Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => MissionPro => Topic started by: whistler on August 23, 2019, 09:26:47 AM

Title: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on August 23, 2019, 09:26:47 AM
MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2
~ for IL-2 1946 4.12.2 ~



BENITOMUSO and all that came before him. Here is what PAL/Pablo/benitomuso has to say about his MissionProCombo for 4.12:

Credits for QMBPro: Josse, FatCat and SAS. To CirX for being my Beta Tester and encouraging me to follow with these projects.
Special thanks to Diego (Sir Galahad) who helped me to debug the MOD to this final version.
Malone for his suggestion of the Country field for the flight.

Credits for MissionPro: CirX from SAS and special thanks and compliments to Andy (Vampire Pilot) who helped me a lot to debug the MOD and make this new release clean, fully functional and stable.

Credits for FMBPlus+: to the author / authors of the original FMBPlus who I never could find who are (if someone tells me I will amend this empty space).

Thank you benitomuso for your continued effort with this jewel, and thank you vampire_pilot for beta-testing MissionProCombo PLUS!


What started as an attempt to improve a couple of things ended up in a complete revision on MissionProCombo for 4.12 by benitomuso. Almost all MissionProCombo classes got updated and even more classes were added to the mix. It is impossible to list the hundreds of changes that went everywhere: some are minimal, some considerably large. The source code has changed a lot in many areas and while you won't see internal changes explained anywhere, the whole experience is greatly improved.

Note that I used 4.13 sources whenever possible and therefore MissionProCombo PLUS takes 4.12 players closer to 4.13. Still, much of the base code is 4.12. At a glance, the mod seems to work in 4.13 but I didn't test it thoroughly. If you use MissionProCombo PLUS in 4.13, and if it all works, know that you no longer are in 4.13. I don't support 4.13 or later versions, the fact that my mods work in versions other than 4.12 is pure coincidence.

The minimum configuration I support in my mods is 1280x960, English language. Some items won't fit in smaller screens. Good care was put to maintain compatibility with any 4.12 game of any kind. The mod will work in a bare-bones ModAct as well as in BAT, VP-Modpack and other packs based on 4.12 but you shouldn't use it in HSFX.




Most of the items have been re-positioned to make the best use of available space. Some dropdowns were removed and their functionality implemented in a different way.

The highlight of v1.8 is the new "Carrier-based" toggle you will find in QMB. Switch it on and QMB will display a list of aircraft equipped with tailhooks. Set up carrier-related quick missions in a breeze:


When enabling the Carrier-based list QMB must be partially reset but this will not happen when you switch the toggle off. Setup Carrier-based aircraft first, turn the toggle off, and set up other aircraft.

About the "Parachutes" toggle found in the "Next" screen: Mission creators (not players) can decide whether pilots / crew bail out or not. There's a tick box for each flight in FMB. Parachutes, according to benitomuso, impact FPS. When the option is disabled, pilots / crew won't bail out (they crash with the plane) and therefore there won't be parachutes around eating resources. I left the "Parachutes On" option in QMB because players can configure up to 64 aircraft and it can be useful but I opted to remove the option from campaigns and single missions to respect mission-creator decisions.



New in v1.3 - More control over the aircraft viewer:

- Right click on the left side of the window to rotate the object to the left by 45 degrees.
- Right click on the right side of the window to rotate the object to the right by 45 degrees.
- Right click to reset the view when the object is in animation mode.

In addition, the view does no longer reset when you change aircraft.


I also added a random button to the Arming window (QMB and Single Mission modes only). When you click Random, a plane and its loadouts will be randomly selected.


New in v2.0! A visual aircraft selector has been solely missing in this game from day one. Back in the day not all PCs were ready to load and render many planes on screen but years later this can be finally realized. The Hangar is accessible from the Arming screen but it is only available for Quick & Single Missions. Access to the Hangar was carefully designed to be out of the way so if it doesn't work for you, just... don't use it!


When you access your Hangar 20 planes will be rendered on screen.


Loading times and performance will vary depending on the power of your machine. Modded planes are more detailed and this will also impact performance. Any modern PC should render the screen in few seconds and SSD storage will certainly help.


If you click on aircraft besides the main window, browsing should be fast since it will only load one extra object with each click.


New in v2.0! Accessible from the Main Menu, the Object Viewer hasn't gotten much attention in the last years. Modded planes weren't listed and we were missing most of the objects.

For MPC-PLUS v2.0 I reviewed the code and implemented some usability adjustments and the Object Viewer is actually usable now!


The viewer now remembers zoom and orientation:




MissionProCombo PLUS implements a new "Folder" dropdown, a feature intended for modular installs such as B.A.T. and VP-Modpack + JetWar add-on. You can create as many new "Missions/Single XXX" folders as you like. The only rule being new folders must begin with "Single". Valid Examples:
The stock "Missions/Single" folder is sacred. Do not delete it. Do not rename it. The "Missions/Single" folder stores backgrounds and other files the rest of the "Single" folders feed from. The built-in LastMission.mis file gets saved to the "Missions/Single" folder.

You do not need to create "Country" folders if you don't have missions for that country. Mission folders and mission files can have spaces. Mission files must be inside their own Mission folder and the Mission folder must be inside a Country folder.


B.A.T. users: don't forget to check the Single Mission Community Packs (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62119.0.html)!


Briefing screens have been greatly improved both in Single and in (offline) Campaign modes. We now have the name of the map at the top, and the dropdowns have been enlarged and enhanced. One of the highlights of MissionProCombo PLUS is that you can easily change the date of the mission. Starting now, mission creators (and the player) can set any date from 01.01.1900 to present-day in any mission.

Campaigns will sometimes play differently depending on your Rank. A mission can be created with a particular Flight/Role in mind but you may very well end up assigned to a different Flight with a different role. There is nothing wrong with the built-in Rank management, but it is difficult for campaign creators to predict all possible outcomes.

In "Single Mission" mode you are free to fly in any Flight but in Campaign mode you will always fly in a predetermined Flight, and regardless of your choices. You can toy around with the options and change whatever you like but you will always end up in the preselected Flight that best matches your current Rank.


When playing static campaigns you will now notice a new "Unlock" button. The reset button will reload a mission but the Unlock button will allow you to play the mission the way it was originally created. In example, your Rank gets you assigned to the third Flight in a squadron and there is nothing you can do to change it except... try pressing the Unlock button and you might get assigned to the first Flight and be able to lead the squadron.

The new Unlock button will load the mission in its original format, the way the mission author created it. Once you unlock a mission, the reset button will just reload the unlocked mission. It is safe to change anything. Play around with the options and set up missions to your liking, the reset button will always be there to set things back on track.


The "New Campaign" screen has been completely reviewed and the GUI reworked. Some stock bugs and annoyances were also squashed.

- Code reviewed / GUI reworked.
- Static campaigns are listed first and DGen campaigns last.
- New "Low Rank" warning and "Difficulty Settings" tip.


The game will no longer reset user difficulty settings!

When you launch IL-2 and go directly to the New Campaign screen, the game would load the default difficulty settings instead of user settings. Why this was coded this way shall remain a mystery. Starting with v1.7, MissionProCombo-PLUS will always load user settings when entering the New Campaign screen. This has been a long overdue annoyance that is now resolved.


You can now save your custom difficulty and restore the settings with one click. Custom difficulty settings are saved to the user/pilot profile.


A new "Mods" section was added in v2.1 (offline only). Check what this is about in post #100 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg720017.html#msg720017) onwards.



Available from Setup > Misc Settings. Credits to TD (4.13).


Settings can be changed in the middle of missions.

* DOT: Distance at which the dot becomes visible
* COLOR: Distance at which the icon takes on the army color
* TYPE: Distance at which aircraft type information is displayed.
* NAME: Distance at which Pilot name becomes visible
* ID: Distance at which aircraft ID numbers become visible
* RANGE: Distance at which range information is displayed
* ALT ICON: Distance at which the Alternative Symbol is displayed
* ALT COLOR: Color of the Alternative Symbol
* ALT SYMBOL: The alternative icon, any single character


- New horizontal guidelines
- New "Save as Default" button, it will override default controls (Users/default.ini). This allows you to easily apply predefined controls to any existing pilot:

Save Controls > Select Pilot > Load Controls

New pilots will also get by default the predefined controls.





New in v2.0! Access the Object Browser from the View menu:


The Object Browser is optimized for a 1920x1080 resolution. I changed the default size of the regular object selector to take advantage of the configuration below, which I found optimal to work with:


The collapse/expand button is your best allied: the browser won't load/render objects while collapsed. Use the button often for best experience.

The Object Browser will only work with static objects (house icon). It is more than a viewer or a browser, it works in conjunction with the regular selector via synchronization but it can also replace it: you can build a scene using the Object Browser alone if you wish to do so.


Not much to explain about usage, just a couple of remarks:

- Right click on blue window to unselect the object (when selected)
- Left click on blue window to bookmark/unmark an object (valid for the current session only)

Regarding responsiveness, I am afraid there is little that can be done. Objects get rendered fast once in memory, but it takes time to read the various files from the SFS. The faster the HDD/SSD, the better the experience, just like with The Hangar.

Last, MPC-PLUS v2 includes an improved FMB cursor (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,64347.0.html). Get back the original cursor by deleting the 3DO folder found in the download.

Find further details in the different release posts:

- MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg737684.html#msg737684)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg720221.html#msg720221)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg709387.html#msg709387)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg699606.html#msg699606)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v1.7 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg698938.html#msg698938)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v1.5 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg693913.html#msg693913)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v1.4 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg693340.html#msg693340)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v1.3 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg692151.html#msg692151)
- MissionProCombo PLUS v1.2 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg687170.html#msg687170)


B.A.T. users:

MPC-PLUS v2.2 is already integrated in BAT v4.2

Please update your BAT.

