Special Aircraft Service
Battlefield - Airborne - Tactical (BAT) => BAT Missions and Campaigns => WAW (World at War) => Topic started by: Aioros on May 28, 2019, 11:29:19 PM
Good day to all the members of SAS and to all the players of our venerable sim.
(https://i.postimg.cc/QCRGNdJv/Cover.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Today I proudly present a conversion and update to B.A.T of my first campaing for Il-2 1946: Operation Váli (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52388.0.html)
What is new in V 1.1:
1. Practically all the missions were improved in various ways to make them more enjoyable and fully compatible with B.A.T.
2. I changed some of the spawn points of the first eleven missions. (Taxi to take off is fun but not when most of your Schwarm crashes in the most idiotic forms, So I simplified things for the AI and hence for the player).
3. Added the C&C NAV object to help the player to navigate, specially in the missions that take place in the English channel map.
4. More C&C objects were added to the missions
5. Added some of the new static objects available in B.A.T to the missions.
Don't forget to check the Readme file.
Direct download link:
Edit 1: To help you find your way while taxing don't forget to bind a key or joystick button to the "Toogle Taxi Guide Line" command in your controls section.
Edit 2: To enhance your taxiing experience check the following post:
Edit 3: If you are experiencing problems with the A.I crashing into other objects or planes while taxiing or when it is taking off, just follow the next rule of thumb, Let the A.I flights taxi and take off ahead of you. I put great effort in the taxi and take off routines of this campaign, just follow common sense and proper taxiing procedures.
Edit 4: After testing a couple of missions In B.A.T using the integrated PAL's MissionPRO Combo, I think that its safe to use it to change the player's plane and/or loadout, but I don't recommend it to change the weather settings or the player's flight.
Edit 5: As a bonus I recommend this guide to any newcomer in order to fully understand the nature of the A.I commands:
Many thanks Aioros for this conversion! ]thumbsup[
this looks very interesting, thanks a lot :D
but I am moving this thread to the WAW sub-section, since this is where it belongs.
This looks incredible many thanks. ;D
I know this thread hasn't been commented upon for 4 years but does anyone have the campaign and could reupload it? Since I'm currently downloading WAW campaigns from the B.A.T Single Mission Community packs however this like I said, this campaign mediafire link is dead.
So I would appreciate it if someone steps up and reuploads it from their computer.
I have it but have no idea how to upload. If you can tell me how, I'll try.
mediafire without an account will let you make a temporary upload the link will be valid for a month or so now I don't remember well but whatever it is should be sufficient. If you google mediafire you will see how easy it is
Got it! I don't have time right now but will have it up by tomorrow.
Got it! I don't have time right now but will have it up by tomorrow.
No worries, take your time to do it, since I'm playing VVS-46 , I can wait till tomorrow.
It was an interesting campaign, I played it in CUP if I'm not mistaken.
Unfortunately, I can not find it now in my files.
I have it, but I don't know how to upload it.
Here goes! https://www.mediafire.com/file/71o2ezqmtq91weo/Operation_V%25C3%25A1li.zip/file
OK tested and it appears to work. Good luck!
Here goes! https://www.mediafire.com/file/71o2ezqmtq91weo/Operation_V%25C3%25A1li.zip/file
OK tested and it appears to work. Good luck!
Hey man, thank you, I appreciate you taking your time to reupload this campaign.
New link is broken
Hello Huckebein, the original link is still dead. The new one in my reply above is working. I downloaded it twice just now to make sure. I hope this clarifies things.
New link is broken
I have to confirm....it send me at a Amazon download page for The Royal Bach Orchestra....
Same here...
Yes indeed, it goes to the Amazon download page, could someone confirm if my mediafire link works?
Not working....still Orchestra....
Weird, I'mma try again with Wetransfer.
A bit of things to accept but managed to reach the file....IIUC the link 'll be active for a week....
A bit of things to accept but managed to reach the file....IIUC the link 'll be active for a week....
Yes indeed unfortunately. Gonna try and see If I can log in into my mega account to keep the link permanent.
Here's the mega link for it.
I don't have a clue on this. It works for me. Is this the link you've been trying? https://www.mediafire.com/file/71o2ezqmtq91weo/Operation_V%25C3%25A1li.zip/file If not try the link in my post on the first page.
This one should work: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bwyjhonvds5houp/BAT_WAW_Operation_Vali_(1944).7z/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/bwyjhonvds5houp/BAT_WAW_Operation_Vali_(1944).7z/file)
LZKooking forward to this , thnks Korrigan m8. cheers
And thank you Arios for a brilliant effort !
Aioros srry about the spelling bro
And thank you Arios for a brilliant effort !
My pleasure my friend. I put a lot of effort and heart in this campaign, I was randomly checking how were things around here in SAS, and seeing ChicagoFire1 asking for this campaign brought a smile to my face. I also lost the original zip file by the way, so thanks a lot guys for uploading it again.
I hope you enjoy it.