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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: 101tfs on October 22, 2022, 06:19:44 PM
- Slot by CWatson
- New 3D imported by 101tfs
- Reformated default skin by Gumpy
- original MK II mod by Dimon
- original MK II mod reworked by IES
Very beautiful.
It looks very good!Many thanks 101tfs&CO.
Great!! ;D
Thank you dear 101tfs!!
:-| Honestly, when I saw the release of a new 101tfs Avro Anson model I was a bit disappointed, I didn't understand the reason to take the time and effort to duplicate an already very beautiful and latest generation model imported by Dimon and then perfected by IesTeam. I still installed it out of curiosity and ... I got it! If the one from Dimon already seemed beautiful to me, the one imported from 101tfs is truly sublime! He just needs a Ranwers / WT crew and we really get to the TOP! 8)
P.S. Grazie 101tfs !
Thank you 101tfs!
(https://i.postimg.cc/nL3Dp7fh/2022-10-23-22-27-01.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yJSdTDNM)
I might have to make a skin for this local bird :D
(https://i.postimg.cc/3rfdLpgK/0aa971530c1efff672583b359c3e5fff.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K4LGj1qV)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Px2Pnv9Q/8479126.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Many thanks to all concerned for the beautifully detailed aircraft :-*
Thanks a lot ! The best version of the plane so far ! A real beauty !
Euh... stanislao... where did you get this beautiful skin ???
Two skins for this model - British and French. Resolution of 1024 and 2048 separately.
Visual error - a cable/aerial floating outside the starboard window?
(https://i.postimg.cc/FK6qR2t6/2022-10-24-15-37-00.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DWq5ppwQ)
;D Package coming soon ! ;)
G'day stanislao
cafs was good enough to do a late war all foliage green skin for me, could you do one similar?
(https://i.postimg.cc/SKw2m7dh/5.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Yes, I remember the beautiful liveries for Dimon's Avro Anson made by Cafs, by the way, have you heard from him? He hasn't appeared for almost a year now. I miss it!
I must first be able to get a metallic livery, aluminum base, then I can color it in bottle green for you. Be patient... ;)
Thanks mate
Unfortunately I fear the worst in regards to cafs.
Brazil was hit pretty hard by covid.
He came across as a really nice friendly helpful person similar to Mission_Bug.
He and Dimon formed a great team, with Dimon distributing his models through cafs and cafs making lovely skins for them.
Great skins stanislao.
However I feel the green parts of the camouflage for K6183 is a bit too light, irl this green shade is much closer to a khaki green.
I've seen K6183 around a lot at various airshows, ANZAC days, museum displays and other events, she was also restored not far too from where I live so I care a bit too much about "Gentle Annie" :D
;D Ok ZtheE! You post a color photo and I try to make it the right green, I found several photos of the K6183 with bright green but it was probably a staggered color ..
For GenX, I managed to create an "aluminum silver" skin and next step the green "australia" above and below!
:D Ok, the RAAF Avro Anson in green livery is ready for genX! I really hope that Cafs has just got tired of publishing skins and is enjoying a Batida de coco in the shade of a palm tree!
Looks great! Thankyou stanislao
Look forward to downloading your Anson skin package.
This is fantastic, excellent, I really enjoyed this, thank you
Very well-done or professional esp the skins. I wanted to propose a variant as I found this article and if there is time and interest. A radar equipped anson. Similar to what was done with the ki-70 here. Anyway this article mentions the erly british radar sets installed on an ason
Radar was installed in this one-ki-70R
I've installed this in VPModPack 1.2 Beta. It flies okay, but I only get the Default weapons loadout. Any suggestions what I might have done wrong?
You haven't done anything wrong... except believe that mods are systematically compatible with all packs and all versions of the game!
It's just that your pack doesn't seem to have the weaponry programmed into this mod...
Bombs 100lbs/100lbs AS/...
Check your LOG...
Will do.
I'll also try it in BAT -- thought I'd try VPModPack first as a test before touching my main install!
Works beautifully in BAT WAW. Thank you!
Absolutely beautiful, with lovely extra skins. Thank you.
There is an interesting combination of fuselage roundel and fin-flash in two last pictures…
Excellent, thank you very much to all involved for model and skins, really appreciated. 8)
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Great addition, Thank You 101tsf, C.Watson and all involved 8),
Stan, great work 8),
Thank You for this and the previous two skinpaks for this aircraft.
Best Regards,
My old friend is up for sale. We should all chip in and buy her lol
Is the last one still in flying conditon
Is the last one still in flying conditon
Yep, and see her at an airshow, at Omaka on numerous occasions, several ANZAC ceremonies and a funeral
Visual error - a cable/aerial floating outside the starboard window?
(https://i.postimg.cc/FK6qR2t6/2022-10-24-15-37-00.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DWq5ppwQ)
Not a cable; ..is the plane's frame. Cockpit hier numerically-heavily reworked @ immersion: 3do/Cockpit/Anson-MKIa-P/hier
...is an alternate choice: does hide any right engine visual bug. Still has issues; may wip at it again one day.