Bf-109 "L" Series
Bf-109L-1, 1945: The first of the Bf-109L series, set at around June of 1945. Notable changes from the Bf-109K include the more powerful (fictional) DB606A engine, and the replacement of the MG131 machineguns over the nose with MG151/20 cannons. The L-1 has many loadout options, including MK103 and MK108 gunpods along with a bomb or the eternal Type D droptank.
Bf-109L-1/B, 1945: This is a Jabo variant of the L-1, capable of carrying up to twice the bombload of a normal Bf-109. For tankbusting, it carries an MK 103 Motorkanone loaded with an AP belt. Similarly to the L-3, the L-1/B has extra armor plating, increasing its survivability against AA and interceptors at the cost of higher weight.
Bf-109L-2, 1945: The L-2 is a development of the L-1, supposed to have gone into service in October or November of 1945. In the L-2 series, you will find the DB606B, and the new "MK 208" cannon, and improvement over the MK 108, but it didn't have provisions for carrying bombs.
Bf-109L-2 Late, 1946: Introduced around March 1946, the later series L-2s were fitted with lighter airframes, allowing less weight for better takeoff and climb performance, and the Askania EZ-42 gyroscopic gunsight. In response to complaints from squadrons flying earlier L-2 models, the L-2 brought back the ability to fit bombs.
Bf-109L-3 Zerstorer, 1946: The L-3, staying true to its name "Zerstorer" (destroyer in English), had options for much more powerful guns than any other 109L, including dual MK 352B (fictional) gunpods under the wings, or MK 214A heavy cannons. The L-3 was also the first of the series to use the MK 213 as a possible nose cannon, and it had heavier armor than other Bf-109Ls. Despite the numbering, the L-3 was flying before the later series L-2s, and was put into service around January 1946.
Bf-109L-4, 1946: The L-4, which started service in July 1946, has the DB606C1 engine, and has noticeably less options for loadouts than other Bf-109Ls, mostly due to its more standardised set of cannons: two MG 213 20mm cannon over the nose, and one MK 213 30mm "Motorkanone" (nose cannon). The L-4's cockpit, like the L-2's, was fitted with the EZ-42 sight instead of the ReVi-16. The L-4 could also fit MG 213 or MK 213 gunpods under the wings, along with, under the fuselage, an SC250 or SC500, a Type D Droptank, or an X-4 wire-guided rocket.
Bf-109L-4C3, 1946: The L-4C3, supposedly introduced around August 1946, is the true monster of the Bf-109Ls. It boasts the usage of the ludicrously powerful DB606C3 engine, with an incredible 2000 horsepower. In all other respects, though, it was the same as the Bf-109L-4.
MK208 machine cannon: The MK208 is a fictional development of the MK108 that boasts a slightly higher rate of fire, a slightly higher muzzle velocity, and more accurate shooting.
MK352B machine cannon: The MK352B is another fictional weapon, similar to the MK214A but with a higher rate of fire and less powerful ammunition. Because of the similar weights and initial projectile velocities of the weapons, the MK352B is much more difficult to fire owing to its extreme recoil.
MK103 (AP belt) machine cannon: The name says it all. This gun was made speficially for the L-1/B, and is basically a bog-standard MK 103 with no explosive charge. To increase the AP effect of the gun as opposed to the standard explosive belt of the standard MK 103, the internal property of the caliber was increased slightly.
- CHANGES IN v22102020 -
* Drag curves tuned to decrease speed at low altitude for all models. This is because, for instance, the L-4C3 could attain 800 km/h at sea level, which is ridiculous. All models now have more "realistic" performance at sea level. (see [Polares]CxMin_0 entries in FMDs)
* Engine compressor curves tuned to decrease speed at high altitude for all models. This is because the L-1 could easily exceed 400 km/h IAS at 10km, which is ridiculous. As engine power generally increases as model numbers progress, you can imagine the speeds attainable by the L-4C3 with its 2000 HP monster. With both of these changes, I hope to make the planes less simply meme god planes, while still retaining their (obvious) superior German Engineering™.
- CHANGES IN v02052020 -
* Fixed L-1 and L-2 late being unable to drop bombs.
- CHANGES IN v01052020 -
* L-1B skin folder added with all the standard Bf-109L skins.
* Drag levels changed to vary maximum speed between models, also resulting in an over maximum speed increase in level flight. This will result in a very noticeable change when flying level. (see [Polares]CxMin_0 entries)
* Radial drag levels changed to affect energy loss (see [Polares]parabCxCoeff_0 and [Polares]parabCxCoeff_1)
* Color of EZ42's gyro ring points changed to be slightly brighter and more yellow.
* Reorganized loadouts for L-1, L-2 early, and L-2 late.
* Changed ammo counts for L-4, L-4C3, and L-3.
* Included decompiled cod and compilation information in source code.
* Made mixes of guns which were previously unique to L-2 late common to L-1, L-2 early, and L-2 late.
