Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Ultrapack Discussion & Support => Topic started by: Otsu on November 23, 2020, 07:15:21 AM

Title: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: Otsu on November 23, 2020, 07:15:21 AM
Hello, since UP3.3 patch 8 as soon as I press the button to open the TIR menu in order to select the options my game freezes!

this option worked until the last patch, see screen
(https://i.postimg.cc/j5T12W7P/6dof.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

and log
Code: [Select]
[2020-11-22 15:25:09.744 UTC +1] dT:    0 Chat: --- Un avion piloté par l’IA est rapidement venu a bout de U.F.O..
[2020-11-22 15:25:09.753 UTC +1] dT:    0 warning: no files : music/crash
[2020-11-22 15:25:09.758 UTC +1] dT:    0 ZutiNetSendMethods - ejectGunner >U.F.O.< executed for user >U.F.O.<.
[2020-11-22 15:25:13.978 UTC +1] dT:  142 fps:44 avg:32 max:61 min:13 #fr:19329
[2020-11-22 15:25:18.360 UTC +1] dT:  147 Requesting HurricaneMkI_BoB
[2020-11-22 15:25:18.449 UTC +1] dT:    2 ZSM_Air - Spawning new AC. Owner name is >U.F.O._0<
[2020-11-22 15:25:18.502 UTC +1] dT:    0   JOYSTICK ENABLED!
[2020-11-22 15:25:18.977 UTC +1] dT:   18 fps:67 avg:32 max:67 min:13 #fr:19577
[2020-11-22 15:25:20.310 UTC +1] dT:   45 Chat: Server: Weapons Loadout OK
[2020-11-22 15:25:23.994 UTC +1] dT:  122 fps:57 avg:32 max:67 min:13 #fr:19871
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.027 UTC +1] dT:  168 fps:44 avg:32 max:67 min:13 #fr:20114
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.549 UTC +1] dT:   18 INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'font/arial.font'
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.555 UTC +1] dT:    0 WARNING: object 'font/arial.font' of class 'FObjSect' not created
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.566 UTC +1] dT:    0 java.lang.NullPointerException
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.571 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.engine.TextScr.render(TextScr.java:25)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.576 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.engine.Renders.doPaint(Renders.java:468)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.581 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.engine.Renders.paint(Renders.java:307)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.586 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.engine.RendersTicker.msgTimeOut(Renders.java:637)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.591 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(MsgTimeOut.java:73)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.595 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.600 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.605 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.609 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.615 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:252)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.620 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.624 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:131)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.629 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:374)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.634 UTC +1] dT:    0 at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[2020-11-22 15:25:29.640 UTC +1] dT:    0 java.lang.NullPointerException
thank you for the help you could give me.
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 23, 2020, 07:57:58 AM
See hotfix attached to this post.

Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu
Post by: Otsu on November 23, 2020, 09:34:15 AM
Downloaded thanks,
I guess I have to extract this directly from the UP3 folder?
Should I remove the mods enabled in the JSGME before?
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 23, 2020, 09:57:48 AM
Just extract it to your Ultrapack 3 game folder, that's all.
(Keeping the folder structure that is, i.e. as a result you should get a new "font" folder inside the "#UP#/STD" folder, and in that "font" folder there should be a new file "arial.font")

Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu
Post by: Otsu on November 23, 2020, 02:50:09 PM
It work, good job  8)
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: macgiver on November 24, 2020, 01:25:38 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but I am curious, what is this TIR menu? part of the UP, some mod or an external program?
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 24, 2020, 02:12:01 AM
It's a special Ultrapack thing and frankly, I could never figure out what the fuzz was all about.
Regardless what settings I've applied, I didn't ever notice the slightest change.

Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: macgiver on November 24, 2020, 03:23:21 AM
Thanks for info.

Regardless what settings I've applied, I didn't ever notice the slightest change.

So I could say that I have lost nothing by not knowing that this exists...    ;D
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 24, 2020, 06:18:45 AM
Unless Otsu raises something that I just didn't see: Yes.

Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: SAS~Ghost129er on November 24, 2020, 08:11:17 AM
Spoiler - It's all a placebo. 8)
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 24, 2020, 09:26:12 AM
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: Otsu on July 14, 2021, 03:06:25 PM
Hello, I have the same problem after updating patch 9. Should I apply the same procedure?
Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: SAS~Storebror on July 15, 2021, 12:57:40 AM
Ah dammit, forgot to add the fix to the Patch 9 fileset.
Yes, please apply the same fix to Patch 9 as well.
Thanks for the heads up!

Title: Re: Unable to use TIR menu [solved]
Post by: Otsu on July 15, 2021, 06:48:53 AM
rgr, no problem thank to you  ;)