Special Aircraft Service
The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => C.U.P. Downloads => Community Universal Patch (C.U.P.) => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Module 4: JTW (The Jet Age) => Topic started by: SAS~Monty27 on November 27, 2016, 04:09:24 AM
Make sure you are up-to-date to JTW Part-09B from previously.
1) JSGME DISABLE everything
2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #JTW to -#JTW .
3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'CUP - THE JET AGE PART-10' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
4) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
5) Delete old -#JTW at your convenience.
Modelling Jet Age Aircraft is by far the most ambitious mod project in all of Il2. Based on engine code and flight model data developed exclusively at SAS1946.com the boundaries of sim-flight are being pushed back every day.
The SAS Team developed the best Fastjet and Helo flight models, broke the sound barrier, introduced configurable steam catapults, radar and modern weapon systems.
Jet Age aircraft are very important for Il2 Modding. Aside from the sheer joy of flying them these new models and functions make Il2 into a completely new type of sim.
This is not to everyone's taste and largely un-necessary for the WWII purists. This is the principal reason why I designed CUP in a modular format. It was important to be able to separate the new Jet Age code from the rest of the sim so that we could take it anywhere without breaking the other stuff.
There are currently some huge and complex projects underway directly related to modern jets in Il2. The Jet Age, is set to explode! Its time to trim up CUP, get it lean and tidy and ready to recieve!
This all new Jet Age Upgrade ships with some fantastic overhauls. These mods are huge in scope and really transform this part of the sim into something quite amazing!
Rarely is a new mod package so thoroughly complete as the brilliant Project-85.
With new aircraft, aircraft carriers, skins, mission objects, a complete training mission shedule and support documentation, Project-85 is a massive addon.
The Skopa Class Aircraft Carrier comes in two flavours, a straight deck and an angled carrier deck model. The detail and moving elevators on the ships is complimented by the fact that the naval MiG-15s include the launch gear on the catapult!
Surely CUP - The Jet Age is the perfect place for such a project? Wouldn't it be nice to have it all in there, along with the legendary easy-install of a new CUP module?
Fortunately Mace, the modder who created Project-85, agrees! So Project-85 is now seemlessly integrated into CUP - The Jet Age.
I recommend retaining this new folder as home for your CUP Manual, V 8.0 is about to be released. Uberdemon's #WAW Addon Suppliment should also be in there. Alongside these I have included the Project-85 Manuals. At an astonishing 36 and 19 pages respectively you are taken through the systems, equipment and missions in great detail.
Not everyone is keen on manuals and reading. However, I really miss the days when a new sim came with its own illustrated book. As an enthusiast I know a fair number of real pilots and they spend a lot of time in preparation. As Blackadder memorably said; pilots are; "...a lot of boring men reading about machinery..."
Thank you Mace, CUP - The Jet Age will keep pace with all further developments in Project-85. This is some of the most enjoyable Jet Age flying ever!
Another transformative experience is brought to you by Western0221. The new Modern Soviet Vehicles, integrated alongside his previous GAZ-66 and BTR-152 sets, really makes me double-take. - Isn't this LOMAC? - Yes, LOMAC with FMB, many more maps, more aircraft, ships, sound effects, Command and Control and a thousand other features unique to the modded Il2!
Thank you Western, its always very exiting to follow your work and to play with mod releases of this quality. We are a very lucky community.
Introduced for the latest #WAW and #JTW Upgrades: MAX_TheHitman, master of skinning and object modelling, has provided an amazing new aircrew set. Based on 3D Modelling by SAS~GJE52 and Ranwers; these guys look so good because they have their own shadows. Max has also given us many new animals and further expanded the vehicle catalogue to an incredible level of quality and variety.
Our friends at Aviaskins are also developing a comprehensive set of new vehicles, some of which are included here. Modellers and painters from SAS have also assisted Aviaskins in this project. There is a great crossover and good co-operation.
Vehicles and textures can be quite intimidating to install. Not beyond anyone, but results can vary and it does require some patience. The whole reason for CUP is to achieve a Common Install so that we can all enjoy making and sharing mission sets and campaigns.
Rather than get bogged down in a series of complex requirements and a long modlist, anyone with CUP can be sure that even the most esoteric missions made in CUP will work in CUP!
As a campaign maker I feel that this set clearly points the way towards possibilities un-dreamed of before now!
