Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => Skin&Markings => Topic started by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on September 11, 2020, 08:21:09 AM
Hi mates!
As I'm slowly back to a normal working life....even if the COVID may have delayed it still a bit....
....I'm starting a project that involve the WW1 age....a westfront campaign from early 1915 to the war end!
Actually I'm collecting info about the involved air service (RFC , AdA , Belgian , USA and Germany) and atm I got all the necessary data about their units....
So the first step I plan is to add each air service and it's relative units to the game....
In the next weeks....as I proceed with this work I'll update you....and possibly I'll ask also for help and welcomed suggestions!
In the mean time....cheers to all and....FINGER CROSSED!!!
Nice to see you again... ;)
Nice to see you again... ;)
Hi my dear old friend!
I hope that all is good as before!
Is nice to be again here!
Just wondering....is better an update of the forgotten countries stile mod we have actually....or since the specific era involved a dedicated stand alone set of nations and squadrons?
Just wondering....is better an update of the forgotten countries stile mod we have actually....or since the specific era involved a dedicated stand alone set of nations and squadrons?
Choice defined:
This mod 'll be DOF dedicated only....
Acyually I have almost complete information for my West Front 15/18 campaign (in early stages of development) about air services of:
Great Britain
The few USA and Italian Squadron involved in the Flanders/Somme area....
Not planned atm Austro-Hungarian and Italian units....but if someone have the desire and the historical sources and informations about their units....those can be added....you can contact me as I'll ask for beta tester in the next future and start a specific collaboration.
The same for other minor nations....not planned but not excluded....as before after the beta test is ready....
List of nation reduced to:
Great Britain (RFC & RNAS)
All named with their old air service name.....ex:
Corpo Aereo Militare for Italy
Aéronautique Militaire for France
Royal Australian Flying Corps for Australia
Luftstreitkrafte for Germany
And so on....
Do you think that I have to add other countries for this aviation age?
You have some days to think about while I'm doing the their historical squadrons....
Cheers to all!
Do you think that I have to add other countries for this aviation age?
The one that everyone always forgets: Japan.
Also of possible relevance: Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Blue Russia
Hi mate!
From my research:
- Japan air service was active with only with a couple of planes (iirc Taube) during the siege of Tsingtao.... cohesive air units had their down after 1920....I'll search better!
- For the others I'll search for information about their activity on WW1 operations and composition.... I'll update soon!
- Japan air service was active with only with a couple of planes (iirc Taube) during the siege of Tsingtao.... cohesive air units had their down after 1920....I'll search better!
This is backwards. Japan was deploying Farmans against Tsingtao, the Germans had two Taube there. Tsingtao is very relevant in terms of first historical air battles.
Look the other air forces up on Wikipedia (the air forces specifically) you can find a lot on these pages. Take the 1919-1920 timeframe as well for Tukey/Greece and for the Carinthian conflict.
You asked for possible expansion, I gave you my ideas :)
Yes....Farmans....the Taube was on German side....
Japan will be added for sure on red side....
IJN Air Service units up to 1926 are ready....now I search for IJA Air Corps....
Also Serbia 'll be added as usable in the balkans WW1 operations....
And after Bulgaria Greece and....if you explain me who was blue russia....too....
Serbia added with 3 unit
Bulgaria added with 2 unit
I have cleared all the 'modern' units and I plan to reprganize the text .ini and .properties files to allow a more simple units/nations management and switch....maybe useful also for fix and develop the other 3 BAT ages....
I am sorry but no chance such a revision will become BAT standard
I can telly you why: Backwards mission and campaign compatibility.
Any upgrade that will delete what's currently listed in BAT will not get adopted for that reason alone.
Stand alone everyone can do what they want, however, BAT serves as a platform and needs to maintain compatibility as much as possible.
We strained this to the braeaking point already (for my taste) with the loadout repairs but there was a clear technical necessity.
It's becoming an issue sometimes with 3do modifications as well that render years of skinning work null and void for the gain of a more accurate radiator diameter.
Don't get me wrong. as a stand alone effort this is good and nice, but if you take out existing material with the chance of breaking mission playability, you must be aware of what that means.
If you however decide to retain all the current material and simply add differently named ones, the picture may change.
I know about compatibility issue and I'm looking at them in the development.....
My first task is to keep my work at least fully compatible with the QMB functions and to avoid issue of my work with each specific mission inside.....
I specify that actually this work is a starting point for my planned WW1 Westfront Campaign and.....as each BAT module is almost indipendent from each other I can add a mod that....even if used as stand alone can add a more historically correct units selections....
Atm I understand how the game manage the QMB in relation with the units selections.....and my first test reveal that initial issues are solved.....
I keep the other modders works in high and assolute respect and I'll keep this work as little invasive possible.....
It is not a QMB/FMB question, this distinction makes no sense.
also, of course the era modules can differ in this regard, however, taking anything away that currently exists in nations and units is breaking compatibility.
This is maybe a misunderstanding....when I wrote about reorganizing is more about a general reordering than a general changing.....
The entries of the country.ini atm are reorganized in 2 section:
1) The first with all the available nations....plus a couple just added....
2) The second with all the activated nations WW1 related....yes many are not activated....but if someone discover in the beta test that he have released a work that 7se for example Myanmar....I can simply and quickly reenable that country and regain complete compatibility....
The regiments.properties is reorganized with historically correct country/allegiance-influence sphere relation....some quick mission have different none units than the one I have realized but I have added them into and got full QMB compatibility....yes again some countries are not enabled....but if someone have developed with those countries DOF missions or campaign those can be again quickly reenabled as the issue is discovered in the beta testing.....
Anyway this update for DOF can be used from a lot of members and mission/campaign builders because almost all the units listed in the countries/regiments are actually unuseful in a WW1 mission building because them actually are all from WW2 age onward....
I'm searching about Blue Russia....but I find only cats....
Can you (or anyone who know) explain me which kind of russian faction is Blue Russia?
German Kaiser Marine units added....just wondering if could be useful to add also the dirigibles to give them their historical collocation....
What do you think about?
"Blue" Russia means any blue sided Russia for Civil War setups against a "Red" Russia
As for the "Luftschiff" question (please note the spelling ;) ) - I'd go with sorting them with "Heer" (Army) and "Marine" (Navy) by setting up a "Heeres-Luftschiffe" and a "Marine-Luftschiffe" unit inside the Navy and Army.
German Kaiser Marine
The correct term would be "Kaiserliche Marine"
While at it, you could add a "K.u.K. Seeflieger" faction for Austrian Navy flyers
Now I understand what did you mean for blue Russia....no problem for it.... if I remember correctly that faction was called White Russia opposed to the Reds....I'll research in the russian revolution history up to 1926....the time limit for DOF....
In the nation list I use the native language where possible....Kaiser Marine is done with Kaiserliche Marine from the start....as for other air force....
For the K.u.K. the navy section 'll be done if not managed from the navy like the....Kaiser Marine....
....if belonging to navy I'll add them as a separate service like historical reality....
About the dirigibles....I look at them this afternoon....there are about 30 of them in service with heer or navy....if I add each one it will be simple for missions and/or static campaign makers build missions with a specific one....but maybe in dynamic campaign building this can cause a mess if the game engine replace it if downed....I'll ask to those great guys a think about....and if they confirm my thoughts I'll have to add both kind of them: each specific and a generic....
Here the status of the units added at today:
German Army Air Service (adding Fliegerabteilung and Flegerabteilung (A)):
DE Unknown German Army Unit
DE_01 Provisonal Squadron
DE_FFA_01 Feldflieger-Abteilung 01
DE_FFA_01b Feldflieger-Abteilung 01(b)
DE_FFA_02 Feldflieger-Abteilung 02
DE_FFA_02b Feldflieger-Abteilung 02(b)
DE_FFA_03 Feldflieger-Abteilung 03
DE_FFA_03b Feldflieger-Abteilung 03(b)
