Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: whistler on October 25, 2018, 10:30:39 AM

Title: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 25, 2018, 10:30:39 AM

>>> Jump to the v3.2 Release Post <<< (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59835.msg721570.html#msg721570)

Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.2
:: for IL-2 1946 4.12 & 4.13 ::


Featuring the "Actor Viewer"


This mod is built upon the all-time favourite PAL's MiniMap Mod by benitomuso, released at SAS and included in the Visual MOD 9 for v4.12.2 (2016-04-11) (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42495.0.html). Credits to benitomuso for his unique ideas and the original code. THANK YOU benitomuso!

Thanks sas1946.com admins, modders and rest of members for being there.

A word of gratitude to mission4today.com admins for hosting this mod.



By default, Hostile icons are hidden in the map every time you start a new mission (*). It is up to you to enable Hostile icons using the in-game NG-MAP menu. Knowing enemy positions spoils all offline fun, in my humble opinion.

(*) Since v3.1 you can enable hostile icons by default by adding ngMAPhostile=1 to the [Mods] section of the conf.ini


Online Squadrons can employ NG-MAP if they wish to do so. While there isn't a foolproof method to prevent friendly (or hostile) cheating we can certainly make it a little more challenging and in v3.0 I tried my best to prevent players from taking any advantage on their own.

A true cheat is when a player takes advantage of a 'feature' others don't have. If all members of the squadron use NG-MAP none will be cheating: all of you will be having access to the exact same set of tools. Online play among friends is about respect and honesty. That's the only way to have good fun.

For online play I highly recommend to at least enable/activate "Views > No Enemy Views" and "Views > No Friendly Views". This move will not only disable most of the external views but it will also deactivate NG-MAP "Targeting System" (View pinned location and lock onto hostile icons).


PAL's MiniMap does not need introduction. It is the mandatory first stop for any player wishing to mod/improve the game. So much good stuff packed in such little mod. I thought I could improve a thing or two and I ended up adding a whole lot of new features to the point that the mod became its own thing, hence the new name: NG-MAP

Besides all map-related stuff, the mod implements an "Actor Viewer": bring up the map, click anywhere on the screen and explore the world around you.

Check below all features and have fun with this mod.


Right click anywhere on the map to display the NG-MAP menu.

You will notice that PAL MiniMap's "Navigation Map" is no longer available. The airport orientation feature is now included in the Standard Map and the Navigation Map is now redundant.


By default you are presented with a subtle depiction of the map: a translucent (*) landscape with no grid, no text and no labels of any kind: just the map and, optionally, the icons. What's more, enable your own aircraft icon (difficulty settings) and you will automatically enter in FOLLOW MODE: the map will follow your aircraft, or any other actor currently in view, anywhere they go. How long have we been waiting for this map feature?

(*) You can change Follow-mode transparency with the NG-MAP menu.


Following a river or road, flying along the coast or through canyons, aligning for landing... have never been this exciting! Zoom in and out at will, your aircraft is always in view, and the moment you want to explore your surroundings just grab the map and drag it to exit Follow Mode and expose the full-fledged STANDARD MAP. Practical and simple.

Note: Fullscreen Mode takes you directly to the full Standard Map, with the grid, labels, and everything else. You can also change the full screen map transparency with the NG-MAP menu.


Labels surrounding the map have now a bold typeface for greater clarity. Grid line colors have been reviewed and I doubled the time distances are displayed. Speaking of distances, indicators now change from Kilometers to Nautical Miles and then Statute Miles in accordance with the HUD (Waypoint tips change as well). You won't get exact figures when in Miles because sectors are thought in Kilometers and if I had converted the grid lines to miles, sectors size would have changed as well, and the sector size must be fixed.

Daidalos Team introduced in 4.13 terrain elevation in the Ground Attack waypoint label... Nice but, how about knowing the elevation of ANY POINT of the map? Just move the cursor around and you will instantly know terrain elevation in that precise point. You can now bomb pretty much anything with pinpoint accuracy and know beforehand your airfield elevation at night or under bad weather.

The reason why bridges are not visible in the stock map is most probably because there can be many, way many, and the map can easily get overcrowded. But there must be a middle ground, right? You bet there is. Bridges are one of the highlights of the second version of NG-MAP. Just like runways, bridges are properly oriented and good care was put to make sure the icons blend in the map nicely and don't get too much prominence. Furthermore bridges get out of the picture when you zoom out and reach a certain level.



Somehow the code did not transitioned well from 4.10 to 4.12 and ship icons were not available for long time. NG-MAP v1.0 brought ship icons back, large and small. In v2.0 I finally set apart carriers from the rest of the ships should you need to identify who is who.


:: NOISE ::

In v1.0 we hid hostile icons by default. Do you want to be spoiled? you tick that option! - that's the point behind the decision, and now we take this concept a step further in v2.0

By default all friendly and hostile icons, excluding aircraft, are now circles. Let's call this: 'noise'. Not only we clear the clutter the original icons produced but this also adds a certain level of uncertainty. What is that? Sure, if it moves slowly over a road, it is most probably a vehicle column... and I don't think I will find trains cruising the seas but hey! We achieve clarity, and ambiguity to a degree.


All possibilities and preferences should be covered with the options at hand in a couple of clicks:

- No icons? Disable Friendly.
- Some icons? Disable the Noise.
- All icons? Use the "Icon Filters" menu.

Icon colors have now a brighter shade of red and blue and you have the 'Large Icons' option if you need to see the BIG picture...


PALs MiniMap 'Relative Mode' is now called "COMBAT MODE". Horizontal distances and sector labels have been removed. The map also inherits the new icon concepts as well as distances in kilometers or miles.


Waypoints, airfields, bridges and the like are not available in Combat Mode, but the Targeting System is fully functional.

- Excuse me but, the 'Targeting' what?


Let's put the Actor Viewer to a good use!

To lock on a target just select any item (different than your own aircraft) from the Actor Viewer. Once activated, the targeting system cannot be disabled and it will track the object for as long as the actor is valid or until you select a different target.

This function is independent of the regular View keys. The 'Tracking' icon will be displayed in both the Standard Map and in Combat Mode and regardless of any other icon settings as long as the target icon is visible. The Targeting System is for you and for you only: each mission has its own set of targets/goals/objectives and your fellows will completely ignore the target you are tracking. Don't limit yourself, tracking Friendlies is sometimes useful: your Flight Leader, the Bomber you are escorting...


That's cool but, how do we go about targeting bridges, airfields... ?

Not only you can now track any actor but you can also place a Marker in the map, yes, you guessed it: anywhere in the map. NG-MAP 2.0 renders Static Cameras obsolete, a thing of the past. Gone are the times you had to carefully, and sometimes annoyingly, place cameras all over the map to see what is going on. NG-MAP allows you to view and explore every inch of the map in a couple of clicks.

Open the Standard Map, right-click in the exact place you want to mark or explore and select 'Pin Location' - done! The Marker is placed in the map and you are automatically taken to that place. The external view will always face North by default and the camera will be positioned 50 meters south of the object, actor or landmark to make sure the right spot gets into view. Do you want to use the Marker but don't want to see what is going on in that location and be spoiled? Then place the Marker in fullscreen mode to skip the external view.


Although the Marker can be placed anywhere, remember you only have one. Use it wisely! Once again, this function is independent of the regular View keys and the 'Marker' icon will be displayed in both the Standard Map and in Combat Mode and regardless of any other icon settings. Once the Marker is initiated, it cannot be removed.

How do I go back to the Location I marked? There is a shortcut to the pinned Location in the Actor Viewer: right click anywhere on the screen (outside of the map) and select 'Saved Location'.

The actor/location Targeting System adds a whole new dimension to the game and any mission suddenly has a higher replayability factor. Possibilities are as large as the power of your imagination.


The Static Camera object can be used by mission creators to mark key locations: Open FMB, load or create a mission, insert a Static Camera and set it to the same color of an army. Use this method to mark relevant locations in the map.

When playing the mission, users will see X marks wherever you placed the cameras. As the mission creator, it is up to you to give spot marks a meaning. You can use the briefing to explain what a X mark means. Use grid coordinates to reference a sport mark. Players will only see spot marks of their same army/color. The spot marks will be displayed in both the briefing and during the mission (as Targets).


"Intel Services" will work in any game mode, offline or online. You can use this feature as long as you have access to the mission file. In order to maintain compatibility with any other missions and users with or without NG-MAP, if the Camera army is set to "none" (game default), nothing will happen.

This is as much as I can do to provide new and (hopefully) useful features compatible with any version of the game or modpack. New objects would require dealing with *.ini entries and I want to keep this mod as little intrusive and as easy to use as possible.


Both the Standard map and Combat Mode are fully configurable now. Hide or display icons at will: Aircraft, Ships, Vehicles (Trains & Ground Columns) and Artillery (AAA & Artillery). Customize the map to your needs. You can also hide/display your own aircraft, the mission path and/or your targets anytime.

The mod comes with enhanced icons edited for greater clarity. I just removed the diamond-shaped signs and cleaned some up a little but oh boy, what difference it makes! There is also the option to enable XL icons should you need them to be larger and I also include less intrusive and very good looking Front Line icons (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=53527.0) by WxTech.



Since v3.0 you can make the Standard Map and the Combat Mode grid a tad smaller by enabling the "Small Map" option. This parameter is permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadSmall.



Map transparency can be adjusted from the map menu. You can change transparency for both the Minimap (follow mode) and the fullscreen map independently. The transparency setting is permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadAlpha and MapAlpha respectively. The previous Mouse right click + Mouse wheel method from v2.0 is now obsolete and therefore no longer available.



I find night-mode poorly implemented in stock IL-2: for night mode to work it must be 'night' and cockpit lights must be on. Too many requirements for ALL possible situations. NG-MAP gives full control back to the player: enable Nigh Mode anytime you want.

Since v3.0 Nigh Mode is enabled automatically if the sun is below the horizon at the beginning of a mission.



Radars functionality essentially remain the same and will always work regardless of any other setting. I only added some eye-candy such as new, opaque frames and backgrounds, and worked on the grid lines and beams. Distances are again presented in kilometers or miles and indicators now adjust properly to the perimeter. Full-screen mode is no longer available because of background distortions.

Remember radars only detect aircraft and ships, large or small, friendly or foe, and regardless of any other icon setting...



The Mission Brief is now called the MISSION LOG.

The actual brief is no longer available but there are plans to reinstate it in one form or another in the future. The Mission Brief was finally reinstated in v3.2!

(Use the mouse wheel to scroll)

The original brief wasn't up to my standards and I removed it in v1.0 but oh boy I missed it. Restoring the brief was in my to-do list from day one but back then I didn't have enough knowledge and experience to implement it the way I always envisioned... It took some years and a few attempts but here it is, finally!

The Goals and your Score are a little dynamic meaning that what you see onscreen may change depending on your progress...


Bring up the MiniMap and click anywhere on the screen: that simple.

The different sections of the Actor Viewer will be either enabled or disabled in accordance with the "Views" difficulty settings. Refer to the "First things first" section for more details.

The Actor Viewer will not display built-in map objects: it is limited to the objects the mission creator added to the map. Since we must keep submenu sizes in shape, buildings, effects and other non-relevant objects are filtered out but you will still find many interesting objects in the Static submenus.


In "Expert Mode" the viewer will display internal class names. In addition you will have access to some actors that otherwise remain hidden. This feature is intended for mission makers wishing to test or troubleshoot their missions. Bear in mind menus can grow long and large in Expert Mode.

Expert Mode will also grant you access to 'Neutral' static objects. There certainly are interesting neutral objects in some missions but nothing really useful. Cameras were the only object well worth it but since we now have the Map Marker, Cameras are no longer relevant. Activate Expert Mode to enable access to Neutral objects.


Please note NG-MAP v3.2 is already integrated in BAT v4.1.2

The mod comes in one zip but it contains different versions for ModAct / B.A.T. / VP-Modpack. Download the mod, extract it, pick a version and enable it using JSGME.

Find the download at mission4today.com:


[Icons & Map > No Map Icons] difficulty setting must be off for the settings below to work.


