Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Seaplanes => Topic started by: Hubberranz on May 13, 2019, 08:48:15 AM

Title: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 13, 2019, 08:48:15 AM
Dornier Do J Wal ( Whale ) of 1923.

First flight was made in 1922. and the designation was set to Do-16 in the 1933 RLM reform.
This model is an import from UltraSpain 2019. Get it right here:

(https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/7f01/9wa9o12dusbb37i7g.jpg) (https://www.mediafire.com/view/?9wa9o12dusbb37i)
(https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/9077/9kc4ggesii1lk2u7g.jpg) (https://www.mediafire.com/view/?9kc4ggesii1lk2u)

The new Do J Wal actually have it's own slot. The mod is extemely well done ! Thank you all.
True seaplane, AI actually lands on water.
I hope you dont mind if I share. No change was made, xept for the name of the skin file.

Dornier J Wal..................Jir and Ton
Añadir el contenido a UltraSpain_2017
Añadir el contenido a UltraSpain_2019

Code: [Select]
Dornier-J-Wal           air.Dornie_J_Wal 2     NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Plus-Ultra              air.Plus_Ultra 2       NOINFO  g01   SUMMER

Dornier-J-Wal       Dornier Do J Wal, 1923 ('Whale'/Do-16, 1933)
Plus-Ultra          Dornier Do J "Plus Ultra", 1926

# Dornier-J-Wal
Dornie_J_Wal .default                    Default
Dornie_J_Wal .4xAO10                     4 x AO-10
Dornie_J_Wal .2xFAB50                    2 x FAB-50
Dornie_J_Wal .4xFAB50                    4 x FAB-50
Dornie_J_Wal .2xFAB100                   2 x FAB-100
Dornie_J_Wal .none                       Empty

# Plus-Ultra
Plus_Ultra .default                         Default
Plus_Ultra .none                            Empty

Skin Files:   Dornier-J-Wal  and  Plus-Ultra

Note: ..seems Plus_Ultra has quite different mapping for the wings (skins).
In new link ( No2 ) I have added "Plus Ultra", the second variant of Dornier Wal.

( No2 ) Download:

Tested in 412,2 SAS 5.3 clean, plus heavily modded.
May work in other game versions.  DiffFM required--> in an EngineMod!

...requires Typeseaplane to be defined in your game; if your game crashes at 20%,
you will need to have such mod as Sunderland MkII: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50850.0.html
...Do J mod uses B-20B/DB7 Boston MkII modified pit, i.e. classes; if you have blue field pits, use: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1126.msg12794.html#msg12794

Tested in 410,1 SAS 3.06 clean.

About Do15, Wiki quote:
Bemerkung: In vielen Darstellungen, v. a. im Internet, wird für den Militärwal die Bezeichnung Dornier Do 15 angegeben. Dies ist nicht korrekt.
"Remark: in a lot of presentations, on the Internet, the designation Dornier Do 15 is given(indicated) for the military whale. This is not correct."
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: kirk1965 on May 13, 2019, 10:09:58 AM
Thanks! Beautiful Flyingboat. :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: whistler on May 13, 2019, 10:43:14 AM
Nice! I love seaplanes 8)

Thanks Hubberranz, Jir and whomever else involved in UltraSpain!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Mission_bug on May 13, 2019, 02:23:02 PM
Superb, thank you very much to all involved, really appreciated. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Gubi on May 13, 2019, 03:27:56 PM
Works in my DBW.  Thanx to all.  Cheers and prost
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: David Prosser on May 13, 2019, 03:43:12 PM
Thanks for this. I've been using it in Ultra Spain. I hope a lot more of the planes from there appear in BAT. And some of the ships too.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: max_thehitman on May 13, 2019, 03:43:39 PM

Super nice !  ]cheers[  I also love seaplanes!

Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 13, 2019, 06:28:53 PM
New Link in first post.              The "Plus Ultra" variant has been added.