DE_FFA_04 Feldflieger-Abteilung 04
DE_FFA_04b Feldflieger-Abteilung 04(b)
DE_FFA_05 Feldflieger-Abteilung 05
DE_FFA_05b Feldflieger-Abteilung 05(b)
DE_FFA_06 Feldflieger-Abteilung 06
DE_FFA_06b Feldflieger-Abteilung 06(b)
DE_FFA_07 Feldflieger-Abteilung 07
DE_FFA_07b Feldflieger-Abteilung 07(b)
DE_FFA_08 Feldflieger-Abteilung 08
DE_FFA_08b Feldflieger-Abteilung 08(b)
DE_FFA_09 Feldflieger-Abteilung 09
DE_FFA_09b Feldflieger-Abteilung 09(b)
DE_FFA_10 Feldflieger-Abteilung 10
DE_FFA_11 Feldflieger-Abteilung 11
DE_FFA_12 Feldflieger-Abteilung 12
DE_FFA_13 Feldflieger-Abteilung 13
DE_FFA_14 Feldflieger-Abteilung 14
DE_FFA_15 Feldflieger-Abteilung 15
DE_FFA_16 Feldflieger-Abteilung 16
DE_FFA_17 Feldflieger-Abteilung 17
DE_FFA_18 Feldflieger-Abteilung 18
DE_FFA_19 Feldflieger-Abteilung 19
DE_FFA_20 Feldflieger-Abteilung 20
DE_FFA_21 Feldflieger-Abteilung 21
DE_FFA_22 Feldflieger-Abteilung 22
DE_FFA_23 Feldflieger-Abteilung 23
DE_FFA_24 Feldflieger-Abteilung 24
DE_FFA_25 Feldflieger-Abteilung 25
DE_FFA_26 Feldflieger-Abteilung 26
DE_FFA_27 Feldflieger-Abteilung 27
DE_FFA_28 Feldflieger-Abteilung 28
DE_FFA_29 Feldflieger-Abteilung 29
DE_FFA_30 Feldflieger-Abteilung 30
DE_FFA_31 Feldflieger-Abteilung 31
DE_FFA_32 Feldflieger-Abteilung 32
DE_FFA_33 Feldflieger-Abteilung 33
DE_FFA_34 Feldflieger-Abteilung 34
DE_FFA_35 Feldflieger-Abteilung 35
DE_FFA_36 Feldflieger-Abteilung 36
DE_FFA_37 Feldflieger-Abteilung 37
DE_FFA_38 Feldflieger-Abteilung 38
DE_FFA_39 Feldflieger-Abteilung 39
DE_FFA_40 Feldflieger-Abteilung 40
DE_FFA_41 Feldflieger-Abteilung 41
DE_FFA_42 Feldflieger-Abteilung 42
DE_FFA_43 Feldflieger-Abteilung 43
DE_FFA_44 Feldflieger-Abteilung 44
DE_FFA_45 Feldflieger-Abteilung 45
DE_FFA_46 Feldflieger-Abteilung 46
DE_FFA_47 Feldflieger-Abteilung 47
DE_FFA_48 Feldflieger-Abteilung 48
DE_FFA_49 Feldflieger-Abteilung 49
DE_FFA_50 Feldflieger-Abteilung 50
DE_FFA_51 Feldflieger-Abteilung 51
DE_FFA_52 Feldflieger-Abteilung 52
DE_FFA_53 Feldflieger-Abteilung 53
DE_FFA_54 Feldflieger-Abteilung 54
DE_FFA_55 Feldflieger-Abteilung 55
DE_FFA_56 Feldflieger-Abteilung 56
DE_FFA_57 Feldflieger-Abteilung 57
DE_FFA_58 Feldflieger-Abteilung 58
DE_FFA_59 Feldflieger-Abteilung 59
DE_FFA_60 Feldflieger-Abteilung 60
DE_FFA_61 Feldflieger-Abteilung 61
DE_FFA_62 Feldflieger-Abteilung 62
DE_FFA_63 Feldflieger-Abteilung 63
DE_FFA_64 Feldflieger-Abteilung 64
DE_FFA_65 Feldflieger-Abteilung 65
DE_FFA_66 Feldflieger-Abteilung 66
DE_FFA_67 Feldflieger-Abteilung 67
DE_FFA_68 Feldflieger-Abteilung 68
DE_FFA_69 Feldflieger-Abteilung 69
DE_FFA_70 Feldflieger-Abteilung 70
DE_FFA_71 Feldflieger-Abteilung 71
DE_FFA_72 Feldflieger-Abteilung 72
DE_FFA_73 Feldflieger-Abteilung 73
DE_FFA_74 Feldflieger-Abteilung 74
DE_AFA_201 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 201
DE_AFA_202 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 202
DE_AFA_203 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 203
DE_AFA_204 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 204
DE_AFA_205 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 205
DE_AFA_206 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 206
DE_AFA_207 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 207
DE_AFA_208 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 208
DE_AFA_209 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 209
DE_AFA_210 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 210
DE_AFA_211 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 211
DE_AFA_212 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 212
DE_AFA_213 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 213
DE_AFA_214 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 214
DE_AFA_215 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 215
DE_AFA_216 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 216
DE_AFA_217 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 217
DE_AFA_218 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 218
DE_AFA_219 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 219
DE_AFA_220 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 220
DE_AFA_221 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 221
DE_AFA_222 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 222
DE_AFA_223 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 223
DE_AFA_224 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 224
DE_AFA_225 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 225
DE_AFA_226 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 226
DE_AFA_227 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 227
DE_AFA_228 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 228
DE_AFA_229 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 229
DE_AFA_230 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 230
DE_AFA_231 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 231
DE_AFA_232 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 232
DE_AFA_233 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 233
DE_AFA_234 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 234
DE_AFA_235 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 235
DE_AFA_236 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 236
DE_AFA_237 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 237
DE_AFA_238 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 238
DE_AFA_239 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 239
DE_AFA_240 (Artillerie) Flieger-Abteilung 240
DE_FEFA_1 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 1 (Metz)
DE_FEFA_1b (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 1b (Gemersheim)
DE_FEFA_2 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 2 (Strassburg)
DE_FEFA_3 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 3 (Koln)
DE_FEFA_4 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 4 (Posen)
DE_FEFA_5 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 5 (Konigsberg)
DE_FEFA_6 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 6 (Graudenz)
DE_FEFA_7 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 7 (Boyen)
DE_FEFA_8 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 8 (Breslau)
DE_FEFA_9 (Festung) Flieger-Abteilung 9 (Glogau)
DE_KEK_I Kampfeinsitzerkommando I (Phalempin)
DE_KEK_II Kampfeinsitzerkommando II (Lille)
DE_KEK_III Kampfeinsitzerkommando III (Douai)
DE_KEK_NO Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'Nord' (Bapaume)
DE_KEK_SO Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'Sud' (Vaux)
DE_KEK_OS Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'Ost' (Saint-Erme)
DE_KEK_WE Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'West' (Laon)
DE_KEK_ME Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'Metz'
DE_KEK_A Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'A' (Avillers)
DE_KEK_B Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'B' (Bantheville)
DE_KEK_C Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'C' (Cunel)
DE_KEK_E Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'E' (Ensisheim)
DE_KEK_F Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'F' (Ferme de Chassogne)
DE_KEK_H Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'H' (Habsheim)
DE_KEK_J Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'J' (Jametz)
DE_KEK_S Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'S' (Sivry)
DE_KEK_V Kampfeinsitzerkommando 'V' (Vouziers)
DE_FKS_A Fokkerstaffel A.O.K.4
DE_FKS_B Fokkerstaffel'Buzancy'
DE_FKS_F Fokkerstaffel'Falkenhausen'
DE_FKS_MA Fokkerstaffel'Martincourt'
DE_FKS_MO Fokkerstaffel'Monthois'
DE_FKS_P Fokkerstaffel'Porcher'
DE_FKS_Q Fokkerstaffel'Queant'
DE_FKS_S Fokkerstaffel'Stenay'
DE_BAO Brieftauben-Abteilung 'Ostende'
DE_BAM Brieftauben-Abteilung 'Metz'
DE_KS_01 Kampfstaffel 1
DE_KS_02 Kampfstaffel 2
DE_KS_03 Kampfstaffel 3
DE_KS_04 Kampfstaffel 4
DE_KS_05 Kampfstaffel 5
DE_KS_06 Kampfstaffel 6
DE_KS_07 Kampfstaffel 7
DE_KS_08 Kampfstaffel 8
DE_KS_09 Kampfstaffel 9
DE_KS_10 Kampfstaffel 10
DE_KS_11 Kampfstaffel 11
DE_KS_12 Kampfstaffel 12
DE_KS_13 Kampfstaffel 13
DE_KS_14 Kampfstaffel 14
DE_KS_15 Kampfstaffel 15
DE_KS_16 Kampfstaffel 16
DE_KS_17 Kampfstaffel 17
DE_KS_18 Kampfstaffel 18
DE_KS_19 Kampfstaffel 19
DE_KS_20 Kampfstaffel 20
DE_KS_21 Kampfstaffel 21
DE_KS_22 Kampfstaffel 22
DE_KS_23 Kampfstaffel 23
DE_KS_24 Kampfstaffel 24
DE_KS_25 Kampfstaffel 25
DE_KS_26 Kampfstaffel 26
DE_KS_27 Kampfstaffel 27
DE_KS_28 Kampfstaffel 28
DE_KS_29 Kampfstaffel 29
DE_KS_30 Kampfstaffel 30
DE_KS_31b Kampfstaffel 31(b)
DE_KS_32b Kampfstaffel 32(b)
DE_KS_33b Kampfstaffel 33(b)
DE_KS_34b Kampfstaffel 34(b)
DE_KS_35b Kampfstaffel 35(b)
DE_KS_36b Kampfstaffel 36(b)
DE_KS_37 Kampfstaffel 37
DE_KS_38 Kampfstaffel 38
DE_KS_39 Kampfstaffel 39
DE_KS_40 Kampfstaffel 40
DE_KS_41 Kampfstaffel 41
DE_KS_42 Kampfstaffel 42
DE_KG_1 Kampfgeschwader der OHL.1
DE_KG_2 Kampfgeschwader der OHL.2
DE_KG_3 Kampfgeschwader der OHL.3
DE_KG_4 Kampfgeschwader der OHL.4
DE_KG_5 Kampfgeschwader der OHL.5
DE_KG_6b Kampfgeschwader der OHL.6(b)
DE_KG_7 Kampfgeschwader der OHL.7
DE_ZG Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe
DE_Z_I Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.I
DE_Z_II Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.II
DE_Z_III Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.III
DE_Z_IV Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.IV
DE_Z_V Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.V
DE_Z_VI Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.VI
DE_Z_VII Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.VII
DE_Z_VIII Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.VIII
DE_Z_IX Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.IX
