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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Dreamk on February 08, 2024, 10:49:19 AM
I began working on this mod when Dimons uploaded the Ju86E. But Real Life has its demand and it remains at mid work on my hard disk.
The recent creation of the SASImporter by Mike is a revolution that incited me to check its obvious abilities to facilitate plastic surgery and transplant surgery on various aircarft models - it brings an end with the cumbersome manipulation of 3ds, obj, mismatched mapping and so on - the result of the first test is here - the Ju86 family. I reworked the 3d model, the java, the loadouts and even make a template, a very basic one - sadly Hayate who made the template of my previous mod, the Ju52 family, passed away a few weeks ago, he was a great modder and a very kind person.
Here the result:
Download link:
The mod needs the installation of the weapons in the following archive:
This archive includes also 2 weapons folder: 1) _armsGerman_WW2 and 2) _armsUKWW2addenda
Please, reinstall the _armsGerman_WW2 folder if you have already it in your installation - I corrected the BSK36 weight (by mistake I put a weight eght times the real weight and could not understand why planes could not take off with 16 or 24 BSK36 - till i found the mistajke)
You can pour the content of the _armsUKWW2addenda into the _armsUKWW2 folder (asa matter of fact teh emshes of these ordnances were already in teh _armsUKWW2 folder but their java were lacking)
The mod has been tested in Il2-FB 4.12.2 SAS Modact 5.30 so will work in BAT 3.x without problem - for BAT 4.2 you are invited to report.
The original Dimon's Ju-86E is included (though i have corrected its loadouts.
Ju-86E air.JU_86D1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86D1 air.JU_86D1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86E1 air.JU_86E1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86E2 air.JU_86E2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86K2 air.JU_86K2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86Z2 air.JU_86Z2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86Z7 air.JU_86Z7 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86D1 Ju-86D-1, 1937
Ju-86E1 Ju-86E-1, 1938
Ju-86E2 Ju-86E-1, 1939
Ju-86K2 Ju-86K-2, 1938
Ju-86Z2 Ju-86Z-2, 1937
Ju-86Z7 Ju-86Z-7, 1938
# Ju-86E
Ju-86E.default Default
Ju-86E.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86E.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86E.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86E.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86E.none None
# Ju-86E1
Ju-86E1.default Default
Ju-86E1.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86E1.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86E1.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86E1.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86E1.none None
# Ju-86E2
Ju-86E2.default Default
Ju-86E2.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86E2.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86E2.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86E2.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86E2.none None
# Ju-86K2
Ju-86K2.default Default
Ju-86K2.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86K2.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86K2.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86K2.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86K2.none None
# Ju-86Z2
Ju-86Z2.default Default
Ju-86Z2.none None
# Ju-86Z7
Ju-86Z7.default Default
Ju-86Z7.4x250lb+8x20lbRL 4x250lb GP + 8x20lb Frag Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lbGP+8x25lbInc 4x250lb GP + 8x25lb Inc Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lb+4x25lbInc+4x20lbRL 4x250lb GP + 4x20lb Frag + 4x25lb Inc Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lbSAP 4x250lb SAP Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lbAS+8xSmokeFloatsNo1 4x250lb AS Bombs + 8 Smoke Floats No1
Ju-86Z7.none None
(https://i.postimg.cc/DzLtLGrN/2024-02-07-15-02-45.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KKcqyRs7)(https://i.postimg.cc/1X5TkYkx/2024-02-07-15-03-12.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/JDvPJK7K)(https://i.postimg.cc/6pDk8cvR/2024-02-07-15-04-15.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZWx7grjK)(https://i.postimg.cc/d19pSKSm/2024-02-07-15-04-36.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G8HXH6RH)(https://i.postimg.cc/vHSFsb80/2024-02-07-15-04-53.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HV5P0GyM)(https://i.postimg.cc/3RhzBw9x/2024-02-07-15-05-16.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/3yLLrYPs)[url=https://postimg.cc/rdSySfLj](https://i.postimg.cc/wBrtYrfC/2024-02-08-12-35-44.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yW2bS6kB)
Huge thank you for this ! 8)
For skinners:
Building the Ju86 has streesed to which extent the profile artists and decals producers have introduced their own conception of colours and camoflage in their works - not to speak of the inflation of colourized monochrome photographs, that succeed to produce very convincing but historically wrong colour schemes. Recent developments that included chemical analysis of paint chips on museum pieces and digital analysis of b&W photographs have enabled to make some order in all this.