Correction: The Readme says skin file is Plus_Ultra; that's wrong; it should be Plus-Ultra as shown in the window of first post.

Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: sosezi on May 14, 2019, 04:08:01 AM
Lovely Wal :) Thanks!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: SAS~Poltava on May 14, 2019, 06:47:35 AM
Great! Thanks to ALL involved. A must - together with a a number of other aircraft - in the next update of BAT/the TGA Module!  ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: andrey65 on May 14, 2019, 07:29:09 AM
I was also delighted! thanks!
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: RealDarko on May 14, 2019, 07:31:35 AM
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: sosezi on May 14, 2019, 07:35:40 AM
Flew her today and shot her down many times ;)
works perfectly in 4.12.2m :) Thanks again!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Zflyer48 on May 14, 2019, 07:37:36 AM
Amazing addition.  I can scratch that off of my flying boat "to do' list. Very good.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Gaston on May 14, 2019, 11:21:27 AM
Thanks a lot ! Downloading now !
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: andrey65 on May 16, 2019, 06:46:00 AM
Just a flight on this plane. Period - the colonial war in Morocco. Dynamic weather and navigator.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: White_Phoenix on May 17, 2019, 12:55:14 PM
Great looking flying boat!
Humble request: Version able to fly with  4.101 with SAS ModAct 3.06?

Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: sosezi on May 17, 2019, 09:53:55 PM
Phoenix just try her ;) if she's not just delete her lol

Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 18, 2019, 08:09:20 AM
Humble request: Version able to fly with  4.101 with SAS ModAct 3.06?
410 SAS 3.06
I tried for two days to make a single DiffFM dependant plane ( believe me, multiples tried...  ) to work in this hostile environment.
I did not even had SAS flyables, and the pure DiffFM_410 did not work ( _00_DiffFM_410 ) for most mods import from DBW I tried,  for lack of this or that; plane mods of this 'SAS era' are BUTTON dependant mostly, and share pits.
It came down to an Engine-mod: "!SAS_Engine_Mod_4101m_v26ju"  and an "!! SAS Common Utils", to make a "Baron mod" with my own pit version to finaly brake the 20% and 60% crashes frontiers using it's own FM and pit, at last !
( Note: Engine_Mod does have a 294ABC86A89FAEB4 DiffFM... ).

Meanwhile the bottom line for the Dornier J still remains at :
Code: [Select]
[13:35:15] Spawn.get( com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Dornie_J_Wal ): com/maddox/il2/objects/air/TypeSeaPlane
[13:35:15] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/il2/objects/air/TypeSeaPlane
  No success. Hope someone can solve  >: NoClassDefFound of TypeSeaPlane.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 18, 2019, 09:19:34 AM
I don't have 4.10 installed to check this out but if I recall correctly aren't 4.10 seaplanes using the classfile " TypeSailPlane" for seaplane use.

Lone Wolf
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 18, 2019, 09:25:38 AM
Yep; probably 409 too.
It is the usual "landing on land in 412" of sailplanes imported from 409, issue, but this time the other way around.

...the implement TypeSailplane if game is 409, 410 or 411. If your game is 412 or 413 you will need TypeSeaplane.
...also the 'other way around' causes crash at 20% from   having the wrong    not having the proper class file.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 18, 2019, 10:13:19 AM
Works in my DBW.  Thanx to all.  Cheers and prost

...potential answer/reason for that in my following post, #25.
Definition Typeseaplane is being provided by some other mod. Found.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: bomberkiller on May 18, 2019, 10:40:58 AM
Hello Hubberranz,

Gubi is right, "der Wal" (both) run flawlessly in my 4.10.1 & DBW & Tigers UV3.

Thank you very much.

Gubi, thank you for the hint.

Best regards, cheers and prost,

Gerhard  :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: White_Phoenix on May 21, 2019, 11:16:04 AM
Phoenix just try her ;) if she's not just delete her lol

LOL.. And really not working for me. CTD at 60%.

