Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: SAS~CirX on September 11, 2009, 09:23:16 AM

Title: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 11, 2009, 09:23:16 AM

BETA for TESTING~ No ru~entries included, and other tweaks and changes may happen

SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sasdl/SASMODS/110MODSbeta1.7z)
4.12 Version: https://www.mediafire.com/download/ed5ry93zx4eh39a/plane_Bf-110.zip

This mod ads some missing models to the 110 C, to F series


Bf-110C-1, with earlier DB601 Engine, Slower firing MgFF cannons, lighter airframe that is more vulnerable due to less armor than C-4s being present.

Bf-110C-7, a version of the C-4 with upgraded DB601P engines, slightly more power, and better loadout options

Bf-110D-3, this version without the dingy container in the tail, or the 900l droptanks. A Longrange Zerstorer, it was built for range and not for much else. With its good 601P engines, it can carry an impressive load, if you have a long enough runway. The structural strengthening added muchweight, and so this is not so nice to fly as the C versions

Bf-110E-1, described by pilots as the worst 110.  More armor is added, which requires more strengthening, to carry more ordinance into battle, with the same powerplanet as the D. a Sluggish unresponsive plane, features fuselage improvements of later G series.

Bf-110F-2, described at the best of the 110, this one got a powerfull new engine in the DB901F, and had a good armor/strenght/performance balance. It was often used as a bomber interceptor, and long range attack aircraft. Also has better 20mm cannon.
Later F series planes were the first true nightfighters.

More features: Gunner canopy closed on all models except C-4B
Communal rear gunner position for all, mesh by PeaceLovingHippy.
New Default skins for all 110's.
New self contained FM's for all the new slots.

POV Mod for 110 Cockpit. Remove "Body.MSH" if you dont like the point of view.
it is at MODS/THIS MOD/3do/Cockpit/Bf-110G/...

New Reticle and Revi Skins included.

NOTE: This MOD completely replaces all earlier BF110 C4 and C4B flyable mods.

S! to III/JG53>Max Who had the idea for this , and for his research., the rest of thre SAS team, the excellent skinners for the Excellent part of this mod, SJack for the DFM and HaDes for the keys to the car, and 1C for the base of it all.


To instal, put in mods folder as always. Remove all older 110C made flyable mods and folders.

Add to Air.ini--------------

Bf-110C-1        air.BF_110C1 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110C-7        air.BF_110C7 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110D-3        air.BF_110D3 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110E-1        air.BF_110E1 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110F-2        air.BF_110F2 2                                g01   SUMMER


C-1 by Canon_UK
C-4 by IMME & Jester
C-4B by Canon_UK
C-7 by Canon_UK
E-1 by IMME & Jester
D-3 by Mangas
F-2 by Cannon_UK
G-2 by Jutocsa

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 4./JG53_Badger on September 11, 2009, 09:53:51 AM
One word.........Outstanding
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Fusek on September 11, 2009, 10:05:45 AM
Best thing since putting butter on sliced bread. My hat's off to you, gents!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Dudok22 on September 11, 2009, 10:33:53 AM
simply awesome !  ;)  as other sas mods  8)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: I/JG53_Mad on September 11, 2009, 10:39:12 AM
Thx for this excellent planes :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Fryslanboy on September 11, 2009, 10:41:35 AM
Awesome..Geweldig ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on September 11, 2009, 10:54:19 AM
Great job! I love the loadouts. ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Schatten on September 11, 2009, 11:16:23 AM
Most Excellent!

You stole my idea!

Now I want to go to Circle-K, they do have some really good burritos there too. :D :D

Groovtastic stuff CirX. ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Tute on September 11, 2009, 11:57:20 AM
Great, thanks.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Silverback on September 11, 2009, 12:18:52 PM
Damn, just when I though I'd make it through the day without a new plane to install. Thanks guys excellent work.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Schatten on September 11, 2009, 12:21:05 PM
Damn, just when I though I'd make it through the day without a new plane to install.

Days like that exist? :D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 11, 2009, 01:08:00 PM
lol schatten, but yeah was wondering about this comment, too. days without new plnaes are wasted days:D!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Schatten on September 11, 2009, 01:13:35 PM
I actually have a backlog of about 20 planes I have that I haven't installed yet, partially because I'm lazy, partially because my install at the moment is so bizarre that until I get it normalized I'd probably just screw everything else up. :D :D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 11, 2009, 01:16:30 PM
got the same problem atm, but only because i had to make a reinstall of my own mod. the old one made a suicid while making a new clean 4.08 install :(
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: OberstDanjeje on September 11, 2009, 02:21:26 PM
Really thx, I was waiting for this!!!

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: kleinnak on September 11, 2009, 02:25:31 PM
spectacular work as always! :D interesting to note that the F series of the 109 and 110 were considered the favorites among pilots... :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 11, 2009, 02:36:49 PM
think about both were built in 1941;) messerschmitt had still time and posibilities to make real war-machines, not these fucked up late war bullshit planes. early planes were made with love;)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Tomoholic on September 11, 2009, 02:54:24 PM
This mod is fantastic  ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Ectoflyer on September 11, 2009, 04:24:37 PM
For those who love to fly with this plane, what a gift!
Thank you!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: David Baxter on September 11, 2009, 04:57:45 PM
A great addition to a great game 8)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: si1va on September 11, 2009, 06:31:50 PM
Thanks to all those busy modders, Great pack.

One thing though, my C4 and C4/B weapons slots are duplicated.

weapons_ru lines:

# Bf-110C-1
Bf-110C-1.default                       Default
Bf-110C-1.none                          Empty

# Bf-110C-7
Bf-110C-7.default                       Default
Bf-110C-7.2sc250         2xSC 250
Bf-110C-7.2ab250         2xAB 250
Bf-110C-7.Mix250         1xSC 250 + 1xAB 250
Bf-110C-7.2sc500         2xSC 500
Bf-110C-7.2ab500         2xAB 500
Bf-110C-7.Mix500         1xSC 500 + 1xAB 500
Bf-110C-7.2sd500         2xSD 500
Bf-110C-7.none                          Empty

# Bf-110D-3
Bf-110D-3.default                       Default
Bf-110D-3.2sc250         2xSC 250
Bf-110D-3.2ab250         2xAB 250
Bf-110D-3.Mix250         1xSC 250 + 1xAB 250
Bf-110D-3.2sc500         2xSC 500
Bf-110D-3.2ab500         2xAB 500
Bf-110D-3.Mix500         1xSC 500 + 1xAB 500
Bf-110D-3.2sd500         2xSD 500
Bf-110D-3.Tanks            2xType D Droptanks
Bf-110D-3.Tanks_2sc250         2xType D Droptanks + 2xSC 250
Bf-110D-3.Tanks_2ab250         2xType D Droptanks + 2xAB 250
Bf-110D-3.Tanks_2sc500         2xType D Droptanks + 2xSC 500
Bf-110D-3.Tanks_2ab500         2xType D Droptanks + 2xAB 500
Bf-110D-3.none                          Empty