Although they don't all have their own slots yet, a simple JSGME will activate these wonderful models in place of existing slots.
The AH64D Apache temporarily replaces the AH1 Cobra slot, when activated in JSGME. The AH1W Cobra model does the same, updating the AH1 to a later version. Both old and new Cobras, single and twin engined, have a good cockpit (by Kesselbrut for SF-Project 1) and one of the best helo flight models (BT~wasted, S4_Vega, S3 and SAS~Benitomuso). You can hover and fly backwards with confidence and no sudden instability that is a feature of some of the early FMs.
The Apache 3D goes on top of this, at the moment, so the cockpit is not yet an ideal fit yet. However, its a perfectly acceptable option to fly helos with no cockpit view, using the instrument overlay. This model is an AH64D Longbow, which I know well from many hundreds of hours over the years flying Janes, DiD (still the best in many ways but outdated) and EECH (which also survives in modded form). We don't yet have Hellfires and Laser designation but all of the tools are there in the current sim, should anyone decide to pursue the idea further.
Thanks to ONT_R for making a great start. These aircraft are fine to fly and look good around the scenery too.
The Bell-47 M.A.S.H. and Float versions also replace the default model; providing further choices through JSGME. Look down the JSGME list for options prefixed: #JTW-ALT-...
The MH6E and MD500 are permanent models, along with their AI counterparts.
The AI don't handle helos very well. As a compromise new AI flight models, dedicated just to AI control, allow for AI helos to be treated as a kind of STOL aircraft. It works very well but remember this is for FMB mission writers only. The AI helos won't work in QMB and are not available there. It is also not a good idea to simply assign AI helos, in QMB, using the regular flight models.
You may fly, practice and test helos effectively in QMB. For proper missions you need the AI FMs and a session in FMB.
Huey Expansion By Beowulf & CY6
This is a very old set of mods that has seen little or no development for many years. It may be that in the future we shall see new 3D models and FMs. For now the original models are what we have and Vietnam has waited long enough. With all due respect and credit to the original authors - Original documentation included.
Thanks to MAX_TheHitman for the improved default skins on all Hueys and MissionBUG for the Stationary FMB Models. Original source Readmes included in "Huey Readmes".
It is my personal hope that the improved helo Models by ONT_R will eventually be able to use these slots. He does have at least one new Huey on his project list. We congratulate ONT_R and hope that our supermod platform will provide further context and justification for pursuing these wonderful mod projects.
At just 85Mb the new #JTW Mod Folder is astonishingly compact and free off all potential classfile conflicts and performance hitting duplicate files. With the SFS 3Do content safely handled by remote folders you are free to experiment, mod, to test new projects and push your own knowledge.
Remember your backup. This package contains the complete #JTW Mod Folder - Before you started messing with it. So you always have a replacement if the unexpected occurs, which is in the nature of modding.
Don't forget to boost your CUP up to the next level, including full module updates, with SAS Modular Map Expansion SAS-MME Part-15.
Install SAS MME Part-15A and Part15B - After you have installed The Jet Age Part-10.
HELL YA #1 to get it !
Thanks Guys!
HELL YA #1 to get it !
No you weren't - I was! ;D
Find no words for so much appreciation ..... ;) unbelievable as usual.
Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk
CUP the gift that keeps giving, thankyou Simon
There is a lot new stuff to learn in this last pack! People may like flying jets or not but it is undeniable what a complete experience is to be able to fly ANY kind of aircraft on a same game engine. This is where CUP excels at: same base engine and same base maps, any era or theater, endless possibilities! Thanks once again for your dedication CUP team, I love The Jet Age.
Thanks for the update. Somehow the F16 and F18 flaps animation are gone again. How do i fix those again?
There is a lot new stuff to learn in this last pack! People may like flying jets or not but it is undeniable what a complete experience is to be able to fly ANY kind of aircraft on a same game engine. This is where CUP excels at: same base engine and same base maps, any era or theater, endless possibilities! Thanks once again for your dedication CUP team, I love The Jet Age.
Thanks Whistler. You have always understood what we were about from day one. When other people 'get it' you know its working. I'm making progress on some very modern Jet Age campaigns. They are complex to put together but I think that with this set they are worth completing and will stand the test of time.
Thanks for the update. Somehow the F16 and F18 flaps animation are gone again. How do i fix those again?
