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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Weapon Packs => Topic started by: Dandolo513 on January 02, 2024, 10:06:47 AM

Title: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dandolo513 on January 02, 2024, 10:06:47 AM
Hallo Gents,
Dreamk have realized a japanese ASW and para pack for my and other planes on which i have worked .


new mod and link for my mods.

As written by Dreamk,these folders need to be copied over the folders of the mods. They contain the java files modified to read loadouts from in cod files, and the adequate cod files. This is important for players having a huge number of mods installed as this reduces the java load and helps pushing further the java wall - a present problem with BAT 2.0.

In addition, here it is the link for ASW bombs for all planes able to have these japanese weapons

Many thanks to Dremk for  these very appreciated presents for my  mods.


Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Piotrek1 on January 02, 2024, 01:26:08 PM
Thank you very much Dreamk 8), unfortunately I have a bit of a problem with this mod, after adding it to the aircrafts folders, some of the weapons (as in the case of Tokai) are not visible, although they are in the weapons menu.
Perhaps I should put the airplane folders on the top of the installation? Anyway, I'll try to do more tests tomorrow.

P.s. in the mod I found only classes and cod folders, don't we also need a folder with new Supply Containers?

my weapons.properties after instal the mod:

Code: [Select]
# KI-57 , 1941
KI-57.default                                                                  Default
KI-57.18xParaIJA                                                               18xParatroopers IJA
KI-57.18xParaIJN                                                               18xParatroopers IJN

# Kyushu-K11W, 1945
Kyushu-K11W.default                                                            Default
Kyushu-K11W.2x30kg                                                             2x30kg Bombs
Kyushu-K11W.2x60kg                                                             2x60kg Bombs
Kyushu-K11W.none                                                               Empty

# Kyushu-K11W2, 1945
Kyushu-K11W2.default                                                           Default
Kyushu-K11W2.2x60kg                                                            2x60kg Bombs
Kyushu-K11W2.2x100kg                                                           2x100kg Bombs
Kyushu-K11W2.2x60kg_4x30kg                                                     2x60kg 4x30kg Bombs
Kyushu-K11W2.2x100kg_4x30kg                                                    2x100kg 4x30kg Bombs
Kyushu-K11W2.none                                                              Empty

# Kyushu-K11W_Kami, 1945
Kyushu-K11W_Kami.default                                                       Default
Kyushu-K11W_Kami.none                                                          Empty

# Kyushu-Q3W1, 1945
Kyushu-Q3W1.default                                                            Default
Kyushu-Q3W1.2x60kg                                                             2x60kg Bombs
Kyushu-Q3W1.2x100kg                                                            2x100kg Bombs
Kyushu-Q3W1.2x60kgAS                                                           2x60kgAS
Kyushu-Q3W1.2x60kgASmod1                                                       2x60kgASmod1
Kyushu-Q3W1.1x250kgAS                                                          1x250kgAS
Kyushu-Q3W1.1x250kgASmod1                                                      1x250kgASmod1
Kyushu-Q3W1.2x60kg_4x30kg                                                      2x60kg 4x30kg Bombs
Kyushu-Q3W1.2x100kg_4x30kg                                                     2x100kg 4x30kg Bombs
Kyushu-Q3W1.none                                                               Empty

# Q1W1 Tokai(EasternSea) 'Lorna', 1944
Q1W1-Tokai.default                                                             Default
Q1W1-Tokai.4x60kgAS                                                            4x60kgAS
Q1W1-Tokai.4x60kgASmod1                                                        4x60kgASmod1
Q1W1-Tokai.2x250kgAS                                                           2x250kgAS
Q1W1-Tokai.2x250kgASmod1                                                       2x250kgASmod1
Q1W1-Tokai.1x250kgAS_2xdpt                                                     1x250kgAS_2xdpt
Q1W1-Tokai.1x250kgASmod1_2xdpt                                                 1x250kgASmod1_2xdpt
Q1W1-Tokai.2x250kg                                                             2x250kg Bombs
Q1W1-Tokai.1x250kg_2xdpt                                                       1x250kg_2xdpt
Q1W1-Tokai.2xdpt                                                               2xDepth Charges
Q1W1-Tokai.1xtorpedo                                                           1x Torpedo
Q1W1-Tokai.none                                                                Empty

# MC-21 , 1941
MC-21.default                                                                  Default
MC-21.5xCargoA                                                                 5x Cargo
MC-21.18xPara                                                                  18x ParaTroops
MC-21.none                                                                     Empty

(https://i.postimg.cc/13CwSHkj/2024-01-02-20-00-33.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqW35NZK/2024-01-02-20-00-46.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Best regards,
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dreamk on January 02, 2024, 02:41:51 PM
Achhhh! yes, indeed - not only some explanation is needed but also some additional files that were "forgotten" in the upload.

This mod is an addition to the regular full packages uploaded / to be uploaded soon by Danadolo:
1) Ki-57
2) Ki-54 (Ki-54T, Ki-54N, Ki-54PAR, Ki-54ASW)  - not yet uploaded
3) K11W (K11W, K1W2, Q1W1)
4) K11W Kamikaze
5) Q3W1 Tokai
6) MC-21 (CWatson's mod upgraded) - not yet uploaded on this forum

The aim of this small additional pacakge is to replace the java files in these mods by java files compatible with cod files (instead of full java loadouts as in teh original packages) and to add the adequate cod files.
This allows to reduce the "java load" from the game engine.
This is especially important for BAT 2.0 users who are currently encounteering problems of "java wall".