These settings are automatically added to your conf.ini and thanks to MissionProCombo-PLUS v2.1 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg720221.html#msg720221) you can now change the settings "on the fly" to fit your needs:


Conf.ini settings in detail:

By default hostile icons are disabled and some pilots want hostile icons always visible on mission start. Use the setting above to enable/disable enemies by default.
Possible values are 0 (off - default) and 1 (on).

In a similar way some players want friendly icons disabled by default but still be able to enable friendlies during the mission. Use the setting above to enable/disable friendly icons at mission start.
Possible values are 0 (off) and 1 (on - default).

Enable/disable extra icon "filters" (ships/vehicles/artillery) at mission start. By enabling filters by default you will have an experience closer to stock.
Possible values are 0 (off - default) and 1 (on).

Enable/disable the "Noise" (round icons) at mission start. By disabling the noise you will only get to see aircraft in the map if icon filters are off.
Possible values are 0 (off) and 1 (on - default).


Code: [Select]
v3.2 - 30/01/2021
- Mission Log reworked: dynamic goals and scores + Mission Brief (user the mouse wheel to scroll)
- New map menu entry: Show Grid. Applies to "Follow" mode only - activate it when you need it
- Standard map: "Terrain" renamed to "AMSL" (Above Mean Sea Level)
- You can now drag and move the mini map around when in Combat Mode / Radars / Mission Log
- Fixed a bug that prevented at times artillery icons from being displayed in Combat Mode
- New configurable setting: ngMAPfriendly which complements the already existing ngMAPhostile
- New configurable settings: ngMAPfilters & ngMAPnoise
- Conf.ini settings can be configured from the game (MissionProCombo-PLUS v2.1 or later required)
- 4K+ screen resolution adjustments

v3.1 - 23/11/2019
- Hostile icons can be enabled by default by adding ngMAPhostile=1 to the [Mods] section of the conf.ini (offline only).
- "View Player" menu disabled when player dies.
- "LockOn" icon only gets displayed if the target icon is visible in the map.

v3.0 - 10/05/2019
Many changes under the hood and lots of fixes nobody noticed (or reported)!
Unfortunately not all fixes were documented. Main features below:

- New "Intelligence Services" feature. Refer to the Readme contents.
- Bridge icons are now displayed below any other element
- Fixed an issue where the camera could get stuck when switching from a (follow) external view to any other actor.
- NG-MAP should be now fully compatible with multiplayer/online mode.
- The Actor Viewer now complies with the "Views" difficulty settings.
- NG-MAP now respects DogFight multiple army colors.
- Lighter Blue and Red colors applied to other icons.
- New "Small Map" menu option. Make the Minimap a tad smaller by enabling it. This parameter is now permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadSmall.
- The "Large Icons" option is also permanent and saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapIconLarge.
- Larger mouse pointer. Get back a smaller cursor by deleting: NG-MAP/gui/game/cursors.tga
- The mod is now (hopefully) 4K-ready (and beyond).
- Map transparency can now be controlled from the map menu. You can change transparency for both the Minimap (follow mode) and the fullscreen map. The transparency setting is permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadAlpha and MapAlpha respectively. The previous Mouse right click + Mouse wheel method from v2.0 is now obsolete and therefore no longer available.
- Simplified "Icon Filters" submenu for a faster unveiling of icons: "Vehicles" refers now to both Trains and Columns, and "Artillery" refers now to AAA and Artillery combined.
- Nigh Mode is enabled automatically if the sun is below the horizon at the beginning of a mission.

v2.0 - 01/12/2018
Too many changes to list. Refer to the Readme contents.

v1.0 - 25/10/2018
Initial release!

I hope you have fun with this mod and... See you in the skies! - whistler ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: SAS~Skylla on October 25, 2018, 10:38:02 AM

Thank you very much whistler ;D
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: Vampire_pilot on October 25, 2018, 11:32:59 AM
very nice!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: DaVa on October 25, 2018, 12:07:35 PM
Excellent as always! Bravo Whistler!  ]thumleft[
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: SkyHigh on October 25, 2018, 03:27:52 PM
Seemingly, the sky is the limit. Thank you for this.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: vonofterdingen on October 25, 2018, 04:08:21 PM
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: csvousden on October 25, 2018, 06:36:57 PM
This is the bomb!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: KingTiger503 on October 25, 2018, 08:16:52 PM
nice one man nice one.

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: henkypenky on October 26, 2018, 04:59:17 AM
Looking good, very good!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: Flying H on October 26, 2018, 08:30:13 AM
I´m beginning to wonder what is NOT possible to do by you modders! I think the limit is a real flying machine that´s downloadable! Great work and a huge
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: erafitti on October 27, 2018, 03:26:34 AM
Very usseful :). Thanks.

Un saludo.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 27, 2018, 07:53:48 AM
Glad you like it people :D

The basis are set and I have some enhancements/improvements/additions in mind for the future.

Any ideas or suggestions? You know where to post them!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: stugumby on October 29, 2018, 12:12:12 PM
Hi, i have installed this and the hud mod, both are excellent but now i am having a navigational beacon problem. i can see the beacon on the map "AM" etc and have realistic navigation on, also have the 3 items in the read me with light turned to off. I cant hear the beacon or get the AN gage to respond to it. When i press the tab key i get a icon for beacon and have selected friendly from the frequency menu, also double checked to see im a blue player and the beacon is set to blue. Also can see the Lorenz beacon designator on the map as well, AN instrument will not respond and no audible tone tried switching to game stock and it works, tried removing both hud and map mod from sas folder and it dosnt work?? So maybe my problem is in the mod act itself?? Any help appreciated as im about to make a knickebein mission using the lorenz as a target marker.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 29, 2018, 01:41:15 PM
Hi stugumby,

Thanks for all the details but, how about sharing your mission so that I/we can test?

I understand from your other post (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,55051.msg659484.html#msg659484) you are using 4.13.4 / ModAct 6.4
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: stugumby on October 29, 2018, 10:41:24 PM
ok heres the mission,it has beacons and lorenz.