But will try to discover what am I doing wrong...

Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: sosezi on May 21, 2019, 01:58:07 PM
CTD 60% >air.ini entry error

try to copy/paste again :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 22, 2019, 03:54:29 AM
LOL.. And really not working for me. CTD at 60%.
But will try to discover what am I doing wrong...
1- ..the following resolves crash at 20% in 410 environment. I did not experience/experiment 60% after that.
      ( What sosezi says is true: I've recheck the lines in the readme of No2; they work ).
2- ..this will add Typeseaplane definition to your game; please pay attention to much of the earlier said comments.

3- ADD mod Sunderland MkII to your game ( wherein file  BD105B44FD783DEE sets Typeseaplane ); licensed by Barnesy.

4- Now, What if: .. you now have blue fields instead of pits: use DB-7 Boston MkII mod (A-20B):

... tested in 410.1 SAS 3.06.   

PS to White_Phoenix : you don't have to text-install the above mods for DoJ to work; their mere presence  as files does it.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: sosezi on May 22, 2019, 08:13:51 AM
Oh Sunderland!!!  :) this baby is in my mod folder ;) she's simply great!! apart from Do J Wal Highly Recommended bird!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: White_Phoenix on May 22, 2019, 11:41:37 AM
LOL.. And really not working for me. CTD at 60%.
But will try to discover what am I doing wrong...
1- ..the following resolves crash at 20% in 410 environment. I did not experience/experiment 60% after that.
      ( What sosezi says is true: I've recheck the lines in the readme of No2; they work ).
2- ..this will add Typeseaplane definition to your game; please pay attention to much of the earlier said comments.

3- ADD mod Sunderland MkII to your game ( wherein file  BD105B44FD783DEE sets Typeseaplane ); licensed by Barnesy.

4- Now, What if: .. you now have blue fields instead of pits: use DB-7 Boston MkII mod (A-20B):

... tested in 410.1 SAS 3.06.   

PS to White_Phoenix : you don't have to text-install the above mods for DoJ to work; their mere presence  as files suffice.

Thank yo!
Will try this!
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: Hubberranz on May 22, 2019, 04:06:01 PM
High again,White_Phoenix: remember I said "look into the earlier comments" ?
Check out my answer to you of post #18   Make that step zero ( 0 - ).     
In there I said single file DifFM did not worked for me, but I had to use Engine Mod.  --->   60%  <---
Hard to find for 410, but I found it, line two: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23327.0.html
[Apply Hotfix of june, just below.] [..u can follow the catapult.ini trail, from answer #446 out! Ouch! Feels like I'm not getting younger.]

(Warning! The present post(s) is/are for 410.1 / SAS 3.06)
Finally, all you MAY be missing is CommonUtilities, weapons packs et.c. ( but NOT for the 'J' to work, per say ) .

Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: oldschoolie on May 23, 2019, 04:29:36 AM
Thank you for the fix info. works a treat in my SCW version. Great to have this little aircraft.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: David Prosser on May 23, 2019, 06:32:54 AM
It features in a career, and a single mission I made for ULTRA SPAIN 2019.
Title: Re: Dornier Do J Wal
Post by: White_Phoenix on May 23, 2019, 10:14:44 AM
High again,White_Phoenix: remember I said "look into the earlier comments" ?
Check out my answer to you of post #18   Make that step zero ( 0 - ).     
In there I said single file DifFM did not worked for me, but I had to use Engine Mod.  --->   60%  <---
Hard to find for 410, but I found it, line two: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23327.0.html
[Apply Hotfix of june, just below.] [..u can follow the catapult.ini trail, from answer #446 out! Ouch! Feels like I'm not getting younger.]

(Warning! The present post(s) is/are for 410.1 / SAS 3.06)
Finally, all you MAY be missing is CommonUtilities, weapons packs et.c. ( but NOT for the 'J' to work, per say ) .

Roger that!
Thank you Sir!