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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Sounds (Common) => Topic started by: SAS~CirX on August 30, 2009, 05:25:03 AM

Title: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 30, 2009, 05:25:03 AM
Explaining how Buttons Influence Sound:

~ The buttons file contains two types of file. One is an FMD file, and the other type is an EMD file.

FMD files are the main aerodynamic FM file of a plane, it in itself does not generate sound, what it does do is POINT to EMD file.

EMD files contain the engine data of a plane. Usualy a family of planes will share the same EMD file, and in that file will be data for many engines. The EMD file tells the game which PRS file to load for that plane's engine sounds.More about PRS files later.

What can go wrong here:
1) The FMD file can point to an EMD file that DOES NOT EXIST. The result of this is that the plane will explode immediately when the mission has finished loading.

2)The FMD points to an EMD file that exists, but does not contain data for THAT PARTICULAR engine. Same as numer 1, plane will explode.

3)The FMD points to a valid EMD file and sub-engine model, but that EMD file points to a PRS file that does not exist. In this case, your plane will have no engine sound. All other sounds will still be there.


What sounds are governed by the buttons file?
1) The internal (inside the cockpit) ENGINE sound
2) The EXTERNAL engine sound
3) The Start-up and shut-down sound of an engine (If it has any...rockets and some jets dont have any)

Does the buttons file influence any other sounds in the game?

If my plane loses sound sometimes, like when it idles, or when it revs very high, is the cause of this in buttons?
No, you have the wrong type of data in your PRS file for that plane.


PRS files:

PRS files are the files that tell the game which sound files (WAV FILES) to use for an engine, and how those sounds should be handled by that game.

There are two places where PRS files can be found. One is in your "FILES" folder (IF YOU HAVE ONE).

you will find those here:
...your Main Game Folder\Files\presets\sounds\...

Or in the Mods folder. those will  will be found in this place:

...your Main Game Folder\MODS\WHATEVER_FILENAME_YOU_LIKE\presets\sounds\...

You may see that if you have prs files, you have ones for all kinds of sounds, like guns sounds, bullet wizzes, cockpit sounds ect. Those do not concern buttons. The only PRS files that govern the engine sounds of planes, have names that start with the word "motor"

For example:


or a start up sound looks like:


and it's associated stop file for engine shut down will look like this:


What are the advantages of having sounds in your mods folder instead of the files folder?

Files in the files folder tend to load a fraction quicker, but this is marginal. It is a good place to have a bunch of files you want out of the way.

However, in your mods folder, you can put every plane's soundfiles in a seperate folder if you want. Easy thus to update or troubleshoot.

When the game loads, it will always give anything contained in your MODS folder priority over anything in the FILES folder. Thus, if you have two identical prs files, one in FILES and one in MODS, the game will ONLY load the one in your mods folder.

Now for the important bit:

The Buttons file only tells the game which PRS file to use. It does not do anything more than that. The prs file reacts to what the motor is doing, revving up, or down, or damaged...whatever it does. But the point is, what goes on INSIDE the PRS file, has nothing to do with buttons.

So I can, for example, take a jet engine's PRS file, and name it "motor.Rolls-Royce-Merlin.prs" , and then my Spitfires will have rocket sounds...it wont work very WELL, but it WILL WORK.

So, what does this tell you?
It means that, if you are missing a sound, or you want to give some aircraft the engine sounds of others, you simply look up the relevant PRS name in the SAS sound Matrix Xcell sheet (included in SAS Buttons downloads). Find the prs file of the sounds you like, make a copy of it, and name the copy for whatever PRS file you want it to represent.

This is also the principle behind the universal soundpatches.

So, enjoy your sounds, our buttons, and if you run into problems, let us know so we can fix them!


The SAS Team.
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Triad773 on September 29, 2009, 11:15:38 AM
Thanks CirX for posting this! Now I can stop mucking up my Files "files," and playing paddy cake with my backup copies ;)

Great stuff Sir


Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SmilingCow on January 17, 2010, 08:53:23 AM
What about the volume inside the cockpit ?
Is it ajustable ?
I'd like so much to lower a bit the sound inside my cockpît.
Any help please ?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 17, 2010, 01:31:05 PM
Use SFS extractor to extract the hsfx sounds sfs file (if that is what you are using) then find ever seperate internal soundsample for the engines you want to adjust, and then use an app like wavosaur to lower the aplitudude of each sample individualy.

