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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Epervier on October 21, 2017, 12:27:35 PM

Title: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on October 21, 2017, 12:27:35 PM
This mod was made possible with the collaboration of several people from several sites!

For Rebels 4.09
For Privateers 4.10
For Imperialists 4.12

Handley Page Hampden Mk.I


- Diff_FM needed !
- SSP included !

version 1.4 fixes by IES
- add LODs in all meshs
- fix code/boxes collision
- fix Spinner PropRot mesh

version 1.3c (for flyable & AI versions) fixes by Birdman
- ground collision fix
- damaged prop position fix
- some other damage issues fixed
- aerodynamic center position of model adjusted

version 1.3b (for flyable & AI versions)
- add new collision boxes by IES Team

version 1.3a (for flyable version only)
- add and fix cockpit viewfinder by CWatson & IES Team

version 1.3
- fix positions Pilots
- fix positions mask oxy
- fix positions pilots dead
- change mesh Pilot4-Dead/Pilot1
- fix positions Bay doors (with torpedo loadout)
- fix positions propelors
- fix mesh dorsal turret by Edlor
- fix all hooks Engines 1&2
- chase down blinking shadows by IES Team
- fix incorrect orientation of the dorsal turret during firing
- add missing Pilot5 (RadioNav)
- adapt cockpit for open canopy (internal view) by IES Team
- added Ground Automatic Canopy Opening
- open/close canopy dorsal turret if near/no ENI
- change textures Pilots

version 1.2
- version skinable by Edlor

version 1.1
- fix dorsal turret
- fix elevators inversed
- add code for 412

Note 1 : versions 4.10/4.12 not tested !

Note 2 : If you have a cockade that parasitic the fuselage, you can delete it by modifying the hier.him in Plane folder ! (Tks at CWatson)
- delete these lines :
Mesh Overlay1F
Parent Tail1_D0
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0







Link flyable version (1.4): https://www.mediafire.com/?ku5vvewdvpc4bgn

Link AI version (1.4): https://www.mediafire.com/?w536wsg9nu2z5gm

Link Template by Edlor: https://www.mediafire.com/?1aopq3t8m97147o

Credits :
- Alphasim/Virtavia (http://www.virtavia.com) - Original 3D
- Namtar - Importing of 3D
- CWatson - cockpit and class work (https://www.mediafire.com/?az8kkczcbrj1m3z)
- IES Team - new code - add shadows Plane and fix all mesh...
                   ... and many many other patches!   (https://www.mediafire.com/?az8kkczcbrj1m3z)
- Birdman - multi fixes   (https://www.mediafire.com/?az8kkczcbrj1m3z)
- Edlor - version skinable + Template!   (https://www.mediafire.com/?az8kkczcbrj1m3z)
- special thanks to the Imperialist testers : Gaston & Hubberranz !
- special thanks to the Rebel tester : Mick !

Bons vols !
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: ben_wh on October 21, 2017, 12:31:55 PM
Thank you again for all involved.

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3
Post by: henkypenky on October 22, 2017, 04:06:04 AM
Many thanks to the 'Hampden team' a great addition to the game. However the AI behaviour with bomb load, repaired in v1.2 is back. From its 4 bombs, only 1 is dropped after which the plane starts diving. And now its with the 500Lbs load as well.  ::(

Edit; moving this mod up to be read before ... in the folder seems to have cured this
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Benno on October 23, 2017, 03:46:17 AM
My dream come true,   thank you Guy's  :P 8)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: JV69_Reuter on October 26, 2017, 09:00:51 AM
Il est superbe ! Merci ! :-*
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: LameHawk on October 27, 2017, 06:49:29 AM
As I prefer early campaigns, this is a most welcome addition.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: max_thehitman on October 29, 2017, 12:35:38 AM

Hey look at that!  8) Its a Handley Page Hampden !
What a funky-cool-weird looking airplane. I love it and I will fly it !

Thank you
Merci Epervier!

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on October 31, 2017, 01:26:14 PM
UPDATE 1.3a For flyable version only !

