Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => ModWorx => Topic started by: WxTech on April 24, 2023, 08:33:23 PM

Title: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on April 24, 2023, 08:33:23 PM
Epervier provided me today a number of old 4.09 mods, one of which is the AI engine overheat mod. I just incorporated the relevant code into B.A.T.'s Motor.class, augmenting the full throttle and carb flooding smoke in my version as included with my big v1.6 Effects mod.

I tried out the version appropriate for my B.A.T. 4.0 game (I've not tried the one for B.A.T. 4.1.2 and later). It certainly seems this is working. In a fight against a flight of P-40Es, it was readily apparent that those birds were more hobbled as compared to previously, being unable to maintain a flat-out run or do endless and sustained zoom climbs.

Get it here:


From the included readme file:

AI Engine Overheat, adapted from 4.09, for use with my WxTech Effects v1.6 Mod

This should not to be used with a game not having my Effects pack in use, due to the new effects required.

I've incorporated the relevant code from the old 4.09 AI overheat mod into the B.A.T. Motor.class. As provided here, these variants are specifically for use with my effects mod, v1.6, replacing those provided in the folders named

This new class therefore has, in addition to the full throttle smoke and carb flooding smoke, this new limitation of AI engine overheating enabled.

I have not tested the BAT 4.1.2+ version myself.

You need only copy/paste (overwrite OK, as I provide the originals here as well) the hashed classfile from the appropriate folder here into your "WxTech_Full_Throttle_Smoke_Mod" folder.

For B.A.T. up to 4.1.1, use the classfile in folder
  "to BAT-4.1.1".
This class might be OK for non-BAT 4.12 games.

For B.A.T. 4.1.2 and later, use the classfile in folder

I provide also the classes as first included with my v1.6 effects pack (no AI engine overheat), to serve as a backup. Therefore you need not backup the original in your game. The hashed Motor.class is

April 24, 2023
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: FL2070 on April 25, 2023, 12:10:37 AM
This is absolutely excellent! I will be haphazardly slapping this on my BAT 4.2 + WxTech effects immediately.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: shardana on April 25, 2023, 01:29:06 AM
Thank you!!!
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: vonOben on April 25, 2023, 10:05:26 AM
Great idea WxTech!  ]thumbsup[

I hope it will work with B.A.T. v4.2.2 Update + hotfix 4!
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: SAS~tsisqua on April 25, 2023, 10:18:51 PM
Thanks, Glenn!
  I was just complaining to myself that while running away from an ambush that I was burning my engine up,
while my pursuer just stayed on me with no problems.

Will give this a try tomorrow.

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Heretic on May 03, 2023, 03:19:52 PM
Saw this mod last night and it prompted me to dust off my IL-2 BAT install and fly a few missions.

I think I saw some effect in BAT 4.2.2H4 when a Potez 630 jumped my 109E-3 on the way back to base. It seemed to fall back somewhat faster and gave up earlier after I got tired of the one-on-one circus, disengaged and went home for good.
(Before there are complaints: Bagged a MB.152 before that, had a great mission, saw his two wingmen collide while going after me and wanted to live to tell the tale. Topped it off with probably my best 109 landing ever.)
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: vonOben on May 09, 2023, 12:06:17 AM
Hi WxTech

I've now installed your effects v1.6 and the engine overheat mod in BAT 4.2.2 with hotfix 4.

And I've checked the Motor.class in BAT and it was updated in BAT 4.2 (file date is october 8, 2021).
Since I haven't kept the 4.1.2 update, I couldn't check the file date, but the patch was released in March 10, 2021.

Any chance you would consider to update the BAT 4.2 Motor.class for the AI Engine Overheat mod?

I can send you the file if you haven't got it, it's located in the BAT-v4.2_01.zip download.

Best regards

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on May 09, 2023, 12:52:24 AM
In order to work on B.A.T. 4.2 Java it would be safest to have all classes, due to potential interdependencies when compiling. The latest I could find, and have, is 4.1.3.

In the interim, it would be nice if a more up-to-date modder could look at my changes and incorporate them.

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Frankiek on May 09, 2023, 02:13:49 AM
Please find here a link to a dump of BAT 4.2.2 hotfix 4 classes

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: vonOben on May 09, 2023, 04:41:52 AM
Great, many thanks Frankiek   ]thumbsup[
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on May 09, 2023, 05:18:58 AM
Excellent; Thanks for that, Frankiek!

