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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => SkinRequests => Topic started by: Nero on May 27, 2021, 04:31:14 AM

Title: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: Nero on May 27, 2021, 04:31:14 AM
Romania used some of these medium bombers in Russia, even against the Germans in 1944 some was used, but they had the 2 motors version, now since we haven't this version in Il2, can someone make this skin or other Romanian SPARVIERO skins for the trimotor version?
It was called iar 79 in Romania
(https://i.postimg.cc/TwH5DjVR/un3named-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: andrey65 on May 27, 2021, 06:06:01 AM
Where is it convenient to place them?
Title: Re: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: Alin_Alexandru on May 27, 2021, 07:14:45 AM
To add some more info:

Romania had 4 versions of the SM 79 (or rather 3 since 2 of the variants were the same just that one was fully built in Romania the other in Italy and only modified):
-the SM 79B, these were Italian built SM 79s but which were modified with 2 IAR 14K engines (don't know the exact horse power, either 870 HP or 1000 HP)
-the IAR JIS 79B, still Italian built (hence the I in JIS - Junkers Italian S 79B) but had the Junkers Jumo 211Da 1200 HP engines
-the IAR JRS 79B, Romanian built (hence the R in JRS - Junkers Roman S 79B), same as the JIS 79B but these were built in Romania
-the IAR JRS 79B1, Romanian built with Junkers Jumo 211F 1400 HP engines

The one in the photo appears to be a JIS/JRS 79B with the Junkers engiens. So you say you want that skin for the 3 engined SM 79?
Then I'll go find the template and get to it :)

Title: Re: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: andrey65 on May 27, 2021, 07:42:54 AM
I don't know the authors
Title: Re: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: Nero on May 28, 2021, 08:02:42 AM
where is the plane?
Not in my game  ;)

No sorry, there's a misunderstood, I asked a sm79 sparviero trimotor skin, since we don't have the twin engine version 🙂
Title: Re: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: Nero on May 28, 2021, 08:03:12 AM
I don't know the authors

Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Romanian sm79 sparviero
Post by: Nero on May 28, 2021, 08:07:04 AM
To add some more info:

Romania had 4 versions of the SM 79 (or rather 3 since 2 of the variants were the same just that one was fully built in Romania the other in Italy and only modified):
-the SM 79B, these were Italian built SM 79s but which were modified with 2 IAR 14K engines (don't know the exact horse power, either 870 HP or 1000 HP)
-the IAR JIS 79B, still Italian built (hence the I in JIS - Junkers Italian S 79B) but had the Junkers Jumo 211Da 1200 HP engines
-the IAR JRS 79B, Romanian built (hence the R in JRS - Junkers Roman S 79B), same as the JIS 79B but these were built in Romania
-the IAR JRS 79B1, Romanian built with Junkers Jumo 211F 1400 HP engines

The one in the photo appears to be a JIS/JRS 79B with the Junkers engiens. So you say you want that skin for the 3 engined SM 79?
Then I'll go find the template and get to it :)

Thanks, I need it for some Romanian campaign I m planning in future. I was thinking also to use the s81 bis, that is very similar but is rather slow for the Russian front I think. Only 300 km h circa. A fliyng coffin against migs and other enemy last generation fighters. The sparviero make l 400 430 too if flied properly.