DE_Z_X Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.X
DE_Z_XI Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.XI
DE_Z_XII Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.XII
DE_Z_34 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.34
DE_Z_35 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.35
DE_Z_37 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.37
DE_Z_38 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.38
DE_Z_39 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.39
DE_Z_72 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.72
DE_Z_74 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.74
DE_Z_77 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.77
DE_Z_79 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.79
DE_Z_81 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.81
DE_Z_85 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.85
DE_Z_86 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.86
DE_Z_87 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.87
DE_Z_88 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.88
DE_Z_90 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.90
DE_Z_93 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.93
DE_Z_95 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.95
DE_Z_97 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.97
DE_Z_98 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.98
DE_Z_101 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.101
DE_Z_103 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.103
DE_Z_107 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.107
DE_Z_111 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.111
DE_Z_113 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.113
DE_Z_120 Kaiserliches Heer Luftschiffe Z.120
DE_JS_01 Jagdstaffel 1
DE_JS_02 Jagdstaffel 2
DE_JS_02B Jagdstaffel 'Boelcke'
DE_JS_03 Jagdstaffel 3
DE_JS_04 Jagdstaffel 4
DE_JS_05 Jagdstaffel 5
DE_JS_06 Jagdstaffel 6
DE_JS_07 Jagdstaffel 7
DE_JS_08 Jagdstaffel 8
DE_JS_09 Jagdstaffel 9
DE_JS_10 Jagdstaffel 10
DE_JS_11 Jagdstaffel 11
DE_JS_12 Jagdstaffel 12
DE_JS_13 Jagdstaffel 13
DE_JS_14 Jagdstaffel 14
DE_JS_15 Jagdstaffel 15
DE_JS_16b Jagdstaffel 16(b)
DE_JS_17 Jagdstaffel 17
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DE_JS_19 Jagdstaffel 19
DE_JS_20 Jagdstaffel 20
DE_JS_21s Jagdstaffel 21(s)
DE_JS_22s Jagdstaffel 22(s)
DE_JS_23b Jagdstaffel 23(b)
DE_JS_24s Jagdstaffel 24(s)
DE_JS_25 Jagdstaffel 25
DE_JS_26 Jagdstaffel 26
DE_JS_27 Jagdstaffel 27
DE_JS_28 Jagdstaffel 28
DE_JS_29 Jagdstaffel 29
DE_JS_30 Jagdstaffel 30
DE_JS_31 Jagdstaffel 31
DE_JS_32b Jagdstaffel 32(b)
DE_JS_33 Jagdstaffel 33
DE_JS_34b Jagdstaffel 34(b)
DE_JS_35b Jagdstaffel 35(b)
DE_JS_36 Jagdstaffel 36
DE_JS_37 Jagdstaffel 37
DE_JS_38 Jagdstaffel 38
DE_JS_39 Jagdstaffel 39
DE_JS_40s Jagdstaffel 40(s)
DE_JS_41 Jagdstaffel 41
DE_JS_42 Jagdstaffel 42
DE_JS_43 Jagdstaffel 43
DE_JS_44s Jagdstaffel 44(s)
DE_JS_45 Jagdstaffel 45
DE_JS_46 Jagdstaffel 46
DE_JS_47w Jagdstaffel 47(w)
DE_JS_48 Jagdstaffel 48
DE_JS_49 Jagdstaffel 49
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DE_JS_51 Jagdstaffel 51
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DE_JS_54s Jagdstaffel 54(s)
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DE_JS_72s Jagdstaffel 72(s)
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DE_JS_75 Jagdstaffel 75
DE_JS_76b Jagdstaffel 76(b)
DE_JS_77b Jagdstaffel 77(b)
DE_JS_78b Jagdstaffel 78(b)
DE_JS_79b Jagdstaffel 79(b)
DE_JS_80b Jagdstaffel 80(b)
DE_JS_81 Jagdstaffel 81
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DE_JS_83 Jagdstaffel 83
DE_JS_84 Jagdstaffel 84
DE_JS_85 Jagdstaffel 85
DE_JS_86 Jagdstaffel 86
DE_JS_87 Jagdstaffel 87
DE_JS_88 Jagdstaffel 88
DE_JS_89 Jagdstaffel 89
DE_JS_90 Jagdstaffel 90
DE_KES_1 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 1
DE_KES_1a Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 1a
DE_KES_1b Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 1b
DE_KES_2 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 2
DE_KES_3 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 3
DE_KES_4 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 4
DE_KES_4a Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 4a
DE_KES_4b Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 4b
DE_KES_5 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 5
DE_KES_6 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 6
DE_KES_7 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 7
DE_KES_8 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 8
DE_KES_9 Kampfeinsitzerstaffel 9
DE_JG_I Jagdgeschwader I
DE_JG_IR Jagdgeschwader 'Freiherr von Richthofen'
DE_JG_II Jagdgeschwader II
DE_JG_III Jagdgeschwader III
DE_JG_IVb Jagdgeschwader IV(b)
DE_JGR_01 Jagdgruppe 1
DE_JGR_02 Jagdgruppe 2
DE_JGR_03 Jagdgruppe 3
DE_JGR_04 Jagdgruppe 4
DE_JGR_05 Jagdgruppe 5
DE_JGR_06 Jagdgruppe 6
DE_JGR_07 Jagdgruppe 7
DE_JGR_08 Jagdgruppe 8
DE_JGR_09 Jagdgruppe 9
DE_JGR_10 Jagdgruppe 10
DE_JGR_11 Jagdgruppe 11
DE_JGR_12 Jagdgruppe 12
DE_JGR_13 Jagdgruppe 13
DE_JGR_14 Jagdgruppe 14
DE_JGR_15 Jagdgruppe 15
DE_JGR_04A Jagdgruppe der A.O.K. 4
DE_JGR_06A Jagdgruppe der A.O.K. 6
DE_JGR_06N Jagdgruppe der A.O.K. 6 (Nord)
DE_JGR_06S Jagdgruppe der A.O.K. 6 (Sud)
DE_JGR_07A Jagdgruppe der A.O.K. 7
DE_JGR_18A Jagdgruppe der A.O.K. 18
DE_JGR_A Jagdgruppe 'A'
DE_JGR_BE Jagdgruppe 'Bethge'
DE_JGR_DI Jagdgruppe 'Dixmuiden'
DE_JGR_ET Jagdgruppe 'Etreux'
DE_JGR_HA Jagdgruppe 'Habsheim'
DE_JGR_HO Jagdgruppe 'Houthlust'
DE_JGR_LE Jagdgruppe 'Lenz'
DE_JGR_LI Jagdgruppe 'Lille'
DE_JGR_MA Jagdgruppe 'Marville'
DE_JGR_SI Jagdgruppe 'Siempelkamp'
DE_JGR_TU Jagdgruppe 'Tutschek'
DE_JGR_VB Jagdgruppe 'von Braun'
DE_JGR_VG Jagdgruppe 'von Greim'
DE_SCU_01 Schutzstaffel 1
DE_SCU_02 Schutzstaffel 2
DE_SCU_03 Schutzstaffel 3
DE_SCU_04 Schutzstaffel 4
DE_SCU_05 Schutzstaffel 5
DE_SCU_06 Schutzstaffel 6
DE_SCU_07 Schutzstaffel 7
DE_SCU_08 Schutzstaffel 8
DE_SCU_09 Schutzstaffel 9
DE_SCU_10 Schutzstaffel 10
DE_SCU_11 Schutzstaffel 11
DE_SCU_12 Schutzstaffel 12
DE_SCU_13 Schutzstaffel 13
DE_SCU_14 Schutzstaffel 14
DE_SCU_15 Schutzstaffel 15
DE_SCU_16 Schutzstaffel 16
DE_SCU_17 Schutzstaffel 17
DE_SCU_18 Schutzstaffel 18
DE_SCU_19 Schutzstaffel 19
DE_SCU_20 Schutzstaffel 20
DE_SCU_21 Schutzstaffel 21
DE_SCU_22b Schutzstaffel 22(b)
DE_SCU_23b Schutzstaffel 23(b)
DE_SCU_24b Schutzstaffel 24(b)
DE_SCU_25b Schutzstaffel 25(b)
DE_SCU_26b Schutzstaffel 26(b)
DE_SCU_27b Schutzstaffel 27(b)
DE_SCU_28b Schutzstaffel 28(b)
DE_SCU_29b Schutzstaffel 29(b)
DE_SCU_30b Schutzstaffel 30(b)
DE_SCU_31b Schutzstaffel 31(b)
DE_SCU_32 Schutzstaffel 32
DE_SCU_33 Schutzstaffel 33
DE_SCU_34 Schutzstaffel 34
DE_SCU_35 Schutzstaffel 35
DE_SCU_36 Schutzstaffel 36
DE_SCU_37 Schutzstaffel 37
DE_SCU_38s Schutzstaffel 38(s)
DE_SCL_01 Schlachtstaffel 1
DE_SCL_02 Schlachtstaffel 2
DE_SCL_03 Schlachtstaffel 3
DE_SCL_04 Schlachtstaffel 4
DE_SCL_05 Schlachtstaffel 5
DE_SCL_06 Schlachtstaffel 6
DE_SCL_07 Schlachtstaffel 7
DE_SCL_08 Schlachtstaffel 8
DE_SCL_09 Schlachtstaffel 9
DE_SCL_10 Schlachtstaffel 10
DE_SCL_11 Schlachtstaffel 11
DE_SCL_12 Schlachtstaffel 12
DE_SCL_13 Schlachtstaffel 13
DE_SCL_14 Schlachtstaffel 14
DE_SCL_15 Schlachtstaffel 15
DE_SCL_16 Schlachtstaffel 16
DE_SCL_17 Schlachtstaffel 17
DE_SCL_18 Schlachtstaffel 18
DE_SCL_19 Schlachtstaffel 19
DE_SCL_20 Schlachtstaffel 20
DE_SCL_21 Schlachtstaffel 21
DE_SCL_22b Schlachtstaffel 22(b)
DE_SCL_23b Schlachtstaffel 23(b)
DE_SCL_24b Schlachtstaffel 24(b)
DE_SCL_25b Schlachtstaffel 25(b)
DE_SCL_26b Schlachtstaffel 26(b)
DE_SCL_27b Schlachtstaffel 27(b)
DE_SCL_28b Schlachtstaffel 28(b)
DE_SCL_29b Schlachtstaffel 29(b)
DE_SCL_30b Schlachtstaffel 30(b)
DE_SCL_31b Schlachtstaffel 31(b)
DE_SCL_32 Schlachtstaffel 32
DE_SCL_33 Schlachtstaffel 33
DE_SCL_34 Schlachtstaffel 34
DE_SCL_35 Schlachtstaffel 35
DE_SCL_36 Schlachtstaffel 36
DE_SCL_37 Schlachtstaffel 37
DE_SCU_38s Schlachtstaffel 38(s)
DE_BS_01 Bomberstaffel 1
DE_BS_02 Bomberstaffel 2
DE_BS_03 Bomberstaffel 3
DE_BS_04 Bomberstaffel 4
DE_BS_05 Bomberstaffel 5
DE_BS_06 Bomberstaffel 6
DE_BS_07 Bomberstaffel 7
DE_BS_08 Bomberstaffel 8
DE_BS_09 Bomberstaffel 9
DE_BS_10 Bomberstaffel 10
DE_BS_11 Bomberstaffel 11
DE_BS_12 Bomberstaffel 12
DE_BS_13 Bomberstaffel 13
DE_BS_14 Bomberstaffel 14
DE_BS_15 Bomberstaffel 15
DE_BS_16 Bomberstaffel 16
DE_BS_17 Bomberstaffel 17
DE_BS_18 Bomberstaffel 18
DE_BS_19 Bomberstaffel 19
DE_BS_20 Bomberstaffel 20
DE_BS_21 Bomberstaffel 21
DE_BS_22 Bomberstaffel 22
DE_BS_23 Bomberstaffel 23
DE_BS_24 Bomberstaffel 24
DE_BS_25 Bomberstaffel 25
DE_BS_26 Bomberstaffel 26
DE_BS_27 Bomberstaffel 27
DE_BG_1 Bombengeschwader der OHL.1
DE_BG_2 Bombengeschwader der OHL.2
DE_BG_3 Bombengeschwader der OHL.3
DE_BG_3E 'England Geschwader' (BOGOHL.3)
DE_BG_4 Bombengeschwader der OHL.4
DE_BG_5 Bombengeschwader der OHL.5
DE_BG_6 Bombengeschwader der OHL.6
DE_BG_7 Bombengeschwader der OHL.7
DE_BG_8 Bombengeschwader der OHL.8
g01 none
German Navy Air Service
GM Unknown German Navy Unit
GM_01 Provisonal Squadron
GM_MFA Marine-Fliegerabteilung
GM_MFFA_I I.Marine-Feldfliegerabteilung
GM_MFFA_II II.Marine-Feldfliegerabteilung
GM_MFFAI_KEK Kampf Einsitzer Kommando (I.Marine-FFA)
GM_MFFAII_KEK Kampf Einsitzer Kommando (II.Marine-FFA)
GM_SFLS_Z1 1.Seeflugstation I (Zeebrugge)
GM_SFLS_Z2 2.Seeflugstation I (Zeebrugge)
GM_SFLS_O Seeflugstation II (Oostende)
GM_SFRS Seefrontstaffel
GM_SFRS_Z Seefrontstaffel (S.F.S. I)
GM_SFRS_O Seefrontstaffel (S.F.S. II)
GM_MFJ_I I.Marine-Feld Jagdstaffel
GM_MFJ_II II.Marine-Feld Jagdstaffel
GM_MFJ_III III.Marine-Feld Jagdstaffel
GM_MFJ_IV IV.Marine-Feld Jagdstaffel