Code: [Select]
  MAP Smolensk/load.ini
  TIME 12.0
  CloudType 0
  CloudHeight 1000.0
  player g0101
  army 2
  playerNum 3
  Year 1941
  Month 7
  Day 15
  WindDirection 0.0
  WindSpeed 0.0
  Gust 0
  Turbulence 0
  MDS_Radar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
  MDS_Radar_RefreshInterval 0
  MDS_Radar_DisableVectoring 0
  MDS_Radar_EnableTowerCommunications 1
  MDS_Radar_ShipsAsRadar 0
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
  MDS_Radar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
  MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
  MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
  MDS_Radar_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
  MDS_Radar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
  MDS_Radar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
  MDS_Misc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
  MDS_Misc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
  MDS_Misc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat1_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat2_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat3_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  Bigship 1800
  Ship 1800
  Aeroanchored 1800
  Artillery 1800
  Searchlight 1800
  Planes 4
  Skill 2
  Class air.JU_88A4
  Fuel 70
  weapons 4xSC500
  NORMFLY 10991.88 63680.24 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 36559.38 63891.97 4200.00 285.00 &0
  GATTACK 63633.12 64099.07 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 75748.38 64163.80 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 78264.30 60662.77 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 33741.58 54646.61 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 16288.24 55750.30 900.00 280.00 &0
  LANDING 12689.50 56017.00 0 0 &0
  Planes 4
  Skill 2
  Class air.JU_88A4
  Fuel 70
  weapons 4xSC500
  NORMFLY 9585.13 63277.63 4200.00 285.00 g0100 0 &0
  NORMFLY 36077.67 63632.79 4200.00 285.00 &0
  GATTACK 63576.27 63914.47 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 75619.18 63931.84 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 77680.26 60836.41 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 33722.41 54963.70 900.00 280.00 &0
  NORMFLY 16404.85 55807.78 900.00 280.00 &0
  LANDING 12689.50 56017.00 0 0 &0
  Planes 4
  Skill 2
  Class air.JU_88A4
  Fuel 70
  weapons 4xSC500
  NORMFLY 9601.03 64126.15 4200.00 285.00 g0100 0 &0
  NORMFLY 36054.12 64242.57 4200.00 285.00 &0
  GATTACK 63632.46 64422.76 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 75839.91 64317.31 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 78848.34 60568.07 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 33790.33 54338.62 4200.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 16437.17 55619.19 900.00 280.00 &0
  LANDING 12689.50 56017.00 0 0 &0
  Planes 1
  Skill 1
  Class air.FW_189A2
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  StartTime 8
  NORMFLY 58854.11 50694.08 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 65490.49 69123.17 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 73224.14 67527.34 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 71198.66 60100.58 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 65244.98 59241.29 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 60273.35 59548.18 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 63165.37 70202.68 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 71688.49 69241.62 2300.00 285.00 &0
  NORMFLY 71852.45 60557.51 2300.00 285.00 &0
  LANDING 11332.46 55233.97 0 0 &0
  Planes 3
  Skill 1
  Class air.MIG_3UD
  Fuel 70
  weapons 2xBK
  TAKEOFF 99959.29 103936.80 0 0 &0
  NORMFLY 86952.98 81572.16 2300.00 330.00 &0
  NORMFLY 75529.19 66065.60 4300.00 330.00 &0
  NORMFLY 67752.39 64771.28 4300.00 330.00 g0102 2 &0
  NORMFLY 49525.25 63658.33 4300.00 330.00 g0100 5 &0
  NORMFLY 64413.34 74387.50 2300.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 93493.62 98356.49 1000.00 280.00 &0
  LANDING 99959.29 103936.80 0 0 &0
  Planes 2
  Skill 0
  Class air.MIG_3UD
  Fuel 45
  weapons 2xBK
  StartTime 20
  NORMFLY 64228.05 47452.81 2300.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 27455.89 55389.21 2300.00 300.00 g0102 5 &0
  Planes 4
  Skill 2
  Class air.BF_109F4
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  NORMFLY 9150.83 64741.78 5000.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 36314.69 65041.45 5000.00 300.00 g0100 1 &0
  NORMFLY 59615.59 65227.93 5000.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 78997.09 64360.74 5000.00 300.00 r0100 3 &0
  NORMFLY 44154.41 56869.44 5000.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 16177.35 55003.39 2300.00 300.00 &0
  LANDING 11331.49 55241.72 0 0 &0
  Planes 2
  Skill 1
  Class air.BF_109F4
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  StartTime 17
  TAKEOFF 11333.43 55233.97 0 0 &0
  NORMFLY_405 34507.65 55625.06 3300.00 330.00 r0101 1 &0
  TRIGGERS 0 25 0 30 0
  0_Chief Vehicles.RussiaCarsColumnA 1
  1_Chief Vehicles.RussiaCarsColumnA 1
  3_Chief Trains.USSR_CargoFuelTrain 1
  64164.79 65079.31 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  64225.80 64932.89 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  64247.87 64517.66 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  64178.87 64318.24 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  64182.25 64103.20 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  64095.53 64109.50 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  64015.11 64175.54 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63904.79 64302.34 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63895.55 64425.15 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63810.96 64416.75 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63739.75 64390.41 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63682.95 64381.52 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63682.73 64424.88 120.00
  63903.82 63520.53 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63898.46 63589.66 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63951.77 63697.75 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63977.61 63817.01 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63946.37 63965.80 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63877.43 63891.75 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63700.93 63882.84 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63622.89 63902.07 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
  63590.57 63930.89 120.00
  66500.00 61100.00 20.00 0 10 5.555555820465088
  66300.00 61300.00 20.00
  66100.00 61500.00 -228.00
  65500.00 62100.00 -228.00
  65300.00 62300.00 20.00
  64300.00 63300.00 20.00
  63700.00 63300.00 20.00
  63100.00 63900.00 20.00
  63300.00 64100.00 20.00
  63700.00 64100.00 20.00
  0_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63958.58 64019.31 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  1_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63960.68 64014.89 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  2_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63754.28 64112.19 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  3_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63769.51 64109.74 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  9_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63597.14 63907.69 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  10_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63589.19 63950.72 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  11_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63593.92 63945.66 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  12_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63600.01 63939.21 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  13_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63606.34 63933.94 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  4_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63570.60 63931.05 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  5_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63583.19 63920.96 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  6_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63591.20 63914.48 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  8_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 64684.09 63799.03 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  16_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63853.86 63640.99 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  17_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63828.10 63676.44 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  18_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63779.25 63769.80 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  19_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$T34 1 63796.74 63754.68 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  21_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 68000.83 64122.68 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  22_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 11414.01 55393.09 420.00 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  23_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 11431.21 55406.80 420.00 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  24_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 11466.55 55424.08 420.00 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  25_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F2 2 11380.52 55154.98 307.60 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  26_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_110C4B 2 11593.91 55460.03 419.81 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  27_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$FW_189A2 2 11644.08 55488.19 419.81 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  30_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 12124.72 55623.97 224.73 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  31_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 12458.75 56178.89 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  32_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 11931.50 55413.41 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  35_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 11374.91 55155.88 584.73 0.0
  36_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 11553.52 55434.22 584.73 0.0
  37_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_fuel 2 12177.10 55627.72 584.73 0.0
  38_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_medic 2 11995.47 55573.84 584.73 0.0
  39_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 11812.43 55456.32 239.87 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  40_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 11624.10 55349.66 240.97 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  43_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$YAK_1 1 100831.45 105076.16 209.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  44_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$YAK_1 1 100790.67 105011.14 209.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  45_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$YAK_1 1 100816.48 105055.86 209.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  46_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 100771.75 104989.13 209.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  47_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 100756.64 104967.08 209.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  48_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_2SERIES1 1 100801.07 105036.14 209.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  49_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$TB_3_4M_34R 1 100544.10 103978.55 254.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  50_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$TB_3_4M_34R 1 100712.18 104021.10 254.89 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  51_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 100669.54 104902.24 614.89 0.0
  52_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ67 1 100491.09 104048.52 614.89 0.0
  55_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 100139.21 104751.51 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  56_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 100358.52 103543.72 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  57_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 99588.94 104073.99 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  58_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit25mm_1940 1 101249.39 105115.45 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  59_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$MaximeGAZ 1 100519.32 104636.85 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
  60_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$MaximeGAZ 1 100290.95 104068.13 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
  61_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$MaximeGAZ 1 100315.31 104892.28 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
  41_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$PE_3SERIES1 1 100406.64 105132.92 389.89 0.0 null 1 1.0 null 1
  62_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_M1 1 100436.49 104833.17 374.89 0.0
  64_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_Bus 1 100433.40 104827.89 374.89 0.0
  65_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AA 1 100478.52 105292.78 374.89 0.0
  67_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100751.92 105336.22 554.89 156.00
  68_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100763.70 105331.35 554.89 156.00
  69_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100773.70 105326.06 554.89 156.00
  70_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 99942.36 103933.97 554.89 156.00
  71_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 99953.60 103926.66 554.89 156.00
  72_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 99963.69 103920.56 554.89 156.00
  73_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100050.25 104098.62 554.89 156.00
  75_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100610.26 105061.72 554.89 156.00
  76_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Maxime4 1 100879.18 105559.34 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  77_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Maxime4 1 99843.60 103732.22 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  78_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 100099.27 104738.18 614.89 0.0
  79_Static vehicles.radios.Beacon$RadioBeacon 1 100813.53 104571.65 614.89 0.0
  80_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 11965.06 55435.77 509.89 0.0
  81_Static vehicles.radios.Beacon$RadioBeaconLowVis 2 12026.11 55858.16 509.89 0.0
  83_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 11885.73 55391.26 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  33_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 10889.69 55034.25 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  84_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak38_4x20mm 2 11774.07 55584.68 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  28_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A6 2 11411.73 55359.81 419.81 0.0 null 1 1.0 null 1
  85_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88A4 2 11447.66 55378.87 419.81 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  29_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$JU_88C2 2 11913.72 55516.66 239.82 0.0 null 0 1.0 null 1
  86_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 12005.93 55580.13 584.73 0.0
  87_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Kettenkrad 2 11576.35 55445.07 584.73 0.0
  34_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 13065.31 56223.39 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  88_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 12826.16 55864.24 584.73 0.0 0 1 1
  89_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit85mm_1939 1 100138.48 104721.74 614.89 0.0 0 1 1
  53_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_55 1 100312.49 104314.82 614.89 0.0
  90_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_Bus 1 100766.38 104174.91 614.89 0.0
  91_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 100486.47 104598.47 614.89 0.0
  92_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 100375.98 105150.92 614.89 0.0
  93_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63632.43 64091.70 360.00 0.0
  94_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63649.88 64090.88 360.00 0.0
  95_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63668.24 64090.49 360.00 0.0
  96_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63683.52 64090.42 360.00 0.0
  97_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63587.41 64035.47 360.00 0.0
  98_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63586.21 64053.10 360.00 0.0
  99_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63638.86 64437.33 360.00 0.0
  100_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63640.49 64424.10 360.00 0.0
  101_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 63639.32 64409.06 360.00 0.0
  102_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63584.95 64318.05 630.00 0.0 0 1 1
  103_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63586.83 64304.16 630.00 0.0 0 1 1
  104_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BT7 1 63587.89 64293.81 630.00 0.0 0 1 1
  15_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit3K 1 61400.90 64441.02 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  105_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit3K 1 63714.12 60866.59 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  14_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit3K 1 64239.71 62992.01 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  20_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit3K 1 66665.73 64067.07 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  7_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Zenit3K 1 64332.76 64758.19 675.00 0.0 0 1 1
  106_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 61441.13 64571.07 675.00 0.0
  107_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 1 66591.29 64101.73 675.00 0.0
  109_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 11307.44 55218.65 690.00 39.00
  110_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 11499.65 55331.70 690.00 39.00
  111_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 11698.61 55444.36 690.00 39.00
  112_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 11897.54 55559.51 690.00 39.00
  113_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 12099.34 55675.74 690.00 39.00
  114_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 12296.56 55789.11 690.00 39.00
  115_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 12501.24 55911.00 690.00 39.00
  116_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 2 12681.36 56012.89 690.00 39.00
  108_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100168.73 104301.74 554.89 156.00
  117_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100280.70 104500.55 554.89 156.00
  118_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke14 1 100454.74 104802.30 554.89 156.00
  63_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_55 1 100441.60 104842.55 374.89 0.0
  54_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_55 1 100389.43 105025.81 614.89 0.0
  66_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$GAZ_AAA 1 100515.35 105307.81 659.89 0.0
  42_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M103A 1 100501.69 105310.38 404.89 0.0 null 1 1.0 null 1
  74_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M103A 1 100465.89 105250.99 404.89 0.0 null 1 1.0 null 1
  119_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$SB_2M103A 1 100427.05 105180.91 404.89 0.0 null 1 1.0 null 1
  82_Static vehicles.radios.Beacon$LorenzBLBeacon 2 11261.57 55195.00 690.00 0.0
  0_bld House$IndustrialFactoryHouse1 1 11975.02 55549.50 509.73
  1_bld House$IndustrialFactoryHouse1 1 12161.90 55645.80 509.73
  2_bld House$AirdromeRadar1 1 11961.29 55645.49 584.73
  3_bld House$46FTankRU 1 100710.52 104926.59 659.89
  4_bld House$46Furniture 1 100709.49 104931.92 659.89
  5_bld House$46Radio 1 100705.59 104933.61 479.89
  6_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 100717.96 104923.02 479.89
  7_bld House$KitchenRU 1 100699.40 104933.78 479.89
  8_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 100794.78 105154.04 479.89
  9_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 100682.33 104938.04 479.89
  10_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 100360.24 105117.19 479.89
  11_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 100441.56 105261.40 479.89
  12_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 100425.04 105063.83 479.89
  13_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 100824.64 105133.07 479.89
  14_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 100745.23 104917.71 479.89
  15_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 100495.79 103987.71 449.89
  16_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 100498.25 103973.39 449.89
  17_bld House$46FTankRU 1 100493.33 104001.35 449.89
  18_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 100820.29 104021.23 449.89
  19_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 11372.77 55365.20 449.89
  20_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 11391.11 55326.64 449.89
  21_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 11651.09 55515.21 449.89
  22_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 12051.77 55574.94 449.89
  23_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 12062.12 55579.17 449.89
  24_bld House$46BoxCoverBig 1 12432.71 55754.59 449.89
  25_bld House$46FTankDE 1 11570.53 55441.55 584.89
  26_bld House$46Furniture 1 11548.85 55409.93 584.89
  27_bld House$46Radio 1 11552.66 55411.98 584.89
  28_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 11550.89 55416.33 584.89
  29_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 11375.35 55376.57 584.89
  30_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 11374.40 55357.91 584.89
  31_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 11394.83 55318.96 584.89
  32_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 11379.44 55325.91 584.89
  33_bld House$46PlaneCover1 1 11377.40 55343.61 509.89
  34_bld House$46BCycle 1 11573.23 55443.38 584.73
  35_bld House$KitchenDE 1 11567.04 55439.82 584.73
  36_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63692.43 64435.13 360.00
  37_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63692.44 64424.82 360.00
  38_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63692.64 64414.49 360.00
  39_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63674.18 64436.43 360.00
  40_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63674.37 64424.36 360.00
  41_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63673.17 64414.84 360.00
  42_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63658.13 64437.80 360.00
  43_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63658.51 64427.11 360.00
  44_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63658.53 64412.63 360.00
  45_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63588.11 63917.97 360.00
  46_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63578.44 63925.16 385.00
  47_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63564.38 63937.08 385.00
  48_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63585.44 63955.18 385.00
  49_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63610.90 63930.65 385.00
  50_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63541.49 63917.79 385.00
  51_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63546.58 63912.90 385.00
  52_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63550.49 63905.87 385.00
  53_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63557.53 63899.02 385.00
  54_bld House$46BoxCoverMed 1 63563.20 63891.79 385.00
  55_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63522.34 64314.44 360.00
  56_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63543.90 64315.64 360.00
  57_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63563.07 64318.03 360.00
  58_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63522.33 64303.65 360.00
  59_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63545.90 64305.25 360.00
  60_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63566.26 64306.45 360.00
  61_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63523.12 64293.65 360.00
  62_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63549.49 64294.45 360.00
  63_bld House$46TankCover1 1 63570.66 64296.45 360.00
  3 2 1 90 501 11874 55558 2600
  1 0 0 0 500 63705 64057 500
  63692 64096 100 0
  FrontMarker0 29259.70 126201.25 1
  FrontMarker1 48538.18 4900.43 1
  FrontMarker2 31989.40 73995.84 1
  FrontMarker3 24994.56 126371.86 2
  FrontMarker4 26359.40 73484.02 2
  FrontMarker5 34207.28 1147.10 2
  FrontMarker6 22264.86 102487.03 2
  FrontMarker7 37790.00 101463.39 1
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 30, 2018, 02:51:16 AM
Well, both AM Morse beacon and AR Lorenz beam play ok in my 4.13.4 + Modact 6.4 + NG-HUD 3.1 + NG-MAP 1.0

Are you sure you have Realistic Navigation On?
Are you sure the beacon next/prev keys are set in the controls?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: stugumby on October 30, 2018, 09:02:19 AM
yes realistic navigation is on and ALT S and ALT T are my settings for beacon next etc. I also tried resetting some controls and applying again, same result, works in game stock, dosnt work in mod act with or without hud and map mods. Im going to try a whole new pilot and see what happens.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: stugumby on October 30, 2018, 09:24:49 AM
same result with new pilot Bob hansen instead of John Doe, works game stock but not mod act with or without hud and map mods. I ahve the similar set up in another computer will try that as well.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 30, 2018, 09:58:41 AM
Neither the HUD nor the MAP mods change any difficulty setting. The mission plays OK in my 4.13.4 install. Whatever is going on is local, specific to your install. What other mods do you have?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: stugumby on October 30, 2018, 11:14:01 AM
Thru jsgme Gore and german gunpods
in sas folder just aircraft, hurricane pack, beaufighter pack, me110G4 night fighter and typhoon pack. no map or engine mods or command and control mods. Im trying on my other computer to see if it works and then i will re install the mod act after backing up my sas folder.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: stugumby on October 30, 2018, 12:13:32 PM
Back up and working, i reinstalled sas mod act and selector. now have clean mod act will gradually add planes back in. not sure what went wrong but its fixed for now. Thanks for your help and job well done on the mods for hud and maps. makes boming missions easier with TAS and great for mission testing as you can select other objects and see what happens to them in case of collision or arty hitting them early etc.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 31, 2018, 03:21:14 AM
That's good news stugumby. A mod sometimes breaks something but you don't immediately realise and long after it is very difficult to figure out the culprit.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: lyteyr on November 04, 2018, 11:52:40 AM
Hi Whistler

Great work!!