# Bf-110E-1
Bf-110E-1.default                       Default
Bf-110E-1.2sc250         2xSC 250
Bf-110E-1.2ab250         2xAB 250
Bf-110E-1.Mix250         1xSC 250 + 1xAB 250
Bf-110E-1.2sc500         2xSC 500
Bf-110E-1.2ab500         2xAB 500
Bf-110E-1.Mix500         1xSC 500 + 1xAB 500
Bf-110E-1.2sd500         2xSD 500
Bf-110E-1.4sc50            4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.2cs250_4sc50         2xSC 250 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.2ab250_4sc50         2xAB 250 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.2sc500_4sc50         2xSC 500 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.2ab500_4sc50         2xAB 500 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.Tanks            2xType D Droptanks
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2sc250         2xType D Droptanks + 2xSC 250
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2ab250         2xType D Droptanks + 2xAB 250
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2sc500         2xType D Droptanks + 2xSC 500
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2ab500         2xType D Droptanks + 2xAB 500
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2sc250_4sc50      2xDroptanks + 2xSC 250 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2ab250_4sc50      2xDroptanks + 2xAB 250 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_Mix250_4sc50      2xTanks + SC 250 + AB 250 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110E-1.Tanks_2sc500_4sc50      2xDroptanks + 2xSC 500 + 4xSC 50

Bf-110E-1.none                          Empty

# Bf-110F-2
Bf-110F-2.default                       Default
Bf-110F-2.2x20mm         1xDual MG 151/20 Pod
Bf-110F-2.Mortier_2x20mm      4xWfr.Gr.21 Mortars + MG 151/20 Pod
Bf-110F-2.Mortier         4xWfr.Gr.21 Mortars
Bf-110F-2.Mortier_Tanks         4xWfr.Gr.21 Mortars + 2xDroptanks
Bf-110F-2.Mortier_2x20mm_Tank      4xMortars + MG 151/20 + 2xDroptanks
Bf-110F-2.2sc250         2xSC 250
Bf-110F-2.2sc500         2xSC 500
Bf-110F-2.Tanks_2sc250         2xType D Droptanks + 2xSC 250
Bf-110F-2.Tanks_2sc500         2xType D Droptanks + 2xSC 500
Bf-110F-2.Full            2xDroptanks + 2xSC 500 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110F-2.Tanks            2xType D Droptanks
Bf-110F-2.Tanks_2x250_4x50      2xDroptanks + 2xSC 250 + 4xSC 50
Bf-110F-2.none                          Empty
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Chaoic16 on September 11, 2009, 07:19:36 PM
Excellent mods, thank you very much for this and I am looking foward trying this beta!


Chaoic out...
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 4./JG53_Badger on September 11, 2009, 08:13:15 PM
Just for the newer pilots who aren't sure how to do this here's the planes.ru....

Bf-110C-1            Bf-110C-1, 1939
Bf-110C-7            Bf-110C-7, 1940
Bf-110D-3            Bf-110D-3, 1940
Bf-110E-1            Bf-110E-1, 1941
Bf-110F-2            Bf-110F-2, 1941

Not sure about manufacture years though....
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 11, 2009, 10:13:06 PM
Thanks CirX, imo none of the credits should go to me, all credits goes to SJack, Hades and of courseyou CirX.

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: boogabooga on September 12, 2009, 05:07:02 AM
Ok, weirdest thing happened...

I have AAA UI 1.1, and since this mod replaces the flyable C4s, I went to my mods folder and put the - in front in the names of the BF-110C4 and C4B folders. Something told me to go into the game and make sure they were both gone. Interestingly enough, while the C4 was no longer flyable, the C4B remained so despite the - in its name. It is as if some other mod has made the C4B flyable. Anyone have any ideas??
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Anto on September 12, 2009, 05:08:43 AM
Great work!! This is definately been Messerschmitt week, and there is still more to come :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: David Baxter on September 12, 2009, 05:09:46 AM
Hi Hot Space !

Thanks for you effort with weapon entries,
you helped me saving time ... ;)


Hiya m8.

It was Si1va who posted below me who posted up the weapons_ru ;-)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 12, 2009, 05:36:29 AM
Ok, weirdest thing happened...

I have AAA UI 1.1, and since this mod replaces the flyable C4s, I went to my mods folder and put the - in front in the names of the BF-110C4 and C4B folders. Something told me to go into the game and make sure they were both gone. Interestingly enough, while the C4 was no longer flyable, the C4B remained so despite the - in its name. It is as if some other mod has made the C4B flyable. Anyone have any ideas??

no problem, just read the readme file before installing: you have to delete all mods which made the c4 and C4B flyable first.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Howlin on September 12, 2009, 05:44:41 AM
Are the fms for these planes included in your latest 6th sep buttons file, becasue i unpacked it, added the correct files to my filelist, and i for the life of me cannot find them, would someone in the comunity be able to send me the correct flight models and the correct emds? cix could you possibly do it?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: boogabooga on September 12, 2009, 05:47:13 AM

no problem, just read the readme file before installing: you have to delete all mods which made the c4 and C4B flyable first.

That's the problem, I'm trying to do that, but there is a phantom mod making the BF-110-C4B flyable and I don't know what it is! (i.e. I deleted the BF-110C4B folder from UI, to no effect)

I renamed the folder for this mod with 00_ in front of the name so it loads first. Seems to be working so far...

However, I am disturbed at the fact that I have a phantom mod lurking about. I wonder how many are going unnoticed...
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 12, 2009, 05:48:03 AM
Fms should be included for a long time already. try to download the BoB plane Fms from ultra mod, you find them also here in the forums: copy and paste them into your mods folder and try it again.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: boogabooga on September 12, 2009, 05:58:35 AM
Small bug report

The C-1 is using the C-4/B 3D model with the big rack underneath. Should it not use the C-4 model?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 12, 2009, 06:04:07 AM
yep it should, thanks for posting so it can be fixed for final version
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: OberstDanjeje on September 12, 2009, 07:19:32 AM
I did a small change on the Bf110F-2
The G-2 engines are more correct for this version since it used the enlarged radiator and rounded spinner
Title: Answers 110
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 12, 2009, 08:17:58 AM
yep it should, thanks for posting so it can be fixed for final version

No, the C-1 and 2 had the old MG FF that required the bulged belley to accomodate the ammo busses. So no, that is deliberate.

I did a small change on the Bf110F-2
The G-2 engines are more correct for this version since it used the enlarged radiator and rounded spinner
Thanx, my meagre references were about 50/ 50 on that. Hundreds of profiles out there of F series with the old engine. So for me it was simply a coin toss.

If you like ,send me the body folder and i will include with in the final.