- add and fix cockpit viewfinder by CWatson & IES Team


See first post for link ! ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: max_thehitman on November 01, 2017, 11:00:54 AM

Thank you for the new cockpit fixes CWatson & IES Team!  8)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3
Post by: Birdman on November 03, 2017, 06:10:23 AM
This is one of the planes I've dreamed about and she looks and flies very nice indeed, so great work! However, these seem to be too difficult to shoot down because of missing fuel tank hitboxes and other hitbox issues, so I hope someone checks them.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3
Post by: Flying H on November 03, 2017, 03:32:50 PM
Birdman, you´re not supposed to shoot them down! They are supposed to drop things on your assets!  8) ;D
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on November 03, 2017, 03:52:36 PM
We're not going to add collision boxes... I think it's already easy to shoot down.   :D
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3
Post by: Epervier on November 04, 2017, 03:13:45 AM
This is one of the planes I've dreamed about and she looks and flies very nice indeed, so great work! However, these seem to be too difficult to shoot down because of missing fuel tank hitboxes and other hitbox issues, so I hope someone checks them.
Done by IES Team ! ;)
I'll test as soon as I can and do a little update.  :)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: dietz on November 04, 2017, 09:26:37 AM
This is really a beautiful version of this aircraft & the new skins work well. I have a B.A.T. install and initially had a CTD at 60% load but after installing the patch all was well! sometime ago there was an early version of this aircraft which I had installed along with its skins.the reason I mention this is that , although it didn't appear in the full up B.A.T. install the old skins were still in my paint schemes folder...probably said elsewhere ,but they don't work on this version and should be deleted.
Thanks again! ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on November 05, 2017, 01:54:24 AM
UPDATE 1.3b For flyable and AI versions !

- add new collision boxes by IES Team

See first post for link !
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b
Post by: Mick on November 05, 2017, 02:03:53 AM
Many THX to our Rebel Angel and ALL involved ...!  :P
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: cgagan on November 05, 2017, 02:32:29 AM
We are in great and continuous debt (chapeau au maitre (s) )!!!! 8)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: crimar on November 05, 2017, 03:22:01 AM
Downloading. Thank you very very much for all the guys involved !!  :) :)

All the best.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: crimar on November 06, 2017, 05:13:20 AM
Works nice under my 4.09m modact.  :)

Thank you !  ;)

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b
Post by: Mixx on November 17, 2017, 02:53:14 PM
Excellent work, sorry not for the above 4.12
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b
Post by: LuseKofte on December 20, 2017, 03:40:57 PM
I had no idea, I need to reinstall this, I really miss the BAttle , Swordfish and now this
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on January 06, 2018, 12:12:34 AM
Thank you! At last...
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b
Post by: El_Marta on February 03, 2018, 02:06:23 PM
I know HSFX is not officially supported here, but when I try to run this on HSFX7.3 expert, I get a "mission loading failed: null" error. Does anybody know how to fix this?
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sewerwisp on September 19, 2018, 09:14:25 PM
The folder   01__Weapons_USA_GB  does it go into the #SAS folder? And the weapons.ini shows 2 other torpedos below the normal hum drum Mk13. I can't get them to appear. Confused. Everything else works ok, am other wise thanskful and happy with it.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on November 14, 2018, 12:49:33 PM
found several bugs
1 Torpedo is outside of the belly
2 when she crashes props just going up like if that was V22 Osprey lol
3 when she crash on the water engines disappearing from it's cowls

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on November 14, 2018, 01:05:30 PM
found several bugs
1 Torpedo is outside of the belly
That's funny! Like on the first screen of the first post!  :D
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b
Post by: Mick on November 14, 2018, 01:20:03 PM
... dass ist ein kolossal sabotage ...!!!  :D

... saboteurs will be shot, survivors will be shot ... again ...!  8)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: niemel on November 16, 2018, 06:02:30 AM
How i can to run this plane on 4.13.4 version + HSFX 7.0.3 + DBW 1.71?
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Piotrek1 on November 16, 2018, 09:34:45 AM
Hi niemel,
The procedure :) is always the same, put the unpacked folder with the plane (06__Handley_Page_Hampden_MkI_v1.3) into the main game folder (e.g. #DBW , #SAS , #HSFX) and then complete the entries in air.ini , plane_ru , weapons_ru.
Don't forget to put also 01__Weapons_USA_GB folder in the main game folder, if you need it.
or see here " Reply #38 :
Best regards,
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: niemel on November 17, 2018, 04:18:03 AM
Hi, Piotrek1
It`s all done,but i get a "mission loading failed: null" error. Modpack http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=4386 installed
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on November 17, 2018, 05:25:43 AM
It`s all done,but i get a "mission loading failed: null" error.
It looks like an incompatibility with the EMD that doesn't exist in your buttons!

LOG please !

