Special Aircraft Service
Battlefield - Airborne - Tactical (BAT) => BAT Lounge => Topic started by: slibenli on January 23, 2022, 08:29:56 AM
Hi, I've looked into the artifacts that occour when using il2ge with the default water textures of BAT.
It turns out that using lower water settings looks wrong even with il2ge disabled.
The bumpmap textures used by the higher settings are Carsmaster's, while the waternoise*Dot3.tga textures used by the lower settings (and il2ge) are NOT.
Something went wrong with these - they contain negative z values o_O
I have no idea what you talk about (no expert) but if you mean there's a general file inconsistency, i'd be interested in a solution package and explanation.
I had problems with this (IL2GE), it would crash the game when starting most maps, no matter if QMB or FMB. After removing this, everything is OK
I have no idea what you talk about (no expert) but if you mean there's a general file inconsistency, i'd be interested in a solution package and explanation.
For the file inconsistency I have no explanation ;)
With solution package do you mean a sfs file?
No, just the files to fix and an explanation what's what and how to check it out.
Hi, I've looked into the artifacts that occour when using il2ge with the default water textures of BAT.
It turns out that using lower water settings looks wrong even with il2ge disabled.
The bumpmap textures used by the higher settings are Carsmaster's, while the waternoise*Dot3.tga textures used by the lower settings (and il2ge) are NOT.
Something went wrong with these - they contain negative z values o_O
Try the water=4 mod
That's why I use carsmaster's mod ;D
I had problems with this (IL2GE), it would crash the game when starting most maps, no matter if QMB or FMB. After removing this, everything is OK
At 3% right?
It is caused by the map_c.tga being too big. It's very loosely connected to map size so it can happen on smaller maps too while it's also possible for big maps to work as explained by slibenli
Atoka agrees, at 3%
That's why I use ReShade 4.9.1
Although, in my opinion, the graphics in BAT with IL2GE installed were beautiful.
No, just the files to fix and an explanation what's what and how to check it out.
Carsmaster's mod: https://www.mediafire.com/?718fqu413l4cwmf
The files needing replacement are:
Maps\Tex\water\animated\WaterNoise00Dot3.tga to WaterNoise31Dot3.tga - these are the wave normal maps which IL2GE uses.
There are also PAC_WaterNoise00Dot3.tga to PAC_WaterNoise31Dot3.tga which look identical to the former. I don't know their purpose (IL2GE currently doesn't use them), but I suggest to replace them too.
I'll look into it. Maybe it could be done in an upcoming hotfix.
But is there a way to determine by looks if the process is working? Like, before and after?
I have no idea what to look for in a "regular" game setup here, and I don't like to fly this blind.
In vanilla BAT, using water=0, it looks just weird. With the fix it looks at least somewhat like water ;)
I'd post screenshots but unfortunately I currently can't access my BAT installation.
Only relevant for water 0?
So maybe I'll have to take your word for it and you just have to test it afterwards or in a beta pack
Maybe also 1 but with 3 there is no visible difference because the normal maps aren't used in that mode.
Sorry, I can't take this on as it messes up my own water.
I have an AMD card, running water on 2.
When I add your mod, my water looks like as if viewed through broken glass or something, kind of pixeled. Just strange.
That's right, I also have an AMD Ati Radeon HD card
The effect is similar
Strange indeed - I also am using a AMD card and didn't have that problem. I'll look into it again ...
Does this post relate to this guys
(https://i.postimg.cc/yNY3BsZZ/Water.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G4Vmx0zL)
Doesnt matter what version of IL2GE i try I always get this across water=0 to water=4 (I have Carsmasters water 4 .sfs installed - #WAW3)
With the AMD ATI Raden card, if water=4, all water areas are black.
I have partially installed IL2GE and ReShaders 5.0.1, the only drawback is the shadow of smoke and planes on the deck of aircraft carriers, it looks "pitted-green", you can't see it on the photo, but in the game - yes.
I think it is an individual matter of what is installed and what equipment is used. The water is not perfect, but it's the best I've achieved so far. After changing the monitor to 144Hz and switching to display port connection it's still a lot.
(https://i.postimg.cc/pX5kPVXr/woda.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
These files are from 2013, are they better than those from 2017 ?
