Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => Skin&Markings => Topic started by: Dandolo513 on December 02, 2021, 06:38:59 AM
Hallo Gents,
i am trying on creting a template using Sknil.
It works with mesh but with him
I receive this error msg.
(https://i.postimg.cc/SRWznfbb/sknil-error-msg.png) (https://postimages.org/)
I don't understand what line is referring .
Best regards
I don't use this software; I do all my 3D work with a spreadsheet and a text editor.
I'm assuming a value in the .him file for the object has either a bad or a null value.
Open the .him file with a text editor (Notepad++ is highly recommended). If I can take the line number reporting as literal, scan down to line 42 in the file and see if there is indeed a problem. If you wish, paste the contents of, say, the first 50 lines here so we can have a look.
The transformation matrix/position data for each .him entry is comprised of 12 numbers. The first 9 are the transform matrix, in three groups of three numbers. The last three are the XYZ location of the mesh with respect its parent.
Hallo WxTech,
first of all thanks for your replay.
I send You the link of another hier ( i have that file on another pc at my job's town) . The error msg is the same nature; this time error on line 77
(https://i.postimg.cc/Kv7CRRw0/Sknil-error-msg.png) (https://postimg.cc/Wh35yb2Z)
Best regards
Perhaps there is too much space between the values... :-X :-|
I'm using Sknil myself for my Modding and Skinning purposes.
No, space isn't, but sometimes a flick in the number of Points.
But the Error can have different causes, hard to say by default.
those Errors , from what I found are glitches in hier.hims or readable Mesh.
Happens in our Best Mods, is a cosmetic issue.
this can render such Error (just a showcase of examles that throws these Errors):
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3.8
surplus point
Mesh CF_D1
Mesh naming error, Mesh not present
I tried 3 Days finding such Error was present not in him, but in the indicating Mesh:
0.65302 -0.0110117 0.0095568 0.00833996 0.999965 -1.87307e-006 Bla-Bla
unnecessary Bla-Bla in a editable Mesh txt
But there are other issues not traceable that can throw Errors:
Texture Mat troubles can throw and indicate to 3-D trouble, Mapping?
First check him line, second, check the mesh it is referring too.
By simple means follow the Error Message, note the Line, open in Notepad++ so you can trace the Line, check the Mesh
has no glitch if readable.mesh, textures and mat troubles cured, hier.him free of glitches.
With that above fixed, you can turn them visible, if you still get the Error, it's the present work you're doing that renders the
mesh or him unreadable in Sknil.exe.
If Sknil fails, and you can afford, try Meshdump or Stainless Tool.
But basicly that Error means to get it fixed in Sknil to get it to work.
A timeconsuming task. For skinning, Sknil is unbeatable, no doubt.
I always do use Matrix Params and counter check, if still getting Errors, maybe it's an Exporter value Issue, that Sknil can't read,
some of these fancy values, dunno, I'm no Guru
Hallo Knochenlutscher,
thanks for detailed post.
I will follow instructions and i will report if i will find the issue.
Best regards to all gents who have done their attention to my call.
A great way to see if there are missing or surplus values in files containing highly structured data is to paste the contents into a spreadsheet. Select both SPACE and TAB characters as separators. Then when you scan the contents, anything out of place will much more easily catch your eye.
Hallo Knochenlutscher,
i have followed your instructions and using notepad++ i have found several mistakes on wrinting: i mean spaces betwenn zeros or words.
The hier him is now read on Sknil.
What i can say?
Thanks a lot, grazie mille as we italian say.
I hope this will be a step forword for the mod i am creating, the mod i have desired from one year.
E15K Shiun
Fair winds and following seas
(https://i.postimg.cc/jqL33y0w/Shiun-on-Palau-seabase.png) (https://postimg.cc/0r1CbMNP)
Great, you found it out,