Not so: Remember this install proceeds with a clean mod folder. You must ensure that everything prior to this, the old #JTW, is gone, and only the new #JTW supplied is active.
You should then add the SAS Modular Map Expansion SAS-MME Part-15A and Part15B.
From there re-add your JSGME options...
The F16 needs to be started in order to power the hydraulics for the flight systems.
The F/A18 is modelled with an independent system and doesn't need to be started first.
I put the minus sign on my Part09 #JTW (-#JTW) then the Part10 supplied me a new #JTW. Yes i know about the engine being started first. I also installed the MME 15 a and b. On part09, me and Congo already have this flaps problem. We installed the US Marine Aviation Pack and it fixed it. I installed it now in my part10 but somehow it doesnt work. I already contacted Congo and waiting for his reply. I will let you know if he can figure it out. Thanks by the way. OR do you mean start installing from part01 to part10 of JTW?
Alright, i disabled Stab4all from JSGME. Flaps wont animate in half flap(i can still see the dialogue AUTO, HALF and FULL). Animates only in full flap. Is there anything i should enable or disable more from JSGME?
I put the minus sign on my Part09 #JTW (-#JTW) then the Part10 supplied me a new #JTW. Yes i know about the engine being started first. I also installed the MME 15 a and b. On part09, me and Congo already have this flaps problem. We installed the US Marine Aviation Pack and it fixed it. I installed it now in my part10 but somehow it doesnt work. I already contacted Congo and waiting for his reply. I will let you know if he can figure it out. Thanks by the way. OR do you mean start installing from part01 to part10 of JTW?
It sounds like you are already adding stuff to the mod folder! Start with a clean mod folder. There really is no need to add anything. Just because you don't see the folders within #JTW doesn't mean the code and fixes are not already there. The #JTW is constructed as if in a clean room. The structure is different to user added mods, although it allows for them.
Have you really tested the aircraft with this clean #JTW without adding anything?
Yes. this is the only thing i added, the US Marine Aviation Pack because i thought i can fix it. My CUP is clean, no other mod besides this one. I stay away from adding stuff because i dont want to mess up anything. This pack was suggested to me by Congo and it did work before part10. Now what is up with the Stab4all? The full only animation
I already removed the US Marine Aviation Pack before this message then i tried the turning off the Stabs4.
HELL YA #1 to get it !
No you weren't - I was! ;D
Spoil Sport!...............
Flaps animation in F16 working at Half and Full. No animation on F18 Half flaps.
Flaps animation in F16 working at Half and Full. No animation on F18 Half flaps.
#CUP_00-Stabs4All is your problem. - #CUP_00-Stabs4All - Should NOT be used with moden jets like the F/A18 because it will break the flight model and your flaps will not work properly either. #CUP_00-Stabs4All is for use with aircraft that do not have a fully modelled Autopilot.
Unload #CUP_00-Stabs4All - DO NOT add any other mods to #JTW - and you will be fine. Trying to find workarounds to get #CUP_00-Stabs4All working on the F/A18 is not the best idea. Instead, why not just learn how to fly S3's brilliant aircraft?
Here is the Manual:
Thank you for withdrawing the comment about the F-16 animation and admitting that you broke it and then made a hasty post. This is not a good start to a working relationship - because it marks you as a poor communicator.
Let's put that to one side - I am a very patient man - and its nearly Christmas. F16 OK now, lets take a look at the F/A18E flaps animation:
Runway takeoff test - Flaps to FULL - Note rear flap position and front droops.
Takeoff configuration - Flaps to HALF - Note rear flaps up and front droops extended.
Takeoff complete - Flaps and front droops fully retracted. - Switch flaps to AUTO as you go fence out...
#CUP_00-Stabs4All - Should NOT be used with moden jets like the F/A18 because it will break the flight model and your flaps will not work properly. This is why its included as a JSGME Option - Broad flight model classfile changes should be applied in appropriate circumstances and not simply put into your mod folder automatically.
HELL YA #1 to get it !
No you weren't - I was! ;D
Spoil Sport!...............
Hello Hoss!
Good to see you there mate!
Monty, was Part 09b finally included in Part 10? I notice different JTW37.SFS versions are present in Parts 09 and 09b and you did not include any JTW37.SFS in Part 10. Which JTW37.SFS do we keep? Does it matter?
