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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => WIP => Topic started by: SAS~Bombsaway on October 30, 2017, 06:09:30 PM
An addition to the wonderful work of 101tfs, 200th Sentai, SAS~CirX and SAS~Storebror. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52062.0.html I and CWatson are making what we believe would have been the next step in this plane's evolution. The Ki-94II Otsu.
It was meant to be a high altitude fighter against the B-29's so we are adding rocket bombs and drop tanks and maybe more to fit it's intended purpose.
(https://s19.postimg.cc/q2odo5leb/2017-10-30_at_18-53-17.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/6ktq87ogf/)
(https://s19.postimg.cc/mj2fycqeb/2017-10-30_at_23-56-12.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/yxp7yohwf/)
(https://s19.postimg.cc/gi4r1abhv/2017-10-30_at_23-56-21.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/s78qp92gf/)
(https://s19.postimg.cc/q2odo5doj/2017-10-30_at_23-57-08.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/n8l8apbi7/)
Loadouts include rocketts and anti-air bombs. The anti-air bombs are only meant for you. NOT your AI buddies. They will drop them like any other bomb when confronted with an enemy plane. I have asked Mike and he has told me that there isnt anything we have the ability to do to change the coding of the game to get AI to attack planes with those bombs. They are fun to use but dont expect the AI to to use them. Also, I added a loadout of 250 bombs and rocketts as if the war had pressed on but not for the best of the Japanese so this plane was used like a P-47 for ground attack. I believe they will use them to attack ground targets if you order the AI to.
Please test and let me know if you have all loadouts and how the AI use the weapons.
Released ...... https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57311.0.html
Great idea for an upgrade. This is one HUGE looking airplane fighter. I had a great time flying the
original model a few months back, just Beautiful! - and a new version is always welcomed in my game.
More fun for a "What if 1946 " action in the Pacific.
The USA might as well start preparing upgrading their bombers and
release the B-36 Peacemaker to fight against this mighty Ki-94-II KO.
Nice Plane, Bombsaway, So, What is KO Stands for.
Best Regards KT503
Thanks Max. :) Hi KT, KO, I believe is like A model. Like P-51 A
Kai may be more accurate as I believe it meant " Improved " . Maybe someone with more knowlage of Japanese could let us know.
Kai may be more accurate as I believe it meant " Improved " . Maybe someone with more knowlage of Japanese could let us know.
You Mean, Kai-Otsu for KO.
OK. Are you sure? I would like to get it correct. I have never named a version of a Japanese plane before.
OK. Are you sure? I would like to get it correct. I have never named a version of a Japanese plane before.
I'd wait to hear from Western too and see what he has to say, other than that, great looking beast of an aircraft! Looks SO good and SO deadly.. 8)
"Ko" has nothing to do with "Kai Otsu".
The japanese aircraft designation system operates with 3 stages.
Stage 1 is the major modification, such as significant changes to the airframe (Ki-61-II for instance, which had a 10% larger wing area, new Ha-140 (DB-605 equivalent) engine and lowered back for better rearward visiblity). This stage is indicated by a subtype number, officially in Kanji but often written in roman literals.
I will save me posting images of the Kanji names here.
In roman letters and literals, this Stage 1 "major" modification turns a Ki-61-I (the "Tony" we use to know) into a Ki-61-II.
Stage 2 is a large modification that is just not large enough to justify a new major modification number. "Large" means e.g. not just a change in the armament.
Such large modifications were designated with a Kaizo symbol, normally transliterated as "Kai", with the simple meaning "improved".
No other designations but "Kai" were used for the simple fact that there has never been more than one such modification before the next major modification came in.
In roman letters and literals, this Stage 2 "large" modification turns a Ki-61-II into a Ki-61-II Kai (Ki-61 Version II improved).
Stage 3 is a minor modification such as an armament change.
Such minor modifications were designated with japanese ordinals which, written in roman letters, start with:
Ko, Otsu, Hei, Tei, Bo, Ki, Ko, Shin, Jin, Ki, ...
Note: The first "Ko" (A) and the seventh "Ko" (G) differ in Kanji writing.
