Special Aircraft Service

Battlefield - Airborne - Tactical (BAT) => BAT Missions and Campaigns => Topic started by: UberDemon on December 31, 2023, 12:08:07 AM

Title: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: UberDemon on December 31, 2023, 12:08:07 AM
I have begun developing a template that will be the prototype for all other templates.  These take time as I have to develop missions for 12 flights per team.  This only shows basic development.  When you generate missions, the results will be a lot more detailed and complex.

The first template is the 1C/Maddox DF Italy map.  I lived in Italy in the past and it is cool to see some of the towns I actually visited.

Anyway, here is some of the eye candy.  Keep in mind I am showing Taxi features and some of the scenery.  Really excited to implement that.  Makes me remember Janes WW2 Fighters.










































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: UberDemon on December 31, 2023, 12:18:48 AM










































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: UberDemon on December 31, 2023, 12:25:35 AM










































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: UberDemon on December 31, 2023, 12:27:39 AM
... and finally...








Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: RealDarko on December 31, 2023, 06:40:11 AM
Amazing!! Thanks for working on this and Happy New Year!
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: Witchy on December 31, 2023, 07:29:59 PM
Is this going to give better ability for user created campaigns and missions and/or better object placement and ai pathfinding or something far different? It all looks fantastic.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: UberDemon on January 01, 2024, 12:14:57 PM

In simplest terms, yes-ish.  I talk about this my latest update here:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71120.msg782715.html#msg782715

I have not tackled campaign generation, but conceptually you can use UQMG to create missions and place them in a campaign... however you are giving me ideas, but there is much work to be done before I tackle campaign generation.

All the templates will use "MIS" files, of which I am already writing detailed instructions on how to create them.  It is taking a lot of effort because the first time is always the longest time.  I will also make a set of tools like documents and spreadsheets that will help adventurous users to create their own templates.  (I talked in the link above about the possibility of being able to load any IL-2 mission and use UQMG enhancements to... well.. enhance existing mission.  This will take some type to develop but is possible.  Some of the uses for that could be updating static/scripted campaigns that used the "wrong" plane in the past, or maybe writing skeleton missions and using UQMG to multiply aircraft...  But to set expectations, when UQMG 1946 Max comes out, that feature will most likely not be ready... there is much to do... and I am only one person... who does this in spare time...)

Once a template is created, the amount of liberty you have to modify and create missions will be almost infinite.  First it allows for 12 Flights per team, and each flight can be cloned as many times as you want (limited by the number of units in the IL-2 engine)... In seconds you can have a formation of 24 P-51s escorting 40 B-17s...  Using only two of the UQMG Flight Groups (out of 24... 12 per team).  These planes can take off in waves, or appear at the same time in a variety of ways.

Once you create a mission, 3 version of them will be saved, one for SP, one for DF, and one for Coop.

But yes... my goal for this development is to be the ultimate mission design tool companion for FMB, and it will be a mission generation engine on its own (that is, you can use it on its own to generate missions without having to use FMB).  WAW is the baseline, but once that is done, I'll add the DOF, TGA and JTW modules as well.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (31 Dec 2023)
Post by: UberDemon on February 04, 2024, 09:01:18 PM
Sorta by accident the "Norway/load.ini" map is going to become my next template.  In trying to figure out some mission features I started putting some thoughts together, and decided that I will have flight Groups 5-8 (of 12 per team) will be maritime focused.  So in addition to the typical base stuff, I am taking advantage of the map's seabases.  The Seabase in Scotland has an amphibious area so you will be able to use that.  You could conceptually take off from the concrete using something like a swordfish, but it does not work well with the AI.  Even trying arrestor cables and etc.

Anyway, here is some of the work in progress...










































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (4 Feb 2024)
Post by: UberDemon on February 04, 2024, 09:05:53 PM
... more...







































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (4 Feb 2024)
Post by: UberDemon on February 05, 2024, 11:37:07 PM
Development of Flight Group 2 in Norway Map.  Just having some fun with the template.


