Non B.A.T. users:

Starting with v2.0 you no longer need "Mission Pro Combo for v4.12.2m" by benitomuso. MPC-PLUS v2 includes everything you need EXCEPT the QMB missions that must be downloaded separately.
Load order must be (SAS Common Utils can be anywhere):

0) SAS Common Utils (anywhere)
1) EngineMod (optional) by western0221
2) MissionProCombo-PLUS v2.2

Download: MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.2-Full.zip (https://www.mediafire.com/file/kpsexs7jrsqreop/MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.2-Full.zip/file)

See you in the skies! - whistler 8)

Code: [Select]



  - 3D windows allow for larger aircraft/ships (Zeppelins, Nimitz carrier...)
  - Tracks/Recordings screen reviewed (different switches, "Loop" off by default)
  - Training screen resized
  - Controls window reviewed
      + New horizontal guidelines
      + New "Save as Default" button, it will override default controls (Users/default.ini).
        This allows you to easily apply predefined controls to any existing pilot:
        Save Controls > Select Pilot > Load Controls.
        New pilots will also get by default the predefined controls.
  - New "Icons" screen, available from Setup > Misc Settings. Credits to TD (4.13).
    Settings can be changed in the middle of missions.
      * DOT: Distance at which the dot becomes visible
      * COLOR: Distance at which the icon takes on the army color
      * TYPE: Distance at which aircraft type information is displayed.
      * NAME: Distance at which Pilot name becomes visible
      * ID: Distance at which aircraft ID numbers become visible
      * RANGE: Distance at which range information is displayed
      * ALT ICON: Distance at which the Alternative Symbol is displayed
      * ALT COLOR: Color of the Alternative Symbol
      * ALT SYMBOL: The alternative icon, any single character

  - Trigger interface re-organized to take advantage of the vertical object window

  - New ScrShot.class that restores tga format
  - Inclusion of the "RadioGaGa" mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65518.0.html)
      * Radio tracks will play regardless of the "Setup > Sound Setup > General > Play Music"
        setting status
      * Radio tracks will have a random starting order




  - Added a "Play music" switch (translations fixed in v2.1.1)

  - New "Mods" section: players can change settings "on the fly" if a mod allows for it,
    otherwise a restart will be required.

    Modders can include in their mods "descriptions" of their settings, just create a
    i18n/Mods/setting.properties file for each configurable setting.

    Check the i18n/Mods/PALMODsColor.properties included in MPC-PLUS for an example.




  MPC-PLUS v2.0 is now standalone (you no longer need the original MissionProCombo)

    Introducing the "Hangar". The Hangar is accessible from the Arming screen but it
    is only available for Quick & Single Missions. The Hangar is basically an aircraft
    viewer/selector: access the Hangar and 20 planes will be rendered on screen. You
    need a fairly good PC to enjoy bearable loading times. SSD storage will certainly help.

  - Improved FMB cursor: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,64347.0.html
    (Get the stock cursor back by deleting the 3DO folder included in the download)
  - Introducing the "Object Browser" (View > Object Browser)
    * Right click on the blue window to unselect the object (when selected)
    * Left click to mark/unmark the object as favourite
  - Minor changes here and there

    Accessible from the Main Menu, the built-in Object Viewer has been reviewed and
    reworked. Modded planes will now show up and I implemented a few usability
    improvements and the experience is greatly enhanced.


 CHANGELOG (v1.8.2) - Included in BAT v3.8.4


  - Stationary Aircraft: Air Force does not change when switching Army - Fixed


 CHANGELOG (v1.8.1) - Included in BAT v3.8.3


  - Fixed an issue that prevented player's pilot from being displayed in the mission.




  - New Carrier-based plane list toggle. The selection is valid for the current session only.
  - Standard/alphabetical plane list modes limited to QMB only.
  - .las.quick file gets saved to / loaded from the current user profile. This allows for a
    richer experience in modular installs such as BAT when you switch pilots or use a profile

  - Further improvements to Flight selections and the impact on the rest of the dropdowns.

  - Campaigns: Added Flight position for awareness (read only).
  - Campaigns: Weapon customization settings displayed only for the player.

  - The custom difficulty is now saved to the user profile:
    Users / X / settings.ini / [CustomSettings] / Difficulty.
    This allows for a richer customization in modular installs such as BAT.
    The previous conf.ini / [game] / CustomDiff setting is now obsolete.


 CHANGELOG (v1.7) - Included in BAT v3.8.2


  Minor cosmetic changes and internal code-fixes here and there. Main features listed below.

  - The status bar sometimes doesn't display the correct mission name: fixed.
  - FMB now preserves the [Mods] section (if present) of the *.mis file during load and save.
    From the Command and Control readme: Mission designers can tweak the parameters of certain
    mods. In all cases, this is done by adding a line to the [Mods] section at the end of the
    *.mis file. You may have to add this every time you make a change to the mission file, as
    the game may delete it each time you re-save.

  - Code reviewed / GUI reworked.
  - Static campaigns are listed first and DGen campaigns last.
  - New "Low Rank" warning and "Difficulty Settings" tip.
  - The game will no longer reset user difficulty settings.

  - New confirmation dialog when deleting a campaign.

  - Fixed a big bug that was preventing players from completing static campaigns when selecting
    a Low Rank.
  - The Reset button is back, now revised.
  - New "Unlock" button in static campaign mode. It will load the mission in its original form
    without taking into account the current Rank.

  - The Reset button should now solve most "Mission loading failed: null" errors.


 CHANGELOG (v1.6) - Included in BAT v3.8


  Many little changes here and there, as usual. Only the main features are listed below.

  - Mission Description window: restored "select on focus" in the Missions Name field.

  - Elements re-positioned to make best use of space. Some dropdowns enlarged.
  - Reset button removed from campaigns: under investigation.
  - Player/Mission skin toggle removed. Skin selection is available again in Single Mission mode.

    The skin selection code was reviewed and implemented in a different (hopefully better) way.
    The word "Markings" will be displayed besides the skin name whenever markings/decals are
    enabled for the aircraft selected. Markings is a per-aircraft setting.




  - FMB should remember the current Mission path in all situations
  - Object window: (first dropdown) list increased from default to 16 entries
  - Object window: (second dropdown) list increased from 16 to 32 entries
  - Object window: Next and Previous object buttons
  - Object window: Object lists can be exported to a text file
  - Object viewer: inherits improvements from v1.3 (except permanent orientation)
  - Object viewer: Removed the restriction to rotate ground objects vertically
  - Added the HSFX Triggers v1.2 FMB frontend (disabled)




  - Right click menu (select, copy, paste, delete...) consolidated into a standar menu.




  - Fixed a little bug that prevented Skills from being saved in some situations.

  - New Random button (experimental). It will select a plane and loadouts at random. Feature
    available in QMB and Single Missions only.
  - Aircraft viewer improvements.
    + Aircraft orientation does no longer reset when you change aircraft.
    + Right click on the left side of the window to rotate the object to the left by 45 degrees.
    + Right click on the right side of the window to rotate the object to the right by 45 degrees.
    + Right click to reset the view when the object is in animation mode.




    DIFFICULTY SETTINGS (Functionality changed in v1.8)
  - New Load & Save buttons/functionality.
    Custom settings are saved to the conf.ini [game] section as CustomDiff.

  - Fixed a rare "Data File Corrupt" error.
  - fixed a bug that prevented the selection of the bottommost aircraft/loadout/country.
  - Reset button will not reset the current aircraft/loadout.

  - Fixed a bug that prevented the selection of the bottommost country/folder/mission.

  - Fixed a bug that prevented the selection of your own flight when "StartTime" was set.




  - Development build, never released.


 CHANGELOG (v1.0) - Included in BAT v3.7


  - Lots of minor tweaks, fixes and adjustments. Only the main features are listed below.

  - Changed how the F.M.B. button (in QMB and in Single Missions) interacts with the game. It
    all flows naturally now.
  - "Loading Mission" info window got stuck in some situations. Removed.
  - New "Player aircraft not set" check/warning when clicking the Play menu entry.
  - "File" menu reordered. "Unlocked FMB" removed. New "Clear Recent" entry. QMB missions and the
    LastMission file are not saved to the recent missions menu.
  - You can now set any date from 01.01.1900 to present.
  - Added icon sizes of 80 and 96.

  - Added aircraft categories (instead of *) when sort order is "Standard" in QMB.
  - Removed aircraft categories when sort order is set to "Alphabetical" in QMB.
  - Slightly modified "Enhanced Arming Gui" by Dreamk:

  - Dropdowns are considerably larger.
  - New Flight Position dropdown. Available roles are:
    Flight Leader (default) / Flight Wingman / Element Leader /Element Wingman
  - Random Flights: Press the "Random" button and it will randomize the number of aircraft per
    flight, skill, planes, loadouts, country (now called Air Force). If you click Random in the
    main page, it will only randomize the first 8 Flights. If you click Random in the second
    ("Next" button) page, it will randomize all Flights in 16-Flights missions.
  - You can now set any date from 01.01.1900 to present.
  - New "Wind" dropdown: wind direction, wind velocity, gust and turbulence values will be
    randomly set in accordance with the option selected.
  - Removed aircraft categories when sort order is set to "Alphabetical".

  About the "Parachutes" toggle:

  Mission creators (not players) can decide whether pilots / crew bail out or not. There's a tick
  box for each flight in FMB. Parachutes, according to benitomuso, impact FPS. When the option is
  disabled, pilots / crew won't bail out (they crash with the plane) and therefore there won't be
  parachutes around eating resources. I left the "Parachutes On" option in QMB because players can
  configure up to 64 aircraft and it can be useful but I opted to remove the option from campaigns
  and single missions to respect mission-creator decisions.

  Players can now have different missions in different folders
  (thinking of modular installs such as B.A.T.)


  1) The stock "Missions/Single" folder is sacred. Do not delete it. Do not rename it. The
     "Missions/Single" folder stores backgrounds and other files. The built-in LastMission.mis gets
     saved to your "Missions/Single" folder.

