56 and A961ED8C11A53FA0
There's a zillion Spits in CUP including bubble canopied ones. Are you talking about a Spit that was in CUP and now isn't? Because I'm not sure we ever put it in there. For mods to be included in CUP its best if they are current, visible and supported. We have done a lot of retro-fitting stuff that is no longer around but its very difficult without a clear source.
Perhaps this should include the P1Y
fantastic update but still loads left out? Stalingrad grain silo, Jagdtiger, lots of max's stuff (bus collection esp), several new maps, Ki94, ditto the P1Y1, Barracuda?? Dont wanna sound ungrateful but are these coming up later???
MAPS - are a quite seperate thing - SASMME - talks to all modules. Maps and associated objects are therfore usually done in this way. Of course there is an SASMME in the pipeline. We are still testing a number of aircraft though. The upcoming Fleet Air Arm Review (Part-22) does include several new types including the Barracuda, Albacore etc. That will be a very easy drop-in update asap.
"Loads left out" - I don't think so!
Perhaps this should include the P1Y
Agreed, P1Y1 and Ki-94 will also make the next update... 8)
Thank you very much for this latest update Simon, excellent work as always from the team. 8)
Any chance you can add the new Tiger Moth 3D in the next update please. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Lets agree to differ Monty ;D
BTW, The new layout in the weapons.ru? Just wondered what the numbering was for??
Downloaded ,Installed and running.. No problems . Brilliant addition. Thanks very much for your work and effort
Thank you for the update Simon! Glad to see you back my friend!
My question too ;) :D
OK dude you wrote the damn program - you should know LOL :D Haha! Great work mate! Can't wait for you to get back to coding and merge DIT with DCG
There's a zillion Spits in CUP including bubble canopied ones. Are you talking about a Spit that was in CUP and now isn't?
Hi Simon, this Spit was never included in CUP, only as said it worked ok in WAW#20 and now its causing a CTD at 60%
Edit: added a screenshot (from my SAS install)
(http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af30/henkntb/2016.11.09%2020-39-49_zpszxfxpywu.jpg) (http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af30/henkntb/2016.11.09%2020-40-06_zpskt4ml8id.jpg)
Lets agree to differ Monty ;D
BTW, The new layout in the weapons.ru? Just wondered what the numbering was for??
About what ?
Quote from SAS~Monty27
There's a zillion Spits in CUP including bubble canopied ones. Are you talking about a Spit that was in CUP and now isn't?
Hi Simon, this Spit was never included in CUP, only as said it worked ok in WAW#20 and now its causing a CTD at 60%
Slapped wrist Henky! You had me looking for something that wasn't there in the first place. Mischevious bugger!
We would be happy to test this beautiful aircraft in 412 CUP, resolve the conflicts and install it as a permanent fixture. I just have to find all the bits now...
Thank you for the update Simon! Glad to see you back my friend!
Thanks Dennis, and to everyone who has been patient with us. Real life can be heavy going sometimes but our enthusiasm and dedication has never wavered. 8)
now its causing a CTD at 60%
what says Log?
Ok, let me see if you can see the logfile this way .... :)
DougW60. I checked my config.ini and it was in 0. The logfile is still huge. So, I found a way around, I hope. Thanks anyway
Please, don't forget about my log .... :P
I found some errors here:
AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_MAPS finished.
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 2 -> 0.95 (delta = -1.05) to Range 0..0.95
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5000 -> 32 (delta = -4968) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 500 -> 32 (delta = -468) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 3 -> 2 (delta = -1) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 1 -> 0.5 (delta = -0.5) to Range 0..0.5
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 50 -> 32 (delta = -18) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 50 -> 32 (delta = -18) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
FM called 'FlightModels/F2G.fmd:URA' is being loaded from File: 'ura'
FM called 'FlightModels/F2G.fmd:URA' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'ura'
F2G Loading FMD: FlightModels/F2G.fmd:URA
And many problems like these ....
Ship: Value of [IJNMusashi_1942]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.getS(BigshipGeneric.java:223)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.LoadShipProperties(BigshipGeneric.java:419)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.<init>(BigshipGeneric.java:771)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipJFC1.<clinit>(ShipJFC1.java:22)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:84)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.preloadChiefClasses(Main.java:243)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1648)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1579)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:212)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:432)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Problem in spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipJFC1$IJNMusashi_1942
Ship: Value of [IJNMusashi_1944]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.getS(BigshipGeneric.java:223)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.LoadShipProperties(BigshipGeneric.java:419)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.<init>(BigshipGeneric.java:771)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipJFC1.<clinit>(ShipJFC1.java:23)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:84)
at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get_WithSoftClass(Spawn.java:57)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.preloadChiefClasses(Main.java:243)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1648)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1579)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:212)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:432)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
Spartan, next time use the code option instead the quote option please. ;)
To solve this problem:
For whatever reasons the Spit Vc2 didn't make into the air.ini. o_O
But this campaigns mission files asks explicitly for this plane.
