It's a false positive.
Here's the virus report for the installer:
The file is safe. It's only Microsoft's Defender and one more oddball who get triggered, and false positives unfortunately are quite a common thing for NSIS installers (see
- 3D windows allow for larger aircraft/ships (Zeppelins, Nimitz carrier...)
- Tracks/Recordings screen reviewed (different switches, "Loop" off by default)
- Training screen resized
- Controls window reviewed
+ New horizontal guidelines
+ New "Save as Default" button, it will override default controls (Users/default.ini).
This allows you to easily apply predefined controls to any existing pilot:
Save Controls > Select Pilot > Load Controls.
New pilots will also get by default the predefined controls.
- New "Icons" screen, available from Setup > Misc Settings. Credits to TD (4.13).
Settings can be changed in the middle of missions.
* DOT: Distance at which the dot becomes visible
* COLOR: Distance at which the icon takes on the army color
* TYPE: Distance at which aircraft type information is displayed.
* NAME: Distance at which Pilot name becomes visible
* ID: Distance at which aircraft ID numbers become visible
* RANGE: Distance at which range information is displayed
* ALT ICON: Distance at which the Alternative Symbol is displayed
* ALT COLOR: Color of the Alternative Symbol
* ALT SYMBOL: The alternative icon, any single character
- Trigger interface re-organized to take advantage of the vertical object window
- New ScrShot.class that restores tga format
Navaid is a virtual navigator/navigation help intended for use with planes that did carry sophisticated navigation
instruments like D/F loop antennas and radio compasses, but do not have these in game.
When the player selects a radio beacon, Navaid mod emulates a navigator, who will report to the pilot bearing and
distance to the selected beacon. He will keep updating his report frequently until the player selects a different
beacon, which the navigator will then report on, or selects 'beacon: none' which will deactivate the reports. In
order for the navigator to properly receive radio signals and do his calculations (imagine him actually tuning into
two beacons and then triangulate your position) you need to be no further than 120km from a beacon, and no closer than
2.5km. Also, your altitude must be at least 150m above that of the radio beacon.
Navaid mod adds three objects to game. These need to be placed in mission builder to take effect. Also, the units will
only work when assigned to the same side as the player (Blue, Red, etc).
Navaid(km) outputs metric units, while Navaid(miles) outputs statute miles. Navaid(bearing) omits the distance
to/from a beacon and shows bearing only.
It works with any type of radio beacon, NDB, YG, YE(carrier), and blind landing beacons. Remember that a beacon needs to be assigned to the same side as the player in order to be receivable.
-Old stock Normany 1 - 3
- Drones work only on one specific mother ship, they cannot be interchanged. In the aircraft list, these are sorted and you can identify which airship they belong to.
- The Akron and Macon, as any airship, had limited operation altitudes, the so-called pressure height. It's the maximum barometric altitude above which the airship would start to automatically vent gas and lose it. The Akron-class has a pressure height of around 850m. With a special new FM feature, the airships can't be operated beyond much of that altitude. So when building a mission, stick to 500 - 800 meters for good operations!
- Good operation speeds is between 90 and 120 km/h. 100 km/h is the best middle grounds as cruising speed. The Macon was capable of a top speed of 130 km/h
- The new airships cannot land! The gear parameters necessary for a plane of this size are not supported anymore by the base game, sorry.
- Docking works with the dock/undock key. You must assign that key.
- Docking is easy! All you have to do is to slowly move close, into the vicinity of the the docking trapeze and press the key. The game has a fairly reasonable threshold to "catch" you.
- Due to the highly integrated nature of the airships into EngineMod, and all the prerequisites for all the drones, I won't be making a stand alone for the time being.
Zeppelin 3d: ZFlyer48
skyhook mesh: mission_bug
Java Master: SAS~Storebror
Disaster Master: SAS~vampire_pilot
meshes: Gio
Hit boxes: SAS~Storebror
mashup: SAS~vampire_pilot
3D and everything else not mentioned below: 101tfs
Cockpit shamelessly borrowed from Ju 188 mod, glass fixed by Pete "Mission_bug"
Slot, Weapons, Flight Model: SAS~Storebror
101tfs- All New 3D Importation
Dimon- Original K-102 Mod
Gumpy- Skin Conversion
Mick- Shadow Revisions
Stanislao- Default Skins, Testing
CWatson- Revised Classes
3d import by Dimon, 101tfs
other work by Epervier
3D and everything else not mentioned below: 101tfs
Cockpit borrowed with permission from Barnesy's "TGF Upgrades Pack 2021"
Slot, Weapons, Flight Model: CWatson, SAS~Bombsaway, SAS~Storebror
Crédits :
-first to 1Cmaddox for the original meshes and code
-to GJE-52 for the 3d modifications
-Just a few bits to crazyflak for the slot and for a few cheats to get it out
-a big bunch of credit to the creators ((BBury/Gibbage/Monguse) of the UI P-38 pack, since I borrowed quite a few hooks and weapon configurations from them
-Another big piece of credit to Tony Mucaro for the idea and inspiring plastic model.