  2) You can create as many new "Missions/Single*" folders as you like. The only rule being new
     folders must begin with "Single". Valid Examples:

  - Mission/SingleNew
  - Mission/Single New
  - Mission/Single (New)

  You do not need to create "Country" folders if you don't have missions for that country. Mission
  files and mission folders can have spaces. Mission files must be inside their own Mission folder
  and the Mission folder must be inside a Country folder:

  - Right: Mission/Single New/RU/My Missions/This Mission.mis
  - Wrong: Mission/Single New/RU/This Mission.mis (you won't see this mission)

  The "Titles" toggle will switch between mission names and mission filenames.
  The "Random" button will select a mission at random. Nice feature for a sortie.

  - Added map name.
  - "Parachutes On" option removed.
  - "Player / Mission Skin" toggle removed. Use the Arming screen to set skins for your Flight.
  - Dropdowns are considerably larger.
  - You can now set any date from 01.01.1900 to present.
  - Removed aircraft categories when sort order is set to "Alphabetical" in QMB.
  - Save dialogue changed to a more straight forward approach: instead of selecting a mission file,
    click save and you will directly overwrite the current mission. Use FMB to edit other mission

  - Added map name.
  - "Parachutes On" option removed.
  - Dropdown positions and sizes inherited from the Single Mission Briefings.
  - You can now set any date from 01.01.1900 to present.
  - Removed aircraft categories when sort order is set to "Alphabetical" in QMB.


 CHANGELOG (v0.1 to v0.5) - Included in BAT v3.6


  - Fixed targets misplacement in briefings by reverting to the stock 4.12 class.
  - Multiplayer modes can freeze the screen. Restored stock 4.12.2 NetServer classes.

  - Added save dialog to the Recent Missions menu.
  - Larger "Load Mission" window. Suitable for 1280x960 resolutions and up. The window gets resized
    at lower resolutions.
  - Mission Description fields (Name/Short/Brief) get mixed up upon loading several different
    missions. Reverted to stock 4.12.2 class.
  - Doubled the size of the Mission Description window.
  - New FMB Default Shortcuts menu entry (View > FMB Controls)

  - Removed army colors from the bottom section (only dropdowns worked and colors didn't mean
    anything). Source: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=52681.0
  - Darker Red and Blue font colors (QMB and Briefings in Single Player mode) The following setting
    must be set to 1 in conf.ini:


Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: Tute on August 23, 2019, 01:47:28 PM
Thank you, going to test now. :)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: PhantomII on August 23, 2019, 07:22:56 PM
Thanks so much for this whistler. Been waiting for this. Works fine in my custom modact 4.12 install.
This sim just keeps getting better and better ;D
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: SAS~Gerax on August 23, 2019, 11:46:36 PM
The "new Folder dropdown" is something I waited years for.  ;D
That and all the other stuff in this mod is really great!

Many thanks for all your work!  :)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: cgagan on August 23, 2019, 11:56:33 PM
Many thanks for your great job, whistler! 8)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0
Post by: Vampire_pilot on August 24, 2019, 12:52:50 AM
Indeed, thank you very much for continuously improving the essential game functionalities!
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 24, 2019, 03:44:39 AM
Hi Whistler is there anyway to edit the gui.ini with this new version? I cannot find a gui.ini relating to this version so assume its hard coded in one of the classfiles somewhere? I used to have a heavily edited QMB ui using the old gui.ini but a lot of the headings now no longer work.
Ie, this baby:

Code: [Select]
# --- Quick Mission Screen
quick.info                    QUICK MISSION BUILDER PRO
# ---   Written on screen
quick.YOU:                    YOUR FLIGHT:
quick.FRI:                    ALLIED:
quick.ENM:                    AXIS:

Is there a possibilty to provide an editable gui.ini for this version?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on August 24, 2019, 06:07:38 AM
Hi Mick,

What is it that you would like to change? I used as much existing localized content as I could but some names are hardcoded in the classfiles, yes.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 24, 2019, 08:14:51 AM
Hi mate trust you are well? When next at my pc i will send you my current gui.ini entries. Not a big issue as i love the new format great job
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: texaco on August 25, 2019, 01:22:59 AM
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 27, 2019, 08:13:40 AM
Hi Whistler this is the headings I had for my old gui.ini

Code: [Select]
# --- Quick Mission Screen
quick.info                    QUICK MISSION BUILDER PRO
# ---   Written on screen
quick.YOU:                    YOUR FLIGHT:
quick.FRI:                    ALLIED:
quick.ENM:                    AXIS:
quick.NUM:                    No.
quick.SKI:                    Experience
quick.PLA:                    AIRCRAFT
quick.TNT:                    LOADOUT
quick.ALT:                    Altitude
quick.WEA:                    Weather
quick.TIM:                    Time
quick.SIT:                    Situation
quick.MAP:                    MAP
quick.TAR:                    MISSION TYPE
quick.DEF:                    DEFENCE
quick.ASET:                   SKINS and WEAPONS
quick.CLD:                    Clouds [m]
quick.POS:                    Separation. [m]
quick.+/-:                    Pos.
quick.ADDFRI                  Add Allied
quick.ADDENM                  Add Axis
quick.PLALST                  Plane List
# ---    Buttons
quick.SEL:                    Choose Side:
quick.SEL_Allies:             Choose Side: ALLIED
quick.SEL_Axis:               Choose Side: AXIS
quick.BAC:                    Back
quick.LOD:                    Load
quick.SAV:                    Save
quick.FLY:                    FLY!
quick.DIF:                    Difficulty
quick.RES                     Reset
quick.STAT                    Stats
quick.GFC                     Next
# ---    Weather
quick.CLE:                    Clear
quick.GOO:                    Good
quick.HAZ:                    Hazy
quick.POO:                    Poor
quick.BLI:                    Blind
quick.RAI:                    Rain/Snow
quick.THU:                    Thunder
# ---    Situation
quick.NON:                    None
quick.ADV:                    Advantage
quick.DIS:                    Disadvantage
# ---    Targets
quick.None                    NONE
quick.Armor                   ARMOUR
quick.Ship                    SHIP
quick.Bridge                  BRIDGE
quick.Airbase                 AIRFIELD
quick.City                    CITY
quick.Scramble                SCRAMBLE
# ---    Defence
quick.NOND:                   None
quick.AAA:                    AAA
# ---    Skill
quick.ROO:                    Rookie
quick.EXP:                    Average
quick.VET:                    Veteran
quick.ACE:                    ACE
# ---    Pos
quick.0                       N
quick.+                       A
quick.-                       D
# ---    Plane List
quick.STD:                    Standard
quick.ABC:                    Alphabetical
quick.CUS1:                   Custom1
quick.CUS2:                   Custom2

Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on August 27, 2019, 11:01:44 AM
Hey Mick,

STD\i18n\gui.properties you mean?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 27, 2019, 09:49:12 PM
Thats the one m8. Theres also one within the engine mod too btw
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: Komandor on August 30, 2019, 08:55:41 AM
Hello! Dear colleague  Whistler.

I ask for help.

My question: How to use MOD 00_MissionProCombo-v4122 for IL-2_4-14-1m_DGen_pack_3_0?

With best wishes  Komandor
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on August 30, 2019, 10:44:42 AM
Dear Komandor,

You shouldn't use MissionProCombo-v4122 (or PLUS v1.0) in versions other than 4.12. It does not make any sense. When you do it, if it works, you no longer are in 4.13 or 4.14. The base code will take you back to 4.12. Porting a plane is one thing, but these kind of mods touch many integral parts of the game and can't be ported by changing a few lines of code. Functionality must be implemented into the new sources, line by line, to preserve whatever is 'new' in later versions, just like benitomuso has been doing all these past years. I only use BAT these days. BAT is the present and the future of 1946, in my opinion. There are plans to improve Mission Pro Combo PLUS but that will take time.

To answer your question: I don't know if you can use 00_MissionProCombo-v4122 in IL-2_4-14-1m_DGen_pack_3_0 but I know you shouldn't.

If you want everything there is in the IL-2 universe, including this mod, and an outstanding performance, get BAT (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,264.0.html). If you want the features (whatever these may be) of other versions or packs, just enjoy other versions or packs as presented by their creators.

Best regards!
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: Komandor on August 30, 2019, 11:22:23 AM
Hello! Dear colleague  Whistler.
Thank you for your full and quick response.
Good luck.
With best wishes  Komandor
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on September 16, 2019, 06:35:31 AM
Just wondering out loud Whistler if there is any way to provide the ability to select an Aircraft Carrier in the QMB Pro GUI? Would be nice to be able to select a map and then select a carrier take off, I'm guessing this is impossible without first writing the mission in FMB?
Just a thought lol
Any news on an editable GUI?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0
Post by: whistler on September 24, 2019, 02:50:08 AM
Just wondering out loud Whistler if there is any way to provide the ability to select an Aircraft Carrier in the QMB Pro GUI? Would be nice to be able to select a map and then select a carrier take off, I'm guessing this is impossible without first writing the mission in FMB?

Hey Mick,

Yes, something could be done about it but it's not worth the effort imho. Too many different scenarios.

There are a few carrier-ready quick missions. Identify a mission, duplicate it, open it in FMB, change the aircraft carrier and rename the mission. That's the best approach.

Any news on an editable GUI?

No, not at all. You better propose/suggest features you would like to see.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on September 24, 2019, 10:03:19 PM
Yeah thought so. I thought i had already suggested an editable GUI even posted my existing one for you?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on September 25, 2019, 05:20:44 AM
Sorry I thought you were referring to something different with "editable GUI". Please be specific, what is it that you would like to change?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: western0221 on September 25, 2019, 05:49:10 AM
Perhaps Multi language localisations as International version like stock games providing ; PO_MAK_249RIP says.

That is a problem Pablo made in his first Mission-Pro mods, and never solved --- even many non-English 1946 players want.

