Credits:Enjoy :)
- B-25 Mod pack : Gibbage/Monguse/Howlin(FM)
- Gaston from Check-6: (the work of extracting the new planes included in the AAA UI 1.2 and compiling the B-25 pack here at SAS).
- SAS~Bombsaway: Test piloting and Research
- Sani & Radar: Cockpit Classes Instructions
- Howlin for the FM on the B-25D&Js
- CsoCso for nose job and mesh editing
There are 40 250Ibs bomb in the PBJ-J1 not 6!OOOOOpppppssss :D I'll get that fixed too. I need to have a chat with my test pilot. hehehe.
What exactly is this AAA weapons fixed u1.2 mod?/ I unzippe dit and put into my mods folder, and it seems to be working, or at least not causing a crash etc. Any data on what it fixed/tweaked etc??It's for the D model. the C, G, and J are from stock.
That sounds like: ( not that. That 40 - 250lb bomb load was all my doing. Bombs was testing the torpedo load outs for me and if the plane shows up on UP.
MAP NewGuinea/load.ini
TIME 6.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1500.0
player UM_NN00
army 1
playerNum 1
Planes 4
Skill 2
Class air.PBJ
Fuel 55
weapons 2xMk34
TAKEOFF 366929.58 53284.48 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 385244.09 44002.69 500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 400417.21 36976.08 500.00 350.00 &0
GATTACK 406143.65 33467.34 500.00 350.00 2_Chief 1 &0
GATTACK 405871.97 27546.07 500.00 350.00 1_Chief 4 &0
NORMFLY 401973.71 29871.70 500.00 350.00 &0
LANDING 365557.34 53658.01 0 0 &0
Planes 4
Skill 1
Class air.F4U1
Fuel 100
weapons default
TAKEOFF 366989.13 53283.73 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 410255.99 29818.53 1500.00 375.00 &0
NORMFLY 405849.67 24287.14 1500.00 375.00 &0
LANDING 365726.61 53627.46 0 0 &0
Planes 4
Skill 2
Class air.A6M2_21
Fuel 100
weapons default
NORMFLY 414689.40 75256.27 700.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 402734.50 33686.46 700.00 300.00 UM_NN00 5 &0
NORMFLY 394667.66 33226.60 700.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 415717.82 27665.25 500.00 300.00 UM_NN01 2 &0
NORMFLY 390933.27 38906.15 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 402016.32 21761.61 500.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 425278.48 28367.10 500.00 300.00 &0
Planes 4
Skill 2
Class air.PBJ
Fuel 55
weapons 6x500lbs
TAKEOFF 366871.85 53311.66 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 390764.10 36880.77 500.00 350.00 &0
NORMFLY 397957.15 32024.93 500.00 350.00 &0
GATTACK 401519.23 29903.60 500.00 350.00 0_Static 0 &0
GATTACK 405411.75 27129.34 500.00 350.00 8_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY 371741.19 49493.88 500.00 350.00 &0
LANDING 365560.74 53674.20 0 0 &0
Planes 1
Skill 1
Class air.A6M2N
Fuel 100
weapons default
StartTime 4
TAKEOFF 401631.72 30047.35 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 401868.95 30242.41 500.00 300.00 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.F4U1
Fuel 100
weapons default
NORMFLY 363966.80 55555.15 500.00 375.00 &0
NORMFLY 385785.73 45096.49 500.00 375.00 UM_NN00 1 &0
NORMFLY 401473.72 37883.62 500.00 375.00 IJA_F_S_106z00 1 &0
NORMFLY 410850.45 31151.61 500.00 375.00 &0
NORMFLY 370758.92 48342.28 500.00 375.00 &0
LANDING 365558.00 53667.52 0 0 &0
0_Chief Vehicles.JapanCarsColumnB 2
1_Chief Vehicles.JapanCarsColumnB 2
2_Chief Ships.IJNKageroDD41 2 0 0 1.0
3_Chief Vehicles.JapanCarsColumnA 2
401512.47 29799.32 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
401611.44 29567.80 120.00
397829.94 25869.04 120.00 0 3 3.055555582046509
399602.00 27402.00 120.00
399672.31 27586.16 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
400385.72 28416.02 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
401762.13 29423.36 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
401665.25 29795.48 120.00
405527.09 28924.39 120.00 0 2 9.131389617919922
402382.31 30605.86 120.00 0 2 9.131389617919922
404246.38 32098.10 120.00 0 2 9.131389617919922
406316.69 33523.71 120.00 0 2 9.131389617919922
415814.91 31659.98 120.00 0 2 9.131389617919922
430988.22 44658.40 120.00
393722.91 34839.33 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
394742.53 35158.57 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
396994.59 35199.00 120.00 0 2 3.055555582046509
399587.25 34211.55 120.00
0_Static ships.Ship$IJNNowakiDD41 2 401541.71 29930.76 660.00 0.0 0 0 5.0