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (6 Feb 2024)
Post by: raf1659 on February 06, 2024, 06:27:53 AM
Unfortunately the "Maddox DF Italy" map is totally unreal and also disrespectful towards the real Italy, it should be canceled by B.A.T.  ):(
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (6 Feb 2024)
Post by: UberDemon on February 06, 2024, 07:04:39 PM
Unfortunately the "Maddox DF Italy" map is totally unreal and also disrespectful towards the real Italy, it should be canceled by B.A.T.  ):(

Cancel?...  Well, some of the smaller maps are not to scale and are meant for mostly online play, but that is not unique to the Italian map.  For software development it provides an easier way to test features because they are faster to load and not too taxing on the system while I am running several programs and the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.  I am quite fond of the smaller maps because they do have hidden gems and I doubt any designer or developer had pissing off people as their objective when they put the time to design or develop them.  I noticed that several planes, stock or mod are not 100% accurate either, still I play them.  The engine is dated but still viable and fun.  The newer IL-2 series (Great Battles) is a lot better visually but I spend more time with the classic series, just like it.

In any way, I will continue to use as many of the maps as I can.  I am originally from Brazil, have Italian descent. lived in Italy for several years and use the reduced scale map for design.  The Northeastern Atlantic Brazilian map is not accurate either... and Ponta Negra is not accurately depicted in Natal... I still will make templates for it... not ready to call it disrespectful to the Brazilian people.  The dated graphics could arguably lead to IL-2 being disrespectful to every nation, every aircraft manufacturer, etc.  That's not reasonable.  I think there are other sims out there that work better even... but I choose to stick with this one, defects and all.  There are plenty of modders here that do a bang-up job continually improving the old IL-2 engine.

If you design a better Italy map with a smaller footprint, I am willing to use that too.

Back to programming.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (6 Feb 2024)
Post by: shardana on February 07, 2024, 03:48:17 AM
Carry on UberDemon... You're doing great. Among others that is. and let's leave all maps where they are we can have such a choice.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (6 Feb 2024)
Post by: UberDemon on May 27, 2024, 09:22:31 PM





Northeastern Brazil:  Natal to Fernando de Noronha Atlantic Area.  This is the last template before the Alpha; it is complete.  I can now concentrate on polishing up the code for the Alpha.  Nevertheless, it is one I had to do.  This is the Northeast Brazil map covering the Natal to Fernando de Noronha Island/Territory.  The map is heavily populated and can support both historical and fictional scenarios.  The map is full scale so covers an area of 500x335Km.

Here is the main description for the map:

Description:  This is a full scale map based on Google Map comparison (about 375Km from Natal to Fernando de Noronha).  The map covers Northeastern Brazil, specifically Rio Grande do Norte (RN) State, focusing on the area around Natal, the state's capital.  The map covers vast area of the Atlantic Ocean and extends to Fernando de Noronha Island, a Brazilian territory.  This area had great significance in World War Two, as it included both American and Brazilian joint forces conducting submarine patrol operations against the German and Italian navies.  The US Navy deployed Catalinas, Mariners and Venturas to Natal and other bases in the Northeast region of Brazil in March of 1943.  They operated alongside a variety of Brazilian Navy and Air Force aircraft.  This area also was one of the pit-stops along the route used to ferry US heavy bombers to Africa.  The journey would begin in the US, and would move south stopping over Amapa territory (Northern part of the Amazon Forest), then proceed to Fortaleza (State of Ceara), sometimes with stops in Natal, then they would proceed through the long flight to Northwest Africa, risking AAA fire from Axis submarines and ships.  Obviously this map only represents a portion of this journey going about as far Northwest as the town of Macau, still within the relatively small state of RN (Brazil is a big country, slightly larger than Continental USA).  The large Atlantic coast was fertile ground for U-Boat operations, and presented a strategic area of importance for the Allied effort.  (Reference:  my personal research and "Brazilians at War - Brazilian Aviation in the Second World War" by Santiago Rivas, Helion and Company Limited, England, 2017, http://www.helion.co.uk)

Historical Note:  There were no combat encounters noted between German/Italian aircraft and Brazilian/American aircraft off the coast of Brazil in WW2, so for this template, since there are no Axis bases, test airbases/carriers are used, but that is of course not historically accurate.