Have you considered adding the mission brief into the options?  Also, when the map is in Full Screen, is there a way to make it somewhat transparent, so you can fly when in Full Screen?  Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 04, 2018, 01:22:59 PM
Hi lyteyr,

Map transparency can be changed in-game: Go to 'Misc Settings' > 'General' > 'Fullscreen Map Transparency'

I am slowly but steadily reviewing all parts of the code. Many changes here and there, some work, some don't. The next NG-MAP edition will certainly reinvent, in a way, how icons are displayed and how we use the map. It will take some time though before it is ready.

The problem with the Mission Brief is the length of the brief itself. We are limited to the size of the pad and briefings are sometimes lengthy... The only solution I found is to draw a text-box but that, although functional, didn't look good. Know what? To hell with walls of text. Do the prep-work pilot: read the briefing, study it, take notes, plan the journey... In combat, we only need the MISSION LOG:


*** WIP ***
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: Vampire_pilot on November 04, 2018, 01:32:22 PM
oh now THAT looks awesome! :D
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 04, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
a little dark, but night-ready :)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Spinnetti on November 04, 2018, 03:11:22 PM
Very nice... Thanks...
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: ltegalad on November 05, 2018, 07:03:02 AM
Hi, first of all, thanks for this awesome mod (together with NG-HUD!), they make the game a lot better on they own.
I'm having a problem with the non-fullscreen map, though: it's being cropped at the top of my screen. That makes it really hard to use the navigator, since I can't see the top section which shows the sector letter.

I'm using 1920x1080 fullscreen, if that makes any difference. Also using it with VP modpack.
Any way to fix it? Did I do something wrong during the install? (I installed using JSGME)

Here's a screenshot of the problem:

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 05, 2018, 07:28:44 AM
Hi ltegalad,

To move the minimap around right and left click at the same time until the cursor changes and then drag the map. It is a stock feature. The game remembers the minimap position.

Clumsy and non-intuitive but functional :)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: ltegalad on November 05, 2018, 07:30:17 AM
Wow, I didn't know about that, just started with the IL-2 series. Thank you for the information!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 05, 2018, 07:54:53 AM
Welcome then. '46 is not the newest, but it is the greatest in many regards. Try also B.A.T. (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,264.0.html) if you are hungry for more: fly anything from the first powered aircraft to modern jets and helos in a single sandbox.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: ltegalad on November 05, 2018, 08:08:02 AM
Thank you! I did try Cliffs of Dover before, but somehow that one made me feel completely lost. There's something about 1946 that makes it more concise and also a lot of fun! I'll definitely be trying BAT at some point, just trying VP first since BAT is so freaking huge to download :D
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: DaVa on November 05, 2018, 11:38:22 AM
Thanks for the work!
There is a request, Selecting the full map when pressed again, it is again small. Inconvenience.  ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 05, 2018, 12:37:55 PM
I know what you are talking about DaVa. There are two different controls in IL-2: 'Toggle Map' and 'Toggle Full Screen Map'. I have the Minimap set in my joystick and the Fullscreen map set to the Space bar.

The menu Full Screen check is just a toggle, and it does not mean 'Force Fullscreen'. I think most of the people use often the minimap and occasionally the fullscreen map and I stick to stock behavior whenever possible. I don't think I will change how this works because it could be more confusing than anything ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: lyteyr on November 05, 2018, 06:02:28 PM
Hi Whistler,

Thanks for the tip on setting the mini-map transparency.  And you're right on the mission brief.  Pay attention to the briefing, scribble some notes on my hand, tighten my Mae West, pull up my big boy pants, shoot down some bad guys, and survive the day.  PS your Random Skies is excellent!!

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on November 05, 2018, 09:05:55 PM
Now that mission log looks real cool
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 13, 2018, 07:52:22 AM
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on November 16, 2018, 03:06:28 AM
You tease!! LOL
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v1.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: munty on November 18, 2018, 05:49:57 PM
You can read in our minds... GREAT!!
Thanks AGAIN Whistler!!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 01, 2018, 05:23:07 AM

Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0

NG-MAP v2.0 is not an incremental update but a MAJOR overhaul of great many features, therefore please excuse there is no dedicated post this time.

Since there is a lot to be learned, pilot please proceed to the Training Room (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59835.0.html) when ready.


Many thanks SAS~vampire_pilot and greybeard for beta-testing!

Have fun!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: DaVa on December 03, 2018, 10:23:25 AM
 ]hello2[ ]hello2[ ]hello2[
no words, THANK YOU!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on December 04, 2018, 02:26:36 AM
Hi Whistler great Mod again!! Only one favour to ask if possible? Any chance of a version without the exterior panning mode? I never liked this effect even with the old VM Mod so never use it - is it simply just a case of deleting a couple of classfiles? If so just let me know which ones m8? I notice version 1.0 didnt use it.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: sturmbock on December 04, 2018, 03:14:35 AM
A very nice mod, really. Thanks so much Whistler.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: henkypenky on December 04, 2018, 04:07:11 AM
If it is even better than V1, it is a beauty for sure. Many thanks Whistler for making and sharing your fantastic additions to the game.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 04, 2018, 04:26:18 AM
Hi Whistler great Mod again!! Only one favour to ask if possible? Any chance of a version without the exterior panning mode? I never liked this effect even with the old VM Mod so never use it - is it simply just a case of deleting a couple of classfiles? If so just let me know which ones m8? I notice version 1.0 didnt use it.

Hi Mick,

You are mixing NG-MAP and NG-CAM. From the NG-CAM main post (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,60008.0.html):

You can turn Inertia on and off anytime with the 'Toggle Snap/Pan View' control (SNAP VIEW section). I have this control set to the 'Enter' key for easy access.

If it is even better than V1, it is a beauty for sure. Many thanks Whistler for making and sharing your fantastic additions to the game.

Thanks henkypenky.

v2 is the map I envisioned from the begining but I thought I wouldn't have time to implement all features and released v1, shelving v2 for 2019. Then I found the time and implementation flowed nicely and it all worked and here it is. Let's just pretend v1 never existed :P
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: henkypenky on December 04, 2018, 04:44:52 AM
Wonder what old Oleg would say when he plays a fully 'BAT 3.5' mission with new maps, aircraft and this kind of mods.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: ienatom on December 04, 2018, 03:34:50 PM
Am I the only one that cannot zoom in and out? Are there some more keys or it's still right click?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: vonofterdingen on December 04, 2018, 03:47:46 PM
ienatom use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the map
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on December 04, 2018, 10:18:35 PM
Thats strange whistler i dont have NG CAM installed? But on installing this latest version of NG MAP the inertia thingy returned?? I will try it again with pan view turned off.

UPDATE Just checked and the 8 classfiles from the NG-CAM Mod are included in this NG-MAP download?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: whistler on December 06, 2018, 02:10:14 AM
UPDATE Just checked and the 8 classfiles from the NG-CAM Mod are included in this NG-MAP download?

Oh my, you are right Mick! :-X I didn't notice because I am using both Mods. I guess nobody noticed before because of the same reason...

I just updated the download @ Mission4Today.

Cheers mate!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: munty on December 06, 2018, 07:48:38 AM
I just installed this V.20 it and it works PERFECT!
Thanks Whistler 8)

A single recommendation or request, with all the humility, something I miss:
the possibility of using the mouse wheel to expand or reduce the map in full screen mode.
It would be the only thing (unless it is already possible and I do not find o_O) .

Anyway: thank you very much, it is an essential tool!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 06, 2018, 08:13:30 AM
the possibility of using the mouse wheel to expand or reduce the map in full screen mode.

Hi munty,

To expand? What do you mean? Zooming in/out using the mouse wheel works well in my setup.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: munty on December 08, 2018, 07:24:02 PM
Yes that's what I mean.
The mouse wheel does not work in my installation for zoom in/out, I guess I have something disabled, but I am not able to find it. It must be the same thing that makes it unable to move or fire weapons when changing with C to the rest of the crew (???).
Thanks for the reply Whistler.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 09, 2018, 10:25:44 AM
Hi munty,

Use the searchbox to find similar topics. I searched 'mousewheel' and found this: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36993.msg407304.html

Create a new topic in the Tech Help (other than BAT or IL-2 Great Battles) (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,280.0.html) section if you can't find a solution.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: Aerokoks on December 10, 2018, 01:48:33 PM
Thanks for the great program. I want to put points on the big map during the game, the course and the distance between the points are automatically shown. So that you can make a route on the big map. Sorry for bad english.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: munty on December 11, 2018, 09:40:17 AM
Hi Whistler

Thanks for the note! I'll try it, see if it works.
I knew it was a silly thing, but I was unable to find the problem!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Blaubaer on December 12, 2018, 06:13:48 AM
Is it possible to enter the full screen mode by pressing a key?

Regards, Michael
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 12, 2018, 11:29:14 AM
Is it possible to enter the full screen mode by pressing a key?

Regards, Michael

Sure Michael, review Reply #33 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59835.msg659991.html#msg659991).

Thanks for the great program. I want to put points on the big map during the game, the course and the distance between the points are automatically shown. So that you can make a route on the big map. Sorry for bad english.

Hi Aerokoks,

I am afraid that's highly unlikely to happen. We already have the Full Mission Builder where you can quite easily set waypoints. I would need a solid reason to consider it but it is not the first time a so-so idea led to a whole new great idea. Feel free to elaborate on the concept you have in mind.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: Blaubaer on December 12, 2018, 01:00:40 PM
Sure Michael, review Reply #33 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59835.msg659991.html#msg659991).
Thanks for the hint (never used that feature) and all the cool mods of yours.

Regards, Michael
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~
Post by: shardana on December 17, 2018, 03:14:17 PM
Hi all, how can I keep this great mod running  but avoiding the labels of the airplanes in missions?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 18, 2018, 04:05:45 AM
Hi shardana,

Aircraft labels have nothing to do with the map mod. Look for "Toggle Icon Types" in controls...

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Aerokoks on December 25, 2018, 05:16:11 AM
Is it possible to enter the full screen mode by pressing a key?

Regards, Michael

Sure Michael, review Reply #33 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59835.msg659991.html#msg659991).

Thanks for the great program. I want to put points on the big map during the game, the course and the distance between the points are automatically shown. So that you can make a route on the big map. Sorry for bad english.

Hi Aerokoks,

I am afraid that's highly unlikely to happen. We already have the Full Mission Builder where you can quite easily set waypoints. I would need a solid reason to consider it but it is not the first time a so-so idea led to a whole new great idea. Feel free to elaborate on the concept you have in mind.

Hi whistler,
No, I was only interested in the route on the large map in the game, with points and the specified course and distance between them. Without connection with the aircraft, as in Full Mission Builder. This is for my eyes and head. There are missions where there is no route and you have to build it yourself. This can be interesting for navigation and orientation without aircraft markers.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0
Post by: shardana on December 27, 2018, 10:08:37 AM
Thank you Whistler!!!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: spad42 on December 27, 2018, 10:43:39 AM
Hello Whistler, I enjoy to play a campaign with your awesome NG series. But i have a problem. I have a single installation with BAT and VP Media (the best companion). When I play with BAT, all is ok, but when I select VP Media in the selector, I can't have any NG. Is it not possible or have I a config error ?
Happy new year for you and best whishes for 2019 in your life and in your modder work. :) 

Spad 42
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 02, 2019, 08:06:06 AM
Hello Whistler, I enjoy to play a campaign with your awesome NG series. But i have a problem. I have a single installation with BAT and VP Media (the best companion). When I play with BAT, all is ok, but when I select VP Media in the selector, I can't have any NG. Is it not possible or have I a config error ?