1_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 401893.80 29997.64 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
2_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 401948.32 29884.47 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
3_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 402002.38 29832.44 690.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
4_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 402064.46 29754.07 690.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
5_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 402102.41 29695.67 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
6_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 402091.05 29695.55 540.00 0.0
7_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401535.75 29625.15 360.00 0.0
8_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401555.69 29604.13 360.00 0.0
9_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 402037.41 29744.12 360.00 0.0
10_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401599.86 29703.53 360.00 0.0
11_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401538.95 29559.87 360.00 0.0
12_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$HaGoRadio 2 401552.09 29890.32 360.00 0.0 0
13_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$HaGoRadio 2 401602.07 29554.30 360.00 0.0 0
14_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$HaGoRadio 2 401597.15 29639.33 360.00 0.0 0
15_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BA_10 2 401546.30 29658.16 675.00 0.0 0
16_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$BA_10 2 401644.67 29619.08 675.00 0.0 0
17_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$_50calMG_water_US 2 401537.53 29593.24 675.00 0.0 0
19_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2N 2 401660.67 30027.69 225.00 0.0 ja
20_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$A6M2N 2 401940.78 29896.40 315.00 0.0 ja
21_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 402052.57 29748.54 360.00 0.0
18_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type98_20mm_JA 2 401506.10 29623.25 675.00 0.0 0
22_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Type98_20mm_JA 2 401812.28 29934.01 675.00 0.0 0
23_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401534.77 29648.43 360.00 0.0
24_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 401343.06 29720.83 375.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
25_Static ships.Ship$DaihatsuLC 2 401319.56 29696.93 375.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
26_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401343.89 29720.62 375.00 0.0
27_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401320.29 29696.79 375.00 0.0
28_Static ships.Ship$IJNFishJunkA 2 401557.98 29990.53 660.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
29_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401555.14 29884.84 360.00 0.0
30_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 401562.17 29910.28 570.00 0.0
31_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Kurogane 2 399603.15 34213.84 660.00 0.0
32_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 399557.82 34141.76 660.00 0.0
33_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Truck_Type94 2 399566.7
It must be something with his internet provider as he only lives 9 hours from me and I'm able to get on.
With Csocso working on the "hose nose" version, I'll add a radar to the wing tip on the J model and post that in the 3D fix thread as a fix. This way you all can decide which version of these models you want to use on your own so there's no whining about variations. :)That's the perfect solution! Well done.
That's the perfect solution! Well done.
I've got a video of a PBJ-1 making an emergency landing. Anyone care to see?Yes Please
tail hook?
Tail hook is an idea that I'm looking into at the moment. :D
By any chance, do you have the aviaskins "updatable static aircraft mod"? It gave me all sorts of trouble until I finally decided to get rid of it. After that, all worked fine for me.
By any chance, do you have the aviaskins "updatable static aircraft mod"? It gave me all sorts of trouble until I finally decided to get rid of it. After that, all worked fine for me.
nice skins, Shoki....hope to see them available one day.... ;) :D
it's the J rather than the H. but it works.