Zeppelin 3d: ZFlyer48
plane hook mesh: mission_bug
Java Master: SAS~Storebror
Disaster Master: SAS~vampire_pilot
3d import: 101tfs
slot: Storebror
3d import: 101tfs
slot: Storebror
Ranwers, Mace,67011.msg732642.html#msg732642
1 – The “Apparition” Trigger allows to activate an object (in its global meaning, i.e. a group of 1 to 4 planes, a static object, a ship, an artillery gun, a group of moving vehicles etc. )
2 – The “Start-Up“ Trigger allows to activate an object (in its global meaning) already included in the mission, provided it is mobile (able to roll, navigate or fly). In the case of the “Rockets” objects (V1, V2 etc.), this trigger allows to fire them.
3 – The “Apparition Related to Altitude” Trigger uses the same principle as the “Apparition” Trigger, along with the possibility to insert an altitude variation (positive or negative) compared to the Trigger-activating plane altitude.
4 – The “Message” Trigger allows to display on-screen messages during flight, without associating it to other actions.
Wow, another unexpected suprise! One quastioen though; I'm on 4.1.3, do I need to install this 4.2? Anyway thanks for amother improvement on updating at least.
Just have a question : as there is a new way to group class files... does the installer delete the previous and pre-existing #DOF, #TGA, #WAW and #JTW folders before installing the new content ???
I get this Windows Defender message every time I try to DL, just thought I ought to make you aware as I do feel a little uncomfortable with it
Thank you for another update!
I've installed only Red Core. How it will be possible in the future, after 4.2 installation, to add the Blue edge module?
Thanks in advance doesn't register the right joystick on a gamepad. doesn't register the right joystick on a gamepad.
Hello Jobbo_Fett,
You "fly" with Microsoft Xbox-Controller (Gamepad)?
Can't imagine this is a widespread issue but installing this patch wiped out my config files, and game doesn't register the right joystick on a gamepad.
was ist passiert? Egal was passiert ist - da ist doch bestimmt etwas zu retten.
Denke an den guten alten Bundeswehrtipp:
Erst 'mal eine Nacht darüber schlafen!
Für immer Freundschaft,
Gerhard :(
the download stops at 2.0 GB and restarts
2 Years of modding lostUnless the game was installed to a TRIM-enabled SSD, use this:
...with no drama
I noticed that changes would also be made to my BATMODS folder,
QuoteI noticed that changes would also be made to my BATMODS folder,
Additions of new content and updates.
BAT can't touch your personal BATMODS stuff. We don't know what you have in there after all, so we can't meddle with it to begin with.
hi Gerhard,
My OS is window 10 Professional and I've tried downloading Flashpoint Part 2 on Edge, Chrome, and Firefox all with the same result - unable to download past 2.0GB. I also tried to download JDownloader as suggested by vampire_pilot, on different browsers and after working around Windows Defender, I get a File Corrupt message.
unable to download past 2.0GB...because you're using an anonymous proxy.
QuoteI noticed that changes would also be made to my BATMODS folder,
Additions of new content and updates.
BAT can't touch your personal BATMODS stuff. We don't know what you have in there after all, so we can't meddle with it to begin with.
Please be gracious, so they don't decide to stop.
...bought 2010 for 5 € could turn into such a huge project!
I was very low of space I had to remove some folders
right done!
Hi Mike,The power of google!
What is an anonymous proxy and how do i work around it?
I wish I had that in my modded 4.13.4. I copied new dll files from BAT - but it didn't do anything.
Sorry for my...
Checking File is okay!
Checking File is okay!
Disabling all active JSGME Options...
Execute: "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" "D:\IL-2 1946 BAT\JSGME.exe" /da /x"
Disabling all active JSGME Options finished.