Hi Spad 42,

Happy 2019 to you too! Sure, do this:
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: spad42 on January 09, 2019, 02:34:15 AM
Thank you very much Whistler for your clear answer. Now, NG MAP work fine with VP Media in BAT and NG HUD too.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: 9ball on January 10, 2019, 01:41:26 PM
Hi Whistler, this is truly an exceptional Mod, well thought out and executed, congratulations.
I'm having an issue between NG-Map and Pal-VisualMod9. If NG-Map is enabled Pal-VisualMod9 isn't available.
Are they simply incompatible or am I doing something wrong, and if so how do I correct it?
Thanks 9ball,
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 11, 2019, 02:38:35 AM
Hi 9ball,

Make sure NG-MAP loads before VisualMod. Your #SAS folder should look something like:

#SAS/! ! ! NG-MAP_v2.0
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: 9ball on January 11, 2019, 01:18:39 PM

Hi Whistler, Thanks for your timely reply.
I've learned a valuable lesson today, which is, read all the replies in a topic.
If I had, I would have realized I had an old version of NG-MAP.
The one with the NG-CAM classes in it, and this class 6CEC31F64B80CABC dated 11/30/18,
which disables the VisualMod.
Downloaded the latest version and all is well.
I'm sorry if I wasted your time, thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Sikshoota on January 11, 2019, 04:09:03 PM
Thank you very much indeed, this is totally brilliant. Having played good ol IL-2 since it's beginning, it's pleasing to see so many excellent mods.  This one is right up there for sure!
Cheers & S'
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0
Post by: arquillos on February 03, 2019, 08:56:32 AM
Hi whistler,
Downloaded and tested in v4.13.4
Working so nice...
Thank you very much!!!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltfireman on February 13, 2019, 09:06:48 AM
Unfortunately, I can't zoom in to zoom out  ::(
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on February 13, 2019, 09:29:57 AM
That's unfortunate indeed!

Check this post: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36993.msg407304.html

Provide more details if that doesn't do it.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltfireman on February 13, 2019, 10:24:10 AM
That's unfortunate indeed!

Check this post: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36993.msg407304.html

Provide more details if that doesn't do it.

Unfortunately, I do not understand
What exactly should be set and where?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on February 13, 2019, 10:41:59 AM
Something tells me you spent 5 seconds in that topic... What is it you don't understand?

Go to controls, scroll down to "HOTAS CONTROL", is the mouse wheel assigned (probably by mistake) to any control there? Yes? - Remove it!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltfireman on February 13, 2019, 10:47:04 AM
Something tells me you spent 5 seconds in that topic... What is it you don't understand?

Go to controls, scroll down to "HOTAS CONTROL", is the mouse wheel assigned (probably by mistake) to any control there? Yes? - Remove it!

mouse wheel assigned??? I don't see the "HOTAS CONTROL" section!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on February 13, 2019, 11:07:45 AM
I mean no disrespect but: try harder. You can do it.

Review the last few posts, make sure to understand it all, search the boards if you don't know what HOTAS is. Take your time before coming back for more. Explain what you tried in more than one sentence. I am 99% sure the solution to your problem has already been provided.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltfireman on February 13, 2019, 11:22:01 AM
I mean no disrespect but: try harder. You can do it.

Review the last few posts, make sure to understand it all, search the boards if you don't know what HOTAS is. Take your time before coming back for more. Explain what you tried in more than one sentence. I am 99% sure the solution to your problem has already been provided.

Thanks, but that doesn't help
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltfireman on February 13, 2019, 02:25:46 PM
Your map is great
I was just curious about a solution
If you are impatient then don't answer!  :P
I was polite
Otherwise, the problem is caused by (# JTW_00-PALsVisualMOD9-v4122) mod
I inactivated and the problem resolved!

Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.0 ~New Version~
Post by: whistler on May 10, 2019, 05:26:09 AM

Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0

There is something for everyone in this update. Most of the changes went under the hood for NG-MAP to be more "multiplayer friendly" but offliners will also find some of the new features useful, I hope!

The mod now (truly) complies with mission/campaign difficulty settings.

To have access to in-game icon features deactivate "Map & Icons" difficulty settings at will (cannot be changed during a mission/campaign):

• Icons & Map > No Map Icons (A)
• Icons & Map > No Player Map Icon
• Icons & Map > No Minimap Path

(A) Enabled? Radars will also get disabled

To have access to the different sections of the Actor Viewer deactivate at will settings from the "Views" difficulty window (cannot be changed during a mission/campaign):

• Views > No External Views
• Views > No Player's Own View
• Views > No Enemy Views (A)
• Views > No Friendly Views (A & B)
• Views > No Aircraft Views
• Views > No Carrier Views (C)

(A) Enabled? The NEUTRAL menu will also get disabled since some actors can spoil the surroundings
(B) Enabled? You can "pin" a location but you will not get to see the landscape
(C) Enabled? Applies to any ship, Aircraft Carrier or not


By default, Hostile icons are hidden in the map every time you start a new mission. It is up to you to enable Hostile icons using the in-game NG-MAP menu. Knowing enemy positions spoils all offline fun, in my humble opinion.


By default, Hostile icons are visible in the map every time you start a new mission (unless the "Icons & Map > No Map Icons" difficulty setting is enabled). That way users with and without NG-MAP will play under the same conditions.

Online Squadrons can employ NG-MAP if they wish to do so. While there isn't a foolproof method to prevent friendly (or hostile) cheating we can certainly make it a little more challenging and in v3.0 I tried my best to prevent players from taking any advantage on their own.

A true cheat is when a player takes advantage of a 'feature' others don't have. If all members of the squadron use NG-MAP none will be cheating: all of you will be having access to the exact same set of tools. Online play among friends is about respect and honesty. That's the only way to have good fun.

For online play I highly recommend to at least enable/activate "Views > No Enemy Views" and "Views > No Friendly Views". This move will not only disable most of the external views but it will also deactivate NG-MAP "Targeting System" (View pinned location and lock onto hostile icons).


The Static Camera object can be used by mission creators to mark key locations: Open FMB, load or create a mission, insert a Static Camera and set it to the same color of an army. Use this method to mark relevant locations in the map.

When playing the mission, users will see X marks wherever you placed the cameras. As the mission creator, it is up to you to give spot marks a meaning. You can use the briefing to explain what a X mark means. Use grid coordinates to reference a sport mark. Players will only see spot marks of their same army/color. The spot marks will be displayed in both the briefing and during the mission (as Targets).


"Intel Services" will work in any game mode, offline or online. You can use this feature as long as you have access to the mission file. In order to maintain compatibility with any other missions and users with or without NG-MAP, if the Camera army is set to "none" (game default), nothing will happen.

This is as much as I can do to provide new and (hopefully) useful features compatible with any version of the game or modpack. New objects would require dealing with *.ini entries and I want to keep this mod as little intrusive and as easy to use as possible.


Since v3.0 you can make the Standard Map and the Combat Mode grid a tad smaller by enabling the "Small Map" option. This parameter is permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadSmall.



Map transparency can be adjusted from the map menu. You can change transparency for both the Minimap (follow mode) and the fullscreen map independently. The transparency setting is permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadAlpha and MapAlpha respectively. The previous Mouse right click + Mouse wheel method from v2.0 is now obsolete and therefore no longer available.



- New "Intelligence Services" feature. Refer to the Readme contents.
- Bridge icons are now displayed below any other element
- Fixed an issue where the camera could get stuck when switching from a (follow) external view to any other actor.
- NG-MAP should be now fully compatible with multiplayer/online mode.
- The Actor Viewer now complies with the "Views" difficulty settings.
- NG-MAP now respects DogFight multiple army colors.
- Lighter Blue and Red colors applied to other icons.
- New "Small Map" menu option. Make the Minimap a tad smaller by enabling it. This parameter is now permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadSmall.
- The "Large Icons" option is also permanent and saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapIconLarge.
- Larger mouse pointer. Get back a smaller cursor by deleting: NG-MAP/gui/game/cursors.tga
- The mod is now (hopefully) 4K-ready (and beyond).
- Map transparency can now be controlled from the map menu. You can change transparency for both the Minimap (follow mode) and the fullscreen map. The transparency setting is permanent and it is saved to the [game] section of the conf.ini file as MapPadAlpha and MapAlpha respectively. The previous
 Mouse right click + Mouse wheel method from v2.0 is now obsolete and therefore no longer available.
- Simplified "Icon Filters" submenu for a faster unveiling of icons: "Vehicles" refers now to both Trains and Columns, and "Artillery" refers now to AAA and Artillery combined.
- Nigh Mode is enabled automatically if the sun is below the horizon at the beginning of a mission.


Disable and delete any previous versions! v3.0 link can be found in the first post.

Have fun! 8)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0
Post by: arquillos on May 10, 2019, 08:55:08 AM
Thanks for the new version whistler! (I´m still expecting a version with hostile icons configurable from conf.ini :) )
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on May 10, 2019, 09:17:55 AM
Hi Arquillos,

I know my friend. Stock IL-2 map shows enemies by default. Why? I have no idea. You are forced to play either with all or with no icons. Middle-ground anyone? What this game needs is a "Map & Icons > No Enemy Icons" option. Why was this never implemented? I have no idea. Why nobody ever complained? I have no idea either, but most games I play or played hide my enemies on maps for a simple reason: excitement! I am happy to have my squad mates on the map and target points but enemies? Why would I want that? Sorry but my brain does not process it :D

I explained before I try to offer something new, different, better if I can. I understand you want all icons and I have nothing against it. You are one click away from unveiling enemy icons. You play 2, 3, 5 missions a day? That's 5 clicks. Not much asking for in my opinion. In any case, your persistence has been noted ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Retro77 on May 10, 2019, 10:36:25 PM
How do you zoom in and out of the mini map?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on May 11, 2019, 03:09:57 AM
To zoom in and out of the mini map and the fullscreen map you must use the mouse wheel.

If that doesn't work, it is because the mouse wheel is assigned to an axis in the HOTAS CONTROL section of the Controls window.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: greybeard on May 11, 2019, 03:11:35 AM
... I am happy to have my squad mates on the map and target points but enemies? Why would I want that? Sorry but my brain does not process it :D

Perhaps because all belligerents at that time did have radars and GCI...

[source: http://www.asgs.sm/mensile/553-battaglia-di-inghilterra]

[source: http://alpassoconlastoria.blogspot.com/2016/03/1940-battaglia-dinghilterra.html]

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~
Post by: arquillos on May 11, 2019, 03:42:13 AM
Hi Arquillos,

I know my friend. Stock IL-2 map shows enemies by default. Why? I have no idea. You are forced to play either with all or with no icons. Middle-ground anyone? What this game needs is a "Map & Icons > No Enemy Icons" option. Why was this never implemented? I have no idea. Why nobody ever complained? I have no idea either, but most games I play or played hide my enemies on maps for a simple reason: excitement! I am happy to have my squad mates on the map and target points but enemies? Why would I want that? Sorry but my brain does not process it :D

I explained before I try to offer something new, different, better if I can. I understand you want all icons and I have nothing against it. You are one click away from unveiling enemy icons. You play 2, 3, 5 missions a day? That's 5 clicks. Not much asking for in my opinion. In any case, your persistence has been noted ;)

Yeah! I know your resons and I accept them.
Don´t worry!
Thank you VERY much for your work!!!!!
(I´ll keep trying ;) )
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on May 11, 2019, 04:25:56 AM
Hiding enemy icons by default is the only liberty I took from stock behavior and it was doomed to create controversy :D and not because my decision is right or wrong, but because I changed something established for years.

So long greybeard! I hope you are doing great!

This can be a never ending debate so we have to look at it from a gaming point of view. Most (serious) games don't tell you enemy positions on the other end of the map. Here's a map pad from the Dunkirk Movie:


Now tell me what those ladies can do for the pilot when he is airborne and how the pilot processes the information.