Insert Quote
Are the fms for these planes included in your latest 6th sep buttons file, becasue i unpacked it, added the correct files to my filelist, and i for the life of me cannot find them, would someone in the comunity be able to send me the correct flight models and the correct emds? cix could you possibly do it?

The Fms are contained in a DiffFM file inside the mod itself. It is not in our buttons. File is called 110FAMFM, here are the entries for fileslist to unpack it:


Works the same as buttons.

Ok, weirdest thing happened...

I have AAA UI 1.1, and since this mod replaces the flyable C4s, I went to my mods folder and put the - in front in the names of the BF-110C4 and C4B folders. Something told me to go into the game and make sure they were both gone. Interestingly enough, while the C4 was no longer flyable, the C4B remained so despite the - in its name. It is as if some other mod has made the C4B flyable. Anyone have any ideas??

Second person in two days with "hidden" mods that instal. Weird.
The best thing to do is to look in your original C4B flyable folder, and copy the names of those hashed files, and do searches for them in your mods and files folder, deleting the duplicates you find. My bet is you will find them lurking either in your Files folder, or in your mods/std folder.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: OberstDanjeje on September 12, 2009, 08:51:38 AM
Glad to help, I will send u the files plus some good books  ;)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: OberstDanjeje on September 13, 2009, 03:03:20 AM
Hey CirX where can I send u the files for the Bf110F-2?
If u want I can send u even a good book
Schiffer Military History - The Messerschmitt Bf 110 in Color Profile 1939-1945

From Jonh Vasco a big Bf110 expert
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Frankiek on September 13, 2009, 04:21:44 AM
If you want you can post a link to download the book in our DarkBlueWorld section thanks
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: boogabooga on September 14, 2009, 09:53:13 PM
No, the C-1 and 2 had the old MG FF that required the bulged belley to accomodate the ammo busses. So no, that is deliberate.

I understand, but, when you look at it I think it quite obviously looks like a bomb rack and not just a bulge. Perhaps it can be fixed on the skin?

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 14, 2009, 10:33:13 PM
Good idea. Can you go ahead and do it? Then I will include it in the next version.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 17, 2009, 12:10:25 PM
Second version of this mod is coming along nicely.

Mesh corrections to some models is in, loadouts are being added to and Sani is on top of the FM's. !10 C1 belly is fixed.

Now if I can only get a 3d guy to do the tail extention....
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Malone on September 18, 2009, 10:37:09 AM
WHOOPEEE!!!!! Sheeit, how did I miss this for a whole week?
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Two words: Happy. Camper.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
My thanks to all the gents/ladies/Caster's involved.... ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Malone on September 19, 2009, 01:36:37 AM
Just a very minor bug report; the C-4 and C-4/B loadouts are displayed twice in the arming screen, eg: Default, Empty, Default, Empty.
All earlier mods were removed, there are no duplicate ru.properties entries.
Minor issue, be nice if it could be addressed, but for now, I'm well stoked with these babies!  :D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: 13/JG5_Max on September 19, 2009, 01:50:26 AM
maybe we should thin about making the trop-versions of these planes, too. its just adding the filter at the engines but its more realisitc for africa missions then.

also I've found another bug. the 110D versions had a ral big extra tank were normally the bomb hooks are. maybe you should check this out and think about adding this to the mod:)

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Malone on September 19, 2009, 02:32:00 AM
+1 for the Trop versions, these were the boys that the SAAF encountered in North Africa, so a big must in my book.  ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Sani on September 19, 2009, 03:20:14 AM
Speaking of 3d corrections,can someone slice the canopy in three pieces (internal&external view) so we can open it?...
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Birdman on September 19, 2009, 04:00:18 AM
Now if I can only get a 3d guy to do the tail extention....

Zorin at AAA has already done that:
http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16712 (http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16712)

There is also that large tank under the belly in another thread:
http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9895&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=135 (http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9895&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=135)

They just haven't released them because FMs and classes weren't done. I wish that Zorin's 3D models and SAS FMs and class work can soon be combined to get a great Bf-110 family quickly.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 19, 2009, 10:29:32 PM
I have written to Zorin some time ago already, but he did not answer. Perhaps this is one of they mods they are holding out for UI1.2?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Venatore on September 19, 2009, 10:30:51 PM

Thank you so very much for the Bf110 fleet of variants. Its been a very long time coming.

Kind regards Venatore
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on September 24, 2009, 01:07:40 AM
Hi mate!

Great work and great addition for the game!

I agree completely about the engine of the F the G one fit better!

About the loadout, since the F series can be armed with both the 30mm or the 37mm under the belly can , this weapon update (historically correct) can be done?

Some tanks can disagree but....


Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Kopfdorfer on September 26, 2009, 12:31:09 AM
Even though this is not one of my regular wagons (I wasn't going to say mount since it was likely to elicit comments about beer and strippers), I wanted to say that even thought corrections are still coming in this is one of the nicest mod packs to date, and any corrections are for historical accuracy and model quality rather than any computo-technico issues, which to an old fogey like me is a big deal.

Thanks a bunch
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 26, 2009, 07:49:01 AM
yebo. it is another C54 /c4b mod in your game that is hidden...you got UI right?

In any event, look at the hashed files in the 110 mod (the ones with the funny number/letter names, like " 7EFBB5D273AC603A" (just an example) ) and search your mods and files folders for these files one at a time. if you find any outside of the new pack, delete them. I know there is a lot, but that is the price you pay , no?

The, go into the mod's "cockpit" folder, There is a folder called "BF-110G" in there. Look at the files in it, and do the same for those .mat and .msh files, look for files with the d=same name, in the same folder....in other words, files like "body.msh" somewhere else also in a folder called cockpit/bf-110g .

This is what we mean when we say "get rid of the old stuff" . And if you do, it will work, and if it does not, you didnt.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 27, 2009, 10:59:42 AM
Oh well, on the bright side, this is good practive fro when 409 hits and the guys who are ready to make a fresh start with their games (IOW , install a new fresh modactivator, and start manually installing planes and mods from there, having control over it, which you loose a bit if you install any pack) will be able to have modded games right from about the word go.

Guys who want to just add 4.09 to their previous desaster are going to struggle longer, and of course , continiously.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on September 28, 2009, 07:20:56 AM
Hi mate!

Perhaps I was misunderstanding about my request above: I mean if is possible to add EVEN at the 110F the 30mm (like the one of the Hs129B2) under the belly OTHER the 37mm already available?