Read how to get the log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13457.0.html), and the instant log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.0.html).

When you want to post only the relevant parts from the log
read here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39780.0) how to do this. (code option!)

If you want to post all lines of the logfile we suggest to use https://pastebin.com/
to paste your log and then paste the link here which you got from them.
Read and see here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39780.msg627220.html#msg627220) how to do this.

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: niemel on November 17, 2018, 07:51:18 AM
It`s all done,but i get a "mission loading failed: null" error.
It looks like an incompatibility with the EMD that doesn't exist in your buttons!

LOG please !

Read how to get the log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13457.0.html), and the instant log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.0.html).

When you want to post only the relevant parts from the log
read here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39780.0) how to do this. (code option!)

If you want to post all lines of the logfile we suggest to use https://pastebin.com/
to paste your log and then paste the link here which you got from them.
Read and see here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39780.msg627220.html#msg627220) how to do this.
Hi, Epervier! Log is here https://pastebin.com/7Z9LfE2h
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on November 17, 2018, 08:18:32 AM
It`s all done,but i get a "mission loading failed: null" error.
It looks like an incompatibility with the EMD that doesn't exist in your buttons!
Hi, Epervier! Log is here
Thanks !

In your LOG see :
FM called 'FlightModels/HAMP.fmd:Hampden_FM' is being loaded from File: 'hampden_fm'
Error loading FM called 'FlightModels/Bristol_Pegasus.emd'!
This FM is not present in 'gui/game/buttons' File
*** This should have been the reason of the 'Explosion in the Air' when mission started ***

So this Mod is not compatible with your game!
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: niemel on November 17, 2018, 10:43:05 AM
That's too bad...Epervier, Piotrek - Thanks for your help! Great model, pity that is incompatible with my version
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on November 22, 2018, 12:25:18 AM
found several bugs
1 Torpedo is outside of the belly
That's funny! Like on the first screen of the first post!  :D

LITERALLY OUTSIDE!! on the screen shot bomb bays door are fixed in opened position but on my Hampden torpedo just literally OUTside lol

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on November 22, 2018, 01:58:23 AM
LITERALLY OUTSIDE!! on the screen shot bomb bays door are fixed in opened position but on my Hampden torpedo just literally OUTside
Screen please !
And version of your game !
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on December 15, 2018, 10:29:37 AM
Screen please !
And version of your game !

can't capture for now
version 4.12.2
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: DONAGHY on December 31, 2018, 07:59:43 PM
it once worked for me in 4.12 hsfx now has stopped dont no why just get bomb aimers bum  aby one got sight for hsfx version  or place holder
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: steeldust on May 02, 2019, 06:56:23 AM
I like this plane very much, as one of the early british bombers it is.
But the AI of this plane does not use the torpedo in my 4.12.2m Modact5.3 and BAT Blitz installs. Same Missions with Beau X , Barracuda or Swordfish run ok.
Has anybody made the same observation or an idea what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sparky on May 23, 2019, 03:18:15 PM
Has anyone managed to get this working in 4.10, please? I can get the game to start but the Hampden does not show in the arming screen or load in mission. Any help appreciated

log here


thanks for any help

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on May 23, 2019, 04:21:55 PM
Has anyone managed to get this working in 4.10, please? I can get the game to start but the Hampden does not show in the arming screen or load in mission.
[21:06:09]  INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Plane/TEXTURES/Disc1.tga'
[21:06:09]  WARNING: object '3DO/Plane/TEXTURES/Disc1.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[21:06:09]  INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required

You must be the only one in the world who doesn't have the new wheel textures (by PA_Jeronimo).  :-X
Link new wheels textures : https://www.mediafire.com/?ln0g9l0cclcgwmq
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on May 23, 2019, 10:18:46 PM
Epervier, May you take a look on this?  :D  the problem is propellers lol
(https://i.postimg.cc/tJ2rZPyy/2019-05-24-at-04-13-36.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gLLy1xnB)

(https://i.postimg.cc/Y23DscFV/2019-05-24-at-04-13-48.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7b5N5WmM)

(https://i.postimg.cc/xT1prsyd/2019-05-24-at-04-15-39.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G96xGxf0)

(https://i.postimg.cc/LsGG2G3S/2019-05-24-at-04-49-32.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/PLzSM37V)
always falling on the starboard wind
(https://i.postimg.cc/pT84TksF/2019-05-24-at-04-51-08.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/R6SXp15S)

also Torpedo  :D  through the bomb bay doors!   ;D ;D ;D

(https://i.postimg.cc/zfwTGgnf/2019-05-24-at-04-53-24.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2q61H39p)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Birdman on May 24, 2019, 01:06:44 AM
Looks like I have fixed some of these issues and others when I first installed this plane, but forgot to share the fix.

