Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Ultrapack Discussion & Support => Topic started by: Szettras on January 25, 2023, 05:43:19 PM

Title: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: Szettras on January 25, 2023, 05:43:19 PM
In Ultrapack is it possible to have aircraft taxi to the runway? Every time I try the plane keeps spawning on the runway. This is not what I remember it working like in 4.13.4

The only exception is if I place the TakeoffTTaxi waypoint far away from an airfield:
Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: Geschirr on January 26, 2023, 12:22:35 AM
In Ultrapack is it possible to have aircraft taxi to the runway?

No it is not.  Storebror added it with the latest update, but it does not work.  UP is 4.10 and taxi to runway came out in 4.12 I think.  I tried messing around with it months ago. 
The plane will start on the runway and then slowly taxi to the taxi point and then begin the whole taxiing process, but only one aircraft.  If there are multiple aircraft in the flight the first will taxi the others will remain.
Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: SAS~Storebror on January 26, 2023, 07:30:18 AM
The "taxi to takeoff" functionality has not been ported to Ultrapack fully yet.
What you see is just the result of porting other functionality which - as a side effect - carried over parts of taxi to takeoff too, but other parts are still missing.
So far there are no plans to backport it, simply as there's been no demand / need to.

Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: Szettras on January 26, 2023, 09:11:41 AM
Thanks for the explanation, both of you.
Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: Geschirr on January 26, 2023, 12:05:22 PM
I never thought to ask because you have given us so much and I am grateful for everything you have provided us and the community.
I don't want to be one of those people who ask for everything and give nothing back.

If the feature was implemented it would make attacking airbases a lot more fun since we could strafe taxiing aircraft, or have them delayed and stationary. The taxi/delayed aircraft also have damage models (smoke, fire, fuel, wings flying off...etc) instead of exploding into a black husk.
It could also add some more life to airfields and create obstacles for people who just take off straight from the tarmac.  Just some ideas if it ever happens.  Thanks again.
Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: Dimlee on January 28, 2023, 01:46:07 PM
I agree with Geschirr. This is a cool feature that makes airbases more "live" and even chaotic - if that is the purpose.
Not a must, just another nice to have.
Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: elpotro on January 30, 2023, 04:49:50 AM
I never thought to ask because you have given us so much and I am grateful for everything you have provided us and the community...
Title: Re: Ultrapack 3.4 Taxi to Takeoff?
Post by: marcdefranco on April 28, 2023, 04:27:20 PM
+1 to taxi to takeoff.

One of the big things I miss from HSFX. It's a major immersion booster for co-op missions.