Not to write full text in classfiles with white space " " or other symbol characters , but writing short continuous keywords easy to replace to each language localisation alias texts.
English full text will be provided by property files' editing source.
It will bring easy multi language UI texts for _ru / _fr / _de / _pl / _cs.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on September 25, 2019, 06:02:40 AM
Right. If people deem this important there are a few hard-coded GUI words/sentences that could be altered via .properties files. I will look to allow localization but it will be up to players to change .properties files.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on September 25, 2019, 07:02:22 AM
Hi Whistler mainly i would like to swap red/blue for allied/axis the rest i can live with - just! lol
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on September 25, 2019, 07:30:02 AM
You can change that now however it might impact other areas of the game.

Go to STD\i18n\gui.properties
At the bottom change Red Red to Red Allies and Blue Blue to Blue Axis

I will look to improve this area in the upcoming maintenance update.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on September 28, 2019, 01:03:33 AM
Do you mean under this heading whistler?

#Team score army Colors

I changed these on my GUI

quick.SEL_Allies:             Choose Side: ALLIED
quick.SEL_Axis:               Choose Side: AXIS

Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.0 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on September 28, 2019, 03:29:37 AM
That's right Mick, in STD\i18n\gui.properties change under #Team score army Colors heading:

Red Red
Blue Blue


Red Allies
Blue Axis
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2 ~ UPDATE ~ [4.12]
Post by: whistler on September 28, 2019, 04:00:21 AM

Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2

Maintenance update to smash a few bugs and to introduce a new feature:


New in v1.2: This game has the nasty habit of changing the difficulty settings from time to time...


You can now save your custom difficulty and restore the settings with one click. Custom difficulty settings are saved to the conf.ini [game] section as CustomDiff.


- Fixed a rare "Data File Corrupt" error.
- fixed a bug that prevented the selection of the bottommost aircraft/loadout/country.
- Reset button will not reset the current aircraft/loadout.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the selection of the bottommost country/folder/mission.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the selection of your own flight when "StartTime" was set.

Check the first post for downloads.


Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2 ~ UPDATE ~ [4.12]
Post by: vonofterdingen on September 28, 2019, 11:54:38 AM
The feature of saving/restoring difficulty settings is brilliant. Thank you!
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2 ~ UPDATE ~
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on September 30, 2019, 12:38:26 AM
Thanks whistler - great update too
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2 [4.12]
Post by: Treetop64 on October 19, 2019, 12:34:15 PM
"You can now save your custom difficulty and restore the settings with one click. Custom difficulty settings are saved to the conf.ini [game] section as CustomDiff."


A small thing but no less annoying having to reset difficulty settings time and time again, year after year.  Thank you for implementing this long overdue feature.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.2 [4.12]
Post by: vonOben on October 21, 2019, 07:49:16 AM
Many thanks for these FMB improvements, whistler!

 :) :)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.3
Post by: whistler on December 07, 2019, 04:49:04 AM

Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.3

This little update brings some more control over the aircraft viewer in the Arming window.

- Right click on the left side of the window to rotate the object to the left by 45 degrees.
- Right click on the right side of the window to rotate the object to the right by 45 degrees.
- Right click to reset the view when the object is in animation mode.

In addition, the view does no longer reset when you change aircraft.


I also added a random button to the Arming window (QMB and Single Mission modes only). When you click Random, a plane and its loadouts will be randomly selected.

This feature is experimental: the button can create an infinite loop, but only if you take Murphy's law to heart. Imagine rolling a dice a hundred times and it falls on number six all hundred times. It can happen but, will it?

I will look to improve it. I just took the fastest route as a proof of concept.


- Fixed a little bug that prevented Skills from being saved in some situations.

- New Random button (experimental). It will select a plane and loadouts at random. Feature available in QMB and Single Missions only.
- Aircraft viewer improvements.
  + Aircraft position does no longer reset when you change aircraft.
  + Right click on the left side of the window to rotate the object to the left by 45 degrees.
  + Right click on the right side of the window to rotate the object to the right by 45 degrees.
  + Right click to reset the view when the object is in animation mode.

Find download links in the first post.

Have fun 8)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.3 [4.12]
Post by: shardana on December 07, 2019, 09:42:19 AM
You're doing an amazing work! Lately I spend more time looking at these updates than actually playing!!!!
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.3 [4.12]
Post by: cgagan on December 07, 2019, 11:54:21 AM
It's truly a great job you're doing whistler, it makes the game much more enjoyable! 8)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on December 25, 2019, 04:30:12 AM
Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4

One of our local members privately requested:

If it's possible to modify the right click menu I would suggest to move the "Delete" and "Cut" commands, so they are not immediately below "Unselect" or "Unselect all" commands (depending on what you have selected). I have accidently selected Delete or Cut many times when I was going to use Unselect or Unselect All.

I am all for any kind of usability improvements and this little update brings a consolidated right click menu, in line with what we are all accustomed to.


I didn't change any functionality and menu entries still act a little jerky sometimes... oh, well.

Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: azura on December 25, 2019, 05:29:47 AM
How could it be for BAT,please?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: azura on December 25, 2019, 05:34:25 AM
Sorry,I got it. Patch added.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: vonOben on December 27, 2019, 08:29:41 AM
Thanks for the new version whistler!

Much appreciated!    :)

Best regards

Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: azura on December 28, 2019, 02:47:58 AM
In my games 'BAT,VP', no buttons for 'save current settings,Load custom difficulty. Any solution?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on December 28, 2019, 04:37:25 AM
All good over here.

BAT: Makes sure you are at BAT v3.7.X level and apply the MPC-PLUS v1.4 BAT-Patch.

VP-Modpack: always use the Full MPC-PLUS version. Follow install instructions (load order) to the letter.

Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on December 28, 2019, 05:12:51 AM
You cannot change difficulty settings in the middle of a campaign and the Save/Load options won't be displayed in this case. Is this probably your "problem"?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.4 [4.12]
Post by: azura on December 29, 2019, 03:48:15 AM
Thanks always for your kind answer. I always whistle to your wonderful mods.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on January 04, 2020, 02:57:20 AM
Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5

Here we go with yet another little update. This time around we reviewed the FMB Object window.

Let's get this out of the way before you ask: the Export button does not export an object! That would be cool yes, but a tremendous work, if at all possible. The Export button allows you to export the list of objects currently selected.

Missioneers got used to the lists created by the "Universal static.ini checker" but lists generated by the tool sometimes are offset. Furthermore you always get raw object names instead of translations (when available). Mission builders use these lists to search objects by name. The new Export button generates the list directly from FMB and you will always get what you see.


I also took this chance to add Next and Previous buttons to facilitate navigation and the Object viewer inherited some of the improvements of the Arming Screen viewer implemented in MPC-PLUS v1.3:

- Right click on the left side of the viewer to rotate the object to the left by 45 degrees.
- Right click on the right side of the viewer to rotate the object to the right by 45 degrees.
- Right click to reset the view when the object is in animation mode.


- FMB should remember the current Mission path in all situations
- Object window: (first dropdown) list increased from default to 16 entries
- Object window: (second dropdown) list increased from 16 to 32 entries
- Object window: Next and Previous object buttons
- Object window: Object lists can be exported to a text file
- Object viewer: inherits improvements from v1.3 (except permanent orientation)
- Object viewer: Removed the restriction to rotate ground objects vertically

Find download links in the first post.

Have fun 8)
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5 [4.12]
Post by: Plowshare on January 04, 2020, 08:12:06 AM
I've installed this last patch and like what I see.

However (and this has nothing to do with the patch - it's been in BAT for a while now), when you're in the "Edit Description"/"Mission Name" tab you used to be able to triple-click what text you input and it would highlight the entire block. You could then Ctrl+C that text and Ctrl+V it into the other "Edit Description" tabs as well as use it for the mission name when saving the mission. I used this all the time and really miss it. The current work-around is bypass the "Mission Name" tab, go to the "Short" tab, input text, highlight, and do the Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V thing on the other tabs. Not that hard but, after all these years, I find the flow is interrupted: Popup "Edit Description", input text in the first tab, highlight, Ctrl+C, go to the "Short" tab, Ctrl+V, go to the "Full Description" tab, Ctrl+V, open the "File"/"Save As" dialogue box and Ctrl+V the "Mission Name." Is there some way to fix this or is that buried too deep?

Really liking the new features even if I don't quite understand some of them. For instance: I've got to try the "Export" button to find out what it does.

Oh, and thank the gods for that change you made to the Right Click menu popup. Like others I've deleted or cut things when I only wanted to "Unselect All."


Edit;  Just found out what the "Export..." option does! Great stuff! I chose an aircraft, hit the "Export..." button, chose the default "FMB Aircraft" file name and went to see what the result was. Oh, man, I can see a great use for this when editing the aircraft list or any list for that matter. Beats the heck outta trying to make sense of the .ini files. Great work whistler - thanks a million.
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on January 04, 2020, 09:25:44 AM
Hi Bob,

Changing how the Mission Name field works was one of the very first things I did. Stock input fields are a tad sensitive and you sometimes end up deleting the whole line involuntarily. That's infuriating but, it hasn't happened in a while, has it? ;)

I understand what you mean and what you want. There are no plans to release new versions in quite some time but I take good note for future releases. Perhaps a "Select text" button below the input field...

Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on January 31, 2020, 10:49:31 PM
Hi Whistler will you be providing a seperate release of v1.6 for us CUP rebels?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on February 01, 2020, 01:41:09 AM
Absolutely, PO_MAK. In due time... next week?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on February 17, 2020, 10:33:30 PM
Any news on the 1.6 release for non BAT users whistler?
Title: Re: Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.5 [4.12]
Post by: whistler on February 18, 2020, 01:08:04 AM
You will have to bear with me a little longer PO_MAK. v1.6 temporally removed a feature that is being reinstated in v1.7. We will skip the v1.6 standalone release and go with v1.7. Rest assured it will be published. Enjoy v1.5 in the meantime.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.7 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12]
Post by: whistler on March 04, 2020, 04:07:56 AM

Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.7

BAT users: MissionProCombo-PLUS v1.7 is already built in BAT v3.8.2 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,264.0.html). Please update your BAT.

:: Briefings ::

Briefings changed in v1.6. Date, Time, Weather and Clouds were re-positioned below the textbox, where they organically belong, and the rest of the dropdowns were reviewed and enhanced. The Player/Mission skin toggle was finally removed for good and the skin selection dropdown was implemented in a different (hopefully better) way.