GM_MFJ_V V.Marine-Feld Jagdstaffel
GM_MJG Marine-Jagdgeschwader
GM_MJGR Marine-Jagdgruppe
GM_MKFS_I I.Marine-Kusten Fliegerstaffel
GM_MKFS_II II.Marine-Kusten Fliegerstaffel
GM_MKFS_III III.Marine-Kusten Fliegerstaffel
GM_MKFS_IV VI.Marine-Kusten Fliegerstaffel
GM_MKSS_I I.Marine-Kusten Schutzstaffel
GM_MKSS_II II.Marine-Kusten Schutzstaffel
GM_LG Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe
GM_L1 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-1
GM_L2 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-2
GM_L3 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-3
GM_L4 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-4
GM_L5 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-5
GM_L6 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-6
GM_L7 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-7
GM_L8 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-8
GM_L9 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-9
GM_L10 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-10
GM_L11 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-11
GM_L12 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-12
GM_L13 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-13
GM_L14 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-14
GM_L15 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-15
GM_L16 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-16
GM_L17 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-17
GM_L18 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-18
GM_L19 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-19
GM_L20 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-20
GM_L21 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-21
GM_L22 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-22
GM_L23 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-23
GM_L24 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-24
GM_L30 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-30
GM_L31 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-31
GM_L32 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-32
GM_L33 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-33
GM_L34 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-34
GM_L35 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-35
GM_L36 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-36
GM_L37 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-37
GM_L38 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-38
GM_L39 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-39
GM_L40 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-40
GM_L41 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-41
GM_L42 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-42
GM_L43 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-43
GM_L44 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-44
GM_L45 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-45
GM_L46 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-46
GM_L47 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-47
GM_L48 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-48
GM_L49 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-49
GM_L50 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-50
GM_L51 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-51
GM_L52 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-52
GM_L53 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-53
GM_L54 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-54
GM_L55 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-55
GM_L56 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-56
GM_L57 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-57
GM_L58 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-58
GM_L59 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-59
GM_L60 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-60
GM_L61 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-61
GM_L62 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-62
GM_L63 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-63
GM_L64 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-64
GM_L65 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-65
GM_L70 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-70
GM_L71 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-71
GM_L72 Kaiserliche Marine Luftschiffe L-72
Serbia Air Service:
SR Unknown Serbian Unit
SR_Av_Esk Avionska Eskadra
SR_P_S_E Prva Srpska Eskadrila
SR_D_S_E Druga Srpska Eskadrila
Turkish Air Service:
TK Unknown Turkish Unit
TK_01 Provisonal Squadron
TK_T_FA01 Turkishe Fliegerabteilung 1
TK_T_FA02 Turkishe Fliegerabteilung 2
TK_T_FA06 Turkishe Fliegerabteilung 6
TK_T_FA13 Turkishe Fliegerabteilung 13
TK_T_FA14 Turkishe Fliegerabteilung 14
TK_P_J55 Jagdstaffel 55
TK_P_JF1 Jagdstaffel 1.F
TK_P_FA300 Fliegerabteilung 300 'Pasha'
TK_P_FA301 Fliegerabteilung 301
TK_P_FA302 Fliegerabteilung 302
TK_P_FA303 Fliegerabteilung 303
TK_P_FA304b Fliegerabteilung 304(b)
TK_P_FA305 Fliegerabteilung 305
Austro-Hungarian K.u.K.
HU Unknown Austro-Hungarian Unit
HU_01 Provisonal Squadron
HU_FK_01DK Fliegerkompanie 1 (D/K)
HU_FK_01J Fliegerkompanie 1 (J)
HU_FK_02DK Fliegerkompanie 2 (D/K)
HU_FK_03DK Fliegerkompanie 3 (D/K)
HU_FK_04DK Fliegerkompanie 4 (D/K)
HU_FK_05DK Fliegerkompanie 5 (D/K)
HU_FK_05F Fliegerkompanie 5 (F)
HU_FK_06DK Fliegerkompanie 6 (D/K)
HU_FK_06F Fliegerkompanie 6 (F)
HU_FK_07DK Fliegerkompanie 7 (D/K)
HU_FK_07J Fliegerkompanie 7 (J)
HU_FK_08DK Fliegerkompanie 8 (D/K)
HU_FK_09DK Fliegerkompanie 9 (D/K)
HU_FK_09J Fliegerkompanie 9 (J)
HU_FK_10DK Fliegerkompanie 10 (D/K)
HU_FK_10F Fliegerkompanie 10 (F)
HU_FK_11DK Fliegerkompanie 11 D/K)
HU_FK_11F Fliegerkompanie 11 (F)
HU_FK_12DK Fliegerkompanie 12 (D/K)
HU_FK_12PR Fliegerkompanie 12 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_13DK Fliegerkompanie 13 (D/K)
HU_FK_13J Fliegerkompanie 13 (J)
HU_FK_14DK Fliegerkompanie 14 (D/K)
HU_FK_14J Fliegerkompanie 14 (J)
HU_FK_15DK Fliegerkompanie 15 (D/K)
HU_FK_15F Fliegerkompanie 15 (F)
HU_FK_16DK Fliegerkompanie 16 (D/K)
HU_FK_17DK Fliegerkompanie 17 (D/K)
HU_FK_18DK Fliegerkompanie 18 (D/K)
HU_FK_18PR Fliegerkompanie 18 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_19DK Fliegerkompanie 19 (D/K)
HU_FK_20DK Fliegerkompanie 20 (D/K)
HU_FK_21DK Fliegerkompanie 21 (D/K)
HU_FK_22DK Fliegerkompanie 22 (D/K)
HU_FK_23DK Fliegerkompanie 23 (D/K)
HU_FK_24DK Fliegerkompanie 24 (D/K)
HU_FK_25DK Fliegerkompanie 25 (D/K)
HU_FK_25F Fliegerkompanie 25 (F)
HU_FK_26DK Fliegerkompanie 26 (D/K)
HU_FK_26S Fliegerkompanie 26 (S)
HU_FK_27DK Fliegerkompanie 27 (D/K)
HU_FK_27F Fliegerkompanie 27 (F)
HU_FK_28DK Fliegerkompanie 28 (D/K)
HU_FK_29DK Fliegerkompanie 29 (D/K)
HU_FK_30DK Fliegerkompanie 30 (D/K)
HU_FK_31DK Fliegerkompanie 31 (D/K)
HU_FK_31PR Fliegerkompanie 31 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_32DK Fliegerkompanie 32 (D/K)
HU_FK_33DK Fliegerkompanie 33 (D/K)
HU_FK_34DK Fliegerkompanie 34 (D/K)
HU_FK_35DK Fliegerkompanie 35 (D/K)
HU_FK_36DK Fliegerkompanie 36 (D/K)
HU_FK_37DK Fliegerkompanie 37 (D/K)
HU_FK_37PR Fliegerkompanie 37 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_38DK Fliegerkompanie 38 (D/K)
HU_FK_39DK Fliegerkompanie 39 (D/K)
HU_FK_39PR Fliegerkompanie 39 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_40DK Fliegerkompanie 40 (D/K)
HU_FK_40PR Fliegerkompanie 40 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_41J Fliegerkompanie 41 (J)
HU_FK_42J Fliegerkompanie 42 (J)
HU_FK_43DK Fliegerkompanie 43 (D/K)
HU_FK_44DK Fliegerkompanie 44 (D/K)
HU_FK_45DK Fliegerkompanie 45 (D/K)
HU_FK_45S Fliegerkompanie 45 (S)
HU_FK_46DK Fliegerkompanie 46 (D/K)
HU_FK_46F Fliegerkompanie 46 (F)
HU_FK_46PR Fliegerkompanie 46 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_47DK Fliegerkompanie 47 (D/K)
HU_FK_47F Fliegerkompanie 47 (F)
HU_FK_48DK Fliegerkompanie 48 (D/K)
HU_FK_48S Fliegerkompanie 48 (S)
HU_FK_49DK Fliegerkompanie 49 (D/K)
HU_FK_49F Fliegerkompanie 49 (F)
HU_FK_50DK Fliegerkompanie 50 (D/K)
HU_FK_50S Fliegerkompanie 50 (S)
HU_FK_51J Fliegerkompanie 51 (J)
HU_FK_52DK Fliegerkompanie 52 (D/K)
HU_FK_53DK Fliegerkompanie 53 (D/K)
HU_FK_54DK Fliegerkompanie 54 (D/K)
HU_FK_55J Fliegerkompanie 55 (J)
HU_FK_56J Fliegerkompanie 56 (J)
HU_FK_57DK Fliegerkompanie 57 (D/K)
HU_FK_57F Fliegerkompanie 57 (F)
HU_FK_57PR Fliegerkompanie 57 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_58DK Fliegerkompanie 58 (D/K)
HU_FK_58F Fliegerkompanie 58 (F)
HU_FK_59DK Fliegerkompanie 59 (D/K)
HU_FK_59S Fliegerkompanie 59 (S)
HU_FK_60J Fliegerkompanie 60 (J)
HU_FK_61J Fliegerkompanie 61 (J)
HU_FK_62DK Fliegerkompanie 62 (D/K)
HU_FK_63J Fliegerkompanie 63 (J)
HU_FK_64DK Fliegerkompanie 64 (D/K)
HU_FK_64F Fliegerkompanie 64 (F)
HU_FK_65DK Fliegerkompanie 65 (D/K)
HU_FK_66DK Fliegerkompanie 66 (D/K)
HU_FK_67DK Fliegerkompanie 67 (D/K)
HU_FK_67F Fliegerkompanie 67 (F)
HU_FK_68J Fliegerkompanie 68 (J)
HU_FK_69DK Fliegerkompanie 69 (D/K)
HU_FK_69S Fliegerkompanie 69 (S)
HU_FK_70DK Fliegerkompanie 70 (D/K)
HU_FK_70PR Fliegerkompanie 70 (P/Rb)
HU_FK_71DK Fliegerkompanie 71 (D/K)
HU_FK_71S Fliegerkompanie 71 (S)
HU_FK_72J Fliegerkompanie 72 (J)
HU_FK_73DK Fliegerkompanie 73 (D/K)
HU_FK_74J Fliegerkompanie 74 (J)
HU_FK_101G Fliegerkompanie 101 (G)
HU_FK_102G Fliegerkompanie 102 (G)
HU_FK_103G Fliegerkompanie 103 (G)
HU_FK_104G Fliegerkompanie 104 (G)
HU_FK_105G Fliegerkompanie 105 (G)
HU_FK_75 Fliegerkompanie 75
HU_FK_76 Fliegerkompanie 76
HU_FK_77 Fliegerkompanie 77
HU_FK_78 Fliegerkompanie 78
HU_FK_79 Fliegerkompanie 79
HU_FK_80 Fliegerkompanie 80
About more than 700 squadrons atm....
