Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => WIP => Topic started by: Dandolo513 on June 28, 2023, 03:00:25 PM
Hallo Gents,
i have come back to my first love..
The Zuiun is another of forgotten request and ideas. My stuff.
I am working on collisions and shadows. I have asked to Master for a template and skins.
As always CWatson is the author for FM, classes and precious suggestions.
Here them are some pics.
(https://i.postimg.cc/nL13B829/1.png) (https://postimg.cc/rdKG2Pvq)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fT055S5N/2.png) (https://postimg.cc/w7ghjvSf)
(https://i.postimg.cc/mDt6sX3c/3.png) (https://postimg.cc/JDCQ3Q2m)
(https://i.postimg.cc/7hzsC5Ww/4.png) (https://postimg.cc/K3Zrw8bH)
I can't believe my eyes!
Hyuuga would be proud :D
Hello, very interesting plane. I have a question, is it possible, for example, to screw a propeller with a more even geometry on it. And is it possible, say, to do such "things" when you are just starting your project. I am faced with the fact that I have all sorts of ideas. And one of them is now where to "screw" something to make it better. And also my personal opinion. Very crooked glazing, will it be a little less crooked at the end? Oooh, I would like this plane to appear. I really liked your latest work, S1A2 Denko. Even despite the fact that its updated version has already been released. However, I like her. I really wish it was a little better...
Ah, I thought it looked like an E13. Had to look in Wiipedia... again... Thanks for making it.
Excellent Dandolo ]thumleft[
For dive bombing - hydraulically opening airbrakes were mounted on the trailing edge of the front float brackets, which was an original solution used only on this aircraft.
Would it be possible to create something like this
I apologize for the poor quality of my mod.
Yes , I am not a master with 3d .
Yes, my mod could be done better.
But, at the moment I have these skills . May be in the future they will grow .
So, I very modestly try to add some planes to whom none had put interest . With this my choice i have made someone happy and someone not.
I am on peace with myself.
Best regards
This a cool Floatplane, thanks for your work on this.
Best wishes
You do not need to apologise, no one is born master and you are doing a great job.
I apologize for the poor quality of my mod.
Yes , I am not a master with 3d .
Yes, my mod could be done better.
But, at the moment I have these skills . May be in the future they will grow .
So, I very modestly try to add some planes to whom none had put interest . With this my choice i have made someone happy and someone not.
I am on peace with myself.
Best regards
Hello Dandolo513, I did not try to criticize. I asked about whether it is possible in this way, by throwing and editing finished parts (mesh), to make your work easier.
Well, think about it, it seems to me much easier to work with an existing part and change an existing one. It is precisely for this aircraft, then "Jake" - could have come up. They even look alike. I would for example if such "operations" are in themselves possible. I would make a separate set of such parts for myself. And already on their basis worked. Of course, everyone is waiting for your work. And everyone understands how difficult it is to do it all. But I think... and keep thinking... That my thought about "donors" is not so meaningless. For example, I have already begun to look for all sorts of parts, say, to replace crooked machine gun mounts on airplanes. And so on ... Here is my epic with submarines, it consists of the same thoughts. And for you, it seems to me the easiest thing to do. Why waste a lot of time on creating a new one when you can use already finished parts.
Sorry, I'm really not "criticizing" here, but trying to think. I can imagine how difficult it is to do this. But damn it, I think it should work. Simply must! ;)
Hallo 9078roman.
I still use some existing meshs. For other i can make an attempt to modify to fit the new plane's one.
But usually i build from zero.
From Aichi E13 Jake the only meshs usufull are :
the 2 floating devices and connected rudders;
rear mgun
Very few, but it is good so.
I can confess, the the canopy is a very hard work to do . But this time i am satisfied...enough . I am learning.
About criticisms, what i can say..i am 59 years old, i am a old sailor, my family didn't use Maria Montessori policy for my education.
Also on this Community i have crossed some non pleasent comments, but it is the life.
But, in the other side, there are a lot of Gentlman and passionate who have the patience and benevolence to read my very poor and ungrammatical english.
And what i could say about ZFlyer48, my unforgettable mentor.
And CWatson, Stanislao, Artiglio . Very amazing people.
When i will be tired of criticisms i will say goodbye to the IL2 Community to do something else pleasent to me.
For now i will continue for my and other pleasure . The only thing that make me unsatisfied is the poor and neglected Tachikawa KI 70 Clara. But i don't mind , i have a new very neglected plane to do in my mind.
Have a nice weekend .
You know, I don't know, maybe someone will remember...