Skin Selection

The Skin selection not only is again available in Single Mission mode but functionality has been completely reviewed and expanded. The word "Markings" will be displayed besides the skin name whenever markings/decals are enabled for the aircraft selected. Markings is a per-aircraft setting.

Oh and before you think the dropdown is probably too large, think twice!


To reset, or not to reset

During v1.6 development it was detected the "Reset" button (static campaigns) wasn't behaving as expected. The decision was to put it in quarantine (hide it) and v1.6 was shipped with BAT v3.8. Shortly after reports arose in the boards: players got stuck in campaigns when starting with a low rank. Thanks to the posts the reset button was taken to the labs, the bug was exposed and sprayed, and the reset button was finally restored in v1.7.

Campaigns will sometimes play differently depending on your Rank. A mission can be created with a particular Flight/Role in mind but you may very well end up assigned to a different Flight with a different role. There is nothing wrong with the built-in Rank management, but it is difficult for campaign creators to predict all possible outcomes.

In "Single Mission" mode you are free to fly in any Flight but in Campaign mode you will always fly in a predetermined Flight, and regardless of your choices. You can toy around with the options and change whatever you like but you will always end up in the preselected Flight that best matches your current Rank.


When playing static campaigns you will now notice a new "Unlock" button. The reset button will reload a mission but the Unlock button will allow you to play the mission the way it was originally created. In example, your Rank gets you assigned to the third Flight in a squadron and there is nothing you can do to change it except... try pressing the Unlock button and you might get assigned to the first Flight and be able to lead the squadron.

The new Unlock button will load the mission in its original format, the way the mission author created it. Once you unlock a mission, the reset button will just reload the unlocked mission. It is safe to change anything. Play around with the options and set up missions to your liking, the reset button will always be there to set things back on track.

:: Starting a Campaign ::

The "New Campaign" screen has been completely reviewed and the GUI reworked. Some stock bugs and annoyances were also squashed.

- Code reviewed / GUI reworked.
- Static campaigns are listed first and DGen campaigns last.
- New "Low Rank" warning and "Difficulty Settings" tip.


The game will no longer reset user difficulty settings!

When you launch IL-2 and go directly to the New Campaign screen, the game would load the default difficulty settings instead of user settings. Why this was coded this way shall remain a mystery. Starting with v1.7, MissionProCombo-PLUS will always load user settings when entering the New Campaign screen. This has been a long overdue annoyance that is now resolved.

Only the main features or features you will notice are explained above. There are dozens of minor cosmetic changes and internal code-fixes that don't get documented but you can check the changelog below for more details.

I hope you enjoy this new version! 8)

:: Downloads ::

Once again, BAT users: MissionProCombo-PLUS v1.7 is already built in BAT v3.8.2 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,264.0.html). Please update your BAT.

For the rest, find the download link in the first post!

v1.6 & v1.7 Changelog:

Code: [Select]

 CHANGELOG (v1.7) - Included in BAT v3.8.2


  Minor cosmetic changes and internal code-fixes here and there. Main features listed below.

  - The status bar sometimes doesn't display the correct mission name: fixed.
  - FMB now preserves the [Mods] section (if present) of the *.mis file during load and save.
    From the Command and Control readme: Mission designers can tweak the parameters of certain
    mods. In all cases, this is done by adding a line to the [Mods] section at the end of the
    *.mis file. You may have to add this every time you make a change to the mission file, as
    the game may delete it each time you re-save.

  - Code reviewed / GUI reworked.
  - Static campaigns are listed first and DGen campaigns last.
  - New "Low Rank" warning and "Difficulty Settings" tip.
  - The game will no longer reset user difficulty settings.

  - New confirmation dialog when deleting a campaign.

  - Fixed a big bug that was preventing players from completing static campaigns when selecting
    a Low Rank.
  - The Reset button is back, now revised.
  - New "Unlock" button in static campaign mode. It will load the mission in its original form
    without taking into account the current Rank.

  - The Reset button should now solve most "Mission loading failed: null" errors.


 CHANGELOG (v1.6) - Included in BAT v3.8


  Many little changes here and there, as usual. Only the main features are listed below.

  - Mission Description window: restored "select on focus" in the Missions Name field.

  - Elements re-positioned to make best use of space. Some dropdowns enlarged.
  - Reset button removed from campaigns: under investigation.
  - Player/Mission skin toggle removed. Skin selection is available again in Single Mission mode.

    The skin selection code was reviewed and implemented in a different (hopefully better) way.
    The word "Markings" will be displayed besides the skin name whenever markings/decals are
    enabled for the aircraft selected. Markings is a per-aircraft setting.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.7 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on March 08, 2020, 03:23:47 AM
Hi Whistler
If I load the SAS EngineMOD BEFORE yours I get a CTD when trying to change skins/armament in the QMB UI, it returns this error each time

Code: [Select]
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: quikPlayerPosition
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick$ItemWing.toAirArming(GUIQuick.java:833)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick$WButtonArming.notify(GUIQuick.java:392)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

If I load the engineMOD after yours its ok?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.7 ~ NEW VERSION ~ [4.12]
Post by: whistler on March 08, 2020, 11:31:17 AM

You are doing something wrong. Reinstall from scratch both EngineMod and MPC-PLUS.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.7
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on March 09, 2020, 12:06:34 AM
Their all both latest versions but i'll give it a go - no big deal tbh all works ok
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on March 15, 2020, 04:11:18 AM

Mission Pro Combo PLUS v1.8

v1.8 is the consolidation of all changes implemented as of late - a final revision to tie up loose ends. Many things changed in the last two versions and for v1.8 I reviewed and made sure that everything works as expected.

The highlight of this version is the new "Carrier-based" toggle you will find in QMB. Switch it on and QMB will display a list of aircraft equipped with tailhooks. Set up carrier-related quick missions in a breeze:


When enabling the Carrier-based list QMB must be partially reset but this will not happen when you switch the toggle off. Setup Carrier-based aircraft first, turn the toggle off, and set up other aircraft.

QMB will now save the current mission to your user/pilot profile. You will find this useful in modular installs such as BAT when switching pilots or when using a profile manager such as the one built in the Random Skies Launcher (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47154.0.html).

Speaking of user/pilot profiles, the "Custom" difficulty feature implemented in v1.2 gets now also saved to your pilot profile. You can now have different "Custom" difficulty setting for each of the BAT modules.

Have a look to the changelog for more details:

Code: [Select]



  - New Carrier-based plane list toggle. The selection is valid for the current session only.
  - Standard/alphabetical plane list modes limited to QMB only.
  - .las.quick file gets saved to / loaded from the current user profile. This allows for a
    richer experience in modular installs such as BAT when you switch pilots or use a profile

  - Further improvements to Flight selections and the impact on the rest of the dropdowns.

  - Campaigns: Added Flight position for awareness (read only).
  - Campaigns: Weapon customization settings displayed only for the player.

  - The custom difficulty is now saved to the user profile:
    Users / X / settings.ini / [CustomSettings] / Difficulty.
    This allows for a richer customization in modular installs such as BAT.
    The previous conf.ini / [game] / CustomDiff setting is now obsolete.


BAT users will find a patch in the first page. v1.8 is expected to be included in the next BAT update but you can enjoy the new features right away. Non-BAT users will also find the full version in the first post.

Take good care of yourself, your people, and vulnerable groups around you. All the best.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on March 17, 2020, 04:59:50 PM
Is there an option for a FMB that enables saving in BAT by deleting or showing
when things are missing? I mean Missions, here the topic of renamed, whatever missing objects etc.
It would easen up my workflow, since I tediously tweak this in my Room since CUP was alive.
I have a bagfull of worthy QMBs restored, but unsure if they still conflict.
Any Help or hint is apreciated in getting this done

Best wishes
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on March 22, 2020, 05:16:10 AM
Hi Tobias,

Nope, FMB won't tell you if something is wrong or missing. Only disciplined testing will.

I have a bagfull of worthy QMBs restored, but unsure if they still conflict.

Conflict... do you mean if mission X will work in all 4 eras? Unless you keep it really simple chances are a mission created/edited in DOF, will only work as intended in DOF.

The way forward (imho) was already discussed here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,63492.msg699088.html#msg699088):


DOF_X, TGA_X, WAW_X, JTW_X quicks can be as complex as you like.

BAT_MissionSetX should contain really simple quick missions: make the best out of the objects built in the map and don't include objects/actors that aren't common to all modules. Any object available in the "Objects" category are (should be) common to all modules.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: cgagan on March 29, 2020, 05:19:37 AM
Hi whistler, I am having a funny bug with your latest Combo 1.8 with my vp_modpack. The pilot figure I choose in QMB stays the same in FMB, irrespective of nationality, etc. To switch to my intented pilot in FMB, I have to go back to QMB and do that. Any clues? Many thanks for your great work, 8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on March 29, 2020, 06:09:25 AM
I found out my trouble with QMB on certain Maps, if they are memory heavy (i.e. GermanySued, or others...) I get
CTDs. it seems Memory at my side. Next week I'll get a new RIG and will fire the QMB works up, I'm ancious to see
if I can complete QMB work then and some crack nuts start going. As far as these old Statics, I found saving the
files again in BAT, erases them.

Any chance to include some more starting Heights in QMB i.e. 4000, 6000, 8000m
would be cool

Best wishes
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on March 31, 2020, 03:58:42 AM
Hi cgagan

The pilot figure I choose in QMB stays the same in FMB, irrespective of nationality, etc. To switch to my intented pilot in FMB, I have to go back to QMB and do that. Any clues?

Try without PLUS, does the same happen?
Then try without Mission Pro Combo (stock), does the same happen?

Hi Tobias,

I found out my trouble with QMB on certain Maps, if they are memory heavy (i.e. GermanySued, or others...) I get CTDs.

I think you mean mission loading failed errors or similar, not CTD.

