Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => ModWorx => Topic started by: FL2070 on October 28, 2020, 08:46:50 PM

Title: Reticle Brightness Config: On/Off only + Off at Mission Start + Custom Brightness [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: FL2070 on October 28, 2020, 08:46:50 PM
This is a mod inspired by an old mod made by marcost (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46070.0.html).

Try WxTech's version (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,65288.0.html) if you like having the reticle off at mission start, but want more brightness settings than just on and off.

Marcost's mod changed the reticle brightness key to switch between four settings: bright, normal, dim, and off. Personally I prefer only on and off, so I made this for all others who have this preference. There are also a few extra features; read the feature list and see the conf.ini settings section.

Install by moving the folder "0_ReticleBrightnessConfig" to your mods folder (#WAW3, #SAS, etc). Valid for 4.12 modact, 4.13 modact, BAT, VP modpack, and YPack. Does NOT work for any version prior to 4.12m.

  * Gunsight can be switched on and off only, with no intermediate settings
  * Option to have missions start with gunsight on or off depending on preference through conf.ini setting (see bottom section of post)
  * Reticle brightness can be customized through conf.ini setting (see bottom section of post)

DOWNLOAD for 4.12 and BAT (https://www.mediafire.com/file/l00a1bpq2j9e9ys/Reticle+Brightness+Config+Mod.zip/file)
DOWNLOAD for 4.13 (https://www.mediafire.com/file/odir9wv9n55bsxl/Reticle+Brightness+Config+Mod+4.13.zip/file)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Conf.ini settings (in the [Mods] section; create it if you don't have it):

ReticleOnAtMissionStart is either 0, off, or 1, on. Defaults to 1 if not set.
ReticleBrightness is a 1-100 scalar that changes the reticle brightness when the reticle is on. Defaults to 70 if not set.

Code: [Select]

With these example settings, reticle will be 100% brightness (around 42.857% brighter than default), and the gunsight will be off when the mission loads.
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: Vampire_pilot on October 28, 2020, 11:34:54 PM
This is a most awesome mod!

I think I will use this.
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: citizen67 on October 29, 2020, 04:08:01 AM
Great! But I got reticle On even if ReticleOnAtMissionStart is set to 0...
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: cbradbury on October 29, 2020, 07:56:12 AM
Great! But I got reticle On even if ReticleOnAtMissionStart is set to 0...

Works fine for me (BAT 4.1).

You haven't copied the line with the colon from the thread rather than use the equals sign, by any chance?

BTW, I love this mod. Thanks FL2070.
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: FL2070 on October 29, 2020, 11:36:43 AM
Great! But I got reticle On even if ReticleOnAtMissionStart is set to 0...

Please send your conf.ini in a [code] section or a website like pastebin. From there we can determine whether it is an issue with a mistake in the conf.ini entries or a mistake in the mod :)
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: FL2070 on October 29, 2020, 11:42:39 AM
... copied the line with the colon from the thread rather than use the equals sign...

That's a good point; it would be confusing for someone not used to conf.ini settings. I've modified the conf.ini settings instructions. Thanks for pointing that out.

Cheers :)
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: shardana on October 30, 2020, 05:19:01 PM
Great Mod!
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: Kelso on November 01, 2020, 03:20:32 AM
I tested both versions of the mod in appropriate versions of the game. The entries in conf.ini are not working.
It only works on / off with the appropriate key.

Suggestion - do not put the value of entries in the form of a picture

For me, the entries in conf.ini [Mods] section look like this:

Code: [Select]

Edit:Excuse me! I had a little mish. Everything was working fine.
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Option for Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: DONAGHY on November 01, 2020, 04:55:34 AM
very nice and many thanks  s zep
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: FL2070 on November 02, 2020, 07:40:37 PM
Suggestion - do not put the value of entries in the form of a picture

Yes, that would make more sense; if it were text then people could copy-paste them, decreasing possibility of error.

Thanks for the idea :)
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: IlovetheAF on December 31, 2020, 07:00:47 PM
Yak series gunsights are not very bright, and the glass is tinted for some reason. But great mod, works for the other planes
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: Candyman0756 on January 01, 2021, 03:00:29 PM
Doesn't work, a lot of gunsights still not bright
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: FL2070 on January 01, 2021, 03:08:57 PM
a lot of gunsights still not bright

What do you mean? Do you mean that the custom brightness setting doesn't change the reticle brightness?

If that's what you mean, then you have either:
1) Installed the mod improperly; ensure that you have moved it to the right folder (#SAS for modact/VP pack/Ypack, #TGA3, #WAW3, and #JTW3 for BAT)
2) Entered the conf.ini settings improperly; ensure that the settings are in the right section (the [Mods] section) and ensure that the capitalization is correct. If the capitalization of even one letter is off in the settings or the name of the [Mods] section, the settings will not work.

Hope I helped and you get it working  :)

Yak series gunsights are not very bright, and the glass is tinted for some reason.

If a certain plane's or plane series's reticles are not bright, that is a quirk of the plane or the plane series, and not an issue with this mod. If the brightness settings do not affect any of your Yaks, then whoever designed the cockpits for the Yaks used in whatever modpack or Yak cockpit mod you are using must have set up the reticle improperly, resulting in the reticle brightness changing code not recognizing the reticle. Unfortunately, the only way to fix such an issue is to tweak 3D model files.

But great mod

Glad you enjoy  :D
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Gunsight Off at Mission Start [4.12] [4.13] [bat]
Post by: Candyman0756 on January 01, 2021, 03:32:34 PM
I did put the file in the right place, copy and pasted the conf.ini entries on the original post, the only thing I'm unsure about is the folder name. It's "0_ReticleBrightnessConfig" instead of "0_GunsightOnOffOnly." Probably isn't a big detail. Anyways, have a good day.
Title: Re: Gunsight On/Off Only + Custom Reticle Brightness + Gunsight Off at Mission Start
Post by: FL2070 on January 01, 2021, 03:43:19 PM
...the only thing I'm unsure about is the folder name. It's "0_ReticleBrightnessConfig" instead of "0_GunsightOnOffOnly."

Thank you; you have caught an error I've made.  :o

I've corrected the first post.