Sorry there is no easy way to do this.
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SolanaBogon on October 22, 2010, 05:58:23 AM
It is possible to modify an EMD file?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SV_MadisonV44 on October 24, 2010, 06:43:40 AM
Hi Cirx, I'm ok regarding the use of SFS extractor, very simple, but after that, you've got to put your lowered Wav files in your \Files\samples directory if exist or create one in your MOD folder.

With Tim Tools is there a "simple" way to recompile the SFS with the modified Wav file ?

SmilingCow, See you next time on teamspeak (before next Bagration campaign for example)
I will show you the best way to do this, if needed... ;)

Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 24, 2010, 07:44:15 AM
no, there is no available SFS recompiler
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: mattebubben on October 26, 2010, 07:45:31 AM

 you simply look up the relevant PRS name in the SAS sound Matric Xcell sheet. Find the prs file of the sounds you like, make a copy of it, and name the copy for whatever PRS

hmm sry for beeing noob but what his that Sas Sound Matric u are talking about and how do i find it =P

Edit: Nevermind i found it =)
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Bao on November 24, 2010, 04:01:20 AM
Hi Cirx,

One question.What is the difference between original names of *.prs files in stock buttons and SAS buttons? Is it the same?Like
motor.BMW_800_Series.prs,name is the same with both buttons or you have changed it?

Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 24, 2010, 04:47:05 AM
Hi Bao

The deafult prs motor sounds list is very short. almost all the prs names used in our buttons is new .
The default prs files I list for you below. These are used by all planes in the stock game with stock buttons. Not a big variety!

Normal Engine Sounds:                                                                                                                                   

Rocket and Jet Sounds:

Start/Stop Sounds:                                                                                                                                   
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Bao on November 24, 2010, 06:07:04 AM
Thanks a lot Cirx,that was very quick and very good answer.Thats what I was asking for.

Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Tomcat_Zombie on December 05, 2010, 02:57:30 PM
Hi Cirx

I read carefully your post and, of course, found it very (very) interesting. But I have some questions though...
I "lost" the flyby sound of my Corsair some times ago and after several try, I have to admit that I'm unable to restore it. I should say that I'm using Tiger's Flyby, and as you surely already know, I've got some *flyby.prs files within my preset/sounds folder.
So my questions are : is there a relation between *.emd files and those *flyby.prs files or these lasts were added by Tiger ? And is there a way to restore this beautiful music ;) once produced by the Corsair ?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 05, 2010, 03:44:44 PM
Are you using SAS buttons? if so, are you using the SAS patches for Tiger's mod?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Tomcat_Zombie on December 06, 2010, 03:43:43 AM
Oups, I didn't know a patch exists, wich can be found a few lines below  :-[, sorry !
However, thank you for your help, my Corsair now can nicely fly by again  ;D
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: SAS~CirX on December 06, 2010, 05:32:08 AM
your welcome :)
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: peluca on December 30, 2010, 10:53:33 AM
hi people!!!
i have a problem... i want to instal the 190 new engine sound...
i did all the things... but i can't hear the start up... somebody know why?
i have the AAA mod... i think that my mod is the problem.... but i don't know....

thanks people.......
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: thefruitbat on January 02, 2011, 11:29:49 AM
Hi Bao

The deafult prs motor sounds list is very short. almost all the prs names used in our buttons is new .
The default prs files I list for you below. These are used by all planes in the stock game with stock buttons. Not a big variety!

Normal Engine Sounds:                                                                                                                                   

Rocket and Jet Sounds:

Start/Stop Sounds:                                                                                                                                   

thanks for this, unbelievable that the stock game only uses 8 engine sounds:(

is there any way i can find out which planes use which off these 8?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: harpia on December 19, 2012, 03:53:29 AM
Searching in SAS and not wanting to open a new topic, I get here and I think my problem is being addressed here. But do not know how to pack my resolver.O F86 is no engine sound, do not have much experience installing mods in IL2, follow the directions that come in the archives here and helps the SAS. If you can give a step by step help, I thank you. Not to open another topic, does have a way of enabling the AGM in Phantom also Excuse the bad English by Google Translate, I only speak Portuguese in Brazil. :-[
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: WindWpn on July 16, 2013, 11:29:46 AM
Looking into leveraging/improving sound in 4.12 using existing samples and prs files as base.  Main effort is redeploying custom sounds and prs into the new my_... folders and mapping the sounds accordingly.  However beyond a given sound and its matching reference in a prs file, is there any documentation out there which explains the logic behind a prs?  For example, I am attempting to set up a gun sound for an LA5.  I have the correct prs and using 4.12's new sound debugging feature, it is quite easy to see how the sounds are loading in the log.lst file.  However, I do not know what the entries mean in a given weapon sound prs.  For example:

Code: [Select]
mode         relobj pos
type         mixer
numadj   1



env 0 2
infinite 1
period 0.1

env 8
infinite 1
period 0.1

I understand the samples section which points to the given wav files, however why two?  What the is logic difference between ShAVk_1x and ShVAK_1i and the parameters set for each in the section below the samples list?  Are those wavs which include "x" in the name refer to "external (heard from outside plane)" sound, while the files including "i" in the name are "internal (heard from inside cockpit)" sound?