So find WAWs air.ini and add the line (the plane is available via stock SFS files
so noting else to add):
SpitfireMkVc air.SPITFIRE5C2 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Next is Ju-88A-4s bombs loadout:
I had to rework the missions to have 28xSC50_2xSC250 loadout instead 28xSC50_4xSC250
as it appeared in the campaigns mis files. I have no idea where this loadouts came from.
To have this fix dl: Ju88_bombs-fix.7z
and after having saved the original mis files replace them with fixed files.
When you do not want to edit and change the air.ini
I have changed Spit VC2 to VC4 in all mis files. Please dl:
and replace the campaigns mis files.
See the attachment below for the fixes.
Give it a try and please report if it works for you.
About 'lots missing' Monty??
And the new weapons.ru layout? Whats it all about Alf......Monty ;)
Hello Monty and colleagues,
maybe you know I'm a friend of my old 4.10 & DBW.
Installed #WAW Pt-21, some test flights made and everything runs so perfectly! :D
Thank you very much! 8)
Best regards, Gerhard :)
Yep, here to. All working fine, even for me. That is quite an accomplishment on your part, Monty, you and your cohorts. Thanks a bunch.
Spartan, next time use the code option instead the quote option please. ;)
To solve this problem:
For whatever reasons the Spit Vc2 didn't make into the air.ini. o_O
But this campaigns mission files asks explicitly for this plane.
Yes, it worked like a charm. You saved me from the depths of frustration
I just don't see the logic behind my problem. I had that error with #WAW20 and I thought that with the restoration point in #WAW21 it would be solved ... But it didn't .... Is that logical?
I'm so thankful but also confused now. Why did I have that problem?
SAS~Gerax, Didn´t I use "code"? I see code above the text ... in my reply #47
Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk
SAS~Gerax, Didn´t I use "code"? I see code above the text ... in my reply #47
I have changed this.
SAS~Gerax, Didn´t I use "code"? I see code above the text ... in my reply #47
I have changed this.
Copy! Thanks a lot! :D
Great addition; thank you very much. One question though: my B-17F seems to have reverted to the original cockpit while all the other models retain the new one. Is this deliberate, I wonder, or some kind of glitch?
I cant get to https://www.mediafire.com/?1avd6av7zbyypz7 to d/l. I just get a new page. Can someone confirm the link is ok
Hi, Lipra. Just tried it and it works fine for me.
Great addition; thank you very much. One question though: my B-17F seems to have reverted to the original cockpit while all the other models retain the new one. Is this deliberate, I wonder, or some kind of glitch?
Its a glitch it seems. Maybe some of the B-17 CP mods classfiles are overwritten by a new mod?
A very dirty temp. fix is to simply install the mod into #WAW and make it appear first in load order.
Just tried it and so I get the B-17 better CP back.
Find the mod here:
Great addition; thank you very much. One question though: my B-17F seems to have reverted to the original cockpit while all the other models retain the new one. Is this deliberate, I wonder, or some kind of glitch?
Its a glitch it seems. Maybe some of the B-17 CP mods classfiles are overwritten by a new mod?
A very dirty temp. fix is to simply install the mod into #WAW and make it appear first in load order.
Just tried it and so I get the B-17 better CP back.
Find the mod here:
Thanks Gerhard,
It is down to a classfile: - B428F156CF51BBE4
Updated with #WAW Part-21, the larger, and much newer, classfile introduced this error. Talk about a needle in a haystack! Fortunately, the construction of CUP allowed us to quickly locate the offender.
The fix will be included, very soon, in the next #WAW update, so no worries! In the meantime, just for the record, this is it...
Download Temporary B-17 Classfile fix - will be in #WAW Part-22 so no worries!
Hi, Lipra. Just tried it and it works fine for me.
Thanks for that still no luck for me
Lipra, I just tried it and it works for me also. Maybe try to clear your downloads list and try it again?
Great can't wait to try them... :)
I've noticed theres now an 'i18n' folder in MAPMODS with a MAP_ru inside it? Does this have to be updated as well as the all.ini in 'maps' when installing new maps?
Re the B-17 cockpit. The class file fix has brought the old, or rather, the new cockpit back with no trouble. I am amazed at the speed with which you guys located the trouble and fixed it. What skill!
Well done grabbing that one - With over 1000 CUP aircraft the complexity of the classfile load increases exponentially! The way we have it structured now, with the 3D safely in SFS format, stored away from everything else, and the classfiles tightly organised in the mod folder, it is fairly easy to find and make the odd correction. At this size it isn't always so easy to spot them all in advance, but we will try harder!
