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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Karabas-Barabas on May 05, 2010, 01:54:57 PM
ver. beta 2 1.02.2013 (for 4.11 only)
http://www.nullwar.com/mod/full_mod.7z (174 Mb)
full version mod with many planes special for nullwar.com virtual war:
ver. alfa 1 7.02.2012 (for 4.11 only, in 4.09/4.10 not works)
All FM from H-6
Turret from Do-217: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18856.0.html
http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/411/He111H20.7z (http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/411/He111H20.7z) (3,6 Mb)
v.0.91 27.08.2010 (old version for 4.10 w/o turret on H-20)
H-6 rearm
H-6 torp
H-16 rearm
H-20 with Jumo-213
Rocket boost for SC1000, SC1800, SC2000, SC2500, PC1600
the top arrow 3dmodel? of MG-15, external model MG-131
http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/He-111H_27082010.rar (http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/He-111H_27082010.rar)
Without add-ons weapons_ETC-2000 from Ju 87 pack (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,7910.0.html) will not work.
H-20 with turret (for 4.11 only):
LOL Awesome! ;D
Thank you.
I hope maybe soon with Hs-293A or V-1 payloads?
Heinkel He-111H performing a trial drop of the Hs-293A
Excellent work.... Thank's ;D
Another good plane for IL2! Thank you, mates! :)
Some tips for the next version and other mods:
Do not change the names inside [] in hier.him, like [CF_D0], because these changes in this mod have broken the collisions coded in the classfiles. To use renamed meshes, change only the Mesh line like
Mesh CF_D0_H20
I had to remove all _H20 additions inside [] and in Parent lines to get collisions to work. With unedited hier.him I couldn't damage CF or midwings by shooting at them, and those parts also didn't collide with ground.
Also the LOD values are not good, better ones for CF are
and for WingMid are
There is a bug with LOD values in MshReader 1.18 by Dr.Jones, the converter always gives the differences of LOD values and leaves out the last value completely. To correct LOD values the converted values have to be added to previous value and the last value has to be added.
Some tips for the next version and other mods:
Do not change the names inside [] in hier.him, like [CF_D0], because these changes in this mod have broken the collisions coded in the classfiles. ...
That have reminded thanks, it is the test version and has absolutely forgotten about this error.
Now the take off is really short!!! :)
Thank you.
I hope maybe soon with Hs-293A or V-1 payloads?
Heinkel He-111H performing a trial drop of the Hs-293A
What is that thing? some kind of souped up X-4?
the Hs-293(Fritz) is touted for inclusion with the upcoming 4.10 patch from TD.... ;)
It looks cool. In Blazing Angels 2 there is something like that which mounted on the bottom of a Dornier, a TV guided missile, I believe.
It looks cool. In Blazing Angels 2 there is something like that which mounted on the bottom of a Dornier, a TV guided missile, I believe.
Most of that game is fictional, no such TV guided rocket existed at the time As far as I know. These are radio guided bombs in which there is a control module on the aircraft and the pilot using his eye sight guides the bomb to it's target.
BA2 is fictional to the point of insanity, but radio guided bombs sound really cool to me.
how can we activate it?
I had a stock H-16 and the previous H-20, the Air.ini and plane ru things are the same as in your update. I modified the weapons.ru entries but it didn't work for me.
( I have the Diff_FM activated too )
60% CTD crash....
Please help!
This H-20 seems to use the AviaSkins version of DiffFM mod, that is not compatible with SAS version.
The only possibility to get H-20 working with our DiffFM is to add the new flightmodel He-111H-20.fmd to next SAS buttons.
However, H-16 should work without problems, so you can just comment or leave out the H-20 air.ini entry for now, or just use the older version.
Most of that game is fictional, no such TV guided rocket existed at the time As far as I know. These are radio guided bombs in which there is a control module on the aircraft and the pilot using his eye sight guides the bomb to it's target.
From wiki; Hs 293D was television-guided. Twenty were built and tested, but it was never used operationally as the television equipment was unreliable.