This is the most complex map template I have designed.

A sample mission generated in UQMG is included below for screenshots.  If you want to try the mission, here it is:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/cllyln5ttno07ic/UQMG1946MaxTest0005.zip/file

I’ll post screenshots and hope this all makes sense… I’ll get back to coding in the next few days.  You know, family, work, etc…















































Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (6 Feb 2024)
Post by: UberDemon on May 27, 2024, 09:33:44 PM











Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: RealDarko on May 30, 2024, 01:31:55 AM
WOW! Looks we will have fun soon enough!
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: UberDemon on May 31, 2024, 03:02:10 PM
WOW! Looks we will have fun soon enough!

You may be right.  I added two last features that I thought needed to be there, namely being able to point UQMG to the IL-2 installation location, and automatically creating the directory under Missions folder for mission testing.  I was able to use the Publish function to build a release version and was able to run it in an older laptop that did not have Visual Studio installed, so I think I will be able to pack the Alpha in a Zip file without too much trouble.  I do need to release some sample content as well so standby and hopefully a public Pre-Alpha will be out soon.  I hope it works for everyone at least for testing.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: RealDarko on June 01, 2024, 04:46:49 AM
Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: UberDemon on June 01, 2024, 08:19:00 PM
Got inspired so I am finishing a preliminary guide for writing templates, then I'll add some templates and missions and it is coming out.

I figure adding some samples would help the testing.

OK, back to work.  I think it will be out earlier than I thought so... good then...
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: RealDarko on June 04, 2024, 02:00:47 AM
Got inspired so I am finishing a preliminary guide for writing templates, then I'll add some templates and missions and it is coming out.

I figure adding some samples would help the testing.

OK, back to work.  I think it will be out earlier than I thought so... good then...

If is not too complicated I will give a try to those templates.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: UberDemon on June 04, 2024, 07:27:10 PM
The Map Building Guide Tutorial is ready.

You can read it here:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/3oy68yoqj059yk6/UQMG46MaxTemplateBuildingFiles.zip/file (This is a better download).


I am writing a quick tutorial for the Pre-Alpha.  I was going to release it, but I discovered a bug with missions that target Bridges, but I fixed it.   I am putting together the quick guide/tutorial and including some sample files for people to play them.

I packaged an un-official add on for BAT, including several mods and skins.  It can be installed with JSGME so people can easily uninstall it.  This is because the Pre-Alpha will include the ability to use several mods for people that installed them, and some sample missions will have them.  This will be released separately.  It is fairly large, but I'll worry about that after I release the Pre-Alpha.
Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: UberDemon on June 05, 2024, 08:23:30 PM
Here is a better download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/3oy68yoqj059yk6/UQMG46MaxTemplateBuildingFiles.zip/file (Also updated in the post above)

I updated the PDF with a hint not to place static objects in the path of the Taxi waypoints.  I also included a sample ready template, spreadsheet and some other reference materials.  Although I included information on Composite flights, please do not add them to the template when you design it.  Composite flights are implemented through the UQMG mission generation engine, and not the same way as UQMG Classic.

If you are brave and want to start working on your favorite map, you should be able to, and the Pre-Alpha is coming out within a few days.

Title: Re: UQMG 1946 Max Template Development (27 May 2024 - Natal Template - Last one before Alpha)
Post by: RealDarko on June 07, 2024, 03:28:53 AM
Will start working on some ideas, thanks!