Hopefully my primitive decompiler won't introduce any difficult oddities...
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Frankiek on May 09, 2023, 07:34:46 AM
I would suggest to use DJ decompiler is very simple to use and once you  learn some standard error and weaknesses (some of them well documented by Mike) quite reliable
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on May 09, 2023, 07:49:07 PM
I do use DJ Decompiler.

I tried compiling the altered class, but get an error about an illegal start of expression for method

    public void load(FlightModel flightmodel, String s, String s1, int i)

the "public" being balked at. This is identical in other game versions, and gives me no problem there.

It might be quicker if I supplied my Java to someone having a more reliable means (and skill with Java) to get this done. Any takers?
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: vonOben on May 14, 2023, 11:18:56 PM
Hi WxTech

I compared the Motor.class file in the 4.1.3 ClassDump with the Motor.class in the BAT 4.2.2 hotfix 4 ClassDump, and the files are identical.
So if you've modified the Motor.class file from 4.1.3 for the AI engine overheat mod, it should be fine also in 4.2.2.  ]thumbsup[

Best regards

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: vegetarian on May 15, 2023, 01:19:23 AM
G'day WxTech,

To use this mod can you just use the "WxTech_Full_Throttle_Smoke_Mod" or do you have to install the whole Effects v1.6 Mod pack?

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on July 31, 2023, 08:30:02 AM
Hi peoples.
I just tried this in my BAT4.2.2+hotfix4 and I found some of my planes had an issue..they suddenly stop still when I push the throttle over 100%.
I overwrote the AF5F8A326C3FA53C class file from both folders..4.1.1..4.1.2+etc. and the original back-up, and its the same issue.
I had to revert back to the original class file as supplied in the  Effects v1.6 Mod.
Anyone else had this issue in their 4.2.2 hotfix4 set up?
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on July 31, 2023, 09:39:50 AM
I'm still flying B.A.T. 4.0 Red Core (WAW module only), and so can't actually test my classfile changes for recent game versions. Perhaps it's foolish of me to try for a larger user base by attempting to offer anything other than that which I can verify, instead of turning you folk with later versions into beta testers.

If this were like the good old days of a decade ago, when there were many more keen modders active hereabouts, someone might be interested in adapting my mods for the latest game versions. Alas, alack and lackaday...
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: pied on July 31, 2023, 10:26:09 AM
I'm using this in the latest BAT and hotfix without any issues, at least in the aircrft that I've flown.

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on July 31, 2023, 10:55:47 AM
Ok.please try an obscure plane for me..one of those I chose was the Fokker DXXI Danish version.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on July 31, 2023, 10:57:20 AM
I have checked for a class conflict but nothing found
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: pied on July 31, 2023, 12:02:02 PM
Tried the Danish Fokker not noticing anything out of order.

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on July 31, 2023, 12:03:34 PM
Damn...ok. something else lurking in the bog of my mods.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 01, 2023, 09:03:03 AM
One thing peoples...Is this important?
   at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
   at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Hook: _Engine1ES_02 not found
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on August 01, 2023, 10:26:27 AM
This is one of the two hooks to which carb flooding and full throttle smoke effects are tied, and set in Aircraft.class.

From this I would expect that all planes should have these two hooks. Which plane is causing this error?
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on August 01, 2023, 10:33:59 AM
I assume you're using my effects mod. At the very least, you would require my modded Aircraft.class files in order to comport with the changes in this Motor.class.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 01, 2023, 11:36:25 AM
Fokkers... DXXI..Danish version...and G1. Only two I've tested so far.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 01, 2023, 11:38:21 AM
Yes I'm using your effects pack.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Dimlee on August 01, 2023, 12:51:35 PM
Sorry for my ignorance... But overheating behaviour (probably) should be different for different engines, aircraft types, aircraft conditions (loaded, empty, damaged engines, etc.), altitude and temperature... Is this mode adaptable to that?
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on August 01, 2023, 01:40:26 PM
I merely adapted the mod from 4.09. As far as I know it only addresses the AI 'cheat' of not not suffering the same limits as the player.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Dimlee on August 01, 2023, 02:16:21 PM
I merely adapted the mod from 4.09. As far as I know it only addresses the AI 'cheat' of not not suffering the same limits as the player.