In roman letters and literals, this Stage 3 "minor" modification turns a Ki-61-II Kai Ko into a Ki-61-II Kai Otsu (Ki-61 Version II improved type 1 into Ki-61 Version II improved type 2).
Got it? Thanks for your attention ;)
Best regards - Mike
I discussed japanese naming rules with CWatson before on his Kikka project. Here's what I know about the matter.
Evolution designations "Ko", "Otsu", "Hei" are for IJA aircraft - which we have here. Name+Kai is IJN only.
Ki-43-I "Ko"
Ki-43-I "Otsu"
Ki-43-I "Hei"
and then the same again within the next main evolution
Ki-43-II "Ko"
Ki-43-II "Otsu"
IJN would use Kai as extension to the aircraft "name" ("improved" as in Shiden and Shiden-Kai). IJA aircrraft carried no official name
N1K1-J Shiden
N1K2-J Shiden-Kai
the number here declares the evolution in the technical denomination of the aircraft. Further version would always be called shiden-kai but with the number increasing further.
So if the original aircraft is called Ki-94-II (Ko) already, this one here would be either a Ki-94-III (Ko) or a Ki-94-II Otsu, depending on the degree of differences
THX Mike and vampire_pilot, now I know why I never fly Japanese fighters ...! :-X
Way too complicated names ...! 8)
Thanks Mike and Vampire for your answers. Since this is just a weapons change, I dont think in real life it would require a name change but in the IL2 world I need to name it different for it's new slot so what would you guys suggest?
Ki-94-II Otsu then for a change in armament
Thank you.
Now renamed the Ki-94 Otsu, I have added a load out of rocket bombs and anti air bombs for defence against the B-29's. These bombs were meant for you to fly above the enemy and drop them and when the explode they put out a large amount of debris to damage or destroy the enemy planes.
(https://s19.postimg.cc/o1he1abf7/2017-11-04_at_17-30-53.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/denkvv39r/)
Nice, very nice.
New default skin by Gumpy.
(https://s19.postimg.cc/7gb6v1j9f/2017-11-08_at_21-32-19.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/rax8h5ygv/)
(https://s19.postimg.cc/d4hhlxfw3/2017-11-08_at_21-33-53.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/y1dpqldwv/)
Looks great, Bombsaway! Please keep us posted on the progress! 8)
this will have a 4-blade propeller?
I'm not planning on doing a four blade. This would be the plane as if they pushed it into service and added more loadouts for combat. Their plan was always to have a six blade prop.
" The second Ki-94 design, made by a team under Tatsuo Hasegawa, chief designer of the aircraft and responsible for the used airfoil, was a more conventional single-seat, piston-engine monoplane fighter, developed for the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force along the same requirements as the Nakajima Ki-87, which had been the Army's fall-back design for the original Ki-94.[1] Intended to counter B-29 raids, it was optimized for high-altitude interception with a pressurized cockpit and heavy armament.
This design was approved by the Koku Hombu, and the aircraft was designated Ki-94-II (the scrapped earlier Ki-94 design was named the Ki-94-I). An order was placed for one static test airframe, three prototypes, and eighteen pre-production aircraft. Only 2 prototypes were built in the event; the first was equipped with a single 1,895 kW (2,541 hp) Nakajima Ha219 [Ha-44] engine, driving a 4-blade propeller because the 6-blade one was not ready.[2] The second prototype was to be fitted with a 6-blade propeller. The war's end however stopped the construction of the second prototype and also found the first prototype still being readied for its maiden flight, the Ki-94-II never taking to the air. "
I am planning to release a beta version today or tomorrow for everyone to test to see if anyone is missing any of the loadouts in thier version of the game in case I need to add their classfiles to the download.
Will this be in the BAT someday?
My only install is BAT so ..... :)
Beta link at bottom of first post. Please test and report any issues.
Thank you.
i love it thank you so much
Reporting in, the Ki-94-II Otsu is a success, if I do say so myself.
All loadouts appear as mentioned, all seem to work perfectly
Well done to all, it's a great plane!
Tested in BAT WAW
For me it works in BAT WAW,thanks for sharing!!!
I'm having and issue with the rocket and 25o bomb loadout. The AI will fire their rockets at ground targets but they dont seem to want to drop the bombs. Is anyone else having this issue?
Released ....... https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57311.0.html