That said, very nice mod. It's always good to see this golden oldie (in IL2 world at least) get some attention! :)
This H-20 seems to use the AviaSkins version of DiffFM mod, that is not compatible with SAS version.
The only possibility to get H-20 working with our DiffFM is to add the new flightmodel He-111H-20.fmd to next SAS buttons.
However, H-16 should work without problems, so you can just comment or leave out the H-20 air.ini entry for now, or just use the older version.
so we have to wait for a new SAS button.... :)
I got these working with a special buttons that includes that missing FM. However, in my tests I noticed the following:
- Typing mistakes in weapons_ru lines (too many SC 1000 bombs or wrong bomb type)
He-111H-16.16xSC50 16xSC 70
He-111H-16.1xSC2000_1xSC1000 1xSC 2000 + 2xSC 1000
He-111H-20.1xSC2000_1xSC1000 1xSC 2000 + 2xSC 1000
- one extra SC 250 bomb appears in 2xSC 500 loadout of H-16
- ghost booster rockets remain after jettisoning
- LOD issues, better LOD values for CF are
for midwings
and for turrets
- The H-16 replaces the one in Ultr@Pack, although the Ultr@Pack H-16 has different loadouts:
# He-111H-16
He-111H-16.default Default
He-111H-16.4xSD250 4xSD 250
He-111H-16.4xSC500 4xSC 500
He-111H-16.2xTorp 2xTorpedo
He-111H-16.4xAB500 4xAB 500
He-111H-16.2SC1000 2xSC 1000
He-111H-16.1SC1000_2SC500 1xSC 1000 + 2xSC 500
He-111H-16.2SC1000_2SC250 2xSC 1000 + 2xSC 250
He-111H-16.2PC1600 2xPC 1600
He-111H-16.1SC2000 1xSC 2000
He-111H-16.1SC2000_2SC250 1xSC 2000 + 2xSC 250
He-111H-16.none Empty
Could the H-16 be renamed so that these two versions can coexict, or could loadouts of Ultr@Pack version be added to this version?
I got these working with a special buttons that includes that missing FM. However, in my tests I noticed the following:
Thank you.
- ghost booster rockets remain after jettisoning
Reset, with a slight delay, 3-5 s, a little bit of patience:)
- LOD issues, better LOD values for CF are
Thank you, forever forget what spoils the recording distance converter :)
Could the H-16 be renamed so that these two versions can coexict, or could loadouts of Ultr@Pack version be added to this version?
You can rename all except write air.ini: ... air.HE_111H16 ...
Reset, with a slight delay, 3-5 s, a little bit of patience:)
I mean copies of the boosters still remain when the boosters detach that 3-5 s after burning out.
You can rename all except write air.ini: ... air.HE_111H16 ...
These two versions have exactly the same classfile name air.HE_111H16, so it's impossible to have both.
I mean copies of the boosters still remain when the boosters detach that 3-5 s after burning out.
Fix. Download update.
These two versions have exactly the same classfile name air.HE_111H16, so it's impossible to have both.
In ul?tapake old version.
Hi mate!
Great work on the 111!!!
I'll wait the update at buttons (in the meantime your update is just installed and waiting the minus go away!!!)
I have just installed the new buttons!!! (thanks Cirx and Birdman!!!)
I have noticed that on some loadout the booster don't appear but the take off are anyway short and the light green smoke of the booster is visible in the trail:
He-111H-16.default default
He-111H-16.16xSC50 16xSC 50
He-111H-16.2xSC250_16xSC50 2xSC 250 + 16xSC 50
He-111H-16.1xSC500_16xSC50 1xSC 500 + 16xSC 50
He-111H-16.4xSC250 4xSC 250
He-111H-16.6xSC250 6xSC 250
He-111H-16.2xSC500 2xSC 500
He-111H-16.1xSC500_4xSC250 1xSC 500 + 4xSC 250
He-111H-16.1xSC2000_1xSC1000 1xSC 2000 + 1xSC 1000
He-111H-16.2xPC1600 2xPC 1600
He-111H-16.empty empty
He-111H-20.default default
He-111H-20.20xSC50 20xSC 50
He-111H-20.5xSC250 5xSC 250
He-111H-20.9xSC250 9xSC 250
He-111H-20.4xSC250_1xSC500 4xSC 250 + 1xSC 500
He-111H-20.3xSC500 3xSC 500
He-111H-20.empty empty
About the loadout of the Ultrapack H16 I agree with Birdman too because an extended loadout can only make the mission more customable , so I hope for a loadout mix between them!