(https://i.postimg.cc/25w8Wpmv/ust.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Doesnt matter what version of IL2GE i try I always get this across water=0 to water=4 (I have Carsmasters water 4 .sfs installed - #WAW3)
Not sure if I understand this right but you usually don't place sfs files inside #WAW3 folder.
If you did that, it may be the file never gets read to begin with.
Yep its in my main IL2 folder I was simply stating i was using #WAW3 ]headbang[ It works perfectly without IL2GE
That's an awesome discussion on a topic had not much clue, Thanks for the
Info and whereabouts in this Fx Sandbox.
Best wishes
Sorry, I can't take this on as it messes up my own water.
I have an AMD card, running water on 2.
When I add your mod, my water looks like as if viewed through broken glass or something, kind of pixeled. Just strange.
That's right, I also have an AMD Ati Radeon HD card
The effect is similar
Hi, could either of you post a screenshot of this?
Hello slibenli
I don't know if this is what you meant, but this is what it looks like. The settings are in [Render_OpenGL].
(https://i.postimg.cc/nrZDZb5X/1.png) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/dVXZ3TpP/2.png) (https://postimages.org/)
Il-2 was designed with both ATI/AMD and nVidia cards settings. Water=1 or 2 was designed to optimize for AMD, water=3 or 4 was designed to optimize nVidia GPUs. So AMD water=2 is roughly equal to nVidia water=4.
At least this is the starting point. With BAT mod and 3rd party add-ons like Reshader may have changed this but I do not think they do.
So having black water when you are using a AMD GPU and water=4 is not unusual.
I wonder if it's because of the texture size. Carsmaster's mod has 512x512 while stock BAT is 256x256.
Yep - that's it.
With 512x512 textures I get these artifacts:
(https://i.postimg.cc/B6Dyx1dC/2022-04-26-06-53-42.png) (https://postimg.cc/HcYBmjWJ)
With the same textures resized to 256x256 it look OK:
(https://i.postimg.cc/DytXNJDG/2022-04-26-06-57-08.png) (https://postimg.cc/9rY0RMcX)
Edit: Here are the resized textures - please try them out.
Edit: Oops - please ignore what I wrote in this post before.
Somehow I managed to not include the right files in the above zipfile.
In fact I get the same artifacts even with the resized textures.
It seems to be the height of the waves in Carsmaster's mod that's causing those artifacts - the default waves seem to be more more shallow.
Just to be sure are 3D waves not implemented yet? I use Il2 ge and carsmaster waterand altough the wateris fine and without artifacts I have lost the more visible 3D waves during poor weather or storms. I'm not talking of foam. I know that is not in the mod yet. Thanks
That's correct - no 3D waves.
Thank you Sibleni. Love your work. Loooking forward to future improvements
I dont get it.
- GE is activated
- the Water Mod is activated
- everything is on highest setting.
- "Water=4"
but i stil lhave these strange graphics failures / patterns on the water. Looks terrible.
What am i doing wrong?
I dont get it.
- GE is activated
- the Water Mod is activated
- everything is on highest setting.
- "Water=4"
but i stil lhave these strange graphics failures / patterns on the water. Looks terrible.
What am i doing wrong?
Did you set Water= to 0 (Water=0) in config.ini? That is what we had to do, if we use il2GE and CarsmasterWater mods.
Yes, with Water=0 it looks exactly the same:
(https://i.postimg.cc/MHJjLZ8v/2023-04-23-08-12-43.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BLN6L0b0)
Yes, with Water=0 it looks exactly the same:
That means the water mod ist not activated.
In the JSGME its on the right side as active. :(
Activating should create a subfolder in the #WAW folder. Does that happen?
No, it has not created a subfolder.
Dont know, why.
No, it has not created a subfolder.
Dont know, why.
I have the solution dude, i had the same problem with the water textures, the only thing i did was to copy the Maps folder inside the CarsmasterWater mod and place it inside here: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\IL 2 Sturmovik 1946\#WAW3\MAPMODS
that fixed those weird blue empty textures on the water. Hope it works for you too.
It Works very well for me but i use an other way:
In BATMODS folder, i create a #CarmasterMod folder.
In this folder i create:
In each path i copy the CarMastermod Map folder.
With this method, i can active or remove the Carmaster mod in one click with JSGME tool.