Hopefully an experienced sound modder will soon release an updated sound pack for 4.12 given all the excellent wav files out there, but until then, I would like to explore sounds and hopefully understand how they are configured within the code. 

Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 12, 2018, 06:26:07 AM
Can anyone explain me one important thing?
First of all I observed that one or another prs file concerns not only one engine. I wanted to change some sounds for particular engines and got a real mess! So, what I noticed, for example M-62.prs has nothing with M-62 engine and sounds for I-153 or I-16. Chaning the M-62 sounds gave nothing. But, somehow I noticed that motor.Gnome-Rhome-Jupiter.prs concerns M-62 engine and sounds! Why? If M-62.prs and sounds exist for M-62 engine, then why motor.Gnome-Rhome-Jupiter.prs is associated with it? Ok, i made rather good sounds for I-153 and I-16, and then got very bad thing with Gnome-Rhone engine for Hs-129! How to open this prs file and change the data inside it? I thought that M-62.prs should be exactly for M-62 engine with M-62 sounds! In fact every file in interconnected with all others??? In this case we cannot make the sounds of our way((
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Mick on August 12, 2018, 09:06:00 AM
... this is because since we don't have specific sounds/samples for each and every plane, some of them "borrow" the sound of other planes ...  :-X

In your example, the Hs129 that had French Gnome-Rhone engines, borrows the sound of Russian I-153 and I-16 engines ...

You can easily open and edit the .prs files with a text editor, like Windows Notepad for ex ... ;)
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 12, 2018, 10:15:15 AM
Oh, that's great!!!
I opened it with notepad! Many thanks!!!
But in this case I do not see the lines there which show to what engine the sounds are attributed. The name of the engine to which the sounds belong is not mentioned. I just wanted to separate Hs-129 engine sounds and make them belong only to this aircraft, having separate I-153 and I-16 sounds)) Is it possible? i.e. havind two different prs files
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 12, 2018, 10:22:58 AM
For example there are motor.Gnome-Rhome-Jupiter which concers Hs-129 and I-153/I-16. Then, there is motor.M-62_engine, which as I thought belong to I-153 and I-16 as well. The entries in the both files are same. Then if one is for Hs-129 and the second one is exactly for I-153/I-16 and they are same, then why when I modify motor.Gnome-Rhome-Jupiter it anyway affect I-153 and I-16 sounds which have a separate motor.M-62_engine file? Why motor.M-62_engine is overridden by  motor.Gnome-Rhome-Jupiter? What can be done?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Mick on August 12, 2018, 11:36:36 AM
But in this case I do not see the lines there which show to what engine the sounds are attributed.

... it is the "buttons" that tells which engine sound will be used for a specific plane ...  ;)

So if you want to give, for ex, plane A, a specific engine sound, instead of the one already in use, you then need to edit the "buttons" regarding this plane A, which is not an easy task at all ... :-X

May be Epervier, who knows how to edit the "buttons" will tell you what to do ...  ;)
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 12, 2018, 11:49:44 AM
Can this buttons file be opened with the same notepad? And if I open, won't it then have any negative effect on the game?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Mick on August 13, 2018, 03:55:56 AM
... yes, but it is java language, so you'll get something like that:

.. very small extract:

Code: [Select]
J;,   e     €  MV{TÒgÏ÷t̘®\™VνyCsÞP«¥"bMT(ÅBQ1Èðí]åe¤+»líåÌQf¦–bSk@k¡¦fvqvñFšYâm³Í—çùå9ûû{žïísù>; ì"fÉhëÁUV:4ªwÒ§Ou5£âuI¡ÖÓ˜þ®;â å5f„ºBPìb{z ^á:Wv7–­cx›2¨ÏFüt{ÖøI¼J&Ï–žÁ /„¤ê¨º³‰ø­Øšžðíª•ök*p×ɧߎd¶ìŽœÔÈK±
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... even in its "readable" form, java is a programming language so if you're not familiar with it, you'd better not touch it ...  ;)

