Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Vehicles + Artillery => Topic started by: gio963tto on February 08, 2019, 09:08:18 AM
Here are some mods that overlap two Germanic tanks in the JTW module, the current default ones represent the Pershing M26 (PzV-II) and the Patton M48A5 (PzVIB) the other folder are the following versions to the M26 the M46 ( the first renamed Patton) the M47 and a version of the 'M48 to see them must overwrite the content in the default version (of course there are two folders dedicated to the erasable versions).
they are only 3D adjustments are not new slots.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/qvc0q7qw5c4pc75/ColdWarTank.7z/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/qvc0q7qw5c4pc75/ColdWarTank.7z/file)
Install the unzipped folder in BAT/JTW/STD/3DO/tanks.
Greetins Gio.
Great job.
Thank you very much for this new delivery and for all the others with which you have given us.
Un saludo.
this seems interesting!
Good approach to use existing slots in this case!
any screenshots?
Thank you very much Gio!
I will test them in my game.
I do not use " BAT/ JTW" but I will see if this works in my 4.12 VPmedia-mod.
Thank you Gio! :) Can someone post screenshots?
Thanks for these.
AMAZING!! :) :) :)
But, just to be clear, these NATO tanks replace some german panzers only in JTW? Or does this modification affect also WAW?
In any case, your work is very appreciated. ;D
The M48 in particular looks great!
Replace only 3D in the folder if you huse the folder in same place in waw (WAW/STD/... ) I think not problem.
I think he wants to know if WAW is remaining the same or if he'll lose the German tanks there.
answer is no, this is only new 3D for JTW era, no effect on WAW if applied to JTW only.
It'll be in the next BAT.
Exactly Vampire
I was a bit worried that i would lose some tanks in WAW with this modification
Very happy to know it will be in BAT v.3.6 ]hello2[
Thank you very much Gio!
I will test them in my game.
I do not use " BAT/ JTW" but I will see if this works in my 4.12 VPmedia-mod.
Neither I. I use CUP 4.12.2 JTW (with a LOT of new modded planes), and how to put this Mod in it? CUP don"t have a JTW/STD/3DO/tanks in it.
Neither I. I use CUP 4.12.2 JTW (with a LOT of new modded planes), and how to put this Mod in it? CUP don"t have a JTW/STD/3DO/tanks in it.
IN CUP/STD/... ....
Thanks for the very quick answer Gio, but I don't have a CUP/STD folder... :o :o
(https://i.postimg.cc/Y9vmsS6g/Clipboard01.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Vrc6SmHL)
...oops, that is my IL-2 CUP folder
... my JTW folder and with the contents of the JTW/STD folder:
(https://i.postimg.cc/c4GGC5bG/Capture.png) (https://postimg.cc/0rnBHZvV)
(https://i.postimg.cc/nLz6N8CB/Capture-2.png) (https://postimages.org/)
Any chance in the future to make these 2 tanks have their own slot? instead of replacing another 3d-model?
This would be very much appreciated.
Thank you in advance. Fabulous looking models all around.
I once built a Patton tank plastic-model, but this version looks like it is more fun to use! ;D
It's a nice thing, I really like these tanks, especially Patton.
Can I add these tanks to the SAS encoder?
IN CUP/STD you make a new folder named 3do , in the new 3do folder install the folder named Tanks it is all.
Great colors and textures VPmedia!
They look wonderful
Fantastic!!! I love them!
The textures are great :)
how do you these five tanks to show up. The other two are fine. Just not clear as to where the other five are. Any advice would be most appreciated.
IN CUP/STD you make a new folder named 3do , in the new 3do folder install the folder named Tanks it is all.
Oh boy...just that. My IL-2/JTW/STD/3do/tanks. So easy.
Works perfectly.
Thanks a lot Gio. :D
P.S. = beautiful textures VPmedia.
Csvousden, just copy/paste the summer+winter files from one of the "extra" tanks (like PzVIB-M48A5) inside the PzVIB folder (backup the original PzVIB folder, of course) and/or copy/paste the summer+winter files (like PzV-II-M47) inside PZV-II folder.
You can create a new PzVIB or PzV-II folder and put a minus ( - ) signal on the original folder(s), like this:
(https://i.postimg.cc/jjQh83QP/Capture3.png) (https://postimages.org/)
I get it now! Thank you! Love these.
I added them into these slots:
Desert textures:
Good tip Vpmedia. :D
Nice desert skins too.
I finished the texture update:
Correct in technics.properties:
1-PzIIIG 1x M48 Patton
2-PzIIIG 2x M48 Patton
3-PzIIIG 3x M48 Patton
4-PzIIIG 4x M48 Patton
5-PzIIIG 5x M48 Patton
lePzKp_PzIIIG M48 Patton Tank Company
1-PzIIIJ 1x M26 Pershing
2-PzIIIJ 2x M26 Pershing
3-PzIIIJ 3x M26 Pershing
4-PzIIIJ 4x M26 Pershing
5-PzIIIJ 5x M26 Pershing
PzKp_PzIIIJ M26 Pershing Tank Company
1-PzIIIM 1x M48A5
2-PzIIIM 2x M48A5
3-PzIIIM 3x M48A5
4-PzIIIM 4x M48A5
5-PzIIIM 5x M48A5
PzKp_PzIIIM M48A5 Tank Company
1-PzIIIN 1x M46
2-PzIIIN 2x M46
3-PzIIIN 3x M46
4-PzIIIN 4x M46
5-PzIIIN 5x M46
PzIIIG M48 Patton
PzIIIJ M26 Pershing
This will work for vpmodpack (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,58461.0.html), SAS Modact and probably for BAT too.
Btw this is a temporary solution until slots are made.
Works perfectly on 4.12.2 CUP/JTW. :D
Thx VP.
I can't wait to see a T-55 vs M48A5 Patton tank battle ;D
Those tank models with the new textures look so beautiful. Congratulations VPmedia!
Can anyone make some new slots for these lovely steel beasts?
I think it´s just wrong for a new model to take the place of another cool model. ::(
What if someone wants to put a PzIIIG next to an M48 Patton in their "used car lot" ?
It cannot be done.
Thank you very much to Gio for the models and to Istvan for the textures, really appreciated. 8)
I have made slots for these that also includes the M60:
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
I have the newest BAT-version but I can't see/use the desert-camo version of the tanks (M26/48/60)
Do I need to install or change anything to get the desert versions?
I need them desperately for some missions.
Thanks for your help ;D