There for i uploaded an archive with bitmaps of "authen tic colours" according to the up-to-date knowledge in the field. This includes relevant paint colours for Germn, Spanish, Hungarian and Manchurian Ju86
Some colours have different shades according to time and place (Cerulean Blue for instance, or RLM 65).
Another point - the light grey shade of German civilian export planes: this was no other than the regular DKH L40-62 Grau or "Lufthansa Grey". In very few cases did the buyer ask for an unpainted metal finish (this made the plane faster as paint =weight, but paint ahs also a protective effect).
Download link:
Sources on the SAAF Ju87Z7 in East Africa are scarce ad a lot of uncorrect information is being propagated through the web - it took me some time till I succeeded to find photographs and even a movie , enabling to put some order in all the conflicting data.
The result of SAAF improvosation was a real Flying Fortress - 2 browning MGs in fixed position in the nose, one VickersK in a window on each side, one VickersK in each of the turrets (dorsal and ventral), 4 attachment points for British Universal Bomb Racks (up to 1 british 500lb bomb on each rack, though in pratice only 250lb bombs were used on them) and 2 attachment points for Britsh Small Bombs Rack (up to 4 Britsh 30lb bombs or smaller on each rack)
The Operational Combat Records of the 16th Squadron SAAF can be found online in the British National Archives. i colleted from the them following loadouts used on their Ju86 in East Africa:
16 Sqn SAAF
2x250lb + 4x20lb
4x250 + 6x20lb
3x250 + 8x20lb
(3 ac 20x20lb + 11x250lb)
4x250lb + 4x25lb Inc + 4x20lb RL
4x250lb + 8x25lb Inc
4x250lb + 8x20lb RL
4x250lb + 12x20lb RL
2x250lb (Instant) + 2x250lb (Delay 12h) + 8x20lb RL
4x250lb (Delay 12h) + 8x20lb RL
In addition, in their initial period in East Africa, the Ju86s had been used in Anti-submarine duties over the Red Sea.
here are some of the pics:
(https://i.postimg.cc/V6xTbYvz/2-MG-in-nose-seen-Ju86-Z-Movie-South-African-Ju-86-in-East-Africa-Screenshot-2024-02-05-131620.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XGgxR69P)
(https://i.postimg.cc/pXt4WX3Z/jm169-jpg-opt836x610o0-0s836x610.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/bwy5nVyS/jm170-jpg-opt836x598o0-0s836x598.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/JnkY89qv/Line-of-Ju86-the-only-K-and-modified-Z-wich-MG-in-nose-seen-in-foreground-plane-East-Africa-in-194.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/KY4sqKgZ/Loading-ammo-belts-for-Nose-MG-Ju86-Z-movie-South-African-Ju-86-in-East-Africa.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/t1Q5745f)(https://i.postimg.cc/gjbS2NtJ/Screenshot-2024-02-04-152551.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ygnXfXH4)(https://i.postimg.cc/J0jFN9HZ/Screenshot-2024-02-04-152859.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/9fSgvWGy/Screenshot-2024-02-04-152945.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LqtVPFQs)(https://i.postimg.cc/wjwGQ5Mf/Screenshot-2024-02-04-153252.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/L4PGFZQ5/Screenshot-2024-02-04-153405.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Thanks !
The archive includes also 2 weapons folder: 1) _armsGerman_WW2 and 2) _armsUKWW2addenda
Je ne vois pas ces dossiers dans l'archive...
oubli corrige :):
I corrected the first post too
Awesome work ]thumleft[ Thank you very much Dreamk 8).
Best Regards,
Nice work ! Instelled it in BAT-WAW, and works well. It just makes the previous Ju-86E unusable (the null error message when loading a mission). So, I guess, these new Ju-86 replace the old one. By the way... the skins of the old E fit the new versions.