Removing Folder #DOF3
Removing Folder #TGA3
Removing Folder #WAW3
Removing Folder #JTW3
Installing File
Extracting contents of H:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Großmods\BAT\BAT 4.0\ to D:\IL-2 1946 BAT
Extracting 49011 files and directories
Extract : BAT00\
Extract : BAT00\XUPMOT21.SFS
Extract : BAT00\XUPMOT22.SFS
Extract : BAT00\XUPMOT23.SFS
Extract : BAT00\XUPMOT24.SFS
Extract : BAT01B\
Extract : BAT01B\DOF3DO01.SFS
Extract : BAT01B\DOF3DO07.SFS
Extract : BAT01B\DOF3DO08.SFS
Extract : BAT01B\DOF3DO09.SFS
Extract : BAT01B\DOFCOD01.SFS
Extract : BATDOCS\
Extract : BATDOCS\.~lock.BAT 4.1.2 credits.pdf#
Extract : BATDOCS\B36 Mod Manual.pdf
Error: Error while removing a file (Zugriff verweigert
*** Error During Extraction of !!!
*** Error Message: Error while removing a file (Zugriff verweigert
Installing File
Extracting contents of H:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Großmods\BAT\BAT 4.0\ to D:\IL-2 1946 BAT
Extracting 32 files and directories
Extract : BAT02B\
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO12.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO13.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO14.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO15.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO16.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO17.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGA3DO18.SFS
Extract : BAT02B\TGACOD01.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO29.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO30.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO31.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO32.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO33.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO34.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO35.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO36.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO37.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO38.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO39.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO40.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAW3DO41.SFS
Extract : BAT03B\WAWCOD01.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\
Extract : BAT04B\JTW3DO24.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\JTW3DO25.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\JTW3DO26.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\JTW3DO27.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\JTW3DO28.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\JTW3DO29.SFS
Extract : BAT04B\JTWCOD01.SFS installed successfully.
Errors occured, aborting installation!
Creating Installer Logfile
Hallo Printe,
schalte für die Installation Deinen Virenscann aus!
Dieser oder die Windoof Firewall hat sich wahrscheinlich eingemischt.
Würde mich freuen Dich einmal wieder online zu treffen, Du Piemel. :D
Grüße von der au Hur bk ;)
In english:
Hello Printe,
switch off your virus scan for the installation!
This or windows firewall probably got involved.
I would be happy to meet you online again...
. (
Well done lads.
Can I make a suggestion?
With the arrival of the FO-2 (P-38T), is there a chance of adding a navalized P-51 Mustang?
I think only one test bed p-51 was ever "navalized" so it wouldn't make much sense to do work on that model seeing as how only one was made and it never progressed any further. I guess for a "what if" plane it might be cool but I could think of a lot of more interesting planes Id love to see done first.
Well done lads.
Can I make a suggestion?
With the arrival of the FO-2 (P-38T), is there a chance of adding a navalized P-51 Mustang?
Search ETF-51.
Your link leads nowhere. Filefront has been dead for at least twelve years!
no tech help here!
I could not see this in any Fw190 I opened. Which one are you looking at?
Question I have an old problem with the MI-24 Hind.
German KM Armed TrawlerNot Confirmed !
The trawler shoots at its own comrades.
THE FIRST MEDIAFIRE link is not working anymoreTHE 3 LINKS in the first post work very well!
Hi, I noticed the mirage2000-5 by ranwers is not in 4.2 but in 4.1.3. With two new skins i could tell the difference. It works in 4.1.3 and not in 4.2. Was there an erro in which the old one was put in my mistake. Also, ranwers revised one has a dark skin by default and the old one has a light gray hellenic skin. Anyone else notice? Maybe update in next patch
did you the two downloads in one folder?
If you dezipped the two downloads in different folders it will never run cause the Installer can't find the second part!
Good luck and best regards,
I cannot install the Flash Point packageAnd... ? ? ?
*** Error During Extraction of !!!
*** Error Message: Error while removing a file (A hozzáférés megtagadva.
I cannot install the Flash Point packageAnd... ? ? ?
*** Error During Extraction of !!!
*** Error Message: Error while removing a file (A hozzáférés megtagadva.
In this case I roll up my sleeves... I soften my fingers... and I download the guilty archive again...
That's easy...
What else do you want us to say?
It is already done (, no changeThis archive can be opened to see (only see) its contents.
just wondering but is there a downloadable torrent version of this update?
the part 1 download seems to be brokenI have experienced same problem today. Seems needs to be fixed. :(
Just created an account to notify that the link for part 1 of flashpoint is dead again.
onedrive link has gone corrupt
I've installed 4.2 w/ hotfix 4.Spawn.get( com.maddox.il2.objects.air.P_36AT ): com.maddox.il2.objects.air.P_36AT
Now I'm getting a CTD at around 60% of the load screen.Randdo
Rando The log shows that several plane classes are missing. Please make sure that you use the installer and not just copy and paste the content of the installer.
The exe files does more than simply copying the content into the folders.
I must apologize if I am derailing this thread--or going off-topic--at all, but I do not think that we got any updates for the Halloween season and the Christmas season (both of which were last year's holiday's since I last posted here), nor for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, nor Easter, (the last three of which happened this year), for that matter. Personally, I fear that this mod might have been abandoned ever since the "Flashpoint" update was released, with no progress reports for what could have been a single upcoming update for BAT... :(