In general, once I shared a skin. I didn't have a lot of experience drawing them. "Not much" - is five whole years...
And that's when I - "flew" so, I still remember. "What are these colors?", "You than him?" and all of it.
I remember I wanted to quit everything, yes, well, I think, well, they don’t need it, so I’ll leave them to myself. Because they seemed to me quite bearable then... But no, I didn't reconcile myself, and began to think over various new ideas.
I remember thinking a lot. I especially liked the skins from warthunder. And I wanted to transfer the same to the game.
And my very first skin, he was just awful ..
But I think all this, modding, and other things, you just need to love. If you truly love, then do it without listening to anyone.
I'm glad you showed up, I know how painful criticism or comments can be. But you know - yes, it just has to be. She is an incentive.
I am not criticizing, but I hope that you will not stop and will develop.
I am 37 years old, I am not young either. Probably many of us here are not young. But it is not important. It is important that we enjoy our work. Well, a little more praise. And a little criticism to make it even better.
Thank you. For you. Everything will work out for you. I am sure about that. ;)
:) Wonderful... Domo Arigato Dandolo and team...
On SAS, it's Chrismas all year long... :-*
Amitiés Le Forban
I say it again...
This is another one that when you release it, will get my vote to be forever a part of BAT.
Really nice work and I love the dive-break effects.
Hallo Gents,
well , here it is the mod.
Thanks to Mick for shadows .
I hope someone will send to me suggestions to relay about issues.
I have asked to Master Hayate to realize a template and skin . THe actually skin is based on a Jake's one.
Gibble have sent to me a link about a Zuiun realized by damawo but never posted.
It was really a beauty
I hope my mod could be work on a ISE battle ship class.
Best regards.
Another great inclusion, thankyou.
What did Hayate say about doing skins and a template?
It must be hard to do when he only has a stock version of the game.
But then again he's done it before.
Never ask to a " Master Chef" his secrets. ;D
Hayate is on the work and he is asking me to sol ve some issues on the mapping.
I hope to realize a UV usefull to Him.
We can only wait.
Meanwhile, I am waiting for every issue found on the mod will knew to me.
Have a pleasant sunday.
Tested in BAT, appears to work fairly well.
Works on the Ise too, to boot. Unfortunately you'll need to add the Ise's catapult entries to the catapult.ini (same place as the air.ini), since they aren't there in "stock" BAT.
Ise catapult entries here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,38584.msg446189.html#msg446189
Thank you Dandolo513!
Today, July 2, 2023, will be remembered as the day E16A Zuiun flies into IL2 skies ]salut[
Nice , thanks for wip. I noticed pink on the sides when in cockpit view. I use BAT 4.2.2 HP 4.does it with all fm's.See here:
(https://i.postimg.cc/nVQpqFzz/2023-07-03-00-01-01.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/7Y34QKSr/2023-07-03-00-01-08.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
I have discovered a minor issue: The AI does not land on water or seaplane base. Instead, it chooses the closest land base:
I think it does not know it is a seaplane.
Maybe same issue as the M6A Seiran?
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=35097.48 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=35097.48)
(see post #59 and fix on #61)
Otherwise, so far so good! ]cheers[
nice work indeed s don
Beautiful machine, congratulations to Dandolo and others ]thumleft[. The aero brakes work properly, they really are orginal. Many thanks to Dandolo and everyone else for their cooperation.
Looking good Dandolo! Will download it in the morning :D
Hallo dsawan and gibble.
About your advice, i have BAT Flash Point 4.2.1 and i have not the issue on WingLIn. Sorry.
About your advice gibble, this behaviour , landing on a runway, happens also to me , with Zuiun and Shiun. I could think it should due to a no correct set of mission's parameters. But, i am a rookie about missions. We should ask to someone more expert then me.
Bug I've noticed:
Control surface movement is mirrored. The inputs work correctly, but the movement of the ailerons, elevators, and rudders is the opposite of the player input
Hallo Ta183Huckebein,
i have tested on my SIM and i confirm issue on elevators. Arones and Rudders are ok. I relay to CWatson to check.
Many thanks for advices. I wonder if someone else has the same issues.
Best regards.
Ran some more tess and put in a test install and no issues. The test install had less mods while the other was heavy. Tried both today and no pink. I think it had something to do with low memeory as I got some message on my pc sayng low on ram. Anyway good job
The skins are fictitious, so I changed them to something other than the ones in the first screenshot, here they are:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,67824.96.html
Many thanks to Dandolo 513 for your efforts to improve the IL2 with new aircraft. As for the necessary skills, there are many other modders who can help perfecting the designs.
hallo Spider16,
thanks for appreciation.