Great great work!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much, this is awesome. Such a plane, you brought it to life...
Great work but the model with the most WW2 operational time was the JU-86P. Any hope?
I suppose you can live with it
Thanks for this.
See, this is why I stick around... something cool like this has been happening often lately...
Great stuff.
great work and many thanks
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D s don
Great addition! Many thanks Dreamk&CO.
Great addition, many thanks for sharing Dreamk; I installed it in my vp_modpack, initially I got a 70% CTD, then I moved it higher in my mods hierarchy and all is fine, 8)
Thanks for this cool Mod DreamK :)
Please consider a revision for latest BAT Users.
My Fix adresses critical issues.
B.A.T. v4.2.2 Update + hotfix 4 Users only!!!
https://www.mediafire.com/file/brqftix2pzxlhyj/%2523_JU-86new.7z/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/brqftix2pzxlhyj/%2523_JU-86new.7z/file)
-fix Ju86E (compatibility), cod imports, FM fix (70% CTD, different method), Read Me edits
I claim no Credits
Feel free to correct, clean, edit, fix at will...
Link update, Java Fix properties...
Thank you Knochenlutscher
You made B.A.T. v4.2.2 Update + hotfix 4 Users happy! :D
Now these work just fine.
Superb as always Dreamk, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
How much i love these big planes.
Bravo ]thumright[
Beautiful aircraft a very important addition that should have already been present a long time ago in this Sim. But as the saying goes? "Better late than never..." 😉💪🏻
Well done Dreamk
Link update in Post #17, sorry, forgot one thing. :-X
Lovely! Really appreciated!
I notice I don't get your very nice default skins, however. They all show up in standard Luftwaffe colors. Am I installing something wrong?
Link update in Post #17, sorry, forgot one thing. :-X
Thank you! Very nice to have people who understand these intricacies!
No problem,
I do what I can, to help out.
The new version is excellent, and solve the problem I mentioned the other day ! On my side... adopted, with a huge "Thank you" ! Now... if I can ask... other variants I would love to see are some special ones : the G-1 (with its glassed nose) and the P and R family (the high altitude ones)... yeah, I know... I abuse !
But the high-alt recon versions could lead to interesting interception missions, with some high altitude fighters...
Thanks for this cool Mod DreamK :)
Please consider a revision for latest BAT Users.
My Fix adresses critical issues.
B.A.T. v4.2.2 Update + hotfix 4 Users only!!!
https://www.mediafire.com/file/brqftix2pzxlhyj/%2523_JU-86new.7z/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/brqftix2pzxlhyj/%2523_JU-86new.7z/file)
-fix Ju86E (compatibility), cod imports, FM fix (70% CTD, different method), Read Me edits
I claim no Credits
Feel free to correct, clean, edit, fix at will...
Link update, Java Fix properties...
Knochenlutscher, it seems I have a problem with this download... every browser I tried to download with reveals a threat, I also tried at a friend's and a relative's house the result is the same.
Then I succeeded in the download because every time the download was finished it was automatically blocked by the PCs I tried on. While I managed to download it on another occasion with Microsoft edge and ran the file through the antivirus it revealed a "Trojan".
most likely a false positive My kaspersky didn't detect anything (and it is very sensitive) and following your message I submitted the file online to "Virus Total" where 59 different antivirus couldn't find anything suspicious
So after several attempts and the certainty that Frankiek gave me, I completely disconnected the protection of Window 10 on another PC of a friend of mine, I downloaded the file with Firefox and surprisingly I managed to open the file. I did the step again with Windows protection turned on and something new was blocking the file, as Frankiek said it was a false positive. So I can say with immense joy that I have solved the problem, above all a huge thanks to Frankiek who enlightened me ;)
..." I completely disconnected the protection of Window 10 on another PC of a friend of mine, I downloaded the file with Firefox and surprisingly I managed to open the file..."
Must be a VERY good friend. "Hey dude, my virus scan won't let me download a file. Can I use your computer to try it without the security program running?"