But I need historical information about:
Imperial Russian Air Service (about 90 squadrons activated)
Japan Army Air Service
Moreover if someone discover historical unit missing in the previous post listed....feel free to discuss them here!
Looks like it'll be an interesting mod.
Hi David!
I had stopped my work on it due a lot of 'work' last autumn and after it I got the damn covid that left me with annoying issues from winter until now....but you're lucky....I'm again able to work a bit in those days and this project is just resumed!
I'm not dead!
Works resumed in those days!
I start to build the relevant files of the new nation assembled at now....
I need that you choose what is the preference with Germa awards:
1) This one
0 Iron Cross 2nd Class
1 Iron Cross 1st Class
2 Hohenzollern Knight's Cross with Swords
3 Blue Max 'Pour le Meritè'
4 Wurttemberg Military Merit Order Knight's Cross
5 Saxonian Military Order of St.Henry Knight's Cross
6 Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th class with Swords
7 Prussian Order of the RED EAGLE 3rd class with Crown and Swords
OR this one:
0 Iron Cross 2nd Class
1 Honor Goblet for Air Victories
2 Iron Cross 1st Class
3 Hohenzollern Knight's Cross with Swords
4 Blue Max 'Pour le Meritè'
5 Saxonian Military Order of St.Henry Knight's Cross
6 Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th class with Swords
7 Prussian Order of the RED EAGLE 3rd class
Historically are both correct as higher medals don't have a fixed order....in the first one I arranged them to have all the major Kingdom awards included....in the second I added the goblet and dismissed the little Kingdom of Wruttemberg....that I have added in the first list because was the Rommel native one....and I like the might Desert Fox!
All files for the Luftstreitkrafte (German Imperial Air service) are ready...I need obnly to understand how to create the correct icon....I can't manage the alpha channel on gimp....
Soon I'll post it....
I have managed to create a new icon but I discovered that it was unnecessary because the icon in DOF is much better....
How can I test if my new medals work correctly?
I had stopped my work on it due a lot of 'work' last autumn and after it I got the damn covid that left me with annoying issues from winter until now....but you're lucky....I'm again able to work a bit in those days and this project is just resumed!
I'm glad you have recovered and that you are able to continuing this important update for WW1! ]thumbsup[
Thanks mate!
I hope to solve my last issues in the next few days....
Finger crossed!
Small update....
Actually from new units to existing countries I change the target of the project to add WW1 air services to the game....
ATM the Central powers are in advanced development (I hope to have them beta tested on late april and ready for may):
German Army Air Service : done all units , ranks , medals and icon now developing pilots images , names and places of birth
German Navy Air Service : same as above
Austro-Hungarian Air Service : done all units , editing materials collected for ranks , awards and the pilots
Turkish Empire : done all units , collecting materials
The other nations 'll be:
Royal Flying Corps (up to april 1918) about 150 Squadrons
Royal Naval Air Service (up to april 1918) about 20 Squadrons
Royal Air Force (from april 1918) the megred of the 2 above plus Squadrons established after
Royal Australian Air Corps (4 Squadrons)
Aeronautique Militaire (France)
American Expeditonary Force
Belgian Air Force
On later stages
Italian Air Force
Imperial Russian Air Force
Greek Air Force
Serbian Air Force (their 3 Squadrons anyway done)
White Russian
Small update....
Central powers nations almost finished and optimized as new nation also for Dgen....
ATM the allies are in units development.....RNAS is done (All Squadrons Wings and Naval Station plus independent flight that are deployed in maps we have in game) and I'looking at the French Air Force.....and here I have a big question.....
French Esquadrille were both numbered and identified by the type of their assigned aircraft.....this mean more than 1 entries for each squadron....
As in the administrative registration and documents the type of the aircraft is not usually reported....I plan to build the squadrons only by number and not by number&type....do you accept this solution or is better to have the other approach?
I'll add a poll to hear your opinion.....
I have made a research of the French Esquadrilles....with the aircraft prefix (N , SOP , MS and so on) I have to build 530 different units....with the Groups Ithink to be at 550+ units....a big task but could be done in some loooong weeks....
Still at work....I'm doing all the units with their prefix....ex the squadron 124 'll be composed from 2 entries: N 124 and SPA 124 respectively usable when equipped initially with Neuport and lately with SPAD....
At the moment I have completed the sequence until squadron nr. 173....SPA 173 to be precise....
In the next future squadrons series 200 that were dedicated for long range artillery fire direction....
I think still a month or so on....after this one the RFC and the RAF....as wrote some post up the RNAS is done....
ATM the AR squadrons and the SPAbi squadrons aren't included because we haven't those aircraft in our game....if in the future they 'll be added (I asked to include in DOF the AR-1 developed from Aviaskin mates) I'll update the missing squadrons too....
French units finished....Escadrilles , Groups (fighters and bombers) and Escadres done...
Now starting with RFC and then RAF....
RFC , RNAS and their merging in RAF done....more than 300 new Flight , Squadrons and Wings available for players soon!
Nice progress! ]thumbsup[
Looking forward to the release!
Nice progress! ]thumbsup[
Looking forward to the release!
Thanks mate!
Today I collect info about the American Expeditionary Aero units and I plan to build their files between friday and saturday...
Next should be the Italian Air force but I haven't find any useful source about which of it's Squadriglie was active....
I think that I could have a public beta ready for september (with all nations included and with the DGen countries with all their files ready)
Next should be the Italian Air force but I haven't find any useful source about which of it's Squadriglie was active....
Some links to the Squadriglias, but I assume you already found them:
American units (Squadrons , Groups and Wings) added to the list....
Tomorrow I'll add the 12 Belgian Squadrons (and I'll post a new help topic to have the confirmation that I added them correctly) and I'll start to look at the italians....
As you have correctly supposed those data , and some other wiki pages , are the only one online source I have find....I have to read each one and recreate from them the full list up to the Groups...
Belgian done....and help topic too....
I have collected some of the italians early Squadrons because they have a different naming....now I have to scan each numbered Squadrons to find thir naming evolution and the Groups/Armies membership.....
Italian Squadrons & Gropus collecting data done....
As previously opened tread for help request were useless I'll post here the results of my research....If someone like to take a look is welcomed!
I'll start to build the game files next week....
1 sq navale s.a.
1 sq idrovolanti
2 sq idrovolanti
3 sq idrovolanti
1 sq ricognizione e combattimento
2 sq ricognizione e combattimento
3 sq ricognizione e combattimento
4 sq ricognizione e combattimento
5 sq ricognizione e combattimento
6 sq ricognizione e combattimento
7 sq ricognizione e combattimento
8 sq ricognizione e combattimento
9 sq ricognizione e combattimento
10 sq ricognizione e combattimento
11 sq ricognizione e combattimento
12 sq ricognizione e combattimento
13 sq ricognizione e combattimento
14 sq ricognizione e combattimento
15 sq ricognizione e combattimento
1 sq per l’artiglieria
2 sq per l’artiglieria
3 sq per l’artiglieria
4 sq per l’artiglieria
5 sq per l’artiglieria
6 sq per l’artiglieria
7 sq per l’artiglieria
8 sq per l’artiglieria
1 sq caproni
2 sq caproni
3 sq caproni
4 sq caproni
5 sq caproni
6 sq caproni
7 sq caproni
8 sq caproni
9 sq caproni
10 sq caproni
11 sq caproni
12 sq caproni
13 sq caproni
14 sq caproni
15 sq caproni
1 sz sva
2 sz sva
3 sz sva
4 sz sva
5 sz sva
6 sz sva
7 sz sva
8 sz sva
sz difesa
sq difesa
sz idro
Distaccamento A.R.
1° sq caccia
2° sq caccia
3° sq caccia
4° sq caccia
5° sq caccia
6° sq offesa
7° sq offesa
8° sq offesa
16° sq
21° sq
22° sq
23° sq
24° sq
25° sq
26° sq
27° sq
28° sq
29° sq
30° sq
31° sq
32° sq
33° sq
34° sq
35° sq
36° sq
37° sq
38° sq
39° sq
40° sq
41° sq
42° sq
43° sq
44° sq
45° sq
46° sq
47° sq
48° sq
49° sq
50° sq
56° sq
57° sq
58° sq
59° sq
60a sq
61° sq
62° sq
70° sq caccia
71° sq caccia
72° sq caccia
73° sq caccia
74° sq caccia
75° sq caccia
76° sq caccia
77° sq caccia
78° sq caccia
79° sq caccia
80° sq caccia
81° sq caccia
82° sq caccia
83° sq caccia
84° sq caccia
85° sq caccia
87° sq ‘serenissima’
89° sq
90° sq
91° sq caccia
101° sq
102° sq
103° sq
104° sq
105° sq
106° sq
107° sq
108° sq caccia
109° sq
110° sq
111° sq
112° sq
113° sq
114° sq
115° sq
116° sq
117° sq
118° sq
120° sq
121° sq
122° sq
131° sq
132° sq
133° sq
134° sq
135° sq
136° sq
139° sq
181° sq (Regia Marina)
182° sq (Regia Marina)
201° sq (Regia Marina)
241° sq caccia (Regia Marina)
242° sq (Regia Marina)
251° sq (Regia Marina)
252° sq (Regia Marina)
253° sq (Regia Marina)
254° sq (Regia Marina)
255° sq (Regia Marina)
256° sq (Regia Marina)
257° sq (Regia Marina)
258° sq (Regia Marina)
259° sq (Regia Marina)
260° sq (Regia Marina)
261° sq (Regia Marina)
262° sq (Regia Marina)
263° sq (Regia Marina)
264° sq (Regia Marina)
265° sq (Regia Marina)
266° sq
267° sq
268° sq
269° sq
270° sq
271° sq
272° sq
273° sq
274° sq
275° sq
276° sq
277° sq
278° sq
279° sq
280° sq
281° sq
282° sq
283° sq
284° sq
285° sq
286° sq
1/24 Bombardamento
25/40 Ricognizione
41/69 Cooperazione con l’Artiglieria
70++ caccia o miste se non specificato
As there are many named and numbered 'Sezione da Difesa' and many numbered 'Squadriglia da Difesa' , instead to fill each one as they aren't all involved in action but used to protect specific mainland Italy targets far from the frontline but subject to bombing (cities , airfields , harbours and similar)...I'll build a generic 'Sezione Difesa' and a generic 'Squadriglia Difesa' to place if needed in sensible spot specific defence missions....