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BaronFel181 on September 28, 2009, 05:49:11 PM
Yes, the MK-101 30mm would be a most welcome add to the 110. From what I know it is historical. I'm not sure what variants used it though besides the C-6.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on September 29, 2009, 12:08:22 AM
I have a photo of a F but I haven't yet chacked all my source...I'll try today!!!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BaronFel181 on September 29, 2009, 01:05:26 AM
I found a color profile painting of a "Bf-110E-1/R4" with the MK-101 30mm that operated in Libya in September of 1942, but that isn't by any means a good source. I cannot find any more information on that variant.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 06, 2009, 06:24:38 AM
I am doing the next version of this pack this weekend, so all suggestions bugs and stuff in this thread I will go through, any others, now is the time to post them.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 31, 2009, 05:29:10 AM
What imporvements? The fist post still says: "Beta, for testing". It is the beta still, I have not gotten around to it.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on October 31, 2009, 05:48:52 AM
lol, when I said I am doing the next version this weeken, I meant "unless the site gets hacked and I have to spend 2 weeks getting it back!" ;D

I will get to this soon, no worries.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Avimimus on January 04, 2010, 02:34:24 PM
Okay, how is this for a problem:
- I am using SAS activator
- My Bf-110 C-4 shows  a closed gunner position in internal and external view
- My Bf-110 C-4/B shows a closed gunner position in internal view (but not external)

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 04, 2010, 03:42:09 PM
yup, fire the asshole who made the mod. :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BaronFel181 on January 05, 2010, 12:59:45 PM
Hey Cirx, Any news on the update to this wonderful mod? I've really been looking forward to the visual update for the 110F.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on January 05, 2010, 02:50:31 PM
Zorin is doing an update. I talked to him and he said he would look at a combined pack, but I have not heard from him since. I will do an update of this pack as it is in a few weeks, fixing some class errors and fm stuff.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: flying_spud on February 25, 2010, 12:05:57 PM
Very nice - a novice question on adding skins; can I basically? I mean should I create new paintschemes/skins folders for these birds? Are all earlier 110's basically the same? I'd love to introduce them to N Africa if poss. thanks.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: flying_spud on February 26, 2010, 03:46:55 AM
I'll answer my own question ! Yep, create the new skins folder as per the aircraft name, then copy all the skins across from your other Bf-110 folders and you can fly em anywhere !  Yes all skins seem to work across all 110 's too.  8)

Also their fully compatable with my version 4.09bm1, no probs with the old AAA mod activator either. I might (?) change to 4.10m when that becomes available and enough truly new aircraft become available, at the moment I don't see much point cos most of the modded aircraft I need are working fine and I bet I've got more mods installed than guys running 4.09m!  ;)   
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on June 29, 2010, 07:31:36 AM
nope, I am still lazy lol :D
I will update soon I promise. 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Docholiday on January 06, 2011, 12:23:44 PM
Hi Cirx

I know: everybody is working on the 4.10. mods but one question:

Is there a Bf-110D with the dingy container out there  ;)

That would be nice  ;)  If not,if You allow that,  perhaps I will try to modify Your plane

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Lewicide on January 18, 2011, 11:27:17 PM
I keep getting the 60% ctd when I use this in 4.10

any ideas ? (modact 2.5)

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~Malone on January 19, 2011, 12:05:57 AM
well, for starters, these are 4.09 planes, in the 4.09 section....
does that explain it a bit better..?  ;)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: vanir on February 02, 2011, 02:40:29 PM
I added the Mk101/103 loadouts for the 110E and F as used by 8./ZG26 in Africa.

https://www.mediafire.com/?w7h1z8z07qkpadn (https://www.mediafire.com/?w7h1z8z07qkpadn)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BERLIN_9 on February 03, 2011, 04:18:20 PM
These will help a lot in my new German missions, can they be stationary?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 29, 2011, 09:07:26 AM
this doesn't work in 4.10.1 by the way :(
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Kopfdorfer on May 15, 2011, 05:49:01 PM
Pardon me if this is an impossible query - I don't understand the requirement/structural differences between 4.09 and 4.101. Furthermore, the current Lounge topic may also make this question irrelevant.

Q: Will these great Bf110 variants be made 4.101 compatible? (or is the answer to this dependent entirely on the decision made on how SAS will proceed after 4.11 is examined?)


Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Murray on July 02, 2011, 12:01:16 AM
This would make a very nice selection of planes for a DCG campaign. I have already updated to 4.10, though.

Same question as above: Will it be repacked for 4.10?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: depalmer on July 02, 2011, 08:50:28 AM
Get Dark blue world then you get a bunch of Me-110 and lots more. Christmas in July.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Murray on July 02, 2011, 10:54:37 PM
I'm not all that interested in the "package" mods as much as loading a mostly stock SAS ACTMOD with custom planes and a few minor tweaks. It gives me greater control over what I want and don't want. I learned that the hard way with UP2.0.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 05, 2011, 06:41:52 PM
I'm not all that interested in the "package" mods as much as loading a mostly stock SAS ACTMOD with custom planes and a few minor tweaks. It gives me greater control over what I want and don't want. I learned that the hard way with UP2.0.

I did send a pm to grief, we spoke briefly a while ago about an updated cutout of this. I am not doing freestanding modding anymore, at all, but I am more than happy to help him swing it. So we'll just wait to hear from him.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: fritzofpeace on July 06, 2011, 02:35:53 AM
I am not doing freestanding modding anymore, at all, but I am more than happy to help him swing it.
The above quote is exactly why this site has so many followers, because its owner helps all of us.
Thank you, Cirx. :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Murray on July 06, 2011, 08:35:27 AM
Yes, definitely thanks, regardless of Grief's decision!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: warhawk on November 03, 2011, 05:11:50 AM
Hi, this doesn't work in 4.101, but is there a way to have only cockpits for stock 110-C4 /-4B?
What classfiles should I keep in the folder?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: DimAurora on January 27, 2012, 01:32:36 PM
This lives up to the "Most Excellent" section in the title. What a great mod!  ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: henkypenky on April 21, 2012, 01:32:03 PM
Hi guys, inspired by Pablo's auto DifFm I tried to put this pack - actually Greif's version of it - into my 4.101 / modact 3.06 install. It worked partially; C4 is flyable but doesn't show up in the arming screen, C4-B and  G-4 flyable and in arming screen. For G-2 I have added a extended loadout in weapons.ru and this shows up ok in the arming screen. C-1, C-7, D-3, E-1 and F-2 does not show up in arming screen and when lines are in the air.ini cause a crash to desktop at 60%  :'(
Can one of the mod-wizards please, please take a look at this and make me (and others, see previous pages) a happy 110 jockey again
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: mojojojo on April 21, 2012, 04:54:07 PM
Hi guys, inspired by Pablo's auto DifFm I tried to put this pack - actually Greif's version of it - into my 4.101 / modact 3.06 install. It worked partially; C4 is flyable but doesn't show up in the arming screen, C4-B and  G-4 flyable and in arming screen. For G-2 I have added a extended loadout in weapons.ru and this shows up ok in the arming screen. C-1, C-7, D-3, E-1 and F-2 does not show up in arming screen and when lines are in the air.ini cause a crash to desktop at 60%  :'(
Can one of the mod-wizards please, please take a look at this and make me (and others, see previous pages) a happy 110 jockey again
do you have the latest buttons?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: henkypenky on April 22, 2012, 02:01:20 AM
Hi mojojojo, thanks for your answer I've got ofline button 9.7. Hoped this would be not to difficult as the pack seems to work in DBW ???

