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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => German Skins => Topic started by: A1_Phoenix on July 05, 2010, 05:24:32 PM
Messerschmitt Bf.109G-10/R-3 (Erla)
Magg.Adriano Visconti, CO 1aSq./IGr.C. A.N.R.
Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - March 1945
includes 2 generic ANR and 2 no markings skins (different mottling)
On 14 March 1945 Maj.Visconti was forced to bale out of his Me.109, riddled by the bullets fired by the P-47D flown by 2nd Lt. C.C.Eddy (346th FS). That day Visconti was flying W.Nr. 491356, an Erla-built machine and usually depicted as carrying code 3-4 (from 3aSq./IGr.C.). However, a well known series of photographs, taken a few daye earlier by an ANR official photographer, shows Visconti boarding a Me.109G-10 carrying merely national markings and unit badge.
(from "Ali Straniere in Italia - Me.109", G.Alegi 2002)
Skin for G-10 Erla model
i've combined a grat numbers of layers from an infinity of templates, some are from il2skins years, so i just dont' know who make one layer or another..
for this, i want to give credits to EVERYONE from the beginning has done a template for the 109.. so, if you think i've used some of your work, it's almost certain it's true.
Download from M4T
http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=696 (http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=696)
Thanks, keep working!!!
Great skin, and a fine tribute to a fine pilot!
thank you guys for comments :)
i must confess, some friend of mine (not in airplane history at all) asked me why work on controversial "wrong side" subjects..
speaking of Repubblica Sociale and every related thing seems to be a very important "no no" here, since 1945.
i've always had a left-side spirit: partisans, liberation from nazi-fascists, red flags, demonstrations etc.. but these airplanes belongs to people, not to political ideas.. i don't care if ANR pilots fought for the "wrong" side, in the same way i don't care if another plane has a swastika, or a red star.. those were men who fought for their nations, and i'm more than happy that all il2 community think in the same way :)
Visconti's grave is less than two kilometers from my home in Milan, and thinking about his end makes me always sad..
so yes, this skin is also my honest tribute to a pilot and a man :)
That skin looks mighty nice. You did a nice painting job on it.
Congratulations ! BRavo! 8)
No matter what skin you decide to paint, the allied forces or the Axis forces,
always put your heart into it. Make something you enjoy painting. An airplane is only an airplane, it did not choose what colors to fly in.
I am sure there are also many other people who will also enjoy it too.
ALways have fun skinning airplanes!
Many ANR's pilots fought for protect their city from the terror bombers not for their political beliefs.
Anyway I live in Cuneo ;)
Many ANR's pilots fought for protect their city from the terror bombers not for their political beliefs.
Anyway I live in Cuneo ;)
danjeje that's also exactly my point of view :)
my post was only a bitter consideration, cause RSI personnel are all watched as "traitors" and "evil guys" also today by the vast majority of people in italy (well, except by right wing extremists of course) and my speaking favourably or even not badly of them, sure raises some eyebrow in my real life "leftish" (as me) friends :-\
btw, skinning is becoming a very great pleasure for me :D mmh too many ideas, too few templates heheheh give me a g.55, by odin's sake :D
Very nice, thank you. :P