Thank you, it's fair enough, I guess. Hope we'll see it in BAT.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 02, 2023, 09:58:05 AM
AF5F8A326C3FA53C dated 29/09/2021 from BAT 4.0 works for those two DXXI, G1.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: elot on August 06, 2023, 05:13:24 AM
Hi peoples.
I just tried this in my BAT4.2.2+hotfix4 and I found some of my planes had an issue..they suddenly stop still when I push the throttle over 100%.
I overwrote the AF5F8A326C3FA53C class file from both folders..4.1.1..4.1.2+etc. and the original back-up, and its the same issue.
I had to revert back to the original class file as supplied in the  Effects v1.6 Mod.
Anyone else had this issue in their 4.2.2 hotfix4 set up?

I have the same problem (also bat 4.2.2 hotfix 4) and i have it only with a few planes.
Dutch Fokker DXXI
Dutch Fokker G1

I was unable to fly some of the Dutch campaigns for a while now, but was not able to find the source.
But indeed i also do have the effects 1.6 set active and some others to.
Will try and disable all mods/effects and see if that helps.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 06, 2023, 05:18:17 AM
As far as I can tell it's just that classfile that's the issue, hence why I reverted back  to an earlier version.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: elot on August 06, 2023, 05:21:19 AM
As far as I can tell it's just that classfile that's the issue, hence why I reverted back  to an earlier version.

Where did you find that file (in what directory and mod?).
I would like to replace that one too, so i can play those Dutch campaigns again :-)
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 06, 2023, 05:28:33 AM
Have a look in the original WxTech FULL THROTTLE SMOKE MOD for BAT 4.0.. the classfile is dated 29/09/21
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: elot on August 06, 2023, 05:56:36 AM
Have a look in the original WxTech FULL THROTTLE SMOKE MOD for BAT 4.0.. the classfile is dated 29/09/21
OK, i found it, but also in the FullSmoke effect.
Tried different versions of the file: AF5F8A326C3FA53C
But none seemed to work.
When i removed the files from those 2 effects, suddenly it did work, but i have no idea if other things will brake.
I'll take a flight tonight en see what happens  :D
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 06, 2023, 05:58:55 AM
Ive only replaced that classfile and so far everything is good.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: elot on August 06, 2023, 08:58:40 AM
Have a look in the original WxTech FULL THROTTLE SMOKE MOD for BAT 4.0.. the classfile is dated 29/09/21
Finally found that version and copied it to the 2 mods and indeed seems to work, just like no file at all (probably somewhere in an SRS file).
I try tonight to really fly with it and see if all the effects are still working with the old file.

Update: i tried the old file and everything seems to work, but i have the impression (must check later again) that the Full Throttle mod does not show any smoke anymore.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on August 10, 2023, 01:55:49 PM
The throttle smoke implementation requires that both Aircraft.class and Motor.class be congruent. Hence the lack of full function when changing one of these classfiles.

I very recently found an error I made for jet engine throttle smoke (it's treated separately from non jet engine throttle smoke). I'm working toward rolling this up into my v2.0 effects pack. But I should release a separate update for those who don't use my effects. My preference is to have in operation the carburetor cut-out smoke, full throttle smoke and the AI engine overheat.

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: PO_MAK_249RIP on August 11, 2023, 12:32:34 AM
'I'm working toward rolling this up into my v2.0 effects pack'

Great news cant wait!!
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: elot on August 14, 2023, 02:31:00 PM
Well, i found that the old file gave me some artefacts when looking down, especially on the runway.
So i put that file in a ModsMap directory en added just the old file to it (gave directory a name, so i know what is in it  :P)
Now i can play standard with the new file that works with most campaigns and machines.
When i want to play with the Dutch Fokker G1 for instance, i just add the 'Mod' and after changing to other campaign i remove the mod again.
Works great this way  8)
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on August 14, 2023, 02:58:47 PM
I guess It's not like you'll use the G1 that often, so makes sense to only switch the file as and when.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 29, 2024, 06:28:43 AM
Hi tested it in last BAT 4.3 and got it working flawless....

Tested the Fokkers D.XXI (danish) and G1 and got NO freezing (but also no full therottle effect) in the 109 I tested full throttle smoke start at 95% power as it should....

@ WxTech....