Today I finished all the new units that I can build!
I have made about 1000 dedicated WWI Squadrons , Wings and Flight....
Actually are only missing 3 air forces:
- Imperial Russian Air Service
- Imperial Japan Navy Air Service
- Imperial Japan Army Air Service
This because I haven't find any useful information about their 1914/1919 OOB or organization....
Now I can continue the building of the new nations files (portraits/names/cities/awards/Ranks) to allow them to be used with the next update of Asura's DGen....
If someone could help with data about the 3 missing services is more than welcomed!
Today I finished all the new units that I can build!
I have made about 1000 dedicated WWI Squadrons , Wings and Flight....
Impressive and much needed!
Thanks mate!
The new units adding is finished and debugged!
I have discovered that in our game 2 nation MUST always be keept in the list: GERMANY and RUSSIA or the regiment classfile have issue (stationary planes don't show in object wiever and couldn't be placed in FMB or spawned in mission) and give errors in the game log....from errors messages to CTD....
Anyway I sorted it out!
Now I'll start to collect the others (portarait , awards , ranks , names , icons and so on)....I hope to have a beta for september!
All BLUE nations are finished!
1) Austro-Hungarian (K.u.K. Luftfahrtruppen)
2) German Army (Luftstreitkrafte)
3) German Navy (Kaiserliche Marine Fliegerabteilung)
4) Ottoman Empire (Osmanli Havacilik Filolari)
NOW I'm starting with RED nations....
ATM I've all BLUE countries ready for installation....I'm working on RED....
As RFC/RNAS/RAF pilots are from different Commonwealth countries , I have to collect data for each country , than for a mix one....this could a bit delaying the end of the project towards XMas because I have a lot of aces names to copy in my files....and as I have also decided to get the historically correct places of birth , the data I need to edit are more than doubled....
Great work so far!
Was wondering if you were adding minor nations, could you add the Romanian Air Corps units as well?
Great work so far!
Was wondering if you were adding minor nations, could you add the Romanian Air Corps units as well?
Yes I could add other nations in the future....maybe not as separate nations because if their air units were little I can modify the existing nations (to keep compatibility if a DGen should be created) and tailor them for DOF for example....
If you or someone like to see their desired country implemented , could start a preliminar reserch for the data I need (that's because I'm sure that in your native language there are more source than I can find on the web in english):
1) Air units and their nomenclature (Squadrons , Wings , Groups , Special Units)
2) At least 100 combination of most common name and surname (in this format Surname,Name1 Name2) maybe including (or if ther were enought of , only) special rapresentative avitors like aces , pioneer , flamboyant guys....
3) At least 50 cities (about with this organization: 1 capitals , 4 mains , 10 medium , 20 little , 55 small)
4) At least 40 portrait of the period aviators (in uniform or flight suite)
With this materials I can add a new nation in few days....after some messages exchange about how I can correctly rapresent RANKS and MEDALS
Let's see, regarding units and overall information:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_Air_Corps
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Romanian_Air_Force_units#WW1
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grupul_1_Aeronautic
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grupul_2_Aeronautic
Regarding names:
- https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/usage/romanian
- https://surnames.behindthename.com/names/usage/romanian also this https://www.hartanumeromanesti.eu/rang_numelor_de_familie.php
(think it's the best way to get the most common names and surnames)
Regarding cities:
- capital: Bucharest
- mains: Iași, Bacău, Galați, Ploiești, Brăila, Craiova (added main cities that would be relevant for the fighting in WW1/specifically for the air corps)
- for medium, little and small not sure if this should include locations based on how relevant they were to the aviation so needs some further clarification
Regarding aviator portraits, I can send them in private (because there's a lot I can send). Regarding aces and notable pilots: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_I_flying_aces_from_Romania
Question here, do you include observers as well? Also in Romania's case I guess you could include pilots of the French mission since I don't think it will come into conflict with what you added for France.
Thanks mate...it could be easy to add those units....
I'll remember about again after my main project for DGen is accomplished....
About cities; those are used for the pilots places of birth so are relevant in relation with how big are them...thus how many pilots can be born from....
I'm developing names based on source that give me the aces...I don't care if the specific aces names are of pilots or observer/gunners....they fought....they should be remembered anyway....in your link there are 51 names of aces....if I find others historically I'll add them...otherwise I'll add most common names to reach 100 names in the file....
I'll don't add French names because France deployed indipendent units abroad....if you like to start a career for them you are French....if you are Romanian you'll start a specific career where you could add French squadrons in the campaign....
Well in Romania's case, there were no full French units deployed here. The French aviators were all integrated into the Romanian Air Corps, but it's your choice on whether or not you'll add them. Regarding more pilot names, here you go https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/List%C4%83_de_pilo%C8%9Bi_ai_avia%C8%9Biei_militare_rom%C3%A2ne_de_la_%C3%AEnceputuri_p%C3%A2n%C4%83_la_sf%C3%A2r%C8%99itul_Primului_R%C4%83zboi_Mondial (this lists pilots and observers regardless of whether or not they scored a victory or not, just check so you won't add duplicates)
Regarding the photos, should I send them together with the name of the airman shown in the photo?
Ok....I thought that French Squadrons could have been deployed in Romania like in Italy...as an organic entity and not splitted among local units....maybe I could add some French names but this way , as the game select them randomly in the rooster I think that could happen that a French could be in command of a Romanian units....did you know if this foreign command position could has been a real situation?
About portraits....sadly the game have a pool of 32 images that asspciate with the random selected names....so matching images with the real name is anyway impossible....
I asked about 40 portraits because I need a few of margin of choice to realize an omogenous selection of poses....when I'll release my work you could take a look at how I have organized the portarits to seem all similar between them....
Now I'm levining for holiday....see us again in second half of september....
as the game select them randomly in the rooster I think that could happen that a French could be in command of a Romanian units....did you know if this foreign command position could has been a real situation?
As you can see from the structure in the wikipedia article, from 1917 on, French officers commanded some Romanian squadrons. The three Groups were all commanded by Romanian officers.
I asked about 40 portraits because I need a few of margin of choice to realize an omogenous selection of poses....when I'll release my work you could take a look at how I have organized the portarits to seem all similar between them....
Alright, I have about 50 portraits ready, if 32 images is the max then I'll pick the best ones and send them to you in private.
See ya after the holidays!
I'm not dead!
Still working on....I'm a bit late due my stubborn search for historical aces names....there are hundered of them....
Plan to finish main part (the nations for DGen) at the end of the year....than start with the others....
All nations related to DGen are ready....now I'm making the files for the minor nations: those that had a small airforce [Bulgaria (Done) , Romania (planned) , Serbia (wip) and Greece (wip)] and for them I'll try to collect information to add all files to build missions or static campaigns (because I have no source about pilot profile)....
I can release a beta in the next few days....just to start the New Year in and old DOF sky....
Anyone that is volunteer for tester please send me a pm....
Great work so far!
Was wondering if you were adding minor nations, could you add the Romanian Air Corps units as well?
Today I'll start to build Romanian units....
ATM I have done this:
RO Unknown Romanian Unit
RO_00 Escadrila Provizoria
RO_01 Escadrila Independenta
RO_1916 --- 1916 ----
RO_ESCBUC Escadrila 'Bucuresti'
RO_ESCALE Escadrila 'Alexandria'
RO_ESCBUD Escadrila 'Budesti'
RO_ESC1 Escadrila 1 Grupul 1
RO_ESC2 Escadrila 2 Grupul 1
RO_ESC3 Escadrila 1 Grupul 2
RO_ESC4 Escadrila 1 Grupul 3
RO_ESC5 Escadrila 2 Grupul 3
RO_ESC6 Escadrila 3 Grupul 3
RO_ESC7 Escadrila 1 Grupul 4
RO_GRE1 Grupul 1 Escadrilie
RO_GRE2 Grupul 2 Escadrilie
RO_GRE3 Grupul 3 Escadrilie
RO_GRE4 Grupul 4 Escadrilie
RO_1917 --- 1917/1919 ----
RO_ESC1N Escadrila N.1
RO_ESC2F Escadrila F.2
RO_ESC2S Escadrila S.2
RO_ESC2B Escadrila B.2
RO_ESC3N Escadrila N.3
RO_ESC3Nbis Escadrila N.3/bis
RO_ESC4F Escadrila F.4
RO_ESC5F Escadrila F.5
RO_ESC6F Escadrila F.6
RO_ESC7F Escadrila F.7
RO_ESC8BM Escadrila B.M.8
RO_ESC8S Escadrila S.8
RO_ESC9F Escadrila F.9
RO_ESC10N Escadrila N.10
RO_ESC11N Escadrila N.11
RO_ESC12C Escadrila C.12
RO_ESC12S Escadrila S.12
RO_GRA1 Grupul 1 Aeronautic
RO_GRA2 Grupul 2 Aeronautic
RO_GRA3 Grupul 3 Aeronautic
RO_GRAB Grupul Aeronautic 'Basarabean'
RO_GRA4 Grupul 4 Aeronautic
RO_GRA5 Grupul 5 Aeronautic
If you could search for the remaining 4 missing named Squadrons of Grupul Escadrilie 1 , 2 and 4 I'll add them by name too....
If you have some suggestion about don't exitate to write!
Now I'm working about ranks and awards.....
0 Sergeant Major
1 Plutonier
2 Plutonier Major
3 Plutonier Major Sef
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
6 Capitan
0 Silver Military Virtue Medal
1 Golden Military Virtue Medal
2 Bronze Loyal Service Cross
3 Silver Loyal Service Cross
4 Golden Loyal Service Cross
5 Loyal Service Order's Knight
6 Star of Romania Order's Knight
7 Michael the Brave Order's Knight
Any thought are always welcomed!
Now I'm cleaning the folder and organize an alpha test version for testers (please , if you like to test my work , you are still in time to PM me to have a link for the alpha version).....