Anyway, here's a small patch
- ground collision fix
- damaged prop position fix
- some other damage issues fixed
- aerodynamic center position of model adjusted

This is tested with flyable version but hopefully works OK for AI version also as simple 3D fix.

I hope you enjoy flying, crashing and shooting down Hampdens more now. Hopefully SAS~Epervier adds this properly to first post after testing and uploading to his better Mediafire account.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on May 24, 2019, 01:57:03 AM
Hi Birdman!! I confirm POSITIVE!! IT WORKS GREAT!! :) :) :) YAY!! H.P Hampden is the one of my RAF Favourites!!

(https://i.postimg.cc/YCFY8f6d/2019-05-24-at-07-54-14.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BjqjnFwF)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3a/b [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on May 24, 2019, 02:08:21 AM
Looks like I have fixed some of these issues and others when I first installed this plane, but forgot to share the fix.

Anyway, here's a small patch
- ground collision fix
- damaged prop position fix
- some other damage issues fixed
- aerodynamic center position of model adjusted
Big thanks Birdman !
I test asap ! ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on May 24, 2019, 02:44:45 AM
Version 1.3c

fixes by Birdman
  - ground collision fix
  - damaged prop position fix
  - some other damage issues fixed
  - aerodynamic center position of model adjusted

See first post for link !
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sparky on May 24, 2019, 04:04:03 AM

You must be the only one in the world who doesn't have the new wheel textures (by PA_Jeronimo).  :-X
Link new wheels textures : https://www.mediafire.com/?ln0g9l0cclcgwmq

 ;) ;D ;D ;D  Thanks mate, i was in the middle of doing a reinstall, and did not think the wheel textures would be tied in to this. All working now thanks.

Thanks also to yourself and Birdman for the 1.3c fixes

One other thing I was wondering. I noticed the PZL 42 has a similar top gun position to the Hampden with twin Lewis guns fitted, could this somehow be implemented, please? Also, the PZL 23B has a ventral gun position with a single Lewis gun, not sure if that could be adapted also for the lower gun position?

Thanks again all


Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c
Post by: Mick on May 24, 2019, 04:29:45 AM
Many THX for the fixes, Birdman ...!  ;)

I lost count of the numerous fixes you brought to our game, but I am pretty sure there are dozens of them ...!  8)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c
Post by: Gaston on May 24, 2019, 04:45:15 AM
So I bet this fix will be included in next BAT update, right ???
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on May 24, 2019, 06:41:30 AM
Oh!! now SKINS!! if Dona will allow me to use his BLANK skins you guys will get a bunch of Hampdens  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: dona on May 24, 2019, 07:46:47 PM
Go for it ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on May 24, 2019, 10:29:07 PM
Thanks Dona!! :) Will do  ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.3c [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: bomberkiller on June 01, 2019, 12:07:03 PM
Hello Epervier,

just tested in my 4.10 & DBW & UV3.

The Hampden run flawlessly over the map.  :D

Thank you very much.

Best regards, Gerhard  :)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on July 01, 2019, 08:46:52 AM
version 1.4 fixes by IES

- add LODs in all meshs
- fix code/boxes collision
- fix Spinner PropRot mesh

See first post for link !
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4
Post by: Cafs on July 01, 2019, 11:18:22 AM
Thanks a lot, Guardian. D/L it now.  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4
Post by: Mick on July 01, 2019, 11:31:10 AM
... many THX to IES for these new and welcome fixes ...  ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on July 01, 2019, 11:59:07 AM
YAY!! It falling apart!! lol Thanks to everyone involved!!! :)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on July 01, 2019, 12:33:42 PM
YAY!! It falling apart!! lol Thanks to everyone involved!!!
Is sosezi happy the first time?  o_O
Whoa! Whoa!
This day is to be marked with a white stone!  :D  8)  :P
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4
Post by: asheshouse on July 01, 2019, 03:41:41 PM
Nice work on this.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on July 02, 2019, 02:04:46 AM
Is sosezi happy the first time?  o_O
Whoa! Whoa!
This day is to be marked with a white stone!  :D  8)  :P