Edit May 7th:
4.101 question is solved; look at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25460.0.html It seems that the Russians  ;) already made a 4.101 version. You have to polish the various entries a bit, but you can fly all 110's  :) :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: henkypenky on May 17, 2012, 03:11:33 AM
Sorry to keep on asking on this mod; now I've got it working I see that the bombracks are still visible on the C-1 version and that there are no bombracks on C-4 and F-2. With the last its just bombs floating under the fuselage.  :(
Is there a way to swop files between these version so that each have the right underside??
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on May 17, 2012, 01:50:09 PM
I've got a slight problem. I have been converting these for 4.11.1 and have actually been successful.
My problem came with the cockpits. They don't work. At all. this is my log
Code: [Select]
[17.05.2012 20:39:58] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: dx8wrap.dll
OpenGL library:
  Vendor: 1C.Multimedia.Dev/Maddox.
  Render: DirectX8.
  Version: 1.1
  Extensions: GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_compression
Size: 640x480
ColorBits: 32
DepthBits: 24
StencilBits: 8
isDoubleBuffered: true
DirectX Joystick NOT created: DirectX joystick driver: device not attached

*** Looking for Advanced CPU Instructions...
[x] PentiumPro
[x] Multimedia (MMX)
[x] 3D (SSE)
[x] 3D (SSE2)
[-] 3D (3DNow)
ColourBits 32, ABits 0, ZBits 24

*** Looking for Render API Extensions ...
[-] 'GL_EXT_paletted_texture' extension - Palettized textures (8 bit RGBA palette).
[-] 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array' extension - Compiled Vertex arrays.
[-] 'GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint' extension - Frustum clipping optimization.
[x] 'GL_EXT_secondary_color' extension - Secondary Color for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[-] 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color' extension - SeparateSpecular for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[x] 'GL_ARB_multitexture' extension - Multitexturing.
[x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_combine' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[-] 'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[-] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3' extension - Dot3 Bump advanced combining.
[-] 'GL_NV_depth_clamp' extension - Corrects Shadows rendering
[-] 'GL_NV_texture_shader' extension - NV Pixel Shaders
[x] 'GL_ARB_texture_compression' extension - Saves texture memory by 400%
[-] 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' extension - Anisotropic texture filtering.