Any chance to include some more starting Heights in QMB i.e. 4000, 6000, 8000m

You can manually enter any value in some fields. Try it out!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: cgagan on March 31, 2020, 04:21:46 AM
Hi whistler, and thank you for your answer; I tried without your combo.plus, and the problem was restored (I could pick any pilot figure I wanted, irrespective of QMB); I tried without PAL's stock combo, and the game froze and then crashed...
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on March 31, 2020, 04:29:06 AM
Ok, thank you. Interesting because I didn't willingly or consciously touch pilots. I will check it later.

Can you get a mission ready for me and/or share a step by step guide for me to reproduce what you see? Map, plane, pilot... You can PM me if you prefer.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: cgagan on March 31, 2020, 05:02:24 AM
Thank you whistler, pm sent with single mission,  8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on April 04, 2020, 03:15:46 AM
Hi whistler, I am having a funny bug with your latest Combo 1.8 with my vp_modpack. The pilot figure I choose in QMB stays the same in FMB, irrespective of nationality, etc. To switch to my intented pilot in FMB, I have to go back to QMB and do that. Any clues? Many thanks for your great work, 8)

Please find v1.8.1 in the first post. Many thanks cgagan for the support :)

Code: [Select]
 CHANGELOG (v1.8.1)

  - Fixed an issue that prevented player's pilot from being displayed in the mission.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: cgagan on April 04, 2020, 05:13:19 AM
That did the trick!!!! Many thanks whistler,  8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on April 06, 2020, 04:06:33 AM
manually?, beat me to it, hilarious, never knew this.
Must try that. Thanks a bunch Mate
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: western0221 on April 14, 2020, 05:34:33 PM

Perhaps I find a FMB's Object menu dialog bug on Stationary Planes in B.A.T. v3.8.3 .

Stationary Plane objects can be set their properties of Army color (None / Blue=Axis / Red=Allies ... for targeting, score counting) and Air Force (Luftwaffe / R.A. / IJA IJN / USSR / RAF / USAAF USN USMC / etc. ... for Marking and number functions).
Their Air Force list has to be reset when their Army color is changed.

Current screenshots:

Blue (Axis) born Stationary Plane with Blue Army and its Air Force list.

Blue (Axis) born Stationary Plane with Red Army changed and its Air Force list.

Red (Allies) born Stationary Plane with Red Army and its Air Force list.

Red (Allies) born Stationary Plane with Blue Army changed and its Air Force list.

I think to be....
 - Even Blue (Axis) born objects, Allies Air Force list is shown after Red Army is chosen.
 - Even Red (Allies) born objects, Axis Air Force list is shown after Blue Army is chosen.

Especially JTW era missions need Army color changing from their born ones because of their Blue / Red sides are much mixed and confused in ini sections.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on April 15, 2020, 04:23:41 AM
Thanks western0221 for the detailed report. I will have a look.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on April 15, 2020, 11:10:43 PM
One strange anomaly for me whistler is that any OK buttons in the FMB have the OK missing? ie, they are blank? Could this be because i have changed the font?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on April 16, 2020, 02:59:53 AM
Most likely yes. Dialogue windows make use of different fonts/sizes that can lead to unexpected outputs when done wrong.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.1
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on April 16, 2020, 04:25:08 AM
Cool no worries can live without
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on April 18, 2020, 01:09:51 AM
Please find v1.8.2 in the first post. Thanks western0221 for the bug report (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg702556.html#msg702556) :)

Code: [Select]
 CHANGELOG (v1.8.2)

  - Stationary Aircraft: Air Force does not change when switching Army - Fixed

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on June 16, 2020, 07:25:19 AM

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: raf1659 on June 16, 2020, 09:53:05 AM
ObiectBrowser ?!?!

YESSSSSSSS   ]hello2[ ]hello2[ ]hello2[
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Piotrek1 on June 17, 2020, 09:18:57 AM
Hi whistler, Thank you for MPC PLUS v1.8.2, your next update also looks great! 8) :o,
Best regards,
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: gb027 on June 17, 2020, 06:27:15 PM
A Multiple objects viewer on each page will say a lot a time guessing if you have picked the one you want. Great idea.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on June 18, 2020, 02:05:20 AM
WOW! Inbuilt Object Viewer - been dreaming of this forever
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on June 18, 2020, 06:00:24 AM
I am glad you guys are looking forward to it.

Let's set expectations right. You can easily identify objects by name in most/all categories but when it comes to scenery building... things get tricky. Many objects but no categorization and poor object descriptions. The Object Browser will only work with static objects (house icon). It is more than a viewer or a browser, it works in conjunction with the regular selector via synchronization but it can also replace it: you can build a scene using the Object Browser alone if you wish to do so.



The Browser is sometimes a little unresponsive when it has to load 44 objects from scratch so performance will depend on the power of your machine. I might consult some experts here to see if we can load low-def versions of objects, and whether this is worth or not.

Off to debugging now. 2 weeks for sure 8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Matz on June 18, 2020, 08:24:09 AM
Hi whistler,

I am having an issue with the MissionProCombo PLUS version 1.8.2 - and since no one else has posted I guess this due to my setup. Flying any missions and the QMB are all fine, but if I try to load a mission in the FMB, or work on a new one it crashes with this message below. If I go back to the 1.2 version FMB works correctly (I didn't catch any other versions in between). I also tried swapping out a few other mods - like the NG MAP as that was the most recent addition, but it seems to come down the MPC PLUS version I use.

(https://i.postimg.cc/MZsx85qy/FMB-Crash.png) (https://postimages.org/)

The logfile shows the TgtFactory error - whichever mission is tried:

Code: [Select]
[Jun 18, 2020 1:14:16 PM] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
Size: 3840x2160

Maximum texture size : 32768
Maximum simultaneous textures :4
MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 16.000000
45 Splashscreens available.
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/JetSmoke.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/JetSmoke.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
Fw190-D15 Loading FMD: FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd
Fw190-D15 Loading FMD: FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd
Fw190-D15 Loading FMD: FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd
Initializing DirectSound playback device...

Load bridges
Load static objects
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/maddox/il2/ai/ground/TgtFactory
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMisStatic.insert(PlMisStatic.java:552)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMisStatic.load(PlMisStatic.java:323)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.Plugin.doLoad(Plugin.java:307)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission.load(PlMission.java:1929)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMission$MenuItem.execute(PlMission.java:1741)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowMenu.execute(GWindowMenu.java:119)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowMenu.doExecute(GWindowMenu.java:125)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowMenuItem.mouseButton(GWindowMenuItem.java:38)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:569)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

Here is a list of the mods I have in my build:

(https://i.postimg.cc/Pq243CnQ/Matz-Test-Pack-SAS-Mods.png) (https://postimages.org/)

I appreciate you are busy with 1.8.3 and all the other great stuff - but is there anything that jumps out as to why 1.8.2 doesn't get on with the rest of the bits I have installed?

Many thanks,
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on June 18, 2020, 09:11:45 AM
Hi Matz,

It is a pleasure to help people who first help themselves by providing detailed reports. Thanks.

I think you are missing some stuff from the original MissionProCombo (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42499.0.html). Go ahead and re-download it.

For MPC-PLUS v2.0 I plan to include all missing files from legacy MPC, to avoid dependencies and issues such as this one.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Matz on June 18, 2020, 03:13:53 PM
Hi whistler,

Not only super quick - but also super correct (wonders what magic is this ?).
Despite being named as the same folder, the new download has 105 more files. Or maybe some of mine sneaked out?

Anyway - all fixed and can carry on mission building, so a humongous thankyou to you Sir.

Looking forward to next big update, and then the joy of updating all 15 of my cadet group's flight sims after that !

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2
Post by: Vampire_pilot on June 18, 2020, 10:17:11 PM
This is a feature the original devs should have made tens of years ago
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 05, 2020, 02:56:55 AM
Hmm, what might this be...

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2
Post by: DarkBlueBoy on July 06, 2020, 07:58:28 AM
Please tell?!!! :)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v1.8.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on July 06, 2020, 10:39:31 AM
You animated that Button and named it Hangar.
It changes colour when clicking.

Have not the slightest clue...
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 12, 2020, 04:48:53 AM


Note for non-BAT users: starting with v2.0 you no longer need "Mission Pro Combo for v4.12.2m" by benitomuso. MPC-PLUS v2.0 includes everything you need EXCEPT the QMB missions that must be downloaded separately.

BAT users will find in the first post a patch that can be installed on top of v3.8.X.

Having said that, let's get down to business... What's new, you ask? 8)


A visual aircraft selector has been solely missing in this game from day one. Back in the day not all PCs were ready to load and render many planes on screen but years later this can be finally realized.

The Hangar is accessible from the Arming screen but it is only available for Quick & Single Missions. Access to the Hangar was carefully designed to be out of the way so if it doesn't work for you, just... don't use it!


When you access your Hangar 20 planes will be rendered on screen.


Loading times and performance will vary depending on the power of your machine. Modded planes are more detailed and this will also impact performance. Any modern PC should render the screen in few seconds and SSD storage will certainly help.


If you click on aircraft besides the main window, browsing should be fast since it will only load one extra object with each click.

Not much else to explain here. I hope you enjoy this long awaited feature as much as I enjoyed building it!

Reviewed, Reworked, Revamped

Accessible from the Main Menu, the Object Viewer hasn't gotten much attention in the last years. Modded planes weren't listed and we were missing most of the objects.

For MPC-PLUS v2.0 I reviewed the code and implemented some usability adjustments and the Object Viewer is actually usable now!


The viewer now remembers zoom and orientation:


To make the Object Viewer work in BAT you will need some files that can be downloaded in the first post. These files will be included in the next BAT patch but you can get them right away.



FMB's new Object Browser was introduced in a previous post but let's review it in detail again. Access the Object Browser from the View menu:


The Object Browser is optimized for a 1920x1080 resolution. I changed the default size of the regular object selector to take advantage of the configuration below, which I found optimal to work with:


The collapse/expand button is your best allied: the browser won't load/render objects while collapsed. Use the button often for best experience.