The correction is written permanently into update WAW Part-22. Out very soon. We have got into a number of new aircraft, 3do improvements and vehicles too. I had not intended to develop immediately beyond Part-21 just yet but Part-22 is pretty epic already so why not?!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Why not indeed?
Such a beautiful pack, but trust me to mess up my CUP install. I tried starting again with installing ALL of the packs from the DL page and I followed all instructions, it just errored and crashed.
Unfortunately my days of CUP are over. But at least I experienced her for what she was. An amazing mod!
Thankyou to all the team and continue making this mod bigger. ;D
What went wrong BlackAce? And, what does your signature say? ;)
Such a beautiful pack, but trust me to mess up my CUP install. I tried starting again with installing ALL of the packs from the DL page and I followed all instructions, it just errored and crashed.
Unfortunately my days of CUP are over. But at least I experienced her for what she was. An amazing mod!
Thankyou to all the team and continue making this mod bigger. ;D
Hey Whistler, loving the random skies mod by the way!
And what went wrong? I went wrong. My 70.9GB install is gone forever. :-X
I did see the Kikka and the Halifax, but what went wrong in detail, it was VERY late at night and I saw release 21 and decided to download it. Installation was as easy as it says it is. But here was where it got confusing, and my tiredness took over. I had 2 CUP installs, 1 on my D:Drive (As my PC doesn't have a CD drive) and one on my Ext HD. ;D
It came to disabling the JSGME mods on the game, I undid the GME mods on the BACKUP instead of my main HD copy. And I installed over the JSGME activated HD copy and it just...wow, I've never seen a sim explode with a Fatal Error before. And I decided to delete it. But in my anguish and confusion I deleted my Backup copy!! So, I had no choice but to delete both copies, It was halfway done for the backup deletion so I couldn't save it. I tried to fix the main copy, but that was too far gone as well, too many files were duplicated and it was just a mess. ::(
So, that's the story of how tiredness can destroy something that big. I don't think I'll be re-installing it again to avoid another catastrophe like that. I know Monty has given me the Manual which I had read from release 20. I know what will happen that's the objection in my mind, I installed it 3 times 2 days ago. All packs and nope, wasn't having it, just conflicted and crashed. Despite the unbreakable system in which it was designed upon, I recognised that up to date files which you installed from modules 1-3 are REPLACED when you install individual modules from scratch. :-X
How I did it originally was install from the ''Obsolete'' pack release when CUP came out from 1-12 or 1-6. That was how I used to do it, and I followed it to the latter and read the README's and even when I had to do the Restore Point's, I did it no problem ;D, but nope, wouldn't have it. I thought I would just explain from my point of view, the little bit's of frustration but when it works by god it's rewarding! I mean I was going to do a lot of video's with CUP to show off what it could do! ;)
I am not cross at CUP, I am not cross at any of what went behind it I am just p***ed at myself. >:(
I hope that explains my little misadventure with CUP and my own judgement :), By the way, this isn't a rant or hurtling anything at anyone it's just what I went through 3 days ago.
All the best to everyone!
Silly bugger! We blow it up all the time mate. Its easily retrieveable and there is NO mystery to any of it.
If you want it: its worth following the steps.
1) Install clean Il21946 from Disc.
2) SAS Superpatch to 4:12:2m
3) SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m - Just the basics, AI flyables are already included in CUP.
4) UnRAR Module downloads in sequence to install directory
Its all here, backed up and stored. Your only requirement is an install disc or one of those online steam thingy's.
If you want a really fast install understand that the core 3Do and classfiles are compressed into the SFS_Archives: SFS_MAPS/SFS_DOF/SFS_TGA/SFS_WAW/SFS_JTW.
Rebuild those from the downloads until you have them all in place and full up. The ONLY mod folders you need (#DOF/#TGA/#WAW/#JTW are the latest Restore Points and any subsequent updates.
Mod folder talks to SFS_Archive - boom, you're done.
Unless you actually blew up your PC, or GPU (done both about 4 times in as many years 'cause I live in a hot climate) then you have a great opportunity to do a bit of spring cleaning, defrag and tidy up.
For a parallel test I just ran the Il2/1946 Install disc on another machine, looked across and its finished before me!
I like spring cleaning, it keeps the spiders away. Got a new hard drive and a brand new install. Now my Disc goes back in its sleeve and I'm going to keep the CUP downloads on a backup portable. They were previously stored on the last hard-drive that died on me!
Time involved? - Getting the downloads and moving them safely to a project folder is the hardest task - if you can call it a task. Just grab and move. Its like online shopping, only for free. Just keep an eye on it. Get all the totally free material together as you have time available. Its a big collection and the phone lines are only so wide...