Well, i am here and if someone will want to help me on improving my works..well He will be welcome.
this update should be fix all bugs found till now.
Please aviators..test it and relay .
Have a good fligth.
It always amazes me just how many aircraft there were in WWII, another superb addition to the sim, thank you very much to all involved really appreciated. 8)
I have not extensively tested but an auto flight in a 4.12 install showed it landing on a standard earth airfield, for it to land on water in 4.12 it will need the class file altering as TD changed the 'TypeSailPlane' of earlier versions of the sim to 'TypeSeaPlane' for 4.12. ;)
Not sure which class files it shipped with as such but to make sure I had the right ones I just used those noted as for 4.12 in the folders supplied before I fired up the sim.
One thing of note with all your aircraft, when I added each one you made available into IL-2 if I load into the qmb first and try to add a skin the sim crashes, not back to desktop but I cannot select anything there just appears the blue screen with writing on which I assume is the air entry, I have to exit and load again to use it. Now if I fire up the sim and just go straight to fly and then later try to load a skin it seems okay, strange!
It reminds me of the bug in FMB where you could not select a skin because it crashed the sim, not sure what the solution is to be honest.
Overall I can get things to work okay by just loading up again and going straight to fly but it is annoying and I don't know why it happens. :(
Thanks also to Yaro59 for the skins. 8)
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Hi Dandolo,
Thank you very much for this aircraft and for your hard work 8). I have not done much testing, but so far the airplane is working very well.
Thank You for skins ]thumleft[ 8)
Best regards,
(https://i.postimg.cc/DfQDNz2K/e16.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
It is a date of fact!.
This plane , and its cousin Shiun, doesn't want land on water.
In spite the huge work made by Mission_bug and CWatson, there must be an "original sin " on the way i have relaized the seaplanes.
I have tried to mantain Aichi E13ab1 structure, hooks, clips...but they still been hijackedby the IL2 to the nearest earth runways.
I am so grateful to Mission_bug and CWatson, they have spent a lot of their time.
If someone modder will have a clue to find the issue, I will be very happy.
Many thanks
im running the latest bat and have no problems landing or taking off in both planes s don
Hallo Donaghy.
Also on AI mode?
What is your BAT version?
Many thanks.
bat ver 5.oo 4.2.2 hotfix 4 flashpoint i can land and take of ok in both planes as pilot not sure about ai though hope this might help s don
A sleek looking float plane, thanks.
Hi Dandolo,
thanks again for this beauty...
AI E16A1 takes off and lands perfectly on seabases in 4.10.1 DBW version
so this is very good news ...
and AI E15K for some strange reason tend to loose a lot of height when turning for final before landing on sea and often crash before landing... (FM problem ?) ...
Hope it helps
Le forban
Hallo leforban,
Thanks for report.
Shiun 's FM is made by Vampire pilot so we can hope He will check for any possible issue...and to realize the manual rear gunnery ;D
Currently working on skins.
Since there is no detailed data, the line is "like that". . . .
(https://i.postimg.cc/W1hhHWJs/2023-08-13-at-02-04-02.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rD2Vd9JH)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vBLBVCCt/16.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/njrp8SFX)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Wp8zbLG2/2023-08-13-at-07-25-06.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w3tg0r4P)
Since the surface is flat, we will adjust it.
How the light hits, how the paint peels off, etc.
(https://i.postimg.cc/c1F1G7WC/2023-08-13-at-07-25-28.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0rJ1pwb1)
Fantastic work.
Really well done RABIZO, don't forget to add some wear and tear like the floats.
Hallo Rabizo,
i have edited the issue on Rudder1 mapping.
(https://i.postimg.cc/jdsf99Hb/Rudder1-mapping.png) (https://postimages.org/)
If You need i will send an updated mod on PM.
Best regards,
I modified that part and flew to check it, but at that time, I saved it with the same name.
Data separated by layers are lost. . . It's my big mistake.
I will do weathering after this.
(https://i.postimg.cc/438vJt8G/1601.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2qZLGqR9)
Is it possible to correct the rotation direction of the propeller?
It is the opposite of propeller pitch.
Hallo Rabizo,
I have to ask to CWatson for change the rotation direction.
I will keep You informed.
Many thanks.
Best regards.
Hallo Dandolo513.
It reminded me of "photo editing" that I used to do at work. There are no such jobs these days. . . .
I'm attaching a screenshot along the way.
(https://i.postimg.cc/LX7dCCFq/2023-08-13-at-13-01-11.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dk8SD91v)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DwgwjTj8/2023-08-13-at-13-01-44.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmmvrgtH)
Is it possible to correct the rotation direction of the propeller?
