Special Aircraft Service

Battlefield - Airborne - Tactical (BAT) => BAT Tech Help => Topic started by: Dastardly on January 25, 2017, 01:57:51 PM

Title: JTW static.ini [Patch]
Post by: Dastardly on January 25, 2017, 01:57:51 PM
OK chaps, this one gave me a bit of a headache, gotta bug on the radar.
Having some fun with JTW on the south Vietnam map for a few days when suddenly it didn't work any more? FMB no save, no play, QMB fine, WAW fine? After a little research and experimentation noticed that the JTW static.ini had changed, some entries were deleted, more trial and error later I found that after reinstating the following lines it works again.
Code: [Select]
Title           Locomotive_B
MeshLive        3do/Trains/PRVZb/body.sim
MeshDead        3do/Trains/PRVZb_Dmg/body.sim
AlignToLand     1
Body            RockMiddle     // FIXME: need special type 'Vehicle'
Panzer          0.66

Title           LocomotiveTrailor_B
MeshLive        3do/Trains/PRVZb_B/body.sim
MeshDead        3do/Trains/PRVZb_B_Dmg/body.sim
AlignToLand     1
Body            RockMiddle     // FIXME: need special type 'Vehicle'
Panzer          0.56
Title: Re: JTW static.ini [Patch]
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on January 28, 2017, 07:05:24 PM
Thanks Dastardly

There were some compromises tidying up behind the new train mod across all modules.  Who would have thought that we had those objects on a map already?  The actual mesh entries should reference what is there so its still a bit different for the JTW2 Static:  Should be this

Otherwise, great catch, thank you, its in BATEP07.ZIP

Code: [Select]
Title           Locomotive_B
MeshLive        3do/Trains/PRVZ/body.sim
MeshDead        3do/Trains/PRVZ_Dmg/body.sim
AlignToLand     1
Body            RockMiddle     // FIXME: need special type 'Vehicle'
Panzer          0.66

Title           LocomotiveTrailor_B
MeshLive        3do/Trains/PRVZ_B/body.sim
MeshDead        3do/Trains/PRVZ_B_Dmg/body.sim
AlignToLand     1
Body            RockMiddle     // FIXME: need special type 'Vehicle'
Panzer          0.56
Title: Re: JTW static.ini [Patch]
Post by: Dastardly on January 30, 2017, 02:33:13 PM
Pure luck, just happened to be using the map at time of change, FYI it looks like something similar is happening with the Stalingrad maps (I haven't found out what is missing yet). Does it makes sense (technically) to make all these maps available for all modules?(Of course the more the merrier).
As always, glad to be of assistance, as long as I'm not being a pain and am being constructively helpful. Which leads me to ask; I see your (very) quick responses to a bombardment of random issues and wonder if there is possibly a more helpful way to assist in removing the last few glitches in BAT, maybe by concentrating on a particular module or area that is current with what you guys are doing? or is mass random feedback functional as it is? Either way happy to do my bit. A couple of other things have cropped up in JTW (thunderjets, white bombs on corsairs), but I know that this module is under extensive reconstruction so it's probably better to wait before posting?