Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => WIP => Topic started by: FL2070 on October 29, 2023, 09:33:21 PM

Title: (NO LONGER WIP) Me 362
Post by: FL2070 on October 29, 2023, 09:33:21 PM
This mod has graduated from the WIP section and can now be found in Frankenstein's hangar:[LINK] (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=71644)
Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: KingTiger503 on October 29, 2023, 10:55:39 PM

Well done Can you Name the 262s, Just Give a Nickname.

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: dsawan on October 29, 2023, 11:01:00 PM
Me 262 Lorin

Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: UberDemon on October 30, 2023, 09:31:13 AM
The Me-262 TIE-Fighter!   :o

Just need a deep space map or a moon like map with black sky, attach to a Hindenburg and change graphics to an Imperial Star Destroyer and we are set!!!  The Force is Strong with this one!
Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: genXgamer on October 30, 2023, 02:59:52 PM
Had similar thoughts when I first saw this yesterday, but the good guys.

(https://i.postimg.cc/HxWCDWKb/x-wing-03-wings-closed-by-peterhirschberg-daty8ew-fullview.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: UberDemon on October 30, 2023, 07:22:30 PM
Had similar thoughts when I first saw this yesterday, but the good guys.

Well we would need X-Corsairs or Y-Typhoons...   ;D
Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: FL2070 on October 30, 2023, 08:32:32 PM
Progress is coming along nicely:


Another variant joins the fun:

Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: Knochenlutscher on October 31, 2023, 05:47:29 AM
Me262 Rohrdommel (Great Bittern)

The funky bird...  ;D
Title: Re: An idea...
Post by: KingTiger503 on October 31, 2023, 06:50:38 AM
Crazy Frankenstein Me-262s

Nice one FL

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s
Post by: FL2070 on October 31, 2023, 10:59:50 AM
The "Me 362" is now available as a public beta after much bug-fixing and tweaking.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s
Post by: UberDemon on October 31, 2023, 11:03:12 AM
Malwarebytes will absolutely not let me download from the site you have the file (even after I unblock it).  Anyway to place it in MediaFire?  It is a free site.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on October 31, 2023, 11:05:00 AM
Anyway to place it in MediaFire?

Yep. The file has been re-uploaded on Mediafire.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: UberDemon on October 31, 2023, 01:04:52 PM
Thank you FL2070.  I was able to take your birds for a spin.  Really great job.

For the A version, I did a simple bombing mission.  Good stability on flight and a fairly stable bomb platform.  Great weapon choices.  Unfortunately I got hit by AAA so I had to bail out... almost didn't make it because I was low.

















Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: UberDemon on October 31, 2023, 01:15:02 PM
For the B version I did a 4 flight vs 12 Bombers.  Without escorts the bombers did not have a chance.  6x B-29s, 3x YB-40s (Escort Bomber Version of the B-17 with extra turret and extra side weapons and ammo), and 3x B-24s.  The MK-103 option is brutal.  The plane handled really well.  The extra thrust makes it a powerful high altitude interceptor.  I did not have much problem with it (well, it handles similarly to the Me-262).

Really good job on these.

























Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on October 31, 2023, 05:17:18 PM

The Me 362 public beta has been updated to version 20231031b.

Code: [Select]
- Added bomb loadouts for only 2 bombs, even without gunpod
- Added bomb loadouts for mixing AB- and SC-type bombs together
- Differentiated between AP BK 3.7 gunpod for ground attack and HE BK 3.7 for bomber interception
- Fixed under-nose bomb pylons not showing in arming screen
- Fixed gauge needle cockpit light overlays not matching up with normal textures
- Fixed ammo counters not properly displaying when cockpit lights are off
- Fixed incorrectly named loadout "2x Type D + BK 3.7 + 24x R4M"; previously, the name did not mention the R4M
- Removed unnecessary extra files that were left in by mistake
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: KingTiger503 on October 31, 2023, 09:16:58 PM
I tested at UP 3.4 Patch 2 Hotfix 23 and BAT 4.2.2 Hotfix 4.. It works like a Charm. Thanks FL

Both Me-362 are Fully Operational as Planned.

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: KingTiger503 on October 31, 2023, 09:18:11 PM
And Don't Forget to Add a WGr-21cm on this.

