Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => SlotRequest => Topic started by: 101tfs on September 19, 2021, 06:31:39 AM
(https://i.postimg.cc/15HhXKmj/0.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KRRssBgP)
Real beauty!!
Nice! eagerly awaiting a slot.
Another one from the factory. Thank you. ;)
Un saludo.
that one actually works with the slot we have; only "problem" is that the cockpit view does not match the new 3d 100% and
Wait for BAT :)
☺️ great to know!
I only tested it a little bit yesterday as I love these biplane fighters from the 20ies and early 30ies :)
Is there a template anywhere for this beauty?
I was wondering the same thing. You have to work from the default, which looks possible, given time.
A quick and dirty start. Proof of concept.
2 weeks.
(https://i.postimg.cc/wTxz2jgr/f11c.png) (https://postimages.org/)
This guy most likely came from World of Warplanes? No idea if skins are available anywhere...
This guy most likely came from World of Warplanes? No idea if skins are available anywhere...
https://www.mediafire.com/file/rezl6xnatm1oa14/F11C.7z/file psd file
:( Can anyone add the class files and the air.ini? Thanks.
Thanks, 101tfs!
New model is a beauty, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)
I installed the 3d into the previous model and that is great, however, I cannot fire guns or drop the bombs, I did try
using the hooks and stuff from the old model but event then although the bombs showed, still need to orientate them,
the guns will not fire or bombs drop, never had this happen before. o_O
Does all the armament work for you guys who have already installed this?
With the old model all works so everything is in my install for the armament but same slot new 3d no way. :o
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
:( At the cost of sounding stoned ... where the hell was the previous Hawk II? I missed it! Of course this Hawk by 101tfs looks like a great model, it would look great in my hangar of all the latest generation wonders ... it would really take a pious soul to take the trouble to create a new working slot ... it would be a nice gift for Christmas ..
UltraPack and BAT already have this new 3D in fully working slot by SAS~Storebror, but looks like we still don't have separate stand-alone release.
:-| Ahh ... that's why I couldn't find it, I only use 4.12 VP Modpack. I stay with the hope of using it sooner or later ...
:-| Ahh ... that's why I couldn't find it, I only use 4.12 VP Modpack. I stay with the hope of using it sooner or later ...
I used this aircraft stanislao as the host for the new 3d in my 4.12 with ModAct 5.30 install:
As I pointed out earlier though my weapons do not work. ;)
Hope that helps, there is no stand alone slot for it as of yet for anyone without B.A.T. :(
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Bit of a mystery here, I'm running 4.12/5.3 and get the machine guns to work fine. No bombs though...
Please let me know if you still need the the classes I have done it for myself using the version that you can see in UP3.4. The loadout is minimal just two MG Browning '303 but it won't too difficult to add a few bombs. It can fly in 409 (no loadouts), and 4101 and 4122 provided that your buttons has the correct FM.
;D It would be a great gift if you post the version of the Hawk II working in 412.2, I have been waiting for months for a pious soul to fly me on this little gem ..... ;)
I have uploaded the class files that you can use with your 3Do you can do what you want with it
and here below is the FM extracted from UP3.4 F11C2HawkII.fmd
Type 1
Crew 1
Wingspan 9.6
Length 6.88
Seaplane 0
Canard 0
Jet 0
JetHiV 0
Empty 1378.0
TakeOff 1874.0
Oil 30.0
Fuel 330.0
CAileron 1
CAileronTrim 0
CElevator 1
CElevatorTrim 1
CRudder 1
CRudderTrim 0
CFlap 0
CFlapPos 2
CDiveBrake 0
CInterceptor 0
CEngine 1