Another little consideration is that the dorsal gun of the H16 have a full enclosed windshield.....
and new full mod
Good stuff, im really a big fan of your mods, regardless of my posts asking for info.. rocket assisted takeoff is cool and really existed.
Hello community! I've been away for a while, but I can't wait to get back home and try out this mod!! It will be fun, I suppose.
and new full mod
Thanks mate for your hard work to solve all the issue!!!
I'm really grateful!!!
According to this video (posted by Gerax)
Heinkel He-111 in action (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWaFfX7u1uY&feature=related#)
boosters were in different position :-\
Hi mate!
Sorry for the delay in testing but I'm reinstalling the whole game!
Installed v0,91 without any trouble , only noticed this little weapon bug on 111H6 and H16:
- with the 16xSC50 the left underbelly rack appear;
- with the 1xSC2000 the right underbelly rack appear;
I'm reporting this as bug only because I noticed that on the empty and 4xSC5250 loadout there aren't underbelly rack....
All the best dear great mods maker!!!
test ver. for 4.11
Ohh really cool! with the later model turret as well!!
ver. alfa 1 for 4.11
All FM from H-6
Mean that if I install it as update of old 409 (adding only missing classfiles and using old FM) it could work on 409???
Will this work on 4.101 UP3 or is it only for 4.11?
At 4.11 bombs have changed.
It's a particular classfile 4EECF0B8AB79903A, that causes the problem. I hope that karabas-barabas will be kind enough to offer it for 4.10!
I have been waiting for a late model He-111 with the powered dorsal turret for sooooo long!!! With no skill in modding, it's been a long painful wait, that's for sure. But you......you have saved me any more pain! Thank you, thank you so very much!!!! <SALUTE>
It's a particular classfile 4EECF0B8AB79903A, that causes the problem. I hope that karabas-barabas will be kind enough to offer it for 4.10!
This class is He-111H-20, bombs AB, SD-10, SC-50C made for 4.10 are necessary.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20356.0.html - Weapons_AB from ver 11.01.2012
It will probably work at 4.09
it won't work in 4.101. Sorry but the problem is this particular classfile. If you put the old classfile with the same name in the new 4.11 version the new external models come out, but the gunner positions are the usual ones (I haven't tried in 4.11, I suppose that in the new version the gunner position is that of Do 217 not of He 111)
I have been waiting for a late model He-111 with the powered dorsal turret for sooooo long!!! With no skill in modding, it's been a long painful wait, that's for sure. But you......you have saved me any more pain! Thank you, thank you so very much!!!! <SALUTE>
Yes, a very important addition. From 1944 on, the great majority of He 111s in service were turret armed, so their omission from the original IL2 game always spoiled late eastern front scenarios.
I'm afraid I've missed something , but it might be because I'm loading this into DBW1.7.All the new varients are working fine , but I get no turret in any of them.I've tried to use all the different folders in various combinations but still no joy( probably just screwed things up more...) Any help much appreciated. :-\
H-20 works in 4.09 but only as AI.
Cockpit classfiles have the AFN thing inside so there is ctd when use as flyable in 4.09. ;)
be carefull 4.09 user,your H-2 and H-6 Cockpits dont work also,so you have H-2 and H-6 only as AI.
install the H-20 that you can deactivate the H-20 folder with the classfiles in it.
have found a bug,when the Turret is hit it goes back to the old H-6 shape.
H-20 works in 4.09 but only as AI.
