Special Aircraft Service
the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Topic started by: Dimlee on March 08, 2025, 12:27:12 PM
Back in December I received a piece of good advice from Vampire_pilot about Antialiasing settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. He suggested increasing them from my 2x up to the maximum available.
Three months later I remembered that discussion and ran the tests with the three sets of settings.
Nvidia Control Panel:
1. Antialiasing Setting 2, Antialiasing Transparency 2
2. Antialiasing Setting 4, Antialiasing Transparency 4
3. Antialiasing Setting 8, Antialiasing Transparency 8
Ultrapack 3.4.
i7-7700 3.60, RAM 16, GTX 1060 3GB.
Track was the standard TheBlackDeath.ntrk.
FPS (average from the series of 6 per set), average - maximum - minimum, by the set number:
1. 100-178-25
2. 98-149-32
3. 56-140-31
FPS average was the most stable in set 3. Its fluctuations were the most prominent in set 1, between 97 and 109.
Note the value of FPS min - not what I expected.
Image quality was the best in set 3, as expected. I made a number of screenshots for every set and then compared them. Go from set 1 to set 3 and everything improves: less muddy, more vivid, more crispy, etc. "Zigzagged" antenna on FW 190 in set 1 becomes almost normal in set 3.
My eyes are not very young, a person with better vision will benefit even more.
All in all, it's good to know that this PC can run the game with the maximum antialiasing settings. Next step would be to see how they will work in different missions.
Vampire_pilot - thanks!
For me it's the Antialiasing Transparency value which has the hardest impact.
You might try a run with some fixed Antialising value (max, probably) and vary its Transparency cousin's value to see what that does.
Thank you, WxTech.
It will be my next test, most probably.
So far, the set #3 is OK in QMB and the simple missions with a small number of objects. In the mission I develop now with hundreds of surface objects and 40+ aircraft in the air, it is uncomfortable. This is UP and I suspect it will be more difficult in BAT.
I use a maxed out NVIDIA Setup too, since 2 Years.
In BAT its good too, Offline.
My rig is fairly more Scheiße compared to yours. But Hey, it's running, that's all we need for it.
i5 9400 2.60, 16GB, GTX 1650 4 GB
I use a maxed out NVIDIA Setup too, since 2 Years.
In BAT its good too, Offline.
My rig is fairly more Scheiße compared to yours. But Hey, it's running, that's all we need for it.
i5 9400 2.60, 16GB, GTX 1650 4 GB
More Scheiße or less? :D Ah, those semantics!
I don't get it?
I have Asperger, semantics aren't my profession. What I said is what I meant, I can't be just honest.
Sorry if you feel it's semantically incorrect.
Can you deal with the case my is is Scheiße? Dunno, it's my rig, in the end I should feel hurted, not you.
Thank you, "Dimlee".
I'm just happy that the antenna wire is no longer stepped.
I wish I had used this setting when I was a video creator.
(https://i.postimg.cc/V6kDHNWP/2025-03-09-at-07-39-25.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kVLQ2qHT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/RZTYP2xf/2025-03-09-at-07-42-09.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZWCjn7RK)
I don't get it?
Just joking a bit, that's what I get.
No hard feelings.
@Dimlee: I'd recommend to tone down the transparency AA.
It's quite taxing on the GPU for a minimum visible effect.
General AA max (8x in your case), Transparent AA much lower (I'm running 2xSS on my 2080S).
Okay, I'm not offended.
all cool.
2x Supersampling, will try this too.
Thank you, guys. Yes, reducing only Transparency improves FPS without significant (visible to my strained eyes) loss to the quality.
I hope to have a time to run another set of tests.
Something like this?
I am not very knowledgeable about this stuff...
(https://i.postimg.cc/152H6s55/AA-Nvidia-GPU.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Yep, just like that.
Something like this?
FXAA = Off
Mode = Override any application setting
Something like this?
I am not very knowledgeable about this stuff...
(https://i.postimg.cc/152H6s55/AA-Nvidia-GPU.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Yes, those two at the bottom. I tinkered with them.