Maximum texture size : 2048
Maximum simultaneous textures :8
MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 1.000000
WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode required latest drivers with 'vertex buffer' support
WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode required pixels shaders
WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode required latest drivers with vertex shaders support'GL_ARB_vertex_program'
WARNING: 'Perfect' Mode is not supported for this combination of hardware and drivers.
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a-20c.fmd
s = FlightModels/A-20C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = null
opening new fm file gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a-20g.fmd
s = FlightModels/A-20G.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-17d.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-17D.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-17e.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-17E.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-17f.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-17F.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-17g.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-17G.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-24j.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-24J.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-29.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-29.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-25c.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-25C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-25g.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-25G.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-25h.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-25H.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b-25j.fmd
s = FlightModels/B-25J.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/beaufightermk21.fmd
s = FlightModels/BeaufighterMk21.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/blenheim_mkiv.fmd
s = FlightModels/Blenheim_MkIV.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bi-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/BI-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bi-6.fmd
s = FlightModels/BI-6.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f2a-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/F2A-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/dc-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/DC-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/cw-21.fmd
s = FlightModels/CW-21.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fokkerdk.fmd
s = FlightModels/FokkerDK.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fokkerdu.fmd
s = FlightModels/FokkerDU.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/db-3b.fmd
s = FlightModels/DB-3B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/db-3m.fmd
s = FlightModels/DB-3M.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/db-3t.fmd
s = FlightModels/DB-3T.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/db-3f.fmd
s = FlightModels/DB-3F.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f2a-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/F2A-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4f-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4f-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4F-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fm-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/FM-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4u-1a.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4U-1A.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4u-1c.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4U-1C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4u-1d.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4U-1D.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4u-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4U-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4u-1aclipped.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4U-1Aclipped.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f4u-1dclipped.fmd
s = FlightModels/F4U-1Dclipped.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f6f-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/F6F-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/f6f-5.fmd
s = FlightModels/F6F-5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fulmarmki.fmd
s = FlightModels/FulmarMkI.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g-11.fmd
s = FlightModels/G-11.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hurricanemkiib.fmd
s = FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIb.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hurricanemkiic.fmd
s = FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIc.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hurricanemkiimod.fmd
s = FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIMod.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-15bis.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-15bis.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-153-m62.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-153-M62.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type5.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type5skis.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type5Skis.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type6.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type6.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type6skis.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type6Skis.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type18.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type24.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type24.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-185m-71.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-185M-71.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-185m-82a.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-185M-82A.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-250.fmd
s = FlightModels/I-250.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ik-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/IK-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2-1940.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2-1940.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2-1941.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2-1941.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2i.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2I.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2mearly.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2MEarly.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2mlate.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2MLate.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2m3.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2M3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-2m3ns.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-2M3NS.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/il-10.fmd
s = FlightModels/Il-10.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/lagg-3series4.fmd
s = FlightModels/LaGG-3series4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/lagg-3series29.fmd
s = FlightModels/LaGG-3series29.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/lagg-3series35.fmd
s = FlightModels/LaGG-3series35.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/lagg-3it.fmd
s = FlightModels/LaGG-3IT.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/lagg-3series66.fmd
s = FlightModels/LaGG-3series66.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/lagg-3rd.fmd
s = FlightModels/LaGG-3RD.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/la-5.fmd
s = FlightModels/La-5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/la-5f.fmd
s = FlightModels/La-5F.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/la-5fn.fmd
s = FlightModels/La-5FN.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/la-7.fmd
s = FlightModels/La-7.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/la-7r.fmd
s = FlightModels/La-7R.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/li-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Li-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mbr-2-am-34.fmd
s = FlightModels/MBR-2-AM-34.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mig-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/MiG-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mig-3ud.fmd
s = FlightModels/MiG-3ud.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mig-3am-38.fmd
s = FlightModels/MiG-3AM-38.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mig-3u.fmd
s = FlightModels/MiG-3U.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mig-9.fmd
s = FlightModels/MiG-9.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mosquito-bmkiv.fmd
s = FlightModels/Mosquito-BMkIV.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mosquito-fbmkvi.fmd
s = FlightModels/Mosquito-FBMkVI.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mosquito-mkxviii.fmd
s = FlightModels/Mosquito-MkXVIII.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-11c.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-11c.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-36a-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-36A-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-36a-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-36A-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-38j.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-38J.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-38l.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-38L.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-38llate.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-38LLate.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-400.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-400.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-39d.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-39D.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-39n.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-39N.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-39q-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-39Q-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-39q-10.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-39Q-10.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-40c.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-40C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-40b.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-40B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-40e.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-40E.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-40e-m-105.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-40E-M-105.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-40m.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-40M.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-47d-10.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-47D-10.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-47d-22.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-47D-22.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-47d-27.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-47D-27.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-47d-27_late.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-47D-27_late.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-51b.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-51B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-51c.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-51C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-51d-20.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-51D-20.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-51cm.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-51CM.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-63c.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-63C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pbn-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/PBN-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-2series1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-2series1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-2series84.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-2series84.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-2series110.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-2series110.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-2series359.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-2series359.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-3series1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-3series1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-3bis.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-3bis.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-8.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-8.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/r-5.fmd
s = FlightModels/R-5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/r-10.fmd
s = FlightModels/R-10.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/sb-2m-100a.fmd
s = FlightModels/SB-2M-100A.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/sb-2m-103.fmd
s = FlightModels/SB-2M-103.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/sbd-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/SBD-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/sbd-5.fmd
s = FlightModels/SBD-5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/seafire-lf-mkiii.fmd
s = FlightModels/Seafire-LF-MkIII.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/seafire-f-mkiii.fmd
s = FlightModels/Seafire-F-MkIII.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vb-m45-09.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vb-M45-09.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vb-m45-12.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vb-M45-12.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vb-m45-16.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vb-M45-16.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vb-m45-16-cw.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vb-M45-16-CW.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-vb-m45m-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-Vb-M45M-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-vb-m45m-18-cw.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-Vb-M45M-18-CW.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-hf-vb-m46-16.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-HF-Vb-M46-16.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vc-2h-m45-12-trop.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vc-2H-M45-12-trop.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vc-2h-m45-16-trop.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vc-2H-M45-16-trop.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-vc-4h-m45-12-trop.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-Vc-4H-M45-12-trop.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-viii-m66-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-VIII-M66-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-viii-m66-18-cw.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-VIII-M66-18-CW.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-ixc-m61-15.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-IXc-M61-15.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-f-ixc-m63-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-F-IXc-M63-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-ixc-m66-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-IXc-M66-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-ixc-m66-18-cw.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-IXc-M66-18-CW.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-hf-ixc-m70-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-HF-IXc-M70-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-ixe-m66-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-IXe-M66-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-ixe-m66-18-cw.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-IXe-M66-18-CW.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-hf-ixe-m70-18.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-HF-IXe-M70-18.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-ixc-m66-25.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-IXc-M66-25.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/spitfire-lf-ixe-m66-25-cw.fmd
s = FlightModels/Spitfire-LF-IXe-M66-25-CW.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/su-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Su-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/swordfish.fmd
s = FlightModels/Swordfish.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tempestmkv.fmd
s = FlightModels/TempestMkV.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tb-3-4m-17.fmd
s = FlightModels/TB-3-4M-17.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tb-3-4m-34r.fmd
s = FlightModels/TB-3-4M-34R.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/pe-8m40.fmd
s = FlightModels/Pe-8M40.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tbd-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/TBD-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tbf-1c.fmd
s = FlightModels/TBF-1C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tbm-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/TBM-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/tu-2s.fmd
s = FlightModels/Tu-2S.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/u-2vs.fmd
s = FlightModels/U-2VS.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-1b.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-1B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-3vk-107.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-3VK-107.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-3r.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-3R.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-7a.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-7A.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-7b.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-7B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-7b_pf.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-7B_PF.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9b.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9d.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9D.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9m.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9M.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9k.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9K.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9t.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9T.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9u.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9U.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-9ut.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-9UT.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/yak-15.fmd
s = FlightModels/Yak-15.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-80a.fmd
s = FlightModels/P-80A.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a5m4.fmd
s = FlightModels/A5M4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m2.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m2-21.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m2n.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M2N.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m3.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m5a.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M5a.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m5b.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M5b.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m5c.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M5c.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m7_model62.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M7_Model62.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/a6m7_model63.fmd
s = FlightModels/A6M7_Model63.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ar-196a-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ar-196A-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ar-234b-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ar-234B-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b5n2.fmd
s = FlightModels/B5N2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/b6n2.fmd
s = FlightModels/B6N2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/aviab-534.fmd
s = FlightModels/AviaB-534.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109e-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109E-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109e-4b.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109E-4B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109e-7.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109E-7.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109e-7nz.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109E-7NZ.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109f-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109F-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109f-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109F-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109g-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109G-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109g-6early.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109G-6Early.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109g-6late.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109G-6Late.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109g-6as.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109G-6AS.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109g-10.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109G-10.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109g-14.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109G-14.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109k-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109K-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109k-4-c3.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109K-4-C3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-109z.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-109Z.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-110c-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-110C-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/bf-110g-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Bf-110G-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/blenheim_mki.fmd
s = FlightModels/Blenheim_MkI.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/cantz506.fmd
s = FlightModels/CantZ506.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/cantz1007.fmd
s = FlightModels/CantZ1007.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/cr42.fmd
s = FlightModels/CR42.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fokkers3early.fmd
s = FlightModels/FokkerS3Early.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fokkers3late.fmd
s = FlightModels/FokkerS3LATE.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fokkers4.fmd
s = FlightModels/FokkerS4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/d3a1.fmd
s = FlightModels/D3A1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/do217k-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Do217K-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/do217k-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Do217K-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/do-335.fmd
s = FlightModels/Do-335.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/do-335v-13.fmd
s = FlightModels/Do-335V-13.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fi-156b-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fi-156B-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-189a-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-189A-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-4fr.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-4FR.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-5.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-5-165.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-5-165.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-6.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-6.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-8.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-8.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190a-9.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190A-9.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190d-9.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190D-9.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190d-9late.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190D-9Late.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-190f-8.fmd
s = FlightModels/Fw-190F-8.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/fw-200c-3u4.fmd
s = FlightModels/FW-200C-3U4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g50.fmd
s = FlightModels/G50.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g-55.fmd
s = FlightModels/G-55.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g-55-late.fmd
s = FlightModels/G-55-late.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g-55_ss0.fmd
s = FlightModels/G-55_ss0.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g-55_ss0-late.fmd
s = FlightModels/G-55_ss0-late.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/g4m1-11.fmd
s = FlightModels/G4M1-11.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/gladiatormki.fmd
s = FlightModels/GladiatorMkI.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/gladiatormkii.fmd
s = FlightModels/GladiatorMkII.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ho-229.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ho-229.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/h8k1.fmd
s = FlightModels/H8K1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-111h-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-111H-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-111h-6.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-111H-6.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-111h-12.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-111H-12.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-111z.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-111Z.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-162a-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-162A-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-162c.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-162C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-162b.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-162B.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/he-lercheiiib2.fmd
s = FlightModels/He-LercheIIIB2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hurricanemki.fmd
s = FlightModels/HurricaneMkI.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hs-123.fmd
s = FlightModels/Hs-123.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hs-129b-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Hs-129B-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/hs-129b-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/Hs-129B-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/iar-80.fmd
s = FlightModels/IAR-80.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/iar-81a.fmd
s = FlightModels/IAR-81a.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/j2m3.fmd
s = FlightModels/J2M3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/j2m5.fmd
s = FlightModels/J2M5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-52_3mg4e.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-52_3mg4e.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-52_3mg5e.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-52_3mg5e.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-87b-2.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-87B-2.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-87d-3.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-87D-3.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-87d-5.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-87D-5.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-87g-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-87G-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-88a-4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-88A-4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-88a-4torp.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-88A-4torp.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-88a-17.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-88A-17.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-88a-4mistel.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-88A-4Mistel.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-21-i.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-21-I.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-21-ii.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-21-II.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-27.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-27.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-43-ia.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-43-Ia.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-43-ii.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-43-II.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-45-hei.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-45-Hei.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-45-tei.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-45-Tei.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-46-iiikai.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-46-IIIKai.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-46-iiirecce.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-46-IIIRecce.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-61-iko.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-61-IKo.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-61-ihei.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-61-IHei.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-61-iotsu.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-61-IOtsu.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-84-ia.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-84-Ia.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ki-100-i.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ki-100-I.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mc-200.fmd
s = FlightModels/MC-200.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mc-202.fmd
s = FlightModels/MC-202.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mc-205.fmd
s = FlightModels/MC-205.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-163b-1a.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-163B-1a.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-210ca-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-210Ca-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-262a-1a.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-262A-1a.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-262a-1au4.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-262A-1aU4.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-262hg-ii.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-262HG-II.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-321.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-321.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-323.fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-323.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ms406.fmd
s = FlightModels/MS406.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ms410.fmd
s = FlightModels/MS410.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/msmorko.fmd
s = FlightModels/MSMorko.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mxy-7-11.fmd
s = FlightModels/MXY-7-11.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/n1k1-j.fmd
s = FlightModels/N1K1-J.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/n1k2-ja.fmd
s = FlightModels/N1K2-Ja.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/re-2000.fmd
s = FlightModels/RE-2000.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/sm79.fmd
s = FlightModels/SM79.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/letovs-328.fmd
s = FlightModels/LetovS-328.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ta-152c.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ta-152C.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ta-152h-1.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ta-152H-1.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ta-183.fmd
s = FlightModels/Ta-183.fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/i-16type24(ofsafonov).fmd
s = FlightModels/I-16type24(ofSafonov).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/mig-3(ofpokryshkin).fmd
s = FlightModels/MiG-3(ofPokryshkin).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-39n(ofpokryshkin).fmd
s = FlightModels/P-39N(ofPokryshkin).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/p-39q-15(ofrechkalov).fmd
s = FlightModels/P-39Q-15(ofRechkalov).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/ju-87g-2(ofrudel).fmd
s = FlightModels/Ju-87G-2(ofRudel).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-262(ofnowotny).fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-262(ofNowotny).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
Initializing DirectSound playback device...
Primary buffer created.
Playback format is set : sampling rate = 44100, num channels = 2.
Not enought hardware buffers (0), hardware disabled
Buffer caps : Transfer rate = 0, CPU overhead = 0.
Default speaker config is : 1310724.
Direct sound audio device initialized successfully :
DX Version : 7
Hardware    - disabled [buffers : 0]
Extensions  - enabled :
  EAX ver. 1 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  EAX ver. 3 [ ]  - disabled
  I3D ver. 2 [ ]  - disabled
  ZoomFX     [ ]  - disabled
  MacroFX    [ ]  - disabled
SIMD render [X]
num channels 16

