Special Aircraft Service

the SAS Hangar => New Member Safety Area => Topic started by: Something123 on February 29, 2024, 08:40:36 PM

Title: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Something123 on February 29, 2024, 08:40:36 PM
Yep, basically my question is, is il2-1946 multiplayer alive in 2024? Thanks for responding
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Draken on March 01, 2024, 07:22:27 AM
There are multiplayer servers .
You can find some of them using a little , free , and reliable software named " hyperlobby " .
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: shardana on March 01, 2024, 07:59:46 AM
Sundays and tuesdays 9 PM eu time  Bat 4.2.2
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Something123 on March 01, 2024, 08:36:18 AM
Thanks alot everyone!
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Something123 on March 01, 2024, 08:39:47 AM
Sundays and tuesdays 9 PM eu time  Bat 4.2.2

I'm still in the process of installing BAT "Red Core", but ill be sure to join when I can.
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: shardana on March 01, 2024, 11:49:22 AM
You can find us on hiperlobby.  Look for EAF-..........     Those are the nicknames prefix.
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Dimlee on March 01, 2024, 01:30:20 PM
Probably, the last web page where you can see active servers.
This list continues to shrink...

And, of course, the greatest one in terms of the number of missions (and cool people  :) )

Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Something123 on March 01, 2024, 01:33:06 PM
Probably, the last web page where you can see active servers.
This list continues to shrink...

And, of course, the greatest one in terms of the number of missions (and cool people  :) )

Nice, thanks.

Although it looks like there arent alot of american players, are they?
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: FL2070 on March 01, 2024, 06:20:40 PM
The more-or-less official UltraPack multiplayer server (read about it here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41394.0.html)) is a server that gets a decent amount of activity for an IL-2 server. People fly on that server every Sunday at around 14:00 UTC to around 18:00 UTC. You'll usually get around 5-10 people on during those times. It's very open, we love having new pilots on.
Title: Re: Are there multiplayer servers/clans? If so how do I join?
Post by: Thrasher on March 07, 2024, 09:47:50 AM
Hi Something123

If you are looking for a squad and are somewhere on the North American continent (time difference concern)
And a squad that takes special interest in introducing new pilots to the hobby then check out the Bluejays Squadron
You'll be made very welcome.