The new "Intelligence Services" feature can be helpful to somehow resemble what a pilot would have had in his map pad: notes and marks. That's the idea. Sure stock "Reckon Points" are and will always be the best solution but Reckon icons don't look as cool as X marks! :D

Guys: two clicks to get enemy icons back. I am sure you already played missions where you forgot about enemy icons only to think later "damn you whistler" ;D

Perhaps you get to appreciate it some day :)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: SpongeBob on May 11, 2019, 05:15:14 AM
Well, here I totally agree with Whistler.
I find it makes sense to know where your fellows are whereas you are not sure about your enemies' location.
In real life I suppose you could use your radio to ask your fellows where the hell they are. I suppose your enemies wouldn't be so kind to tell you from which direction they intend to attack you.

Concerning the radars and CGI, especially in WW2, I think they could be useful to detect groups of enemies approaching the front. This can be simulated with C&C features. However, I don't think they could give you the same information in the middle of a dogfight as you can obtain from map icons. In a melee, sometimes I get completely confused, I lose sight from my enemies, and eventually they get my 6 and shoot at me insanely. At the beginning I used to cheat and use map icons to find where my enemies were. But now, I find more satisfactory to conceal the enemy icons and trying to find my enemies by looking for them (Track IR is a must here. It changes completely the way you look for enemies, and permit to go without map enemy icons).

So I think that Whistler option is the wisest and most immersive. You have the advantage of knowing in detail where your friends are, which is completely understandable provided you have a radio, but you also suffer the uncertainty of your enemies whereabouts aside from the information of C&C systems.
And as he says, in moments of dispair, you can always switch on enemy icons...

Whistler, thank you very much for your impressive work. I do not fly anymore without your New Generation HUD and New Generation Maps.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: -=MaD=- on May 11, 2019, 01:04:14 PM
Thanks @whistler for these new version of your great mod.  Nice new ideas. Keep up your work and keep 1946 alive!  ]cheers[

edit: Just one hint: Same problem as with hud mod with my monitor configuration: The fonts are way to big with new MapMod - will try the old fonts from version 2.x.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on May 12, 2019, 05:22:22 AM
Hi -=MaD=-

For triple monitors setups open with Notepad NG-MAP > font > elevation.font, labels.font and log.font and delete all lines below your main screen width. In example:

1024  8
1152  8
1280  8
1600  8
1920  8
2560  10
3440  14
3840  16
5120  22
6144  26
7680  32

That should do it!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: -=MaD=- on May 12, 2019, 10:45:04 AM
Great... thats even better, so I know how to edit fontsize when I'm getting older and seeing even worse like now  ]notworthy[
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: MJJWalsh on June 07, 2019, 09:09:44 AM
Hi Whistler,
Thank you for the excellent NG map mod - it's a great enhancement on what was previously available.  Two questions (just nit-picking I know):  is it possible to move the position of the map to the top right hand corner of the screen, rather than the current part way down the right hand side?  And can the 'small map' be made even smaller?  I appreciate these are very much 'if you have the time' requests - but perhaps they already do-able by changing some parameters in the conf.ini anyway?
Thanks for all your NG work - brilliant!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on June 07, 2019, 10:02:20 AM
Hi MJJWalsh, nice avatar!

You can move the mini map by pressing both right and left mouse buttons or by pressing the mouse wheel button. When the pointer changes, drag the map around.

Regarding the size, it is not configurable. The initial idea was to have better side views while the map was on, hence the final squared format. I tested different sizes including a wide map and a tiny map that could always be on. A wide map gets into your frontal view and it was discarded. I found a tiny map ok when looking at it up close but unsuitable when you are actually playing from some distance. A combo of Small Map + Transparency should suffice to meet most preferences. Drag the map and hide part of it off screen, play normally. How small can it be?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: MJJWalsh on June 09, 2019, 10:39:16 AM
Many thanks for the rapid response Whistler.  Yes that's fixed it - with the map moved to the top right edge, and about 1/3 of the area moved off screen  - plus 70% transparency  - means there's nothing blocking my vision.  Perfect!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: WxTech on October 04, 2019, 09:14:47 PM
I have the two mods listed below installed, and ClassCheck.exe reports the following potential conflicts:

Code: [Select]
48804A2897F67F1A exists with :
CRC -1f30c3a0 : .\#SAS\!!!_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v1.0\48804A2897F67F1A
CRC -8817a8c : .\#SAS\! ! ! NG-MAP_v3.0\48804A2897F67F1A

57DE639A2FE9F2CC exists with :
CRC -3978c438 : .\#SAS\! ! ! NG-MAP_v3.0\57DE639A2FE9F2CC
CRC -187fde1e : .\#SAS\!!!_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v1.0\57DE639A2FE9F2CC

FFC2DE9AB26754D8 exists with :
CRC 1b076e55 : .\#SAS\!!!_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v1.0\FFC2DE9AB26754D8
CRC -2a96307a : .\#SAS\! ! ! NG-MAP_v3.0\FFC2DE9AB26754D8

506D5326E8420DDA exists with :
CRC  a76f49a : .\#SAS\! ! ! NG-MAP_v3.0\506D5326E8420DDA
CRC 3d5f01aa : .\#SAS\!!!_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v1.0\506D5326E8420DDA

74654C3ADCD9BBA2 exists with :
CRC 6d79ae80 : .\#SAS\!!!_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v1.0\74654C3ADCD9BBA2
CRC  a332984 : .\#SAS\! ! ! NG-MAP_v3.0\74654C3ADCD9BBA2

I see no obvious problems in the game. If one must choose, which version of each these 5 classfiles is the most relevant? (I prefer to not have duplicates, if at all possible :)  ).
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on October 05, 2019, 12:48:18 PM
Keeping duplicates is actually the way to go in custom installs: if someday you move a mod around, or remove one mod, that other mod you removed duplicates from may not work as intended.

Regarding your question, take Mission Pro Combo PLUS as a base mod (place it at the bottom of your modded install) and keep adding mods on top, which is to say: remove duplicates from Mission Pro Combo PLUS.

PS: Consider upgrading to Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg687170.html#msg687170)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Blackbird_HUN on November 02, 2019, 10:18:34 AM
First of all, thanks a lots of effort you've put into the NG_HUD/CAM/MAP mods. They're fantastic! But, I have a little problem with the NG_MAP mod. Exactly, with the mission log part. My problem is, the log isn't fit in, so I can't read the whole log. Here is an image about it:
(https://i.postimg.cc/T3Rw3Lxv/K-perny-felv-tel-309.png) (https://postimg.cc/CzQYvKdc)
How can I fix it?

Note: It doesn't work with the small map option too, not just the normal size of the map. And I'm using the newest version of the mod, and. The problem appears while I'm using DOF; TGA; WAW; and JTW too.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 02, 2019, 11:12:38 AM
Hi Blackbird,

Thanks for the detailed report and the screenshot. I understand from the image that your screen resolution is 1366x768. The current font size of 18 would fit nicely in a non-wide 1280x960 screen but 18 seems too large for a wide resolution in the ~1280 range.

Do this:

- Deactivate NG-MAP with JSGME
- Go to BATMODS > !#NG-MAP_v3.0 > #DOF3 > ! ! ! NG-MAP_v3.0 > font
- Open with Notepad the "log.font" file
- Go to the line that reads "1280  18" and change it to "1280  16" (you can try 14 as well)
- Do the same to the #TGA3, #WAW3 and #JTW3 folders
- Activate NG-MAP with JSGME

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Blackbird_HUN on November 02, 2019, 01:01:17 PM
Thanks! Now it working perfectly!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: JohannDaart on November 16, 2019, 02:02:14 PM
Hi Arquillos,

I know my friend. Stock IL-2 map shows enemies by default. Why? I have no idea. You are forced to play either with all or with no icons. Middle-ground anyone? What this game needs is a "Map & Icons > No Enemy Icons" option. Why was this never implemented? I have no idea. Why nobody ever complained? I have no idea either, but most games I play or played hide my enemies on maps for a simple reason: excitement! I am happy to have my squad mates on the map and target points but enemies? Why would I want that? Sorry but my brain does not process it :D

I explained before I try to offer something new, different, better if I can. I understand you want all icons and I have nothing against it. You are one click away from unveiling enemy icons. You play 2, 3, 5 missions a day? That's 5 clicks. Not much asking for in my opinion. In any case, your persistence has been noted ;)

I understand your reasoning - IL-2 gameplay is the best when settings are realistic.
But as a new player that still gets disoriented, I prefer enemy icons turned on, so I've looked for config setting in this thread.

Also you probably know how IL has a tendency to "forget" difficulty settings - for some time after installing your map mod I thought that I have some bug, because I had "map icons ON"... but enemy icons weren't there / were always turned off when new mission started.

Disabling enemy icons as default can throw some less persistent people off ;D

Anyway, I can't imagine flying in 1946 without your mods! You gave it another life :D
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 17, 2019, 04:53:19 AM
There will be a conf.ini setting next time, in the meantime, add an "Activate enemy icons" line to your take off checklist ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: WxTech on November 17, 2019, 10:03:01 AM
There will be a conf.ini setting next time, in the meantime, add an "Activate enemy icons" line to your take off checklist ;)

Cute! One could call this checklist entry, "Request updates from Radar/Sector HQ/Observer Corps/Coastwatchers." ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 17, 2019, 12:21:29 PM
Sure, sure :D

Anything else bothering anyone?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: K5083 on November 17, 2019, 05:28:18 PM
Hi.  Just tried out your map mod today for the first time.  Awesome functionality!  I'm just having one problem.  When I start it, the mini map is positioned too far up and to the right, so that the top and right edge of the window are trimmed.  This is true no matter what mode I switch to.  See screen shot.  How do I drag it to where I can see the whole window?  I have a 2560x1440 display.  The full screen map is fine, and properly centered, but on closing the full screen, the mini map is still out of position.

(https://i.postimg.cc/WpBD2G7J/2019-11-18-00-22-37.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XXgNLymV)


Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: WxTech on November 17, 2019, 10:08:07 PM
You should be able to double-click and drag the map to wherever you like it.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 18, 2019, 03:30:57 AM
By 'double-click' he means left and right mouse buttons simultaneously. Alternatively, just press the middle (wheel) mouse button and drag the map around.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: greybeard on November 18, 2019, 03:31:23 AM
... double-click and drag...

Not double-click but click with both mouse buttons (L + R) and drag (it is advisable to make before "Read-Only" the conf.ini file - as ever - to find again default map location at game start, as well as to avoid any unwanted alteration of the configuration).

P.S.: arrived a bit later, but repetita juvant! ;)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: K5083 on November 18, 2019, 05:06:23 AM
Thanks! I had tried left click, right click, shift click -but not twin click!

Now I have another Q that is not related to the functioning of this mod or any other that I know of, but seems closely related to these new views you can place. Would it be possible to place a camera anywhere on the map and then have it track the player’s aircraft, like the flyby cam does, rather than be manually controlled or track a target? And by “track” I mean the cam would not travel, it would just stay pointed at you. So for instance you could stick one on a target and it would watch you come in, attack it, come around for another pass, etc., from the target’s position.  Basically a positionable flyby cam that does not keep jumping around to stay ahead of you is what I’m thinking.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 18, 2019, 06:54:15 AM
Hi K5083,

Review the 'External Padlock' entries in the VIEWS section of the controls screen. You should be able to padlock actors from manually placed cameras when actors are within range.

Title: Re: NG-MAP Mod v3.1
Post by: whistler on November 23, 2019, 11:54:15 AM
Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
:: Lazy Pilot Edition Rewarding Perseverance ::

In spite of the fact that pilots can enable hostile icons in a matter of two clicks, some complaints filed by high ranks escalated to Corporate Headquarters and Damage Control was instructed to review the case with urgency. Starting with v3.1, Hostile icons can be enabled by default by adding ngMAPhostile=1 to the [Mods] section of the conf.ini, like this:


The setting is optional. Possible values are 0 (off - default) and 1 (on).


Disable and delete any previous version! v3.1 link can be found in the first post.