Loading mission Quick/Slovakia_summer/Slovakia_summerBlueNoneA00.mis...
Load bridges
Load static objects
##### House without collision (3do/Tree/Tree2.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/10x1_5_White/mono.sim)
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/db-600_series.emd
s = FlightModels/DB-600_Series.emd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/Bf-110C4-Gun/hier.him'
WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Bf-110C4-Gun/hier.him' of cla
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Birdman on May 19, 2012, 08:20:22 AM
You just have 3DO/Cockpit/Bf-110C4-Gun/hier.him missing, so just extract the C-4 gunner cockpit 3D from some modpack.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: henkypenky on June 10, 2012, 05:04:51 AM
For those not wanting to wait for the 'still secret update' and would like to have the correct engines for the F-2:
check out: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16311.0.html
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: liampo on August 17, 2012, 09:55:50 AM
uh oh.    in readme file there is only the air. ini text. where are the plane.ru and weapons.ru texts?

any response would be helpful.

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: liampo on August 17, 2012, 10:02:24 AM
You just have 3DO/Cockpit/Bf-110C4-Gun/hier.him missing, so just extract the C-4 gunner cockpit 3D from some modpack.
can explain more of how to get stock pits for 110c4 &c4/b?
i use 4.10.1 modact 3.06
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Epervier on August 17, 2012, 10:17:20 AM
in readme file there is only the air. ini text. where are the plane.ru and weapons.ru texts?
* Plane_ru *
Bf-110C-1            Bf-110C-1, 1939
Bf-110C-7            Bf-110C-7, 1940
Bf-110D-3            Bf-110D-3, 1940
Bf-110E-1            Bf-110E-1, 1941
Bf-110F-2            Bf-110F-2, 1941

The weapons_ru is not mandatory ... nor plane_ru ...
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: liampo on August 17, 2012, 10:50:30 AM
in readme file there is only the air. ini text. where are the plane.ru and weapons.ru texts?
* Plane_ru *
Bf-110C-1            Bf-110C-1, 1939
Bf-110C-7            Bf-110C-7, 1940
Bf-110D-3            Bf-110D-3, 1940
Bf-110E-1            Bf-110E-1, 1941
Bf-110F-2            Bf-110F-2, 1941

The weapons_ru is not mandatory ... nor plane_ru ...
4.10.1 modact 3.06 compatible?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Birdman on August 17, 2012, 11:27:48 AM
You just have 3DO/Cockpit/Bf-110C4-Gun/hier.him missing, so just extract the C-4 gunner cockpit 3D from some modpack.
can explain more of how to get stock pits for 110c4 &c4/b?
i use 4.10.1 modact 3.06

Those gunner 3D files are missing in this mod for some reason, and the original mod with them seems to have disappeared. Maybe it is time to extract the new updated cockpit from HSFX6 and get this all fixed. Epervier, are you ready to fix this?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Epervier on August 17, 2012, 11:43:10 AM
Cockpits ? HSFX6 ? heeuuu... no thank you !  :-X
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: igora on February 04, 2013, 11:56:09 PM
Hi, guys!
Has anyone working in 4.10.1?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 05, 2013, 12:18:13 AM
They are in DBW and working well.