UF_Shoki. I like those skins you have. I sure wouldnt mind seeing those on these planes. We are limited to skins on these PBJs. Mine were put together by myself using other skins and what little skills I have on skinning :DThese are mine. Send me a pm with your email and I'll send you these skins.
Hey! >:( why do WE people from 410.1m planet get LESS planes? 4 PBJs for us against 6 for 409m loosers? :D :P
Jokes a part, I hope you'll convert to 410 the other 2 :)
As soon as I dropped these markers, the time is accelerating and the markers are inside the plane and they color the back of the plane.Sorry !
Use UP2.01 !
... I have the same problem with the Neptune!
I know it's late, but I'm in the process of getting this one done along with another late J straffer to add on to this as well ;D
To get all of the PBJ B-25´s to work in 4.12 I need the B-25 Strafer Version,but all the links that I´ve found in the web are dead. Can someone please help me with an upload?
PBJ-1C: 50 aircraft: 25 B-25C-20-NAs and 25 B-25C-25-NAs.
PBJ-1D: 152 aircraft: 25 B-25D-15-NCs; 49 B-25D-25-NCs; 61 B-25D-30-NCs; and 17 B-25D-35-NCs
PBJ-1G: 1 B-25G-5-NA
PBJ-1H: 248 aircraft: 52 B-25H-5-NAs and 196 B-25H-10-NAs
PBJ-1J: 255 aircraft: 14 B-25J-1-NCs; 7 B-25J-5-NCs; 7 B-25J-10-NCs; 20 B-25J-15-NCs; 84 B-25J-20-NCs; 47 B-25J-25-NCs; and 76 B-25J-30-NCs.
PBJ-1C and D 'Mitchell' patrol bomber ordnance : 8x250-Ibs bombs under wings, 2,000-Ibs bombs or 1xTorpedo in bomb bay ;
PBJ-1H 'Mitchell' patrol bomber ordnance : 8x5in or 2x11.75in rockets under wings, 3,000-Ibs bombs or 1xTorpedo in bomb bay ;
PBJ-1J 'Mitchell' patrol bomber ordnance : 8x5in or 2x11.75in rockets under wings, 5,400-Ibs bombs or 1xTorpedo in bomb bay ;
I can't remember. Did Riken ever release the one with the radar on the nose?
I think many of the members of this forum are waiting for this package to be updated.. so we will be waiting impatiently :P ;D.That's a fact that the actual loadout, even allowing great fun, still look a little like 'beta stage' and are quite limited to allow some 'realistic' campaign building. I started a few weeks ago to build one with 4.12 C&C mod, based on the many mission reports I saw, and it looks very promising but, considering the late war operations, Dreamk's pack weapons would be a great addition (especially attacking japanese airfields with incendiary clusters, rockets for anti-shipping assaults or even Tiny Tim rockets, as apparently at this time of the war, aircraft torpedoes weren't much used anymore when rocket weapons could be set instead).
Hi rockdoon,
Great news! since this package appeared also appeared many new add-ons mainly armament so it deserves to be updating.
Best regards,
i decided to start working on fixing up this pack so far ive only worked on the PBJ1Hc so far but i have gotten the 3D upgrades working on it as well as started to update the load outsVery cool !
Sorry rockdoon but I did all this already since October. I sent a PM to SAS~Riken about it, but he didn't even respond back, so I didn't release.
Anyway, here it is
just tried out your link and unfortunately it still causes a 20% CTD on just modact 5.3The pack works well in BAT 4.12 so the solution is in BAT. Did you add the arms folder from the original pack ?
my goal isnt just upgrading the 3D its to get the whole pack working again in 4.12 as well as upgrading the armaments for the aircraftThat's mostly needed to restore this plane series into her historical & massive firepower ! Thank you for this 8)
I am confused by the instruction about "Arm" folder. Do I have to put it into 3do folder in each PBJ folder?Yes, you put a copy of the Arms folder in each of the PBJ/3do folders that you want to install
I am confused by the instruction about "Arm" folder. Do I have to put it into 3do folder in each PBJ folder?Yes, you put a copy of the Arms folder in each of the PBJ/3do folders that you want to install
in your game.