Code: [Select]
v3.1 - 23/11/2019
- Hostile icons can be enabled by default by adding ngMAPhostile=1 to the [Mods] section of the conf.ini (offline only).
- "View Player" menu disabled when player dies.
- "LockOn" icon only gets displayed if the target icon is visible in the map.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: JohannDaart on November 27, 2019, 12:55:56 AM
That's great, thanks!
I love the description of the release :D
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Toba on December 17, 2019, 09:37:59 PM
Hi whistler. Really loving the new ng-map mod. One thing, though: I seem to have lost the ability to pause the game when the map is active. I don't have a pause key on my laptop so I have remapped it to spacebar and P. However, all my other hotkeys work. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 18, 2019, 03:37:01 AM
Hi Toba,

I cannot test right now but I don't remember issues of the kind. What's your game version and/or (relevant) mods or modpacks?

(I am sure you know this already but pause and time acceleration are disabled in online modes)

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Toba on December 18, 2019, 04:29:13 AM
My apologies, Whistler. I went back to stock map 4.12.2, by disabling ng-map351 and pal visualmod9,  and I still cannot pause the game  if the map is active.  I wonder if that is a bug in 4.12.2? Can anyone pause the game if the map is active?
Whistler, your ng-map and ng-hud mods  are a tremendous help for we who want to understand this sim better. Thanks for the great work.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 18, 2019, 05:41:27 AM
Comms, map & pause... sometimes one disables the other for some unknown reason (to me). We all eventually get used to the eccentricities of this game and what once felt puzzling is now normal.

[...] to understand this sim better [...]

That's the idea! Too many hidden gems to the untrained eye. The amount of (stock+modded) features is mind-blowing. No other simulator simulates like 1946!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
Post by: Flying H on December 18, 2019, 10:57:57 AM
It has always been that way ever since the very beginning in 2001!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: genXgamer on January 16, 2020, 06:43:50 PM
G'day whistler

Great MOD that I've been using for some time.
I'm one of those "Lazy Pilots" who actually agrees with you that it's better to have hostiles OFF by default, however I also prefer to have friendlies OFF whilst playing (still like to have both available though).
So IF you ever do another update may I request the default option to turn OFF friendlies ngMAPfriendly=0.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 18, 2020, 03:52:59 AM
Hi genXgamer,

Why not, I guess. In due time.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: tomoose on May 14, 2020, 12:07:45 PM
I'm using NG-HUD, NG-CAM and NG-MAP and it really makes a difference.  Thanks very much for these cool additions.

A couple of questions:

1.  We're flying a Pacific campaign and every time I open the Standard map there are no grid squares or grid numbers, just a blue 'nothing' until I click on the map and move the cursor. Having to do this every time I open the map while flying is quite distracting (and a bit annoying if I'm being totally honest).  Is there a setting to keep the grid lines on permanently in the Standard map? I tried the 'combat map' but that doesn't seem to do anything (no movement) so am assuming it's only for targeting which we don't use.

2.  I took out the LSO view mod when putting in the NG-CAM just to avoid any conflict.  I do miss having the LSO view however.  Can I reinstall it or will it 'break' NG-CAM in some way?

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on May 15, 2020, 03:05:20 AM
Hi tomoose,

1) > Is there a setting to keep the grid lines on permanently in the Standard map?

No, there isn't (minimap) but you can map a key to open the fullscreen map. Add some map transparency and you should be good. I use my hat switch to open either the minimap or the fullscreen map, depending on needs.

2) I don't know what the LSO view mod is! Link?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: tomoose on May 15, 2020, 08:10:55 AM
well that's unfortunate, having the full map (opacity notwithstanding) would be more of a distraction while flying.  I also use a hat-switch to open the map but because it opens without grid refs I have to use the mouse to click on the mini-map to 'activate' the grid lines which as I mentioned is quite distracting (and on a personal note as a 33yr veteran I've yet to see a military map without grid lines of some form so it's hard to undo that 'cultural' mindset LOL).
No biggie, I'll revert back to the stock map if I don't get used to this.  Thanks anyway.

Ref the LSO view mod:  It's been so long I can't remember where I got it.  I assumed I'd got it from SAS but after searching here I can't find it!!  Regardless, it essentially took the stock carrier view which was centered (anchored) on the carrier and moved it to just behind the LSO spot.  Standard and zoom views work which are useful.  The way our little coop online group use it is that the first guy down on the carrier (or the first guy shot down), takes that position and helps the others on their landing approach.  We're obviously not trained LSOs but it has come in handy when someone yells into your ear "go around, you missed the wires" or "you're way too low/too high" etc.  NOTE:  I did have it installed (in MODS folder) along with NG-CAM but I took it out as a precaution.
UPDATE:  Just double-checked, the mod is called "AG-51 LSO Cam" and it doesn't work if NG-CAM is installed (which kinda makes sense given that they're both manipulating certain views).  A pity, because as you can see from the screenshots it gives a good view of the landing approach.
Here's a couple of screenshots:

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Marat on November 27, 2020, 08:10:32 AM
Great job!
Dear friends, is it possible to have vehicle, artillery and ships be always checked (always ON) in the map filter?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on November 27, 2020, 11:08:43 AM
No my friend, it isn't possible.

If you enable enemy/hostile icons, try getting used to the "noise". Hmm... there's something in there... let's check it out! You will see how rewarding it is to visually explore the world around you.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Marat on November 27, 2020, 12:16:31 PM
Oh, I didn't read carefully the "noise" section in the description. That's a good idea indeed! Many thanks!!!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
Post by: Danil on December 25, 2020, 04:22:12 AM
Hi! This mod is very good, but I have a little problem with it. When I put more than 5 front markers in the full mission builder, the fps starts falling to 15-20 frames per second.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on December 25, 2020, 12:32:39 PM
Hi Danil, can you share a mission please?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Danil on December 25, 2020, 01:33:55 PM
Hi Danil, can you share a mission please?
I was wrong, the problem was not with your mod, but with textures for the maps. I have already fixed the problem, sorry)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 14, 2021, 01:08:44 PM
The Mission Brief is (finally) back!


If there's any request or suggestion for NG-MAP, now it's the time.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: -=MaD=- on January 14, 2021, 11:11:37 PM
Great job whistler! Will try it asap. Thanks again for optimizing this mods more and more!

Gesendet von meinem SM-N975F mit Tapatalk

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 15, 2021, 01:25:56 AM
v3.2 is still Work in Progress. Sorry, Mad.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: -=MaD=- on January 15, 2021, 04:47:08 AM
No problem, time is passing, 1946 is getting more mature every year thanks the work of the great people here and on some other places.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N975F mit Tapatalk

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
Post by: Vampire_pilot on January 15, 2021, 09:08:01 AM
Very nice!

Actually one minor thing, would it be possible to show map grids in the first level semi-transparent overly already?
I found it cumbersome when navigating with grids to always switch to solid map display first.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: tomoose on January 15, 2021, 10:13:53 AM
I'll second Vampire's request please.  Perhaps an option for 'grid on' / 'grid off'?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: glibble on January 15, 2021, 12:03:31 PM
I hope this is a small request:

For the Actor Viewer, would it be possible to display the names in chief.ini instead of the $ class name?

Usually the names match, but sometimes there are "hacks" to rename certain vehicle/ship as required.

For example, the Gneisenau is a "hack" using Hipper's slot. The chief.ini entry looks like this:

Code: [Select]
Gneisenau                      ships.ShipAsheKM$Hipper       2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
And the Actor Viewer picks it up like this:

It would be nice if the Actor Viewer can show "Gneisenau" in the menu instead of "Hipper".
Hope that wasn't too confusing. :D

Thank you!
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 15, 2021, 12:30:08 PM
Vampire, Toomose, thanks for the suggestion.

In my opinion rendering moving lines (and I guess you want the coordinates as well) defeats the purpose of "Follow" mode: focus & clarity. Follow mode is intended for combat and geographical navigation. We don't (I don't) need the grid in the middle of a dogfight. I don't need the grid to see how far I am from reaching that next bridge. A quick glance is all required, and for a quick glance to succeed clarity is key.

I use the "Pin Location" feature a lot. The marker is easily spotted and it is available in all map modes. NG-HUD complements NG-MAP: the coordinates are always present there in the speedbar and we get navigation / wing leader tips when bringing the mini-map up. And when I need more, the full map is always there for me at a keystroke distance.

I don't quite understand why anyone would want more stuff in "Follow" mode, but we all are different and have different preferences. Now that we can change conf.ini settings "on the fly", thanks to MissionProCombo, it could be a conf.ini option, I guess. And if you like it that way, you can have it your way :)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 15, 2021, 12:50:15 PM
glibble, thanks for the suggestion.

IL2 modders are very diligent and the majority of class names describe pretty well the actor but there a few exceptions... I stick to class names because modders are somehow forced to limit the length of the name and length is key in missions packed with hundreds of actors. If a few names are too long you probably wouldn't be able to see and access all menu entries. We don't have this constrain in NG-HUD, as seen in your image. Lucky you to have both mods!

We could slice names after a number of characters but, would KM Battlecruiser "Gne be any better?

EDIT - Hmm from ship.ini you say... is it worth the effort for a few entries... wondering...
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 16, 2021, 12:58:02 AM
Vampire and Toomose,

Isn't disabling follow mode and going directly to the regular mini-map what you actually want? (as a configurable option)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
Post by: Vampire_pilot on January 16, 2021, 01:11:03 AM
I like to reduce mouse action while flying. Map on/off is a HOTAS button for me for a quick check.
Well, I like that the map follows, as it reduces continuous mouse interaction.

Recently, I like using Navigator C&C, which gives me grids. So I want to compare grids on the map.
I don't necessarily "need" transparency (you remember our very initial exchange on the feature?) although I got used to it
I guess I could go back to "stock" behavior (which is what you mean, right? No following, and no transparency) if the rendering of the grid is complicated.
An on/off sounds plausible as different scenarios call for different quick checks on the map.

a note on ship names:
A lot of display names (from technics.properties) in BAT are not in line with class names, and the naming so far is inconsistent altogether (in class, chief and technics alike). For the next BAT update, the WAW ships (largest section by far) will have a consolidated display naming convention in the technics.properties
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
Post by: whistler on January 16, 2021, 02:37:18 AM
I like to reduce mouse action while flying. Map on/off is a HOTAS button for me for a quick check.

How about a(nother) HOTAS button to launch the fullscreen map? The spacebar can also come in handy.

I don't necessarily "need" transparency [...] although I got used to it

You can configure transparency from the menu.

[...] if the rendering of the grid is complicated.

Not complicated at all. I don't see a need for an entry in the menu and I created a conf.ini setting to enable/disable the grid (and coords) in follow mode.

a note on ship names:
A lot of display names (from technics.properties) in BAT are not in line with class names, and the naming so far is inconsistent altogether (in class, chief and technics alike). For the next BAT update, the WAW ships (largest section by far) will have a consolidated display naming convention in the technics.properties

Cool 8)
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1
Post by: Vampire_pilot on January 16, 2021, 03:38:45 AM
How about a(nother) HOTAS button to launch the fullscreen map? The spacebar can also come in handy.

Are you kidding? No. I only use minimap.

You can configure transparency from the menu.

I fail to see the relevance of this? Does it bring me grids on first opening of the minimap? No, I think.

I don't see a need for an entry in the menu

I never asked for that. I asked if it would be possible to have grids visible in the first (the transparent, or as you call it, "follow") view mode.
It was a seemingly simple question, sorry. If possible, I'd like that, if not, then not.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 16, 2021, 04:25:44 AM
I was saying that you don't have to "get used" to transparency. It is configurable, and the setting is permanent. We probably were talking different things.

I find this a valid argument:

1.  We're flying a Pacific campaign and every time I open the Standard map there are no grid squares or grid numbers, just a blue 'nothing' until I click on the map and move the cursor. Having to do this every time I open the map while flying is quite distracting (and a bit annoying if I'm being totally honest).  Is there a setting to keep the grid lines on permanently in the Standard map? [...]

