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Special Aircraft Service
the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Topic started by: tomoose on January 28, 2023, 11:40:23 AM
Looking for the optimal NVidia control panel settings to get the best graphics in IL2. For me the tell-tale sign is immediately the antenna wire on an aircraft. Prior to my driver upgrade it was more or less a solid line but now it looks like a dashed line at various angles plus slightly jagged edges to objects.
I've done a search and found some dated reference stuff regarding NVidia. Tried those settings but not yet back to my previous nice 'look and feel'.
Card = NVidia GeForce GTX 980
Any info/guidance is appreciated.
Did you make a restore point before installing the new driver ?
Yeah, it's always a process!
I just wish I could keep things looking the way they should when these updates occur.
PC hardware has come such a long way in the more than 20 years since Il2 has been released.
Back then I was running a top of the line Alienware with a GeForce FX 5950!
That was a big deal back then and worth it to squeeze every bit of performance I could out of the sim.
Hello tom,
I made something for you, hope it will help you a little bit.
With these Nvidia driver settings my game runs smoothly even on large maps with many airplanes and the antenna wires look perfect.
Good luck and best regards
And please, don't use FXAA! ;)
vielen danke. That definitely improved things but the antenna wire is still not quite back to what I had before. I'll continue tweaking.
On a related subject, I think. The vertical movement of my mouse when in game seems to be lacking (i.e. cursor movement is not exactly in synch with the actual mouse movement). It's fine out of the game, on desktop and other games. Again, this seems to be coincident to my updating my NVidia driver.
EDIT: OK, I more or less got things back to what I had after I used "Override any application setting" in the Antialiasing -Mode option. Thanks again.