* Fixed inconsistent number of rounds in MK208 Motorkanone in L-2 early and L-2 late.
- CHANGES IN v30042020 -
* L-4 not having EZ42 gunsight fixed.
* Minor adjustments to engines' optimal effeciency speed.
- CHANGES IN v29042020 -
* All Bf-109Ls now have a standalone cockpit.
* Bf-109L-2 (late), Bf-109L-4, and Bf-109L-4C3 now have the EZ-42 gyroscopic gunsight.
* Ammo counter function changed: left counter displays cowling gun ammo, right counter displays Motorkanone ammo.
* Included Bf-109L mod's source code.
* Fix error in readme instructing users to add an erroneous line.
* Changed Bf-109L-2 early from DB606A to DB606B.
* Slight modifications to (Bf-109L-2 Early) and (L-4 and L-4C3).
- CHANGES IN v28042020 -
* Transitioned loadouts to cod format to increase compatibility with B.A.T.
* Added Bf-109L-1/B.
* All Bf-109Ls now have fully functioning opening canopies.
* All Bf-109Ls' controls now work better at high speeds.
* All Bf-109Ls now have aileron and rudder trim in addition to elevator trim.
- CHANGES IN v18042020 -
* Fixed broken droptank loadouts in L-3.
- CHANGES IN v17042020 -
* New 3D model for all Bf-109Ls derived from JapanCat's Bf-109 3D, and...
* All Bf-109Ls now have four-bladed propellors.
* New default skins.
* Included skinpack for all Bf-109Ls derived from Bf-109G-14 skins from the B.A.T. skinpack.
* Changed DB 606's sound preset to DB-603_Series instead of DB-600_Series. If you're using VSM, this will result in a pretty big change.
* Bf-109L-3 has increased armor strength and weight resulting in worse performance, but better survivability.
* Fixed error in Bf-109L-3 (U2 modification was listed as U1 when combined with other modifications)
* Modified default loadout name for all Bf-109L versions L-1 through L-3.
* Changed which 109Ls use which type of DB606: L1 and L2 use DB606A, L2(late) and L3 use DB606B. L4 and L4C3 use DB606C1 and DB606C3 respectively.
- CHANGES IN v28022020 -
* L-4 and L-4C3 able to carry MG213 (20mm) gunpods. (previously only MK213 (30mm) gunpods loadouts existed)
* L-4 and L-4C3 empty loadout causing "Mission Loading Error: Null" fixed.
* L-3 new loadout options with MK214 nose cannon and MK352B gunpods, or with MK213/30 nose cannnon and MK352B gunpods. All loadout options also now have droptank variants.
* Default L-3 Motorkanone is now MK352B instead of MK208.
* Decreased the speed and accuracy of the MK352B slightly. The gun is still powerful and accurate, but it was lazer-like before.
* Fixed incorrect weapon hooks (for gunpods) leading to very odd looking placement of gun flashes. This fix is especially noticeable in the L-3 and L-4 series '109Ls.
* Includes base package of the classfiles of MG213 and MK213 guns to remove dependency on czk's Me-410s.
* Removed registering of many unused weapon slots for all series Bf-109Ls.
* New entry for Bf-109L-2 late.
* Readme includes information about when Bf-109Ls were supposedly introduced, and information about the new fictional weapons.
* L-4 able to carry a single Type D droptank.
* Note that some of the weapon loadout names of the L-4 (and, therefore, the L-4C3) have been changed, but the game's code for them has stayed the same. This is because I wished to change the names of the X-4 modification to be U1 instead of R3 without breaking missions made for older versions of the Bf-109L mod. R3 has been made the name of the droptank modification.
* Redone many entries to make the spacing more "stock-like".
- CHANGES IN v10052019 -
* Redone all loadouts and entries.
* L-4 and L-4C3 able to use X-4 rocket.
* Underwing gunpods now respond to the gunpods on/off button.
* Added skin folders and voids for all 109L.
* 109L uses correct era of german markings (1945).
* Guns over 20mm in size can no longer be used as the guns over the nose.
Download v22102020 ( (latest version)
Old versions:
Download v10052019 (
Download v28022020 (
Download v18042020 (
Download v28042020 (
Download v30042020 (
Download v02052020 (
Disclaimer: everything in this mod is, of course, complete fiction.
There is an expansion for this mod made by forum user redbaron96, adding three new models and bringing the set into 1947. See here: [LINK] (;topicseen#msg751269).
1C/Maddox games for the original Bf 109 model.
JapanCat for the Bf 109 3D, which this mod is based off of.
Der Wurstenfuchs' Bf 109 cockpits were used in this mod.
Epervier and western0221 can also take a good chunk of credit for this mod, because they helped me to code it in the WIP thread (
KingTiger503 and H.-J. Marseille helped fix compatibility errors.
Venator77 and KingTiger503 helped find errors in the readme.
Credits also go to the original creators of the skins—I still don't know who made them.
Entries for air.ini,, and are included in the download. Enjoy!