Here is an example of java language in its "readable" form:

Code: [Select]
public void rareAction(float f, boolean flag) {
super.rareAction(f, flag);
if (FM.AS.isMaster() && Config.isUSE_RENDER()) {
Vector3d vector3d = super.FM.getVflow();
mn = (float) vector3d.lengthSquared();
mn = (float) Math.sqrt(mn);
this.mn /= Atmosphere.sonicSpeed((float) ((Tuple3d) (FM.Loc)).z);
if (mn >= 0.9F && (double) mn < 1.1000000000000001D)
ts = true;
ts = false;

public void update(float f) {
if (FM.AS.isMaster() && Config.isUSE_RENDER()) {
if (super.FM instanceof RealFlightModel)

private final void umn() {
Vector3d vector3d = super.FM.getVflow();
mn = (float) vector3d.lengthSquared();
mn = (float) Math.sqrt(mn);
this.mn /= Atmosphere.sonicSpeed((float) ((Tuple3d) (FM.Loc)).z);
if (mn >= lteb)
ts = true;
ts = false;
private static float lteb = 0.92F;

... does that speak to you ...???  8)

Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 13, 2018, 09:41:33 AM
Eh, I just wanted to change I-153/I-16 engine if the flight model to M-62 engine instead of Gnome-Rhone Jupiter, which is also used by Hs-129B-2. In fact I made quite good engine sounds for I-153/I-16 engines, but it affected Hs-129B-2! Now, it is not sounding at high rpm neither in the cockpit, not outside the same. Why it is so complicated to modify this files? If there is M-62 engine used in reality by I-153/I-16, and prs and sounds for M-62 are available, then why in flight model they have Gnome-Rhone-Jupiter, which is the engine for Hs-129? That's why I want to change the engone family of I-153/I-16 to M-62 and use M-62engine.prs separately from Gnome-Rhone-Jupiter.prs. I would leave one for Hs-129 and the other one for I-153/I-16. What can be done in this case?
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Mick on August 13, 2018, 10:24:26 AM
... sorry but I am by far not a sounds specialist, and even less a java or buttons one ...  :-[

All I can tell you is that when there is an x just in front of the name, that's for external engine sounds, if no x, then inside cockpit sounds ...  ;)


Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 13, 2018, 01:43:41 PM
Entrying some new info from another files helped! Of course it is rough work and now Hs-129B-2 sounds better but still not excellent! Anyway, it is better than nothing! Now it sounds at 85-110% throttling)) Of course I will never manage with opening and editing buttons file, my God, I just wanted to rename the engine names, that's all! In comparison with Strike Fighters 1 & 2, where everything is open, Il-2 is much more hidden and complicated! Buttons file is a mistery for us, just simple players)) But Il-2 is a fantastic simulator ever!!! Many thanks for your help!

One more thing, I everytime fail to install one or another aircraft in my 4.13.4 version. For example, FW-190A-2 & A-3. This is a problem of buttons file as well? 
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Mick on August 13, 2018, 03:42:38 PM
One more thing, I everytime fail to install one or another aircraft in my 4.13.4 version. For example, FW-190A-2 & A-3. This is a problem of buttons file as well? 

... well since 4.13 was designed to pork each and every already existing mod, no wonder you can't install whatever you fancy ...  :-X

You'd better stay with 4.12 versions ...  ;)
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 14, 2018, 03:27:16 AM
Oh! It means that starting from 4.13 version something was changed? That's why I failed to install more thant 90% of foreign mods? Better not to have a headache and stay with 4.12.2? ))
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Mick on August 14, 2018, 03:59:41 AM
... I only have a 4.09 version, so can't say much about 4.13 versions, except Storebror said multiple times SAS would stop trying to catch up with 4.13 and may be upcoming 4.14 etc, since this meant adapting existing mods to the new DT patches, which is a huge task, given the modifications included in 4.13 that don't make it easy, to say the least ...

Just read here, in case you don't have the latest 4.13 Modact ...

Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: Marat on August 14, 2018, 09:36:47 AM
Many thanks!!!

I will have a look on that)))
Title: Re: PRS Files: a Short Tutorial
Post by: whistler on August 16, 2018, 03:45:11 AM
[...] Better not to have a headache and stay with 4.12.2? ))

Yes. B.A.T. (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,53691.0.html) and VP Modpack (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50919.0.html) based on 4.12.2 are the king and queen of '46 mods.

But if you like building blocks games, then 4.13.X is the right choice.