I actually found myself in this situation many times, and follow mode is useless when the path is off but then, I don't restrain myself from using the fullscreen map. A menu entry might be an option after all.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 16, 2021, 10:28:55 AM
There we go:

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: tomoose on January 17, 2021, 05:48:12 AM
Ackd on your last post with my quote.  I appreciate your patience on this and sorry to be a pain. When all is said and done it's not the end of the world for me and playing the game!  ;) 
Having the mini-map come up with the grids already on is indeed what I'm asking.  I freely admit I'm biased due to a long career in the military which (prior to GPS....which still includes grid refs ;)  ) included a lot of map reading, orienting and sending grids etc.  I'm more of a realism type of WW2 player (e.g. look out the window, find a geographic reference point(s)...if there are any..., find it on the map, orient myself, send or note grid etc) , no friendly or enemy icon just the flight 'planned' waypoints so having the grid on the mini-map on opening, at least to me, simulating a knee-pad map or map board in the cockpit is more realistic.  Even with my Pacific ocean example, with no icons and only the waypoints you can still guesstimate your position via bearing and time-of-flight and send a grid.  The full-screen map in a fighter (particularly when I'm leading my coop flight) essentially takes me out of the cockpit so to speak for precious seconds in which I'm technically no longer flying the aircraft (I don't use auto-level in the fighters).  The mini map allows me to keep some flight situational awareness (i.e. drifting off heading when fixating on the map etc).  I like and use the NG-HUD too but try to avoid looking at the grid in the corner of the screen, particularly over vast Pacific waters, as it's a bit of cheating to know exactly where you are at all times and part of the challenge for us is to try find your way back the carrier and home.
Sorry, that's a bit of a long-winded blurb, I'll shut up now, LOL.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 17, 2021, 01:57:48 PM
You aren't a pain, don't be sorry, don't shut up. Please.

I sometimes don't immediately get why something is important or relevant to someone else. User stories are important for me to understand whether we can all benefit from someone else's needs or not. I like keeping user options to a minimum: NG mods touch critical aspects of the game and must satisfy the vast majority of players right out of the box. Thanks toomose and vampire_pilot for your stories! The mod is now a little better.

I have yet to debug the brief for online use but v3.2 should be ready in a week time.

By the way, this has been taken care of as well:

G'day whistler

Great MOD that I've been using for some time.
I'm one of those "Lazy Pilots" who actually agrees with you that it's better to have hostiles OFF by default, however I also prefer to have friendlies OFF whilst playing (still like to have both available though).
So IF you ever do another update may I request the default option to turn OFF friendlies ngMAPfriendly=0.
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on January 23, 2021, 06:36:04 AM
An unfortunate err A fortunate event will delay things for a few days. Good news is that I can now play and test mods in 4K. Well, sort of... (DSR)
Title: (New!) NG-MAP Mod v3.2
Post by: whistler on January 30, 2021, 04:38:19 AM
Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.2

The Mission Brief is back!

The original brief wasn't up to my standards and I removed it in v1.0 but oh boy I missed it. Restoring the brief was in my to-do list from day one but back then I didn't have enough knowledge and experience to implement it the way I always envisioned...

It took some years and a few attempts but here it is, finally. Thanks for your patience! :D

(Use the mouse wheel to scroll)

The Goals and your Score are a little dynamic meaning that what you see onscreen may change depending on your progress...

The Mission Brief is the highlight of this new version but I took this chance to implement some requests and extra features.

You can now enable the grid in "Follow" mode...


...and I added new configurable settings:


These settings are automatically added to your conf.ini and thanks to MissionProCombo-PLUS v2.1 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg720221.html#msg720221) you can now change the settings "on the fly" to fit your needs:


Conf.ini settings in detail:

By default hostile icons are disabled and some pilots want hostile icons always visible on mission start. Use the setting above to enable/disable enemies by default.
Possible values are 0 (off - default) and 1 (on).

In a similar way some players want friendly icons disabled by default but still be able to enable friendlies during the mission. Use the setting above to enable/disable friendly icons at mission start.
Possible values are 0 (off) and 1 (on - default).

Enable/disable extra icon "filters" (ships/vehicles/artillery) at mission start. By enabling filters by default you will have an experience closer to stock.
Possible values are 0 (off - default) and 1 (on).

Enable/disable the "Noise" (round icons) at mission start. By disabling the noise you will only get to see aircraft in the map if icon filters are off.
Possible values are 0 (off) and 1 (on - default).

Last, I can now test mods in 4K and I made lots of internal changes to make sure this mod supports (really) large screen resolutions. Up until now we were talking small increments but now resolutions double! Madness! Speaking of madness, member -=MaD=- kindly tested v3.2 in his 3-monitor setup and here are his findings:

- Fonts are too large
- The yellow pointer is too large
- mouseUse=1 doesn't seem to work right.

I don't have three monitors and guess work is tricky so I remain available to assist privately people with three monitors.


Code: [Select]
v3.2 - 30/01/2021
- Mission Log reworked: dynamic goals and scores + Mission Brief (user the mouse wheel to scroll)
- New map menu entry: Show Grid. Applies to "Follow" mode only - activate it when you need it
- Standard map: "Terrain" renamed to "AMSL" (Above Mean Sea Level)
- You can now drag and move the mini map around when in Combat Mode / Radars / Mission Log
- Fixed a bug that prevented at times artillery icons from being displayed in Combat Mode
- New configurable setting: ngMAPfriendly which complements the already existing ngMAPhostile
- New configurable settings: ngMAPfilters & ngMAPnoise
- Conf.ini settings can be configured from the game (MissionProCombo-PLUS v2.1 or later required)
- 4K+ screen resolution adjustments

You will find the download link in the first post.

Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: -=MaD=- on January 30, 2021, 04:48:16 AM
Absolutly happy with the new version of your mod.
Still makes this great sim better with every new version.
Thanks for that!
Title: Re: (New version!) Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: sturmbock on February 02, 2021, 06:34:25 PM
Thank you Whistler!
Title: Re: (New version!) Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: raf1659 on February 03, 2021, 01:02:53 AM
Thank you !  :)
Title: Re: (New version!) Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: KingTiger503 on February 03, 2021, 01:04:43 AM
Thanks man, Your the great  ;D

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: SAS~Poltava on March 06, 2021, 02:51:39 AM
Excellent! Love this mod!  :)
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Space Carmelo on March 18, 2021, 03:42:36 AM
Hi whistler, thanks a lot for this awesome mod. I always wanted a working radar in IL2 and this is a great upgrade to my coop bomber missions!
I encountered a bug: map doesn't show waypoint altitude, just bearing and waypoint number.
I'm running Il2 1946 4.13.4, Sas Modact 6.4 on Parallel Desktop on OSX (Parallel is a virtual machine)

Maybe the bug is given by my virtual machine

If you need logs or screenshots i'll provide them soon
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on March 18, 2021, 05:00:31 AM
Hi Space Carmelo,

Units (km/knots/miles/meters/feet...) are linked to the different HUD modes and this also impacts the MAP. You have to switch HUD modes to let the game know which units must be used, otherwise some indicators remain hidden.

HUD mode #1: International - km
HUD mode #2: Imperial - knots
HUD mode #3: US Customary - miles
HUD mode #4: Simple / Light (available with NG-HUD only)
HUD mode #5: Hidden

Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Space Carmelo on March 18, 2021, 11:37:50 AM
Hi Space Carmelo,

Units (km/knots/miles/meters/feet...) are linked to the different HUD modes and this also impacts the MAP. You have to switch HUD modes to let the game know which units must be used, otherwise some indicators remain hidden.

HUD mode #1: International - km
HUD mode #2: Imperial - knots
HUD mode #3: US Customary - miles
HUD mode #4: Simple / Light (available with NG-HUD only)
HUD mode #5: Hidden


Great news!
Thanks again for this mod and for the fast reply  8) 8)

Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: genXgamer on July 10, 2021, 03:14:09 AM
Just a late thanks.
Somehow missed the 3.2 update even though I had been eagerly anticipating it's release.
Finally no more toggling off friendlies at the start of each mission.
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: blackshark on September 10, 2021, 02:25:33 PM
Hi whistler

first of all a great thank you for your NG-xx; I enjoy them a lot

there are so many features that maybe I do not remember how-to for a feature about "player plane";
I mean that in the NG menu you can choose if you want to see:
- plane icon
- path
- target

but I do not see how to use the "target" option, it seems to me there is no difference if it's selected or not; I suppose it should show, for example, the place where a bomber has to hit with its bombs ? or what else ?

Again, a great thank you for your mods
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: whistler on September 21, 2021, 05:10:41 AM
Hi blackshark,

Glad you like the mods.

Targets (and other related icons) is something mission creators can optionally add to their missions. If you see no targets it is because the mission has none set.

Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: Jim_diGris on February 05, 2022, 09:50:50 PM
I love this mod

Would it be possible to make an icon for the v1 flying bomb? And make it visible on radar?
Title: Re: Next Generation MAP (NG-MAP) Mod v3.0 ~New Version~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltquack on April 01, 2022, 09:46:46 AM
To zoom in and out of the mini map and the fullscreen map you must use the mouse wheel.

If that doesn't work, it is because the mouse wheel is assigned to an axis in the HOTAS CONTROL section of the Controls window.


Ok,but how to remove it?
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: cbradbury on April 01, 2022, 10:14:16 AM
It is a bit of a pain that any entries on that screen can only be re-allocated - not deleted. If you go to the 'users' folder in your game, find the 'settings.ini' file (or files, if you have more than one pilot) you can manually delete the entry from there. You will find it in the [HotKey pilot] section of the file.

Do I need to say make a copy first?
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltquack on April 01, 2022, 10:37:33 AM
It is a bit of a pain that any entries on that screen can only be re-allocated - not deleted. If you go to the 'users' folder in your game, find the 'settings.ini' file (or files, if you have more than one pilot) you can manually delete the entry from there. You will find it in the [HotKey pilot] section of the file.

Do I need to say make a copy first?

I cannot zoom the minimap
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: cbradbury on April 01, 2022, 10:43:57 AM
As you have already said on the other thread you started re the same subject. People explained there that you may have the mousewheel allocated to another command in the settings, and I have just explained how to remove it if you have.
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltquack on April 01, 2022, 11:08:19 AM
As you have already said on the other thread you started re the same subject. People explained there that you may have the mousewheel allocated to another command in the settings, and I have just explained how to remove it if you have.

I cannot solve it
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: zsoltquack on April 01, 2022, 11:31:18 AM
It is a bit of a pain that any entries on that screen can only be re-allocated - not deleted. If you go to the 'users' folder in your game, find the 'settings.ini' file (or files, if you have more than one pilot) you can manually delete the entry from there. You will find it in the [HotKey pilot] section of the file.

Do I need to say make a copy first?

[HotKey pilot]
Shift W=EngineSelect2
Shift R=EngineSelect4
Shift Q=EngineSelect1
Joystick11 JoystickDevice0=Weapon Salvo Size
Shift F=EngineExtinguisher
Shift E=EngineSelect3
Shift C=Open/Close Side Hatch
Joystick5 JoystickDevice0=Weapon2
Shift 4=Step90
Shift 3=Step60
Shift 2=Step30
Shift 1=Step0
Ctrl M=Mix100
F10=Open/Close Bay Doors
Joystick0 JoystickDevice0=Weapon0
Joystick7 JoystickDevice0=BOMB_RELEASE_MODE
Joystick1 JoystickDevice0=Weapon3
Shift BackQuote=StepAuto
Alt Right=EngineToggleRight
Alt Up=EngineToggleAll
Alt Left=EngineToggleLeft
Joystick2 JoystickDevice0=Weapon1
Space=Deploy Drag Chute
Joystick9 JoystickDevice0=ROCKET_SELECT
Joystick3 JoystickDevice0=AIRCRAFT_TOGGLE_AIRBRAKE

Which part is that?
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: tomoose on April 01, 2022, 12:38:13 PM
If you pick a key/button that you never use then assign that to your HOTAS Power.  I think if you do it twice then it 'overwrites' the previous assignment.
For example,  assign CapsLock and you should see this...

Power                  CapsLock, -Mouse Z-Axis

Assign it again and you should see this...

Power                  CapsLock  (the -Mouse Z-Axis should be gone from that particular line)

I hope this helps.
Title: Re: NG-MAP v3.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-Modpack] [4.13]
Post by: cbradbury on April 01, 2022, 02:21:08 PM
Hi zsoltquack,

from the look of that file your mouse scroll is not allocated to an existing command in BAT, so it should work to zoom the map. If it does, not, then I'm afraid the problem lies elsewhere.