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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => German Skins => Topic started by: Knochenlutscher on October 22, 2020, 07:02:53 PM
From time to time I produce Skins for fun, such are the exploits
of Skins here that date back to 2010-2014. I'm still into skinning all the crap stuff.
Read Me and Credits will be fixed later, also the cleanup of the Host Thread is under
redesign. Thanks for your Attention
Here's an Upgrade
https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2147 (https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2147)
New updated content overlook:
2nd appearance of a D-3 Trials Stuka that took part in LW testings for Tropical and long Range Tests. GP+YA.
This Stuka was found at Halle-Nietleben AB by US Troops in a ETO outlook, propably dispatched to
the Luftnachrichtenschule for Training purposes. This School had various types of Aircraft in their storage.
French Transport Planes, Fw Weihe, J 52 and Ju87, and more...
At wars end Halle's Siebel Factory switched to FW190 and at some parts to Ta152C production,
2 Ta152 C where found at the factory site in different stages of completion.
But it also was a staging area for retreating LW units of all kinds. Some maybe part of the local Defending Force (Nightfighters, Dayfighters....)
others then simply shot ablaze in the last days, as US Forces flew many straffing Missions to Halle before Liberation.
US Troops found amongst 2 Stuka D-3, a He219 Uhu, a He-111, a Ju52, a dozen Fw190 D-9 of JG6,
in a nearby wood up to 15 Fw190As in factory finnish and a sole Bf109 K-4. From US Army colour movie Reels in April 1945
Bf109 G-6 early and late of 8. and 9./JG 52 from newsweek reels and rare footage. 5 of these Kites as they were
reportedly flown by a familly Member of mine Mr. Friedrich Blessin.
Bf109 G-6/AS the famous red legged High Altitude Gustavs of various Units.
After E-Bay footage.
Late war Croatian Gustavs.
The infamous Ansbach 354th FG Fw190 Mob, at least 4 of the unknown number of Squadron Hacks.
They where found in good condition at Linz/Hörsching and flown back by the Squadron to Ansbach/Bavaria.
After colour movie reels and rare footage.
Overhaul of North African abbandoned LW Kites, mostly BF109 in various stages of quality, dumped,
trashed, scrapped or in flyable condition and/or used as Hacks by Allied Troops.
Sonderkommando Blaich/Banana Theo's Me 108 Taifun in 2 historical outlooks.
A later Version, not his original B-2 Taifun he used in Cameroon. That one will be skinned later
as well to fix to the Standard Taifun. For now here is a HD Skin for Dimons Model.
He 111 of Sonderkommando Taifun, that took part in the famous Raid on Fort Lamy.
A french Blenheim Pack is in the build, that incorporates destroyed Blenheims at that time.
This Pack is still being worked at... Later Upgrades may be added on occassion.
Screenshots in preparation
captured FW190 by 354th FG USAF Ansbach/Germany May 1945
D-3 Trials Stuka found by US Troops in Halle/Nietleben in late April 1945
Best wishes
Sounds like some great stuff! Unfortunately the link doesn't seem to be working right now on mission4today. ::(
It works, in the Downloadlink see blue file klick it then opens another page,
search small blue here klicking it opens a host to my Mediafire account.
I don't use M4T for upload any longer at such large stuff, it takes ages. If file is located under the querry, it means external host.
Just try agai, it's first tricky to find, but you'll find it. Just tried myself, it works here.
Best wishes
Oh ok. Sorry about that. Didn't know that was a feature. :-[ May I just take this time though to say that looking through these skins, they are absolute works of art! Phenomenal workmanship and attention to detail! Love your skins and I can't wait to see any future work!
Incredible... absolutely incredible!!! ;D You LEGEND!!! ^-^
sehr Geil
Glad you like it, my pleasure,
some more Updates this Weekend,
Best wishes
Very nice skins Tobias, and a lot too! Thanks
Added some Screenshots and updated Info on new content here in our Thread for those who are interested.
Have a nice Day Friends
Ich bin der Meinung, das ist... Spitze!!!
Many thanks for these skins...
I'm looking forward to my returning to Africa :D
Best wishes,
Hey Knoch ,
Just wanted to say what a beautiful set of skins this is.
Thank you very much for the great work.
Thank you, these are absolutely fascinating and really valuable.
Excellent work Tobias, that is a superb collection, thank you very much, really appreciated. ;D
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Link restored
Best wishes
thank you very much,an interesting subject as well :)
v4 Update:
Sorry to be that late, but I included a few more waste layers here, excuse the Topic Title, if you
call it my dump yard, fits better, this time some RAAF Mossies and I forgot what else, ah
british and RAAF Airabobras. The Spits of RAAF are also inside, maybe I include the RAAF Warhawks into it, unsure, but likely.
I made them all accidently, never had intention for it, but playing Missions, sometimes forces me to
create sth historical within a few secs. That's how all this crap comes together.
Best wishes