I have done 19 new plus 2 generic WWI involved nations:
av K.u.K. Luftfahrtruppen
bg Bulgarski Aviatsionen Korpus
di Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte
dm Kaiserliche Marine-Fliegerabteilung
to Osmanli Havacilik Filolari
aa Australian Flying Corps
bf Belgian Air Service
ff Aéronautique Militaire
gg Royal Flying Corps
gr Ellinikì Aeroporìa
im Corpo Aeronautico Militare
in I.J.N. Air Service
ja I.J.A. Air Corps
re Imperial Russian Air Service
rf Royal Air Force
ro Corpul de Aviatie
rs Royal Naval Air Service
sr Srpska Avijatika
ua A.E.F. Air Service
GENERIC (because DE and RU cannot be deleted to have the game engine work correctly)
I have left apart:
- Portugal because from my research deployed only aviators to Western Front but not organic units....
- Montenegro because I can't find any information about the organization of an Air Force in WW1....
I'll also provide dedicated WWI files needed in Dynamic Campaign for these major nations/services (because them develop long and articulated campaigns while for the others their involvment in WWI is more limited and can be reproduced....and in my personal opinion maybe better....with single missions/static campaigns....):
RFC , RNAS , RAF , Australia , France , Belgium , USA , Germany (Army and Navy) , Austro Hungary , Turkey , Russian Empire.
ATM I plan to add in the future the Dgen files for Italy and Romania but I have to search for better images for pilots because (as you can see in my work) I prefere to keep the portrait the most uniform possible and actually I have not enough portrait of similar fashion to realize all the 32 images needed....
Well done! Now, to some suggestions :)
If you could search for the remaining 4 missing named Squadrons of Grupul Escadrilie 1 , 2 and 4 I'll add them by name too
The squadrons of Grupul 1 Escadrile were named Escadrila 'Farman' and Escadrila 'Voisin'. You can probably guess what were the main airplanes used by those squadrons :) The other squadrons weren't named.
As a side note here, the term is "Escadrile" (Squadrons), not "Escadrilie". You've accidently slipped an additional "i" in there. Another note here, Grupul Aeronautic 'Basarabean' is the same as Grupul 4 Aeronautic. Just that it seems that it was mostly referred to as the "Grupul Aeronautic Basarabean".
Now suggestions for the ranks:
0 Caporal
1 Sergent
2 Plutonier
3 Plutonier Major
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
6 Capitan
I've removed the ranks of Sergeant Major and Plutonier Major Sef as they didn't exist (you can check this article for the WW1 Romanian Army ranks https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proiect:Rom%C3%A2nia_%C3%AEn_Primul_R%C4%83zboi_Mondial/Nomenclator_de_denumiri#Armata_Rom%C3%A2niei). I've added the rank of Caporal (Corporal) to fill the list and kept all ranks with their Romanian name version.
Suggestions for the awards:
0 Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta"
1 Military Virtue Medal
2 Cross of Faithful Service 2nd Class
3 Cross of Faithful Service 1nd Class
4 Order of the Crown of Romania Knight Class
5 Order of the Star of Romania Knight Class
6 Order of the Crown of Romania Officer Class
7 Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class
I've however kept the Cross of Faithful Service with two of its classes to fill the gap between the Military Virtue and the Crown of Romania and I've also kept the Officer Class of the Crown of Romania (which is above the Knight Class of the Star of Romania). Michael the Brave 3rd Class was the highest award a soldier could receive. Kept all the names here in English, except for the Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta" (https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medalia_pentru_b%C4%83rb%C4%83%C8%9Bie_%C8%99i_credin%C8%9B%C4%83) but you could translate it to Medal for Manhood and Faith if you want.
And finally...
ATM I plan to add in the future the Dgen files for Italy and Romania but I have to search for better images for pilots because (as you can see in my work) I prefere to keep the portrait the most uniform possible and actually I have not enough portrait of similar fashion to realize all the 32 images needed
If you can send me an example of what images you need, I'll see how I can help.
Hi Alin!
The squadrons of Grupul 1 Escadrile were named Escadrila 'Farman' and Escadrila 'Voisin'. You can probably guess what were the main airplanes used by those squadrons :) The other squadrons weren't named.
....the term is "Escadrile" (Squadrons), not "Escadrilie"....
suggestions for the ranks
I got my information , maimly but not exclusively , from this source:
About the ranks division I have also harmonized the ranks among similar air forces....
Since the strenght of the fromations involved in that age were at lower command level than in WW2:
- Germanic and german aided air services that allowed NCO to fly as pilots are limited to Captain....
- France and french aided air services (Romania included) are limited to Captain too....
- British and American air services that allowed only Officers to fly as pilots are limited to acting Majors....
So I can modify the ranking of Romanian pilots to:
0 Plutonier
1 Plutonier Major
2 Plutonier Major Sef
3 Sublocotenent
4 Locotenent
5 Locotenent (Acting Capitan)
6 Capitan
About the awards....
I don't think to change because:
- The Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta" was a very lower ranked medal , only for NCO and soldiers....and was also widely awarded....I belive that it's not a good starting point because (at the lower rank) you start a career as a seasoned NCO anyway , and usually the rewards for air victories were more highlighted than those awarded to trench warriors.....
- The Order of the Crown of Romania in his Officer Class grade was awarded only to senior Officers and you as Capitan are anyway a junior Officer....this is also in line with all other nations where in no awards I have added any Officer classes....
If you can send me an example of what images you need, I'll see how I can help.
As I have uploaded the files for the Alpha test I send you the status of my work about Romanian pilots....
I can release a beta in the next few days....just to start the New Year in and old DOF sky....
Anyone that is volunteer for tester please send me a pm....
I have to delay the testing release for some days because:
1) I'm unhappy about how I have done the German aces and cities section....a couple of days of work....
2) Further searching for portrait about Italy and Romania....
I got my information , maimly but not exclusively , from this source:
Yea, that source isn't correct...
Here are the ranks between Caporal and Capitan (with the slight differences between the epaulettes of various units) as per the law of 1912.
(https://i.imgur.com/tSCmbmF.png) (https://i.imgur.com/tSCmbmF.png)
I'd suggest, if you can't keep the rank of Caporal, to start off from Sergent like before. So the ranks would go something like:
0 Sergent
2 Plutonier
3 Plutonier Major
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
5 Locotenent (Acting Capitan)
6 Capitan
The Locotenent (Acting Capitan) is a good idea for filling the gap between Locotenent and Capitan and it's a better choice than Plutonier Major Sef which did not exist.
For the awards. Good points, then I'll make this suggestion:
0 Military Virtue Medal 2nd Class
1 Military Virtue Medal 1st Class
2 Medal of Faithful Service
3 Cross of Faithful Service 2nd Class
4 Cross of Faithful Service 1st Class
5 Order of the Crown of Romania Knight Class
6 Order of the Star of Romania Knight Class
7 Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class
Separated the Military Virtue Medal in its two classes and added the Medal of Faithful Service instead. The main problem with your list was the Loyal Service Order, because it did not exist at that time. The Loyal Service Order (or Faithful Service Order, both valid way to translate it) was only instituted in 1932 by Carol II, way after WW1. Same goes for the number of Classes of the Cross of Faithful Service (only had two in WW1).
Hi again Alin!
the ranks would go something like:
0 Sergent
2 Plutonier
3 Plutonier Major
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
5 Locotenent (Acting Capitan)
6 Capitan
For the awards. Good points, then I'll make this suggestion:
0 Military Virtue Medal 2nd Class
1 Military Virtue Medal 1st Class
2 Medal of Faithful Service
3 Cross of Faithful Service 2nd Class
4 Cross of Faithful Service 1st Class
5 Order of the Crown of Romania Knight Class
6 Order of the Star of Romania Knight Class
7 Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class
You're right about the Loyal Service Order....my fault , I miss the post WW1 establishment....
But about the the Loyal Service Order it seem more a religious order so I have modified the award into:
0 Military Virtue Medal (2nd class)
1 Military Virtue Medal (1st class)
2 Faithful Service Medal (2nd class)
3 Faithful Service Medal (1st class)
4 Faithful Service Cross (2nd class)
5 Faithful Service Cross (1st class)
6 Star of Romania Order's Knight
7 Michael the Brave Order's Knight
I have good pictures of the Knight Cross and not so good pictures for the Faithful Service Medal (2nd class)....so is very possible that I'll switch them....moreover only 2 knights awards seem too few....
What about a double medal at the start of your career?
I have done this also for Russia in the first medals awarded....
And is anyway historical because often pilots got their awards with some delay.....maybe you got the first for your first plane downed but you got it delayed and among the second....just in time as the game reach the first award target points....
And so I think that we could agree with this:
0 Military Virtue Medals (1st & 2nd cl.)
1 Faithful Service Medal (2nd cl.)
2 Faithful Service Medal (1st cl.)
3 Loyal Service Cross (2nd cl.)
4 Loyal Service Cross (1st class)
5 Crown of Romania Order's Knight
6 Star of Romania Order's Knight
7 Michael the Brave Order's Knight
off topic x Alin....
Romanian pilots (49 historical + 51 fictional) and cities (349 locations) added....as I'll be able I'll send you a link with the pictures I have done , so you could understand how I'm serching the portraits....I need another 17....
And so I think that we could agree with this:
0 Military Virtue Medals (1st & 2nd cl.)
1 Faithful Service Medal (2nd cl.)
2 Faithful Service Medal (1st cl.)
3 Loyal Service Cross (2nd cl.)
4 Loyal Service Cross (1st class)
5 Crown of Romania Order's Knight
6 Star of Romania Order's Knight
7 Michael the Brave Order's Knight
That's great. Just a note, the order of Michael the Brave didn't have a 'knight class', it had 'numbered' classes. The only one that soldiers could receive was the 3rd Class. So can you change the 'Order of Michael the Brave Knight Class' to 'Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class'?
Romanian pilots (49 historical + 51 fictional) and cities (349 locations) added....as I'll be able I'll send you a link with the pictures I have done , so you could understand how I'm serching the portraits....I need another 17....
Cool. Can you send me the pictures you have for the medals as well?
So can you change the 'Order of Michael the Brave Knight Class' to 'Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class'?
Can you send me the pictures you have for the medals as well?
You mean the source I have downloaded or the medal set made?
You mean the source I have downloaded or the medal set made?
The source will do. Just wanna know what medals you found as I've also been looking for images of WW1 medals too, and they're somewhat harder to find than their WW2 versions.
See your new PM....
F I N I S H E D ! ! ! ! !