Additional Files:
To work these mods need 2 additional packages:
1) A package, called !_AerialContainersJapan   -  included in the Ki-57 release for the Japanese aerial containers:

2) A package with the Japanese ASW bombs called _armsJapan_WW2   -........ that Dandolo thought I had previously released - no matter, I'll update the thread, meanwhile  here's the link:


Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Piotrek1 on January 02, 2024, 03:08:08 PM
Thank you very much Dreamk 8), I will test them tomorrow.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dandolo513 on January 02, 2024, 03:28:08 PM
Dreamk and Piotrek,
i am so sorry for my forgetfulness.

Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dreamk on January 03, 2024, 02:20:19 AM
BTE there is a mistake in the cod file of the Ki-54N (I called it Ki_54N instead of KI_54N and teh cod system is case sensitive)
So you need to delete the cod filed called -590078532 and copy instead this one called -1726162710:

However the Ki-54 mod will be soon released by Dandolo with corrected cod files
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Piotrek1 on January 03, 2024, 11:36:55 AM
Hi Dandolo, Dreamk, I have checked everything again, both supply containers (Ki-57) and ASW bombs are working but it is as I have shown in the screenshots above, droptank and Depth Charges are in the armament list but not visible in the selection window.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dreamk on January 03, 2024, 12:21:31 PM
there was a mistake. The weapons.ru of the Q1W1-Tokai show the old entry. it's outdated!
No more "depth charges" they have been replaced by the AS bombs!
The correct entry is:
# Q1W1-Tokai
Q1W1-Tokai.default         Default
Q1W1-Tokai.4x60kgAS      4x60kg AS Bombs
Q1W1-Tokai.4x60kgASmod1   4x60kg AS mod1 Bombs
Q1W1-Tokai.2x250kgAS      2x250kg AS Bombs
Q1W1-Tokai.2x250kgASmod1      2x250kg AS mod1 Bombs
Q1W1-Tokai.1x250kgAS_2xdpt      1x250kg AS Bomb + 2xDrop tanks
Q1W1-Tokai.1x250kgASmod1_2xdpt   1x250kg AS mod1 Bomb + 2xDrop tanks                          
Q1W1-Tokai.2x250kg         2x250kg Bombs
Q1W1-Tokai.1x250kg_2xdpt   1x250kg Bombs + 2xDrop tanks
Q1W1-Tokai.2xdpt         2xDrop Tanks
Q1W1-Tokai.1xtorpedo      1x Torpedo Type 91
Q1W1-Tokai.none         Empty
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Piotrek1 on January 03, 2024, 12:36:33 PM
Forgive my mistake Dreamk, I must have had the wrong entry in weapons.properities, now everything is correct except for droptank which is still not visible :-X.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dandolo513 on January 03, 2024, 12:56:17 PM
Hallo Piotrek
as You can see on my side, BAT4.2.1 , drop tanks are visible.

(https://i.postimg.cc/wB09bSbR/drop-tankes-e-bombe-profondit.png) (https://postimg.cc/hJQFX3nK)

I can share with You my Lorna version for check what could be different.


Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Piotrek1 on January 03, 2024, 01:03:37 PM
Yes, please send me Your version.
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Piotrek1 on January 03, 2024, 02:25:40 PM
Thank you Dandolo 8), now everything is in place :),
I'm not sure what was wrong with my version of Lorna but I had this message in the log:

[8:51:58 PM] Hook: _ExternalDev01 not found
[8:51:58 PM] com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Hook: _ExternalDev01 not found
[8:51:58 PM] at com.maddox.il2.engine.HookNamed.<init>(HookNamed.java:117)
[8:51:58 PM] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIAirArming.prepareWeapons(GUIAirArming.java:1722)
[8:51:58 PM] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIAirArming.access$10(GUIAirArming.java:1679)
[8:51:58 PM] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIAirArming$DialogClient.notify(GUIAirArming.java:174)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dreamk on January 11, 2024, 03:54:16 AM
There was a problem with the cod files of the K1WW and K11W2
Use the corrected cod files here:
I'll contact Dandolo to correct the download link on the first post
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 11, 2024, 05:14:59 AM
There was a problem with the cod files of the K1WW and K11W2
Use the corrected cod files here:
I'll contact Dandolo to correct the download link on the first post

Thanks mate!

I'll update them right now....

Can I ask if you have ever finished the DO-17 E/F to at least an AI only level?
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Dreamk on January 11, 2024, 07:37:46 AM
The Do-17 E/F are still "almost finished" as I had to tale a long lull in modding due to Real Life demands and I quite "disappeared" from teh forum for a number of months. Let see what I can do now - first, I have a number of mods ready for uploading that have been sleeping on my hard dsk for a long time and want to check them before doing so, then I am presently busy with a mod on paratroopers and am stuck with one bug - i cannot succeed to activate the Shift-F2 camera to focus on the paratroopers descending. We'll see what goes ahead   ;)
Title: Re: Japanese ASW and para pack by Dreamk
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 11, 2024, 08:17:20 AM
Good to know and happy to read your posts again!

I'm also was out for a lot of years....2015 to 2023 due RL work issues....and now still brainless due covid brain fog....but at least I'm here....the loveliest place of the web!