It is the opposite of propeller pitch.
Hallo Rabizo.
I have asked to CWatson and He say it is a 3D question.
So i have tried to edit but it seems i am not able to change .
But indeed i have taken the prop from Jake and it should be correct.
So i don't know what i shoud do.
I am sorry
Best regards.
Hallo Dandolo513.
Thank you for your response.
You asked a question about the propeller on my channel, didn't you?
I'm currently readjusting my "skins".
sorry for delay.
Yes I have asked on your channel.
I have no idea how to set the propeller on a different rotation.
Best regards.
Either by modifying the 3D of the propeller (note the differences in propeller position when the mesh is opened with MSH Converter).
When opening the propeller mesh with MSHConverter :
- if the spinner is towards me ==> it will turn left
- if the spinner is opposite me ==> it will turn right
Or by adding MoveFan code to the aircraft class.
Hallo Gents,
July and August have been very busy with my real life, so ... i have worked few time on mods.
With Zuiun i should have finished but...i have some troubles with tank' s fire and leaks.
I mean, on ILModder app it seems all ok
(https://i.postimg.cc/JnNxFdDZ/ILModder.png) (https://postimg.cc/cgJfghcL)
On IL2 tanks don't burn or leak
So i post the last update hoping on some help.
About skins, Yaro have done 2 wonderful ones and i am waiting for some more contribute.
In addition, there must be something to set about view from cockpit and i am doing some tests.
Best regards
Well the hooks for fire and leaks may work but the problem could be in the collision boxes and\or the damage code in the classes that makes the plane too strong
hallo Frankiek,
indeed the plane seems to weak. I mean if i shot to it, it is hit and it been destroyed.
I am currently working on "skins" in consultation with "Dandolo513".
I don't have any materials for this airplane, so I made the body line on my own. I can't respond to verification.
(https://i.postimg.cc/wjzpT8R9/2023-08-25-at-23-52-10.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Czctm242)
There are some problems, but the view from the cockpit. . . I can't fix that part.
(https://i.postimg.cc/1z51wGKT/16.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w1PrdsZc)
Hallo Rabizo,
about the issue of cockpit view i have asked to CWatson.
I will keep You informed.
Best regards.
Fixed wings for pit
I have a water spawning issue: when spawning, the model inserts and propeller is ruined. Tried an other map: same splash in. Not much bouncing though, just an almost straight in insertion.
I'm using yesterdays answer #51 august model plus fix. 412.2 5.3
Fixed wings for pit
Hallo Ranwers,
many thanks
I have a water spawning issue: when spawning, the model inserts and propeller is ruined. Tried an other map: same splash in. Not much bouncing though, just an almost straight in insertion.
I'm using yesterdays answer #51 august model plus fix. 412.2 5.3
Hallo Hubberranz,
indeed i have no skills about spawning. It seems the plane is hit during spawning.
Maybe something tied to damages's profile?
I am trieng to improve this profile but no joy until now.
I really don't know.
Best regards.
Grazie, Dandolo513, per questo fantastico idrovolante!
Thanks, Dandolo513, for this amazing seaplane!
https://youtu.be/afdSWOgR4q8 (https://youtu.be/afdSWOgR4q8)
Many thanks.
I hope to solve the issues it soffers.
Hello. "E-16A" skins.
Identification part in yellow. . . The view from the cockpit is strange, but I can't fix it.
I also created one without the yellow identification part.
Since there was almost no information on this airplane, the lines of the airplane were created by me.
It cannot be used for historical verification.
(https://i.postimg.cc/xCzq5YKt/2023-08-31-at-06-25-35.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VrzYsxZC)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2ydypw9W/2023-08-31-at-06-24-27.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/643tndX6)
(https://i.postimg.cc/yNw8k5w9/2023-08-31-at-06-26-21.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gwHW7Mck)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d39sN0Dm/2023-08-31-at-06-27-25.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XBp6p4fp)
It has been solved since it applied Ranwers' patch file(#56).
Please check it out.
Thank you for nice skin...!!
(https://i.postimg.cc/7Zpt0ZSF/2023-08-31-at-06-50-49.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/87mbVDK4)
(https://i.postimg.cc/85GyXXKw/2023-08-31-at-06-50-33.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rdhCKjLt)
Hallo Rabizo,
many thanks for these skins.
Fair winds and following seas.
Thank you “Dandolo513” and “gunny0134”.
The people on this site are very nice.
Hallo Gents,
The Zuiun is on Seaplanes section.
Best regards.