Special Aircraft Service
Battlefield - Airborne - Tactical (BAT) => BAT Lounge => Topic started by: john titor on January 03, 2024, 05:08:56 AM
I ought not to be asking this here but I recently played a Bat campaign titled "the fighter boys", based on the spitfire in the battle of Britain. To my surprise, it ran well with VP modpack with no problems . Iam wondering if this is okay or is this some weird bug. I'll try the JTW campaigns with Jetwar addon to see if they can work too .
We are in the BAT Section here.
Your Tech Request is simply for VPMod a different ModGame version?
No bugs here, just a case of all the required maps/mod-planes/objects required for that campaign being present in both BAT and VP. Any campaign can (theoretically) work in any version of the game, so long as the required mods are present, so this is very much a "case-by-case" situation