All files organized....now I'm preparing the instruction and the readme!
Alpha test send to tester....if someone like to contribute please contact me by PM so I'll send the link also to him!
Environment BAT and Aviaskin DGen....
Alpha tester that like to write post for public can post their comments and/or images freely here....
From the alpha tester I got the suggestion to try merge this work with DOF countries to mantain BAT missions/campaigns compatibility....
I'll try to merge it from tomorrow....
I need help to decide:
Actually I have temporarly renamed DE and RU (see below) because these 2 are undeleable countries to allow the game engine working correctly....
I was keeping them as generic blue/red side....waiting to develop russian revolution files for them (I have planned to use DE for White russia and RU for Revolutionary Russia)...
Should I:
1) restore their names but in the post WWI version....plus....add also other historical air force existed until 1926 (the start of TGA timeline)....then all remaining countries....
2) only find a renamig shortcut to allow WWI conflicting nations to be still shown at the top of the list....
Question mark.....
Actually I have temporarly renamed DE and RU (see below) because these 2 are undeleable countries to allow the game engine working correctly....
I was keeping them as generic blue/red side....waiting to develop russian revolution files for them (I have planned to use DE for White russia and RU for Revolutionary Russia)...
I'll keep them to allow older missions or campaign to work as generic side....this because without any renaming the units in those .mis files should be German or Russian from WWII....
Should I:
1) restore their names but in the post WWI version....plus....add also other historical air force existed until 1926 (the start of TGA timeline)....then all remaining countries....
2) only find a renamig shortcut to allow WWI conflicting nations to be still shown at the top of the list....
Today I renamed 3 nations to have unique WWI presence (Romania , Bulgaria , Greece) and added all missing Forgotten Countries mod Nations at the lower part of the list in country.ini file....this addition is what 'll give compatibility with all previous missions or campaign devloped....
The work should be possible but this way I have to add hundered of units....maybe a new Alpha_bis test could be ready for Easter....
At the end this could became what initially I tried not to do: a total update , reorganization and upgrade of stock Forgotten Countries....
This week I'll try to test adding some major country....
Maybe I find how to add all the nations we have (plus some missing like Afghanistan...) and also add the missing nations available from Aviaskins DGen version....so we could have a better compatibility at least for missions....
I think that I could arrange the list in different order for DOF , TGA , WAW and JTW but to have all in order maybe is needed to add specific single missions folders for each specific module....
In the next days I'll start to work about the general list of nations and I'll post the results here before open a new tread for the global countries unification and reorganization....
I have merged all BAT module and DGen game 3.01 from Aviaskins....
These are the nations that could be used....two little glitches to solve are:
1) Postwar Australia have 2 different entries....but as there are only one squadron developed I can use them for Air Force and Navy....so not a real issue....
2) Korea....we have our countries with the same codes but are side inverted (N Korea is red in BAT but blue in Aviaskins.....S Korea is the opposite)....so maybe this could give the opportunity to have both nations rapresented in both side....even in this situation we have very few units developed....
This is what I can get 176 countries plus the NONE (that I'll experiment to use for civilian airlines):
// AVAILABLE NATIONS (please don't use this section to manage in game countries)
//aa Australia (WWI)
//ab Abyssinia
//ad Ireland
//af Afghanistan (Red)
//ag Algeria
//al Albania
//an Italy (WWII - Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana)
//ao Resistance (Blue)
//ap Resistance (Red)
//aq Austria (Blue)
//ar Argentina
//as Australia (Postwar - RAAF Blue) ** Doubled Nation with AVIASKINS
//at Austria (Red)
//av Austro-Hungarian Empire (WWI)
//az Angola
//bd Borduria
//be Belgium
//bf Belgium (WWI)
//bg Bulgaria (WWII - Blue)
//bi Biafra
//bl Bulgaria (WWII - Red)
//bo Bolivia
//br Brazil
//bt Botswana
//bu Generic (Blue)
//bw Bulgaria (WWI)
//ca China (Republic of China Air Force - Blue)
//cc China (People Liberation Army Air Force - Blue)
//ch Switzerland
//ci Chile
//cj Czechoslovakia (WWII - Red)
//cm Cambodia
//cn China (Republic of China Air Force - Red)
//co Colombia
//cq Canada (Postwar - Blue)
//cr Costa Rica
//ct Canada (WWII - Red)
//cu Cuba
//cv Costa Verde
//cx China (People Liberation Army Air Force - Red)
//cy Czech Republic
//cz Czechoslovakia (WWII - Blue)
//dd Germany (East - DDR)
//de Germany (WWII)
//di Germany (WWI - Army)
//dk Denmark (Red)
//dm Germany (WWI - Navy)
//do Indonesia
//dq Denmark (Blue)
//du Netherlands (WWII - East Indies)
//ee Estonia
//eg Egypt (Blue)
//eh Ethiopia
//el El Salvador
//es Spain (SCW - Republicans)
//et Eritrea
//ex Egypt (Red)
//fc Finland (Postwar)
//ff France (WWI)
//fi Finland (WWII - Blue)
//fl Finland (WWII - Red)
//fr France (WWII - Armee de l'Air Red)
//gb Great Britain (WWII - RAF)
//gg Great Britain (WWI - RFC)
//gi Greece (WWI)
//gl Guatemala
//gn Germany (Postwar - Unified)
//go China (KMT - Blue)
//gp Germany (West - BRD)
//gq Greece (Postwar - Blue)
//gr Greece (WWII - Red)
//gy China (KMT - Red)
//ho Honduras
//hr Croatia
//hu Hungary (WWII - Blue)
//hy Hungary (WWII - Red)
//id India
//ik Iraq (Blue)
//il Italy (Italian Cobelligerant Air Force - Aeronautica Militare Italiana)
//im Italy (WWI)
//in Japan (IJN)
//iq Israel (Blue)
//ir Iran
//is Israel (Red)
//it Italy (WWII - Regia Aeronautica)
//ix Iraq (Red)
//ja Japan (IJA)
//jo Jordan
//kp Korea (North - Blue) ** side conflict with AVIASKINS
//kq Korea (South - Blue)
//kr Korea (South - Red) ** side conflict with AVIASKINS
//kx Korea (North - Red)
//lc Germany (SCW - Legion Condor)
//le Lebanon
//ls Italy (SCW Aviazione Legionaria)
//lt Lithuania
//lv Latvia
//ly Libya
//mg Managua
//mk Manchukuo
//mm Myanmar
//mn USA (Postwar - USMC Blue)
//mq Mexico (Blue)
//mr Morocco
//mx Mexico (Red)
//my Malaysia
//mz Mozambique
//na USA (Postwar - USAF Blue)
//ng Nigeria
//ni Nicaragua
//nl Netherlands (WWII - Europe)
//nn NONE
//no Norway
//nr Great Britain (Postwar - RN Blue)
//nu USA (Postwar - USN Blue)
//nv Vietnam (North)
//nz New Zealand (Postwar - Blue)
//pa Paraguay
//pe Peru
//ph Philippines (Red)
//pk Pakistan
//pl Poland (WWII)
//pm Panama
//pn Poland (Postwar - Blue)
//pq Portugal (Blue)
//pt Portugal (Red)
//pw Philippines (Blue)
//pz Peru (Blue)
//ra Australia (WWII - RAAF)
//rb Russia (Liberation Army - Blue)
//rd Generic (Red)
//re Russian Empire (WWI)
//rf Great Britain (WWI - RAF)
//rh Australia (Postwar - RAN Blue) ** Doubled Nation with AVIASKINS
//rl Romania (WWII - Red)
//rn Great Britain (WWII - RN)
//ro Romania (WWII - Blue)
//rr Great Britain (Postwar - RAF Blue)
//rs Great Britain (WWI - RNAS)
//ru Russia (WWII - USSR)
//rw Romania (WWI)
//rz New Zealand (WWII - RNZAF)
//sa South Africa (WWII - Red)
//sb South Africa (Postwar - Blue Republic)
//sh China (Revolution - PRC Red)
//si Singapore
//sj China (Revolution - PRC Blue)
//sk Slovakia
//sl Syldavia
//sp Spain (SCW - Nationalists)
//sr Serbia (WWI)
//ss South Africa (Postwar - Blue Union)
//su Saudi Arabia
//sw Sweden
//sx Syria (Red)
//sy Syria (Blue)
//th Thailand (WWII)
//tk Turkey
//to Ottoman Empire (WWI)
//tw Taiwan (Blue)
//ty Thailand (Postwar - Red)
//ua USA (WWI)
//ub Ukraine (Blue)
//uc Ukraine (Red)
//ug Uganda
//um USA (WWII - USMC)
//un USA (WWII - USN)
//uq Uruguay (Blue)
//ur Uruguay (Red)
//vb Great Britain (Postwar - Blue)
//vi France (WWII - Vichy Blue)
//vn Vietnam (South)
//vz Venezuela
//yb Yugoslavia (Postwar JRV - Blue)
//yp Yugoslavia (Postwar JRV - Red)
//yu Yugoslavia (WWII - RYAAF)
Tomorrow I'll start to add one nations at day....
The general organization 'll be: All nations available but each BAT module 'll have a customized list where the major countries of the timeline 'll be at the top....
Let me know what you think about....
....don't worry....I didn't expect a mass of reply anyway!
2) Korea....we have our countries with the same codes but are side inverted (N Korea is red in BAT but blue in Aviaskins.....S Korea is the opposite)....so maybe this could give the opportunity to have both nations rapresented in both side....even in this situation we have very few units developed....
//kp Korea (North - Blue) ** side conflict with AVIASKINS
//kq Korea (South - Blue)
//kr Korea (South - Red) ** side conflict with AVIASKINS
//kx Korea (North - Red)
There is some confusion... In DGenMOD and in DGenPACK:
kp Democratic People's Republic of Korea** (North - Red)
kr South Korea** (South - Blue)
There is no conflict on the sides, there is a difference in the code of the nation
Sorry Asura but I have been misunderstandable....
What I mean is:
In Aviaskin DGen Pack 3.01 we have:
kr (BLUE)
kp (RED)
In BAT we have:
kr (RED)
kp (BLUE)
In both installation we have only 1 unit developed for each country (and , moreover , this unit is a NONE)....
So I think that I modify into:
//kp Korea (North - Blue)
//kq Korea (South - Blue)
//kr Korea (South - Red)
//kx Korea (North - Red)
This because if some mission/campaign were developed for North or South Korea the .mis file have only one entry:
kp01 or kr01 or kq01 or kx
And in this condition adapting a mission/campaign for the new code can be done easily editing and changing the old entry with the new one....