CVectoredThrust 0
CUndercarriage 0
CLockTailwheel 0
CStabilizer 0
CArrestorHook 0
CWingFold 0
CCockpitDoor 1
CockpitDoorPeriod 1.1
DefaultAileronTrim 0.004
DefaultElevatorTrim -0.22
DefaultRudderTrim -0.07
Wing 24.3
Aileron 0.854
Flap 1.0
Stabilizer 1.48
Elevator 1.14
Keel 0.34
Rudder 1.15
Wing_In 4.05
Wing_Mid 4.05
Wing_Out 4.05
AirbrakeCxS 0.0
FuselageCxS 0.00
Aileron 2.87
Flap 1.0
Stabilizer 4.5
Keel 4.5
Elevator 5.2
Rudder 5.3
Wing_In 1.5
Wing_Mid 2.5
Wing_Out 4
Wing_V 0.0
GCenter 0.05
GCenterZ 0.00
GC_AOA_Shift 0.20
GC_Flaps_Shift 0.00
GC_Gear_Shift 0.00
AroneL 50
AroneR 50
CF 300
Engine1 30
Engine2 30
Engine3 30
Engine4 30
GearL2 200
GearR2 200
Keel1 30
Keel2 50
Nose 100
Oil 50
Rudder1 50
Rudder2 50
StabL 50
StabR 50
Tail1 150
Tail2 150
Turret1B 30
Turret2B 30
Turret3B 30
Turret4B 30
Turret5B 30
Turret6B 30
VatorL 50
VatorR 50
WingLIn 100
WingLMid 90
WingLOut 80
WingRIn 100
WingRMid 90
WingROut 80
Flap01 30
Flap02 30
Flap03 30
Flap04 30
Engine0Family M-25_Series
Engine0SubModel M-25A
Position0x -0.9
Position0y 0.0
Position0z 0.1
PropPosition0x -1.6
PropPosition0y 0.0
PropPosition0z 0.15
Vector0x 1.0
Vector0y 0.0
Vector0z 0.0
Pitch 15.827158
H 3.0704744
SpringsStiffness 0.3
TailStiffness 0.3
CriticalAOA 16.00
CriticalCy 1.5
CriticalAOAFlap 15.50
CriticalCyFlap 1.65
SpinTailAlpha 15.00
SpinCxLoss 0.025
SpinCyLoss 0.03
Vmin 115.0
Vmax 280.0
VmaxAllowed 500.0
VmaxH 320.0
HofVmax 3700.0
VminFLAPS 95.0
VmaxFLAPS 180.0
Vz_climb 15.0
V_climb 150.0
T_turn 13.9
V_turn 200.0
K_max 10.0
Cy0_max 0.35
FlapsMult 1.0
FlapsAngSh 4.0
G_class_coeff 20.0
G_class 12.0
ReferenceWeight +55
Range 1000.0
CruiseSpeed 200.0
SensYaw 0.4
SensPitch 0.6
SensRoll 0.4
lineCyCoeff 0.08199383
AOAMinCx_Shift 0.0
Cy0_0 0.3
AOACritH_0 16.0
AOACritL_0 -16.0
CyCritH_0 1.2943783
CyCritL_0 -0.8753472
CxMin_0 0.03439486
parabCxCoeff_0 5.4000004E-4
Cy0_1 1.0593596
AOACritH_1 12.0
AOACritL_1 -20.0
CyCritH_1 1.7367928
CyCritL_1 -0.7
CxMin_1 0.0859524
parabCxCoeff_1 5.4000004E-4
parabAngle 12.0
Decline 0.002
maxDistAng 38.0
draw_graphs 0
Engine Std
Enjoy :)
I was not completely satisfied with my first attempt so I did additional work and extracted also the BAT mod that is quite nice with refinements on the 3D, a very nice cockpit that matches the Hawk III (what makes a lot of sense) and a full loadout including 100lb,500lb and 30gal drop tank that for a navy fighter makes a lot of sense. You can find additional information in the readme I tested in modact 5.3 and VP pack and everything goes smoothly.
below the new upload link if anybody is interested can take over from here
Whoever worked on this mod made really a good work so congrats to them and to the BAT team with many thanks for the fun :)
Bit of a mystery here, I'm running 4.12/5.3 and get the machine guns to work fine. No bombs though...
this is because you need the cod, 3do and classes for the new bombs and the droptank that are not included in modact 5.3
in my upload you will find everything you need
:D Thanks to the providential intervention of Frankiek who with his link allowed me to use the magnificent 101tfs Hawk II model, I enjoyed producing this skin with "Cuban" livery! Soon to follow you will find others ... It is truly a splendid latest generation aircraft. 8)
The skin is really nice an I hope that somebody can help to establish a permanent download link
;D To complete Dona's beautiful skins, here's my version! ;)
very nice; cant wait for a link
Someone can please provide Frankiek version?
Both links are expired....
Thanks in advance!
working link on reply #22 and Stani posted another link in the more appropriate US Singles
:-| Ciao Whiskey, you know I don't understand your request. I checked all the links relating to the Curtis Hawk II and they are all working perfectly...so what are you referring to?
Thanks Frankiek , your reply 22 link is what I was looking for!