I did notice that the throttle handle in the AO is missing in the cockpit.
According to information sources, the three prototypes of the A-0 series were used by pilots of the Focke Wulf company in defense of the factory facilities in Bremen, as well as for a time they were at the disposal of a Jagdstaffel in Norway where they were preferred to Me-110 , standard fighters of this unit.
Perhaps it was another unusual interference of Herr Hitler.There is no need to guess. The real reasons for it's cancellation are well known and widely published. The practical objections could have been overcome, the political ones were not so easy.
Note : Please do not add suggestions, patches or additions to this thread as they may cause confusion and/or conflicts with on-going work and updates, therefore, posts of this nature will be removed. If necessary, contact the author by pm..
Hastened while at least one eye sees.
If something is wrong, I will correct it one of these days.
The wing profile is standard for Fok - NASA-23014/15.
Su entered the maximum - the wing has a large aspect ratio.
Enjoy your flights!
Since franken files are mostly used by default,
then the hooks are placed correctly - the default weight distribution is normal
fit into the new fm.
fm, motors, ATA code, rearranged ATA / Speedometer meshes in correct
order - available in a separate folder - need to be put into cockpit folders.
Type 2
Crew 2
Wingspan 15.3
Length 11.10
Seaplane 0
Canard 0
Jet 0
JetHiV 0
// CrewFunction0 1
// CrewFunction1 7
Empty 3850.0
TakeOff 5000.0
Oil 54.0
Fuel 830.0 // 530.0
CAileron 1
CAileronTrim 1
CElevator 1
CElevatorTrim 1
CRudder 1
CRudderTrim 1
CFlap 1
CFlapPos 3
CDiveBrake 0
CInterceptor 0
CEngine 1
CVectoredThrust 0
CUndercarriage 1
CLockTailwheel 1
CStabilizer 1
CArrestorHook 0
CWingFold 0
CCockpitDoor 1
OnlineCockpitDoor 0
CockpitDoorPeriod 2.0
CAileronThreshold 400.0
CRudderThreshold 420.0
CElevatorThreshold 460.0
DefaultAileronTrim 0.007
DefaultElevatorTrim -0.00
DefaultRudderTrim 0.050
Wing 29.4
Aileron 1.9
Flap 3.9
Stabilizer 2.6
Elevator 2.8
Keel 3.0
Rudder 3.0
Wing_In 5.9
Wing_Mid 5.5
Wing_Out 3.3
AirbrakeCxS 0.00
Aileron 5.6
Flap 3.0
Stabilizer 6.5
Keel 6.5
Elevator 7.0
Rudder 7.0
Wing_In 1.2
Wing_Mid 3.5
Wing_Out 6.0
Wing_V 4.5
GCenter 0.05
GCenterZ 0.00
GC_AOA_Shift 0.45
GC_Flaps_Shift 0.15
GC_Gear_Shift -0.10
AroneL 50
AroneR 50
CF 500
Engine1 150
Engine2 150
Engine3 200
Engine4 200
GearL2 300
GearR2 300
Keel1 200
Keel2 200
Nose 200
Oil 100
Rudder1 100
Rudder2 100
StabL 100
StabR 100
Tail1 400
Tail2 300
Turret1B 100
Turret2B 100
Turret3B 100
Turret4B 100
Turret5B 100
Turret6B 100
VatorL 100
VatorR 100
WingLIn 200
WingLMid 150
WingLOut 100
WingRIn 200
WingRMid 150
WingROut 100
Flap01 50
Flap02 50
Flap03 50
Flap04 50
Engine0Family Jumo210(MODS):FW187_FM
Engine0SubModel Jumo-210GA/FW-187/NEW
Engine1Family Jumo210(MODS):FW187_FM
Engine1SubModel Jumo-210GA/FW-187/NEW
H 1.901417
Pitch 9.210
SinkFactor 800.0
SpringsStiffness 0.4
TailStiffness 0.3
CriticalAOA 19.40
CriticalCy 01.38
CxCurvature 00.292
CxStraightness 00.025
CriticalAOAFlap 21.00
CriticalCyFlap 02.42
SpinTailAlpha 17.00
SpinCxLoss 0.055
SpinCyLoss 0.03
Vmin 160.0
Vmax 457.0
VmaxAllowed 800.0
VmaxH 525.0
HofVmax 4500.0
VminFLAPS 140.0
VmaxFLAPS 300.0
Vz_climb 13.0
V_climb 280.0
T_turn 28.0
V_turn 320.0
K_max 12.3
Cyo_max 0.15
FlapsMult 1.0
FlapsAngSh 3.0
Range 1200.0
CruiseSpeed 360.0
SensYaw 0.40
SensPitch 0.65
SensRoll 0.32
lineCyCoeff 0.08855
AOAMinCx_Shift 0.5535
Cy0_0 0.13
AOACritH_0 19.0
AOACritL_0 -18.0
CyCritH_0 1.39
CyCritL_0 -1.02
CxMin_0 0.0190
parabCxCoeff_0 4.5E-4
Cy0_1 1.0
AOACritH_1 17.4
AOACritL_1 -22.7
CyCritH_1 2.11
CyCritL_1 -0.72
CxMin_1 0.080
parabCxCoeff_1 6.2E-4
parabAngle 5.0
Decline 0.010
maxDistAng 35.0
draw_graphs 0
mc3 -17.274,-11.427,-14.994,-8.5414,-9.8375,-3.3144,1.1456,-4.9505
mc4 35.874,28.861,81.767,175.28,74.334,41.96,21.532,61.433
mm 0.682,0.742,0.777,0.777,0.762,0.703,0.648,0.583
mz 0.288,0.274,0.164,0.099,0.136,0.149,0.154,0.117
Engine Std
As it says in the first post.....For this, the mod has not posted corrections for several years,QuoteNote : Please do not add suggestions, patches or additions to this thread as they may cause confusion and/or conflicts with on-going work and updates, therefore, posts of this nature will be removed. If necessary, contact the author by pm..
I will look into this suggested FM fix from our "friends" on the site in question. ;) if it is genuine I will consider updating the download.
Thank you Vasya, your response is noted.(Дуже дякую!
Best wishes...