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on October 31, 2023, 09:36:04 PM
Add a WGr-21cm on this.

Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: UberDemon on October 31, 2023, 09:49:31 PM
I do have a question.  Would the wings be able to withstand the weight of those two additional engines without collapsing?  Seems like the additional load would require additional structure that would affect weight.  It probably would have justified the extra parts but that means the performance improvements would have to be adjusted as well.  Just something to think about.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Frankiek on November 01, 2023, 01:48:39 AM
As far as I know the two upper engines were supposed to be ram-jets   
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: KingTiger503 on November 01, 2023, 03:31:30 AM
It Requires a Configuration for the Addition Jet Power Weight to Reduce the Engines Weight Without Breaking Apart, The Wingtip inside had a Very Strong Titanium for the Me-362B.. That was According to My Theory..

Best Regards KT503 
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: BIGREDONE on November 01, 2023, 04:41:03 AM
should be better have the X WING true... ;)   :D

Think, ....... have the whole family of Xwing X fighter, X TyphoonMid, Late, .... 

and new Map and scenery for mission as TRENCH RUN on black dead .... ,

(https://i.postimg.cc/9QPSbxR4/XWING.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

 but really who have the knowledge to do this,    why don't you do it....? 

You Imagine new versions from Xfamily by IL2 Dumping........, new WEAPON family used,

 would open up a whole new world .

 IL2 10046 Stars Wars Addon by you ..... ?


Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Frankiek on November 01, 2023, 05:40:50 AM
would be nice but for sure whoever does that will run into copyrights infringement problems with Disney and LucasFilms Games
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: KingTiger503 on November 01, 2023, 06:01:51 AM
What About a Me-262 Z Four Engines and 6 of X-4 I just Found when I overlook..


Maybe FL will Get an Ideas of its Design.

Best Regards KT503

Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on November 01, 2023, 09:48:52 AM
the two upper engines were supposed to be ram-jets   

This isn't the Me 262 Lorin. It's just some wild nonsense for fun.

What About a Me-262 Z Four Engines

That's beyond my current abilities.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: UberDemon on November 01, 2023, 11:58:53 AM
would be nice but for sure whoever does that will run into copyrights infringement problems with Disney and LucasFilms Games

Mods is mods.  I was involved with the X-Wing/TIE-Fighter/X-Wing vs TIE-Fighter/X-Wing Alliance modding community for years before I joined the IL-2 community, and it is still around.  I wrote several programs for that community, and they are still being used, particularly BinHexEdit, which allows writing/patching  binary files using text scripts.  I remember I wrote OPT Sub to substitute models and OPTEDIT to allow 3D editing (rudimentary but worked nevertheless).  I also came up with the Shipset concept which allowed creating sets of modded ships to overcome the engine limits in X-Wing Alliance slots (limited in the executable).

Fun story:  It was my previous modding work in my old X-Wing website that made Oleg Maddox reach out to me if I was interested in developing 3rd party apps for IL-2, and a week later I got an NDA and an IL-2 pre-release CD Beta for testing.  I also got the first look into the server version of IL-2 and tested it for hacking vulnerabilities in my old network lab.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Frankiek on November 01, 2023, 12:06:26 PM
would be nice but for sure whoever does that will run into copyrights infringement problems with Disney and LucasFilms Games

Mods is mods.  I was involved with the X-Wing/TIE-Fighter/X-Wing vs TIE-Fighter/X-Wing Alliance modding community for years, and it is still around.  I wrote several programs for that community, and they are still being used, particularly BinHexEdit, which allows writing/patching  binary files using text scripts.  I remember I wrote OPT Sub to substitute models and OPTEDIT to allow 3D editing (rudimentary but worked nevertheless).  I also came up with the Shipset concept which allowed creating sets of modded ships to overcome the engine limits in X-Wing Alliance slots (limited in the executable).
Do you still have access to the mods it would be interesting as Xwing\TIE are still among my favorites
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Piotrek1 on November 01, 2023, 12:19:46 PM
Thank you for a great addition, FL2070 8), the airplanes fly very nicely in my Vp modpack, but unfortunately I can't select any armament except Default

The log doesn't say much and the only error I found is this one:

[4:57:50 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Pylon_D0'.
[4:57:50 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Pylon_D0'
[4:57:50 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Pylon_D0'
[4:57:50 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'Pylon_D0'

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Flamer50 on November 01, 2023, 02:12:38 PM
Thanks for the new "birds", they handle well and are fun to fly ]thumleft[ ]thumleft[

I installed the 362's in VP's Modpack(v1.2) and Jetpack and have the same problem as
Piotrek1, Default is the only armament selection, didn't get anything in the logfile.


Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Draken on November 01, 2023, 04:25:56 PM
With engine power twice the amount of the regular Me-262 , can this one fly at supersonic speed ?
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on November 01, 2023, 04:36:08 PM
can this one fly at supersonic speed ?

I've gotten up to 1300 km/h in the Me 362 B.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on November 01, 2023, 09:09:08 PM

The Me 362 public beta has been updated to version 20231101a.

Code: [Select]
- Added loadouts for 4 or 6 Wfr.Gr.21s, depending on whether droptanks are equipped
- Added loadouts for mixing MG151/20s with MK103s or MK108s
- Added loadouts for mixing MG213/20s with MK213/30s
- Added loadouts for using AB 500s against bombers with X-4s
- Decreased amount of ammunition for MG213/20s from 200/160 to 160/120
- Decreased amount of ammunition for MK213/30s from 200/160 to 100/80
- Fixed Me 362 B missing Pylon_D0.msh in hier.him
- Fixed engine collision mesh correlation

I took a look into the problem with VP modpack, and it looks a lot trickier than I thought it was initially. I'll get around to fixing it sometime later. For the time being, understand that the Me 362 is only certified for compatibility with UltraPack and BAT.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: KingTiger503 on November 02, 2023, 12:02:53 AM
Nice work FL, But there is One more thing about another Variant.

It was Classified.

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on November 02, 2023, 12:23:56 AM
another Variant

There will be no such thing.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: KingTiger503 on November 02, 2023, 12:39:10 AM
another Variant

There will be no such thing.

Oh Ok,, Lets do add a Mk-208 from Bf-109L for this Me-362s

Best Regards KT503
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on November 02, 2023, 12:53:05 AM
add a Mk-208 from Bf-109L

This thing already has cannons up the wazoo, including the MK 213. There's no need for such things, especially considering there are already 98 loadouts per plane.

Besides, the 109L was a very experimental mod from back when I was first learning to make mods like that. I wouldn't take its actual content too seriously.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Piotrek1 on November 03, 2023, 12:16:15 PM
Thank you for update FL2070, with the new version Me 362_20231101a I have two weapon variants available:

24xR4M (nose mounted)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Flamer50 on November 03, 2023, 05:54:26 PM
Thanks FL, I now get the same loadout availability as Piotrek1, but I did run
into something that's a bit odd, take a look ;D:
VPpack loadout

VPjetpack loadout

The loadouts are working in both packs.

Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: FL2070 on November 03, 2023, 07:02:46 PM

The Me 362 public beta has been updated to version 20231103a.

Code: [Select]
- Updated the engine 3D to the 3D from AMT's Me 262C/SB pack
- Fixed loadouts not loading properly in VP Modpack and some other custom ModAct installs
- Tuned FMs to increase drag, worsen stall characteristics, and decrease maximum G-loading for both planes, moreso the B model.
- Added 4.12 mach drag characteristics to all planes

Remember to update your weapons.properties entries when updating to new versions.
Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Flamer50 on November 03, 2023, 09:25:09 PM
Thanks again FL, all loadouts are available now 8)

Title: Re: Four-Engined Me 262s / "Me 362"
Post by: Piotrek1 on November 04, 2023, 12:48:33 PM
I agree with Flamer50 and confirm, everything works great, Thank you FL2070 8)

Best regards,
Title: Re: (NO LONGER WIP) Me 362
Post by: FL2070 on November 04, 2023, 01:29:55 PM
all loadouts are available now

I agree with Flamer50 and confirm, everything works great

Alright, with that confirmation, I have decided that the mod is no longer in "WIP" status. It can now be found in Frankenstein's hangar: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=71644.new#new
Title: Re: (NO LONGER WIP) Me 362
Post by: UberDemon on November 04, 2023, 03:32:00 PM
Congrats... This is a great Mod.