Cockpit classfiles have the AFN thing inside so there is ctd when use as flyable in 4.09. ;)
Thanks ...I really wanted to see the He-111 with the turret, because years ago it was pictured in Green's Famous Bombers of the Second World War in the beautiful 3 view bt G.W. Huemann:
I bought the book when it first appeared in America in 1959,and always loved the He-11...funny how things stay with you...guess I'll have to wait to fly it,but I can make due withthe other models of it I have...
ver. alfa 1 for 4.11 7.02.2012
All FM from H-6
Turret from Do-217: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18856.0.html
In the Do217 the AI Turret gunner dont work correct,it only shoots in one direction.
In the H111 H-20 the AI Turret gunner works perfect ::)
Too bad this won't work in 4.101. :'(
Is there any possibility to make these planes work on 4.101?
ok thanks! :)
If you want to fly the H-20 download the latest 4.101 NW planes mod Karabas-barabas linked me yesterday ( you will find on the 5th page and in the last but one post) . It contains I think an earlier version of it without the new turret, and with less loadout.
As i Writing this post I'v got an idea maybe if you install this mod and put the auto diff fm in the plane he111 folder maybe it will work, at least this technic works with planes that simply aren't works on DBW or with older planes from 4.09!
CASA 2111H-16L-Spanish version Heinkel. Difference: Rolls Royce Merlin 500-45. THE CASA IS IN THE GAME!!!!!
Hi Karabas-Barabas!
Can I ask if there are some news about the H-20?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
All the best!
i did not understand how to add the top turret for H-20! i have to take the turret of DO 217 or what??
the first post says that the turret is just for 4.11, I would like to have it too, but I'm still using the 4.101.
i downloaded it from the first link for 4.11, but i use DBW and it works fine,anyway i do not understand if i have to add the turret of DO 217 for the HE 111 H 20 or not
you don't have to, and it's not about the DBW, maybe the author removed the turret, I remember that there was a problem with it, What I can tekk you is that SAS Epervier made a 4.09 copy of this mod with a working turret, and so download that put it in to the DBW folder and right after that put the DIFF FM mod INTO the HE-111H20's folder, this technics works with many 4.09 aircrafts, like the vickers wellington.
Good luck! :D
This version and 409 version don't use DiffFM ! ;)
Thank you Epervier, for bringing the H-20 to Rebel territory !
I use Epervier H-20 in 4.101 without any problem !
Where can I download the skin from the He-111H-20? (http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/411/He-111H-20_s19.jpg)
It should be the stock one IIRC....
I also use Epervier's 4.09 version in UP3 (4.10.1) and it works with NO problems, although there may be some conflicts with other modded aircraft.
best H-20 skin I could find was this: http://downloads.flightsimfiles.com/package/7575 (http://downloads.flightsimfiles.com/package/7575)
it works a treat with Epervier's version
I want to put skin from He-111H-20 on other He-111.
I want to put skin from He-111H-20 on other He-111.
They should be all compatible between them....
No, such drawing as on He-111H-20 (http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/411/He-111H-20_s19.jpg)
Where to find such skin?
This is a H6 stock skin!
Where to download this skin? ---> http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/411/He-111H-20_s19.jpg
It's a stock (default) skin!
It came with the plane itself into the 3do/plane/summer folder!
Why you would download a skin that you anyway have in almost all the He-111?
If you like so much it simply copy/paste the summer folder frm the He-111 H20 plane into the one you need to have!
It is a pity... :'(
Skin very beautiful. I wanted to correct a little that machine guns wouldn't be white.
Extract it (skin1o) from summer folder (if you can't load the image try to run the plane then extract from cache: after setting clear cache=0 into conf.ini and look for it's folder there) then open it with a graphic program (I use GIMP) resize it to indexed colors , 1024x1024 une level and save as bmp without compression (1mb of dimension) or if you hve the 2048 mod even at RGB , 2048x2048 one level and save always as bmp (4mb of dimension)
Now you can use it and beore save also update or correct it!
Thanks for the advice ;)
The links seem do be dead....
Would be very happy if someone could send a new link or the corresponding files and ini entries for 4.10.1
Have a nice day
Le Forban
The links seem do be dead....
It is best to look here
merci beaucoup