Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => Skin&Markings => Topic started by: Venator77 on February 02, 2022, 11:47:15 AM
Hello everyone,
Somewhere during the years of Il-2 1946 modding, the names of all the squadrons added by the Forgotten Countries mod were lost and we were left with the regiment.ini entry for each of the squadrons.
I managed to find a source of these squadrons, so now for the first time in ages, every nation is getting their named squadrons back! I managed to compile the two properties files from the original mod so here it is!
Do note that this first iteration will still have a few holes in it, so these will be fixed in the meantime. I also included the entries for Syldavia and Borduria from my other squadrons mod for those who use my other squadrons mod, Tin Tin's Extra Squadrons for Syldavia and Borduria. I suspect a future BAT update will include this hotfix as standard, but until that happens, the link below should suffice.
So here's the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9xuzbd1x82rx82z/BAT_squadrons_hotfix.zip/file
Good afternoon,
Thank you for excellent mod!
May I ask, which era is this for? Can I use it in all era (#DOF / TGA / WAW / JTW) in STD\i18n folder?
I have one more question, is it easy or difficult to add a entirely new nation, import the insigna, emblem, and decals? Just wondering.
May I ask, which era is this for? Can I use it in all era (#DOF / TGA / WAW / JTW) in STD\i18n folder?
I pretty much exclusively play WAW, but it might work for TGA and JTW, but you'll have to test that yourself.
I have one more question, is it easy or difficult to add a entirely new nation, import the insigna, emblem, and decals? Just wondering.
Check out this link ----> https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,54848.0.html
For me, it would be difficult since I have trouble with editing tools like GIMP, but that's just me.
That is noted. Just to be safe, I will install the mod only in #WAW. It goes to STD/i18n folder right?
About the link, thank you. I will look into it.
Yep, the regular place for reg properties
Wow ths nice work ;)