Monty, was Part 09b finally included in Part 10? I notice different JTW37.SFS versions are present in Parts 09 and 09b and you did not include any JTW37.SFS in Part 10. Which JTW37.SFS do we keep? Does it matter?
Yes Whistler, Part 9B JTW37.SFS - 130 MB (136,835,942 bytes) is the one you need, and will be there if done in sequence.
Understood. I wondered because you mentioned in Part 9: [...] This small Upgrade will eventually become part of JTW Part-10 [...]
Part 9b is here to stay then. Thanks Monty for your prompt reply!!
Oh bugger - good point, language again! It has been a long build, almost two years, to upload the various parts and many SFS files have been duplicated as a result. Our newest project will eliminate all duplication and present a single cleaned up packege. This means we will be able to get it all on a single torrent or a much reduced (24 parts) download for everything.
Until then we shall have to keep talking to one another! Its always a pleasure. ;D
Brilliant for JTW Monty!!
Is the new Skyraider 3d going to be added in the next one? As she DESPERATELY needs a refit from the old 3d model! At least we can then fly her as intended! ;D
But fantastic work all round, videos will be up and coming as well of the new updates! :)
All the best!!
Brilliant for JTW Monty!!
Is the new Skyraider 3d going to be added in the next one? As she DESPERATELY needs a refit from the old 3d model! At least we can then fly her as intended! ;D
But fantastic work all round, videos will be up and coming as well of the new updates! :)
All the best!!
That's a very good point Ace, thanks for flagging it. I will be testing the new Spad and then we shall see what Bansey12 thinks, as its his model.
Look forward to your videos. :) :) :) :) :)
Great. I'm not following up too closely the evolution ofthe MODding scene, but from a long time ago a lot of stuff was released, and a good repack and compilation was a must.
Thank you Monty!
Regards, Pablo
Yes it is Pablo, and in all honesty, you have pointed out many of these things before. Lessons learned from you have been invaluable.
There was always a certain 'experimental' element to much of the early CUP. Now, at this stage, we are in a good position to consolidate and clean up.
discovered something strange.
Putting this part 10 over 9 and 9B resulted in 60% crash because of this:
FM called 'FlightModels/F84E.fmd:F84_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f84_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F84E.fmd:F84_FM' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'f84_fm'
Error loading FM called 'flightmodels/f84e.fmd'!
It Cannot be Loaded from 'f84_fm' File
*** This was the Reason of your 60% or 70% CT
Removing the JTW folder - or putting it "out of action" - followed by a new install of part 9 and 9B makes everyting running ok again.
Can something be done about it?
BTW, congrats with the magnificent JTW job to all who worked on it!!
@ Jenato, i'm guessing user error here, the download link for JTW part 10 stated....
1) JSGME DISABLE everything
2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #JTW to -#JTW .
3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'CUP - THE JET AGE PART-10' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
4) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
5) Delete old -#JTW at your convenience.
I'm guessing you failed to do #2
discovered something strange.
Putting this part 10 over 9 and 9B resulted in 60% crash because of this:
FM called 'FlightModels/F84E.fmd:F84_FM' is being loaded from File: 'f84_fm'
FM called 'FlightModels/F84E.fmd:F84_FM' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'f84_fm'
Error loading FM called 'flightmodels/f84e.fmd'!
It Cannot be Loaded from 'f84_fm' File
*** This was the Reason of your 60% or 70% CT
Removing the JTW folder - or putting it "out of action" - followed by a new install of part 9 and 9B makes everyting running ok again.
Can something be done about it?
BTW, congrats with the magnificent JTW job to all who worked on it!!
Thanks nyali I was about to say the same thing!
In future installs we shall eliminate the need to to remove files and put whole new folders in. The Restore Point Install provides a NEW #JTW folder. In this case the new #JTW has a new structure. Combining it with a previous version actually makes my teeth itch!
You probably have all the SFS files in the right place, just need to geet the mod folder right.
Get rid of your old #JTW folder and put these in:
UnRAR/UnZIP Direct to your main Il2 Install:
CUP SAFETY NET: https://www.mediafire.com/?aknzs9723vbb2a2
Sorry Nyali and Monty, as I am a CUP adept right from the start of it I am very familiar with the procedure of adding new parts in the sim.