The Object Browser will only work with static objects (house icon). It is more than a viewer or a browser, it works in conjunction with the regular selector via synchronization but it can also replace it: you can build a scene using the Object Browser alone if you wish to do so.


Not much to explain about usage, just a couple of remarks:

- Right click on blue window to unselect the object (when selected)
- Left click on blue window to bookmark/unmark an object (valid for the current session only)

Regarding responsiveness, I am afraid there is little that can be done. Objects get rendered fast once in memory, but it takes time to read the various files from the SFS. The faster the HDD/SSD, the better the experience, just like with The Hangar.

Last, MPC-PLUS v2 includes an improved FMB cursor (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,64347.0.html). Get back the original cursor by deleting the 3DO folder found in the download.

You will find download links in the first post. Let me know how this update works for you. Take care and...

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: magican on July 12, 2020, 06:01:19 AM
BRAVO !!!  :) :) :)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 12, 2020, 07:39:42 AM
Holy cow!! Amazing stuff whistler!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~
Post by: henkypenky on July 13, 2020, 01:53:00 AM
Its getting better and better, many thanks Whistler
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 13, 2020, 05:25:23 AM
So no games broke in the last 24hrs... good stuff :)


BAT: Regarding the Object Viewer, and leaving Aircraft aside, I didn't specify any army for any object, but you can if you want.

In example, open #MOD\STD\i18n\ship.ini and find:

Aurora 3do/Ships/Aurora/Hier.him

Just go and add:

Aurora 3do/Ships/Aurora/Hier.him 1

This way, Aurora will show up only when the Red army is selected. If no army (empty, nothing) or 0 is found, the object will be displayed for both Red and Blue armies.

0 = Both armies
1 = Red
2 = Blue

Feel free to assign armies to objects. If anyone goes through all files, please share the result back.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on July 13, 2020, 05:51:15 AM
Hi Whistler fantastic mod!!
However If I load your mod BEFORE the engine mod everything works fine - If I load the engine mod BEFORE your mod I always getting the following CTD when selecting aircraft in my QMB?

Code: [Select]
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: quikPlayerPosition
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick$ItemWing.toAirArming(GUIQuick.java:834)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick$WButtonArming.notify(GUIQuick.java:393)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl._notify(GWindowDialogControl.java:51)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton._notify(GUIButton.java:18)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowDialogControl.mouseClick(GWindowDialogControl.java:86)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIButton.mouseClick(GUIButton.java:22)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindow._mouseButton(GWindow.java:556)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowRoot.doMouseButton(GWindowRoot.java:251)
at com.maddox.gwindow.GWindowManager.doMouseButton(GWindowManager.java:69)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.GUIWindowManager.msgMouseButton(GUIWindowManager.java:126)
at com.maddox.rts.MsgMouse.invokeListener(MsgMouse.java:98)
at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToArray(Message.java:1147)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1128)
at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

Not a problem for me tbh just wondered why this happens?

Still on CUP but heavily modded!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 ~ NEW! ~ [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 13, 2020, 06:13:37 AM
Well, what can I say. I don't know what EngineMod you are running and in what state it is, I don't know what your CUP looks like and how you installed MPC-PLUS.

For what is worth, I have MPC-PLUS working fine in my SAS ModAct testbed as well as in VP-Modpack's Jetwar, both employing EngineMod...
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Spireitemoose on July 27, 2020, 12:18:00 PM
Hi. Dont know what i'm doing wrong here but i'm patched to 3.8.4 and downloaded the patch for mission pro combo 2. its a zip file which I assume I just extract to my IL246 folder? I did that but I'm not seeing any of the new features such as the hangar, no button for it or improved object viewer. In fact when i click on anything other than the planes (which doesnt show the complete list) in the object viewer it either crashes the game or shows no objects at all.
Have I done this correctly or am i missing something? Thanks.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 28, 2020, 01:19:26 AM
Hi Spireitemoose,

It actually is very simple, just pay attention to the structure of the download and compare it to your BAT. Unzip the download:

BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #DOF3
BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #TGA3
BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #WAW3
BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #JTW3

Open the folder BAT v3.8.X, drag the #DOF3, #TGA3, #WAW3, #JTW3 folders and drop them on your BAT. Allow overwrite. Done.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Spireitemoose on July 28, 2020, 02:10:32 AM
Hi Spireitemoose,

It actually is very simple, just pay attention to the structure of the download and compare it to your BAT. Unzip the download:

BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #DOF3
BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #TGA3
BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #WAW3
BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch >>> BAT v3.8.X >>> #JTW3

Open the folder BAT v3.8.X, drag the #DOF3, #TGA3, #WAW3, #JTW3 folders and drop them on your BAT. Allow overwrite. Done.

Cheers. I’ll try it when I get home. I extracted the files from the zip into the IL246 folder. Looks like that’s where I went wrong. Will doing the above cancel out whatever I did wrong in the first place or will I have to start all over again from scratch. Does the X refer to the version I’m running eg 3.8.4?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 28, 2020, 03:17:37 AM
Will doing the above cancel out whatever I did wrong

You probably have a "BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch" or "BAT v3.8.X" folder in your BAT: delete it.

Does the X refer to the version I’m running eg 3.8.4?

Yes, any v3.8 version, including 3.8.4.

MPC-PLUS v2 will eventually be part of an official BAT-patch so if you don't feel confident just have a little patience ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Spireitemoose on July 28, 2020, 03:50:30 AM
Many thanks for your help. The work you are all doing is absolutely amazing. So glad I came back to the game after about 15 years away.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Spireitemoose on July 28, 2020, 10:26:24 AM
Will doing the above cancel out whatever I did wrong

You probably have a "BAT_MissionProCombo-PLUS_v2.0-Patch" or "BAT v3.8.X" folder in your BAT: delete it.

Does the X refer to the version I’m running eg 3.8.4?

Yes, any v3.8 version, including 3.8.4.

MPC-PLUS v2 will eventually be part of an official BAT-patch so if you don't feel confident just have a little patience ;)

It works, thank you so much, incredible work by all concerned,  Cheers.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: cgagan on August 13, 2020, 11:51:40 PM
Many thanks Whistler, great improvement (I find the object browser particularly handy)! Works flawlessly in my vp_modact. It's a great job your' doing! 8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0
Post by: eddiek on September 11, 2020, 04:06:53 PM
I just updated my VPmod installation. The only question I have is how to change the font size in the FMB?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 04, 2021, 04:09:30 AM
Sorry eddiek, I missed this one. Try NG-HUD (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,58163.0.html), it changes font sizes game-wide, including FMB.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 04, 2021, 05:06:26 AM
IL-2 wasn't conceived as a mod-friendly game. No built-in support for mods of any nature. It is really difficult to create compelling mods that can be configured because of the lack of a proper mods interface. I dislike [Mods] conf.ini settings: you set your setting there and normally forget about it. That's one of the reasons I try my best to avoid any configurable setting in my mods.

An interesting Gunsight mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65238.0.html) by FL2070 was recently released and this got me thinking: what if we could change [Mods] conf.ini settings directly in the game? Here is my (WIP) proposal, built in the widely available "Difficulty" screen:


It isn't elegant but way better than nothing. Depending on how mod X was created the changes may or may not apply immediately, without having to restart the game. In the case of the Gunsight mod I can change the settings "on the fly", before starting a new mission, and let me tell you the mod is more versatile and way cooler now!

Many mods, including some of mine, aren't ready to apply changes on the fly. The settings must be checked at run time and not during the initial load. I will be reviewing some of my mods and provide updates in the next few weeks while I keep working on the eventual MissionProCombo-PLUS v2.1.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0
Post by: FL2070 on January 04, 2021, 01:41:11 PM
This is a very interesting development!

Maybe, I might make a suggestion or two: conf.ini settings in the [Mods] section have very technical (per se) looking names, and the range of inputs which can be used for them, and which input is default, is not always clear. Sometimes, the effect is not always clear too: for instance, the SpeedbarTAS setting could change the displayed speed to TAS, or add TAS as a second displayed speed, but it is not clear to someone who does not already know. The same lack of clarity found in these simple setting names can be said for, in some cases, which setting is used by which mod.

My suggestion is this: define and include a file—something like i18n/mods.properties—which controls the names of the properties as seen in this menu. For instance, "ReticleBrightness" might change to "[Reticle Brightness Config] Reticle Brightness (defaults to 70)" and "ngMAPhostile" might change to "[NG-MAP v3.1] Enemies on Map by Default (defaults to 0)".

Restrictions might also be implemented for certain settings like ReticleOnAtMissionStart so that the user can't set it to, say, -3, which may have disastrous or strange consequences. Maybe, certain settings could be marked as the "0=no 1=yes" type of on-off setting, and the "Value" box for those settings might be, instead of a text entry box, a dropdown menu with the options "False" and "True".

Anyhow, I feel slightly rude by now, having dumped all my ideas on you, but I hope I've given you some ideas if you weren't considering anything like this yet. I really like this development, and I'll be waiting for v2.1 with baited breath.

Cheers, and happy modding!
 8) :D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 05, 2021, 02:19:54 AM
Very good suggestions, FL2070! Any idea can lead to good ideas so please keep them coming.

For a framework of the kind to work we must implement and document a set of rules and modders must follow the rules. If it had been done years ago modders would have probably embraced it but I am afraid we are a little late for all that. I like the idea of a i18n/mods.properties file (a lot!) but who and how will update and maintain this file?

Here is my take: we can implement a description field right below the list. When players select a parameter the description field gets filled with content located here:


Modders are in full control of their own files and they can provide any info and in whatever format, in example:


Code: [Select]
Reticle Brightness Config by FL2070
This setting allows you to change the Reticle Brightness at mission start.
Possible values: 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque)
Default value: 70

Simple and functional.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Vampire_pilot on January 05, 2021, 02:46:51 AM
Very interesting approach there again, Whistler.

however, just as a note....
An interesting Gunsight mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65238.0.html) by FL2070 was recently released and this got me thinking

You saw that there's this mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65288.0.html) by WxTech, which offers a solution to the same thing without going into the conf.ini to begin with?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 05, 2021, 03:01:17 AM
Yes, we are spoiled by so many great options!