LOL not the First not the Last  :D :D :D but yes happy
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Mission_bug on July 02, 2019, 03:14:47 PM
Thank you very much to all involved with these continued updates, really appreciated. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on July 02, 2019, 11:01:13 PM
wait for my Skinpack :) lol still in progress
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Falconidae on January 18, 2020, 01:08:51 PM
Can't seem to find the aircraft!
Loaded it up as usual (Using v4.09 and have installed the Diff Fm from the "Rebel" part of the site).
Nothing appears on QMB, the name comes up on FMB but the aircraft won't load.
The part of the log file with the Hampden on is as follows:

s = FlightModels/GladiatorMkII.fmd
[19:54:43]   m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
[19:54:43]   sFMDir = hampden_fm
[19:54:43]   s1 = flightmodels/hamp.fmd
[19:54:43]   s = FlightModels/HAMP.fmd:Hampden_FM
[19:54:43]   m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
[19:54:43]   opening new fm file hampden_fm
[19:54:43]   sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
[19:54:43]   s1 = flightmodels/hurricanemki.fmd
[19:54:43]   s = FlightModels/HurricaneMkI.fmd

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on January 18, 2020, 02:59:52 PM
Yes !
- Full LOG please !
- version of your game !

Read how to get the log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13457.0.html), and the instant log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.0.html).

When you want to post only the relevant parts from the log
read here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39780.0) how to do this. (code option!)

If you want to post all lines of the logfile we suggest to use https://pastebin.com/
to paste your log and then paste the link here which you got from them.
Read and see here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39780.msg627220.html#msg627220) how to do this.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Falconidae on January 19, 2020, 05:48:13 AM
Ok thanks for coming back so quickly.
When you say "version" I'm guessing you mean that it is the "IL2 1946" modded up to version 4.09?
Never used Pastebin before but here goes.


Game loads everything else fine.

Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on January 19, 2020, 06:40:03 AM
I'm sorry but there's no error loading the Hampden!
[20:11:53]  sFMDir = hampden_fm
[20:11:53]  s1 = flightmodels/hamp.fmd
[20:11:53]  s = FlightModels/HAMP.fmd:Hampden_FM
[20:11:53]  m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
[20:11:53]  opening new fm file hampden_fm

On the other hand you have mistakes for other things!
[20:14:50]  air.KI_45_TEI
[20:14:50]  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: air.KI_45_TEI

[20:46:08]  INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/Mosquito_FB_MkVI/blackpaint.mat'
[20:46:08]  WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Mosquito_FB_MkVI/blackpaint.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded

Check your air.ini file!
And if you find a line about the KI_45_TEI, delete it!

For the Mosquito I guess if you try to fly it you'll get a "blue screen of death"!
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Falconidae on January 19, 2020, 07:00:13 AM
How do you do that so quick! As for the Hampden - I'll try modding a new version up to 4.09 and see what happens. Thanks for trying.
The curious thing is I've not done anything with the Ki45.
More Curious still, a day seldom goes by when I'm not in the Mk VI Mosquito, my favorite aircraft and she's never given me a problem. I've added a few models to it but the only thing I've done "off piste" is that I had a Mk IV (two piece windscreen) cockpit when I had V4.08, but it still works in 4.09. I was about to offer it for sharing.
If this is potentially serious should I reload?
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Epervier on January 19, 2020, 07:55:21 AM
If the cockpit of your Mosquito FB MkVI works fine... perfect!
If in your air.ini there is no line with KI_45_TEI... perfect!

One thing is sure. The Hampden loads correctly and it doesn't cause any error.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Falconidae on January 19, 2020, 08:44:37 AM
Many thanks.
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: wolf44 on May 03, 2020, 01:39:36 PM
Thank you,SAS~Epervier! The Hampden is flying,the bombs and torpedos are in right places,but the two rear gunner are not there just a half black screen. Any advice? Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Troyano on June 04, 2020, 11:28:33 AM
Hi wolf44. The rear gunners are not included

The half black screen is for bomber position.   It happens when bombsight does not work. I have the same issue
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sosezi on June 04, 2020, 12:48:16 PM
Guys get 4.12 bombsight fix ;)
Title: Re: Handley Page Hampden Mk.I v1.4 [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: wolf44 on June 07, 2020, 09:54:19 AM
Troyano Thank you! So is not a game issue. What a pity for the gunner missing. Maybe in the future ;-)