The actual install? Under an hour to retrieve everything... :)
Yep I was an idiot for doing that! Trust me Monty, I do love CUP. It is the best and it shadows that little UP2.01 I used back in 2010.
I install ALL parts from 1-21 and allow the overwrite ;D Takes me 2 hours ;))
That is a sad tale BlackAce, but I wouldn't worry at all. CUP comes with everything I want (plus a hell lot more) and I do not feel the need to further enhance it with standalone mods. Monty takes care of that now :P
I remember not long ago struggling to keep up to date with my modded install, I had to back up not only the main install but hundreds of files with fixes and instructions. Then the latest MiG patch is released but you first need a franken plane you rather would not install, but you do install it because hey, I want the new MiG with pilot glasses on, but the fricking franken you do not want requires the latest buttons and then you realize the engine mod must be updated, and you do it although you do not remember what you already did and you know it will break older mods but there is no way back now, and in the end I not only wasted my evening but the main install was fubar.
That is all gone now, as huge as CUP is, I have more free space than before and I actually have now time to fly and explore! Speaking of exploring I found yesterday the Reno Air Race map in QMB and I went for a ride. So I took off and I couldn't figure out where the race track was! How disappointing, I was expecting some good chimneys and more exciting stuff but there is no race track Monty! I shall delete CUP at once! ;)
I encourage you to give it a try again BlackAce. Unzip and move everything in order and mind only the last restore point for each module. Delete the Il2/SFS_MAPS/CUPSOUNDS.sfs. Edit your conf.ini. Do not enable any JSGME mods until you get it working. It is that easy! Good luck.
Hello, and thank you really for this new update !
I accidentally broke my install by extracting this one the wrong way ; so the game loaded with strange bugs and FMB was totally broken too. So I just kept the module folders (#WAW, etc...), JSGMEMODS and archives (SFS_WAW, SFS_MAPS, etc) and transfered them onto an old version of a CUP install. Everything is back and working :D
(https://s15.postimg.cc/6hnct3717/il2fb_2016_11_21_16_22_40_36.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/vawwtqq1j/)
Please help me.I have install the module 21 did not charge me any more maps.The maps are those of the cup. Now I have an error load-ini error. With module 20 for months and months everything worked very well.Sorry for my bad-english
When do get this error - From the Selector - or QMB, or FMB, or other?
when charging the mission, all types
I solved ;D
Excellent, well done! :)
Spartan, next time use the code option instead the quote option please. ;)
To solve this problem:
For whatever reasons the Spit Vc2 didn't make into the air.ini. o_O
But this campaigns mission files asks explicitly for this plane.
So find WAWs air.ini and add the line (the plane is available via stock SFS files
so noting else to add):
SpitfireMkVc air.SPITFIRE5C2 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
Next is Ju-88A-4s bombs loadout:
I had to rework the missions to have 28xSC50_2xSC250 loadout instead 28xSC50_4xSC250
as it appeared in the campaigns mis files. I have no idea where this loadouts came from.
To have this fix dl: Ju88_bombs-fix.7z
and after having saved the original mis files replace them with fixed files.
When you do not want to edit and change the air.ini
I have changed Spit VC2 to VC4 in all mis files. Please dl:
and replace the campaigns mis files.
See the attachment below for the fixes.
Give it a try and please report if it works for you.
Weird, after installing WAW 22 the old problem came back!
I just did the same solution of adding the missing plane SpitfireMkVc in the air.ini and it works again.
Why is not after a Restore point? Is it a forgotten plane in the new air.ini in WAW 22?
Thanks for the solution :)
Its not at all weird - since we are adding more and more and more mods. Some of these Spits were made ages ago on an earlier version of the sim.
Something that works at one stage is easily broken by adding something else. Its extremely difficult, at this level of mod content, to maintain stability and function across the entire sim. We work for the balance of the sim as a whole and it is never a good idea to start chasing our own tails in a futile effort to fix one particular type that doesn't play well with the others.
I'm sorry that older campaigns are getting busted by the upgrades but we knew this was going to happen from day one. Old stuff will have to be patched or re-made. There are plenty of representative Spitfires for the period and type mentioned.
On the plus side - we are headed for a period of relative stability. I stongly recommend working with #WAW Part-22 and I can gaurantee that further modding to the flightline will remain extremely limited and nobody will be going near those bloody Spits again!
I get frustrated too. I want to make campaigns and missions not bollock around endlessly with this 'collection of everything'. CUP is going to settle down. We need a period of rationalisation and stability. Patch your missions and campaigns now, as I am doing too, and let's work to preserve what we have and go on to create even better work in the future.
PS: no disrespect spartan18a; but I removed your double-post on the Part-22 thread. I believe the issue is answered here.
No problem. You gave me a good answer and it makes sense. :) Thanks, I really appreciate it.