The point however is about making more dynamic mods. The fact that players must close the game and open a config file to change something is influencing how mods get created in the first place.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0
Post by: FL2070 on January 05, 2021, 05:44:03 AM
i18n/mods.properties [...] who and how will update and maintain this file?

Originally, I had assumed that the base mods.properties file would be updated by you, the creator of the mod which uses the file, with, maybe, some additions by individual contributors. Mods with conf.ini options would have readmes containing sections like "MPC+ 2.1 or later users add these lines to your mods.properties" so that the file could be updated to reflect mods that aren't in the base version of mods.properties. Mostly, though, releases of conf.ini-using mods tend to be very rare, so chances are it will almost if not never need to be updated. This may change, though, once version 2.1 with this new menu has been released. As you said,

The fact that players must close the game and open a config file to change something is influencing how mods get created in the first place.

Admittedly, the tediousness of maintaining such a file is a very good point. Such a situation is far from ideal, as members would need to check for new versions of mods.properties, and add new entries every once in a while, adding another layer of complexity to maintaining an up-to-date modded game with the latest and greatest from the community. Upon reflection, I prefer your way of going about things:

Here is my take: we can implement a description field right below the list. When players select a parameter the description field gets filled with content located here:


Modders are in full control of their own files and they can provide any info and in whatever format, in example:


This method is much more modular, reducing the chances both of of conflicts and of users having mods.ini with missing and/or outdated entries for the mods they're using. Allow me to add yet another layer to the idea: let's do this for the settings' names as well as their descriptions. The individual setting properties files could have two entries, allowing each individual setting its own file controlling both its display name and description. This would remove the requirement to have i18n/mods.properties, eliminating all the consistency problems. Here's an example of how one of these files would look, copying your description but in my format:

Code: [Select]
name Reticle Brightness
description Reticle Brightness Config by FL2070\nThis setting allows you to change the Reticle Brightness at mission start.\nPossible values: 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque)\nDefault value: 70

This system allows for individual modders to just include the appropriate properties files in their mods for the settings they use, removing the necessity of opening the now nonexistant mods.properties for players installing mods which use the conf.ini. In my personal opinion, it's...
simple and functional.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0
Post by: Flying H on January 05, 2021, 04:16:32 PM
Man, (men) assuming you go on realizing theese ideas you make this ancient game more modern than many new games out there! I´m eagerly waiting for the result of your ideas!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.0 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 06, 2021, 05:40:27 AM
I think this will work:


FL2070, thanks for the comments.

I am discarding your name / description idea and avoiding any rules to keep things as simple as possible. Regarding the "name", there must be a relation between what players see on screen and what's in the conf.ini. The description field is therefore free-form: Modders are free to write in their .properties files whatever they want.

The advantage of using i18n\Mods\ is that there can be multiple i18n\Mods\ folders! One for each mod to be precise. In example, you can deliver your Gunsight mod with this format:

Code: [Select]
|   |   1F8E9514CA7C6CDC
|   |   DA40F18C338F4036
|   |   
|   \---i18n
|       \---Mods
|               ReticleBrightness.properties
|               ReticleOnAtMissionStart.properties

And it will work 8)

I discarded an option to delete entries. I don't want the average player to have that possibility.

I am thinking about a "New Key" button. I haven't yet decided it. Mods, if created right, can automatically add or modify [Mods] conf.ini entries.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 08, 2021, 04:55:25 AM

Mission Pro Combo PLUS v2.1

IL-2 wasn't conceived as a mod-friendly game. No built-in support for mods of any nature. It is really difficult to create compelling mods that can be configured because of the lack of a proper mods interface. Here is my attempt to improve the game in this area: a new "Mods" section built in the widely available "Difficulty" screen:


There isn't much players can do with it as of today but I am sure this new feature will pay off in the long run. Please refer to the previous posts, starting from reply #100 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62173.msg720017.html#msg720017), to understand what all this is about. Modders can now include in their mods "descriptions" of their settings, just create a i18n/Mods/setting.properties file for each configurable setting. Check the i18n/Mods/PALMODsColor.properties included in MPC-PLUS v2.1 for an example.

As a bonus, in v2.1 I added a "Play music" switch to the Main Menu:


Find the downloads in the first post.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 08, 2021, 06:44:28 AM
If you are one of the few that downloaded v2.1 in the last hour and a half (BAT or Standalone) please re-download. A little piece of code didn't make it into the initial version. Sorry.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1
Post by: carsmaster on January 08, 2021, 07:26:42 PM
Thank you very much whistler, we appreciate your work.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1
Post by: FL2070 on January 08, 2021, 08:34:48 PM
Another wonderful update! Looks to me like MPC+ 2.x is turning into NG-MENU, the fabled fourth installment in the NG mod series.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 09, 2021, 01:50:41 AM
NG-GUI! :P We are honoring all who worked on this mod before us: MissionPro, QMBPro, FMB+ ...

I am reviewing the NG mods to take advantage of the new MPC+ features. If there's any request or suggestion, now it's the time.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Volokha on January 09, 2021, 03:15:39 AM
Hello!  I want to thank everyone who does this amazing job.
Game version 4.1.1, clean install, Mission Pro Combo PLUS v2.1, screen resolution 1920x1080,
such text overlay is treated.
(https://i.postimg.cc/HkfDRZjs/il2fb-2021-01-09-11-41-27.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TKq4WcrZ)
Can you fix this somehow?
I apologize for my english.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 09, 2021, 12:25:52 PM
Hello Volokha, your English is good. Thanks for the report. Allow for 24 hours.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Volokha on January 09, 2021, 12:50:52 PM
Thank you so much for your answer. ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on January 10, 2021, 05:14:28 AM
v2.1.1 posted (translations fixed). Check the first post.

I am of the opinion that some players turn off music never to set it back on again. The action not only stops the menu music but it also disables in-mission tracks. The music toggle in the Main Menu should give tunes a second chance ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Volokha on January 10, 2021, 05:36:56 AM
Thanks for your hard work.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: V201calaf on July 03, 2021, 07:31:00 AM
I have one problem with your mod. Data is null
(https://i.postimg.cc/SNQsVdV8/20210703-092644.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on July 03, 2021, 09:10:47 AM
Try clicking the "Reset" button.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: V201calaf on July 22, 2021, 08:02:35 PM
Problem resolved. I put 1940 01 01 in data space. Everything is ok. Thx friend.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Ranwers on September 30, 2021, 08:14:11 AM
Hi whistler

I have an idea.
It is possibly add in hangar skined the plane what wy chose ?
Fe - when I look at P-51D then I see few P-51D in skins from "skin" folder.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: whistler on October 01, 2021, 02:59:37 AM
Hi Ranwers,

(Almost) anything is possible, yes, but I consider the Hangar feature-complete. You will need to elaborate it further to convince me this is something worth spending time into.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.1.1
Post by: Ranwers on October 01, 2021, 10:11:23 AM
Thanks for answer.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2
Post by: whistler on October 03, 2021, 02:16:21 AM
MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2


Controls window reviewed

+ New horizontal guidelines
+ New "Save as Default" button, it will override default controls (Users/default.ini). This allows you to easily apply predefined controls to any existing pilot:

Save Controls > Select Pilot > Load Controls

New pilots will also get by default the predefined controls.


New "Icons" screen

Available from Setup > Misc Settings. Credits to TD (4.13).


Settings can be changed in the middle of missions.

* DOT: Distance at which the dot becomes visible
* COLOR: Distance at which the icon takes on the army color
* TYPE: Distance at which aircraft type information is displayed.
* NAME: Distance at which Pilot name becomes visible
* ID: Distance at which aircraft ID numbers become visible
* RANGE: Distance at which range information is displayed
* ALT ICON: Distance at which the Alternative Symbol is displayed
* ALT COLOR: Color of the Alternative Symbol
* ALT SYMBOL: The alternative icon, any single character

Full Changelog:

Code: [Select]

  - 3D windows allow for larger aircraft/ships (Zeppelins, Nimitz carrier...)
  - Tracks/Recordings screen reviewed (different switches, "Loop" off by default)
  - Training screen resized
  - Controls window reviewed
      + New horizontal guidelines
      + New "Save as Default" button, it will override default controls (Users/default.ini).
        This allows you to easily apply predefined controls to any existing pilot:
        Save Controls > Select Pilot > Load Controls.
        New pilots will also get by default the predefined controls.
  - New "Icons" screen, available from Setup > Misc Settings. Credits to TD (4.13).
    Settings can be changed in the middle of missions.
      * DOT: Distance at which the dot becomes visible
      * COLOR: Distance at which the icon takes on the army color
      * TYPE: Distance at which aircraft type information is displayed.
      * NAME: Distance at which Pilot name becomes visible
      * ID: Distance at which aircraft ID numbers become visible
      * RANGE: Distance at which range information is displayed
      * ALT ICON: Distance at which the Alternative Symbol is displayed
      * ALT COLOR: Color of the Alternative Symbol
      * ALT SYMBOL: The alternative icon, any single character

  - Trigger interface re-organized to take advantage of the vertical object window

  - New ScrShot.class that restores tga format
  - Inclusion of the "RadioGaGa" mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65518.0.html)
      * Radio tracks will play regardless of the "Setup > Sound Setup > General > Play Music"
        setting status
      * Radio tracks will have a random starting order

Please note MPC-PLUS v2.2 is already built-in in BAT v4.2

Non-BAT players can find the download in the first post.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: DESPEREAUX on November 10, 2021, 08:28:20 AM
Thank you very much Whistler for your invaluable work!  :)
How lucky we are to have you!  ;D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo PLUS v2.2 [4.12] [BAT] [VP-modpack]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on December 23, 2021, 12:54:45 AM
Yupp, Thanks for your constant Support...

Good work Buddy

Best wishes