And that is why I asked for help, because it worries me each time I add part 10 and I start up, it gives me trouble. I even downloaded part 10 twice because
I thought some small files could be missing in the downloading process, but no... :( still the same problem. Once I removed everything again, have put in part 9 and 9B - still according to the right procedure - everything works fine....
And Monty, I will try out what you suggested right now...
:( Nope, doesn't work! And though I thought the start up after 9 and 9B was ok, this install also gives me problems... Cannot start QMB once sim is running. Everything freezes...
:DFound it! After installing 9 and 9B for the fourth time all over again, I remembered the .last.quick file can sometimes be troublesome. This solved the QMB freezes for sure. But why everything is working fine now after installing part 10 again, the same way as I did it five times in a row... a mystery to me... Must say, the final attempt I started with Monty's CUP Safety Net... may be the solution was in there after all. Thanks anyway for the support Monty! But, everything is fine now. Never quit, that’s the message! Thanks! ;)
Thanks a lot for another update with a lot of goodies.
Arrival of BTR-40 and BTR 152 is welcome. At last I can use proper Soviet APC in my missions instead of M3A1.
Two new Soviet APC are amphibious and can be use as "ships" - cool.
Project 85 will probably lead to number of interesting "what if" campaigns. Cuba, Indonesia, Vietnam... Manual is impressive.
New river vessel Gogol - it's good to have more boats to make our rivers and lakes busy
And...Tsar Tank (Lebedenko Tank) - Easter Egg? Time slip? o_O
About AI helicopters. Alas, they still are not able to fly in formations, neither to take off/land. Not a complaint, just a remark.
Thanks again for hard work of all involved.
Thanks a lot for another update with a lot of goodies.
Arrival of BTR-40 and BTR 152 is welcome. At last I can use proper Soviet APC in my missions instead of M3A1.
Two new Soviet APC are amphibious and can be use as "ships" - cool.
Project 85 will probably lead to number of interesting "what if" campaigns. Cuba, Indonesia, Vietnam... Manual is impressive.
New river vessel Gogol - it's good to have more boats to make our rivers and lakes busy
And...Tsar Tank (Lebedenko Tank) - Easter Egg? Time slip? o_O
About AI helicopters. Alas, they still are not able to fly in formations, neither to take off/land. Not a complaint, just a remark.
Thanks again for hard work of all involved.
Hello mate!
You can find the dedicated AI helos at the base of the FMB Planelist - I have successfully used them as planeguards and traffic adding life to scenes. They are particularly good if you assign a PATROL waypoint and make them do a number of circuits. For scenery and traffic its also very effective to introduce helos into a scene, orbit for a bit and fly the course, then quietly dispose of them off-camera using a well placed DZ object.
Notes: AI-Helicopters
The AI don't handle helos very well. As a compromise new AI flight models, dedicated just to AI control, allow for AI helos to be treated as a kind of STOL aircraft. It works very well but remember this is for FMB mission writers only. The AI helos won't work in QMB and are not available there. It is also not a good idea to simply assign AI helos, in QMB, using the regular flight models.
You may fly, practice and test helos effectively in QMB. For proper missions you need the AI FMs and a session in FMB.
Hello mate!
You can find the dedicated AI helos at the base of the FMB Planelist - I have successfully used them as planeguards and traffic adding life to scenes. They are particularly good if you assign a PATROL waypoint and make them do a number of circuits. For scenery and traffic its also very effective to introduce helos into a scene, orbit for a bit and fly the course, then quietly dispose of them off-camera using a well placed DZ object.
Notes: AI-Helicopters
The AI don't handle helos very well. As a compromise new AI flight models, dedicated just to AI control, allow for AI helos to be treated as a kind of STOL aircraft. It works very well but remember this is for FMB mission writers only. The AI helos won't work in QMB and are not available there. It is also not a good idea to simply assign AI helos, in QMB, using the regular flight models.
You may fly, practice and test helos effectively in QMB. For proper missions you need the AI FMs and a session in FMB.
Right, I use them exactly as advised above. Supplementary tasks for adding life in FMB missions as you suggested. DZ objects are very helpful for disposal, indeed. Group flying is possible but you need to create waypoints for each helicopter and to be careful with spacing and altitudes. I tried them in ground attack in previous JTW version but with limited success. Once armed, they become even less predictable and more prone to aerobatics (which never ends well). My experience is with only Mi-4 so far.