Jpten, yes he is a good friend!
other variants I would love to see are some special ones : the G-1 (with its glassed nose) and the P and R family (the high altitude ones)
G1-1 and P can be done easily - it's not a big problem to make a new glazed nose to a ju86E or a Ju86D insteaf of a turret, ot to use the tail of the Ju86Z2 instead of the tail of the Ju86E - the real problem will be the FM of the Ju86P.
The issue of the Ju86R is different - there is need to make new extended wings and ailerons and the mapping is going to be a dilemma - there is no place on the default map for the new extended wings, so the outer wing sections will need to be at different scale.
In short - you can expect a G-1 or P version in a near future (not 2 weeks - I have 2 other modding projects "on shelf" before that, that I want to complete). Fo R version, I don't know.
It was just suggestions, a wish, Dreamk... no obligation !
I keep getting a 60% CTD.
I keep getting a 60% CTD.
What a shame!
And what do you hope to achieve with your comment?
Some help?
Sorry, but the batteries in my crystal ball are empty.
- Indicate the version of your game!
- Read how to get the log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13457.0.html), and the instant log here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19308.0.html) (Except for BAT which contains InstantLog).
- When you want to post only the relevant parts from the log
read here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=39780.0) how to do this. (code option!)
- If you want to post all lines of the logfile we suggest to use https://pastebin.com/
to paste your log and then paste the link here which you got from them.
Read and see here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,39780.msg627220.html#msg627220) how to do this.
Note: It is preferable to provide the LOG in its entirety!
60% = FM problem - the FM is coded for 412/ 409/ BAT and demands diffFM installed in your mods folder (which is already integrated in BAT) or air.ini problem - check that you copied the air ini entries correctly in your air ini file
Hi Dreamk,
in my Vp modpack Ju-86 works without any problems, I tested all types except Z-7, I haven't noticed any errors so far, two potential errors are in the last two screenshots:
- a transparent hole in the engine nacelle,
- protruding flaps from the shot off wing
(https://i.postimg.cc/KcqhTQ1P/2024-02-14-19-36-26.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/281R7vWP/2024-02-14-19-45-44.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/LsBr8VdZ/2024-02-14-20-36-53.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/4xcDrgBP/2024-02-14-19-52-26.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/QMr2Dyz3/2024-02-14-19-54-10.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Best Regards,
Thanks great addition.
Thanks a lot :) :) :)
once more to Dreamk and all involved, today I have been flying the Ju 86Z-2 for the first time (with perfect Dona’s Lufthansa skin), and it was a pleasure.
other variants I would love to see are some special ones : the G-1 (with its glassed nose) and the P and R family (the high altitude ones)
G1-1 and P can be done easily - it's not a big problem to make a new glazed nose to a ju86E or a Ju86D insteaf of a turret, ot to use the tail of the Ju86Z2 instead of the tail of the Ju86E - the real problem will be the FM of the Ju86P.
The issue of the Ju86R is different - there is need to make new extended wings and ailerons and the mapping is going to be a dilemma - there is no place on the default map for the new extended wings, so the outer wing sections will need to be at different scale.
In short - you can expect a G-1 or P version in a near future (not 2 weeks - I have 2 other modding projects "on shelf" before that, that I want to complete). Fo R version, I don't know.
One of best high-altitude reconnaissance planes of its times. In service over England, in Mediterranean, later captured by Britons.
After more than ten years, may be someone interested in making this plane. BTW the airliner version is also interesting, later used by SAAF.
(https://i.postimg.cc/GtD5s1RS/2107.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/02p4kxcz/f-1579.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
https://www.historynet.com/luftwaffes-high-flying-diesel/ (https://www.historynet.com/luftwaffes-high-flying-diesel/)
https://www.historynet.com/building-high-flying-duo-ju-86r-vs-spitfire-mk-ix/ (https://www.historynet.com/building-high-flying-duo-ju-86r-vs-spitfire-mk-ix/)
https://www.modellversium.de/galerie/18-flugzeuge-zivil/12075-junkers-ju-86.html (https://www.modellversium.de/galerie/18-flugzeuge-zivil/12075-junkers-ju-86.html)
Who knows?
Looking forward to flying the Ju-86P, hopefully we all have more than two weeks of time…
Best regards,
Ah, more excellent work coming from Avia Skins. Great to see.