In prevision of you nex effect pack 2.0 and in consideration of what was write here:

In order to work on B.A.T. 4.2 Java it would be safest to have all classes, due to potential interdependencies when compiling. The latest I could find, and have, is 4.1.3.

In the interim, it would be nice if a more up-to-date modder could look at my changes and incorporate them.

I have zipped the BAT 4.3 classes for each module:

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on January 01, 2025, 09:21:05 AM
Well I'm sorry to inform you, but even after installing a new vanilla BAT DANGER ZONE, and then adding on top the mods that you have "cleared", including this one...the 2 offending planes: The Dutch versions of D.XXI and G1
They're still stalling at 100% throttle.
Once again I think it is that class AF5F8A326C3FA53C which is the culprit.
Again I reverted to the old 4.0 version..
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 01, 2025, 11:45:01 AM
Ok Old_DAD thanks for the report....I have checked again and I can assure you that in both my modded and vanilla installation this mod work with the planes indicated....

Please note that this mod work with WxTech effect pack 1.6 and have to load over the Full Throttle folder to which is related:

Here my WAW modded folder where you can find which mods I have installed about effects and their order:

(https://i.postimg.cc/ZnPFKX8Z/Screenshot-2025-01-01-192816.png) (https://postimg.cc/zHBRxt2P)

I have also tested this mod stand alone in a vanilla BAT 4.3 WAW installation:

(https://i.postimg.cc/wMZhTHP1/Screenshot-2025-01-01-193508.png) (https://postimg.cc/zHwLxmqN)

Even in such vanilla WAW BAT 4.3 installation both aircraft work flawless at 110% power settings:

Danish Fokker D.XXI

(https://i.postimg.cc/nV3pz2kY/2025-01-01-18-33-43.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MXfh3ygv)

Fokker G.I

(https://i.postimg.cc/d0cKXxsv/2025-01-01-18-42-17.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZWHgvjvD)
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on January 01, 2025, 01:27:30 PM
I have a similar set up like yours, with nearly the same order of Mods.
I will move some of the Mods about in my set up, se if there is some other conflicts.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 01, 2025, 01:35:08 PM
Take care that:

AI overheat involve only 1 classfile the motor.class one...I have unhashed them to compare in the specific....anyway the hashed class have the same name you point: AF5F8A326C3FA53C

This classfile can be found in other 2 folders: !0_WxTech_Full_Throttle_Smoke_Mod_BAT-4.1.2+ AND Classes-BAT

So look at the order of the foders:

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on January 01, 2025, 01:37:56 PM
Sure. That is the order in my set up now.
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on January 02, 2025, 08:30:34 AM
Apologies again,
I keep saying Dutch version.. ..
Just to confirm a previous point.
This is the log error item which is causing the problem : com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Hook: _Engine1ES_02 not found
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: WxTech on January 02, 2025, 08:38:02 AM
When I have encountered a persistent failure of a modded classfile (or group, if my mod of a class comprises more than one) to do its thing, I have renamed its version in the BAT classes folder. Not deleted, just renamed. Including the addition of text indicating the class name. Like this:

Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 02, 2025, 08:49:43 AM
Apologies again,
I keep saying Dutch version.. ..
Just to confirm a previous point.
This is the log error item which is causing the problem : com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Hook: _Engine1ES_02 not found

Sorry I have redone the test in both modded and vanilla plus AI & Full Throttle and got D.XXI dutch working flawless...

(https://i.postimg.cc/ydtW7s6J/2025-01-02-15-46-03.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Q9gjbLTs)

Did you have some mods about D.XXI?

Can you send me by PM the screen of your WAW folder to compare?
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Old_DaD on January 02, 2025, 09:17:15 AM
Hello..just to confirm we're talking about the right plane..because I keep saying Dutch when it is the Danish.
The only other MOD I have related to the DXXI is: Fokker_DXXI_cockpits, that is for the gunsights.
I only put it in #WAW today, and the problem still occurs, with or without it. No detrimental effect as far as I can see.
Here, I hope is my #WAW..similar to yours.
(https://i.postimg.cc/XNTmpV9Z/Screenshot-2025-01-02-160419.png) (https://postimg.cc/PNQ27n3h)
Title: Re: AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 02, 2025, 09:28:25 AM
Ok...give me some days and I'll test all the mods you've different by mine...