Bf-110C-1         air.BF_110C1 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110C-4         air.BF_110C4 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110C-4B       air.BF_110C4B 2                              g01   SUMMER
Bf-110E-1         air.BF_110E1 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110F-2         air.BF_110F2 2                                g01   SUMMER
Bf-110G-2         air.BF_110G2 2                                g01   SUMMER
BF-110-G4         air.BF_110G4 2                    NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: igora on February 05, 2013, 12:46:11 AM
And if without DBW only SAS Modact 3.06 ?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on February 05, 2013, 01:48:16 AM
They will all work in SAS ModAct 3.06 ;)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: igora on February 05, 2013, 02:46:34 AM
Thank you! I'll try again.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on March 17, 2013, 05:15:20 AM
This Pack works in SAS ModAct 4.0
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Maurox on March 17, 2013, 05:37:16 PM
Hello to everyone here!

Just wanted to ask, what files are necessary for - let's say - clean install of Modact 3.06 for v 4.101?
I tried installing it By extracting BF110Family folder into the #SAS Folder, replacing the original lines in Air.ini (The only file I modified so far as I've read that planes_ru and weapons_ru are optional files to edit) with the ones Bravo posted (As C-4/C-4B and G were already there), but the sim keeps crashing on me when reaching 60%. I only recently started to mod the game and I'm afraid I might not have some necessary files or those that I do have are not up-to date... So seeing as people here have obviously more experience - could someone list the files that would be necessary for installing this?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: GUZKNIFE on July 12, 2013, 02:53:21 AM
Works in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Mission_bug on July 19, 2013, 04:13:43 AM
Works in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)

I have the same problem as Maurox but in 4.12 with SAS Modact 5 and yet GUZKNIFE claims it works.

Could anyone help with this please, it works for me with 4.11 with SAS ModAct 4, wtf. ???

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 19, 2013, 06:31:30 AM
Pete, try this one by Stefan2:    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35348.msg389873.html#msg389873
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Mission_bug on July 19, 2013, 07:02:30 AM
Pete, try this one by Stefan2:    https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35348.msg389873.html#msg389873

That did the trick mate, thank you very much. 8)

These kind of links would actually better added to the the actual aircraft thread, I was completely unaware of it, easily missed. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 28, 2013, 02:34:13 AM
Didnt sombody make a Mod for better Spinners on some of these Birds?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Stefan SG on August 04, 2013, 03:45:11 PM
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img545/8062/1i0q.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/545/1i0q.jpg)

Pls find revised version of Bf-110 Family for 4.12.1/ModAct 5.20 with cockpit textures of Greif11 and bomb racks for Bf-110E-1 and Bf-110F-2.

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Semor on August 04, 2013, 03:49:24 PM
Yes!! Stefan..you´re my man! My beloved 110´s with Greif11´s Cockpit.  8)

Many,Many Thanks to you.

Best regards
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on August 04, 2013, 04:12:32 PM
Thanks for your 412 updating work mate!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: skyrover on August 06, 2013, 01:35:12 AM
I tried to use this mod, but after putting the folder in #SAS, air.ini entries etc, all I get is that the game doesn't start at all , just show-up briefly the litlle starting screen that quickly close and than nothing! (I use the 4.12m version and 5.11 modact) ; deleting all the entries for bf-110 mod, make the game running again. Could someone help for this issue?
regards to all of you
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on August 06, 2013, 02:00:52 AM
Most probable issue is a wrong installation....or missing cockpit try again!

Next time post also loading % crash and log....
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Stefan SG on August 06, 2013, 02:04:54 AM
The mod was tested in my 4.12.1/ModAct 5.20, but it should work also in 4.12m/ModAct 5.11. Do You use SAS AI mod for ModAct 5.11/5.20?
It is installed in my #SAS folder. Maybe the problem is here. Pls check.

I tried to use this mod, but after putting the folder in #SAS, air.ini entries etc, all I get is that the game doesn't start at all , just show-up briefly the litlle starting screen that quickly close and than nothing! (I use the 4.12m version and 5.11 modact) ; deleting all the entries for bf-110 mod, make the game running again. Could someone help for this issue?
regards to all of you
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: skyrover on August 06, 2013, 02:45:13 AM
The mod was tested in my 4.12.1/ModAct 5.20, but it should work also in 4.12m/ModAct 5.11. Do You use SAS AI mod for ModAct 5.11/5.20?
It is installed in my #SAS folder. Maybe the problem is here. Pls check.

I tried to use this mod, but after putting the folder in #SAS, air.ini entries etc, all I get is that the game doesn't start at all , just show-up briefly the litlle starting screen that quickly close and than nothing! (I use the 4.12m version and 5.11 modact) ; deleting all the entries for bf-110 mod, make the game running again. Could someone help for this issue?
regards to all of you
Hello, Stefan2
thankyou for your help
actually I don't use SAS AI mod for ModAct 5.11/5.20 , It seems I have to install the version 4.12.1 before it (I am using the 4.12) now I have to find out where a version 4.12.1 is to download, as as said with my 4.12m/ModAct 5.11 it is not working, I'll let you know
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: skyrover on August 06, 2013, 02:53:02 AM
Hi Stefan2
Just to make the things easier do you know where to find the 4.12.1 version??? I made a search but.....nothing
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Stefan SG on August 06, 2013, 02:58:14 AM
Link for 4.12.1 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,36059.0.html

Also I have Bf-110 pack for 4.11/ModAct 4.0. It works without SAS AI mod. Today evening I'll check if it is compatible with 4.12m/ModAct 5.11 and 4.12.1/ModAct 5.20 and revert with its link.

Hi Stefan2
Just to make the things easier do you know where to find the 4.12.1 version??? I made a search but.....nothing
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: skyrover on August 06, 2013, 03:23:31 AM
Many thanks , waiting for your "troubleshooting" I'll download the relevant files
cu, thanks
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 19, 2013, 06:00:18 PM
Guys, want to have this, Wolfighters LW Pilot flying your Favorite 110


Copy and Paste all these files into your Favorite  3do/Plane/Bf-110-xx , or all of them, Thats it.

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Greif11 on August 20, 2013, 04:35:01 AM
I try to test algoritm of shining prop disc on Bf-110. It works fine most exellent in night flight when moonlight is reflekted. For that i use 2 layer texture of my own design. That mod coming soon.

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Semor on August 20, 2013, 07:20:18 AM
+1  :)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: WindWpn on August 20, 2013, 08:30:24 AM
Seeing multiple reports of this error in the console:
Code: [Select]
com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorException: Hook: _MGUN06 not found
at com.maddox.il2.engine.HookNamed.<init>(HookNamed.java:117)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitBF_110E1_Gunner.interpTick(CockpitBF_110E1_Gunner.java:127)

Looks like something off on the cockpit gunner seat for the E1, though I was flying F in gunner seat?

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Stefan SG on September 21, 2013, 10:41:44 AM
Please find updated version of Bf-110 mod for 4.12.1/ModAct 5.22. Now it works regardless of installation of SAS AI mod.
Bf-110s are equipped with cockpit textures of Greif11. Also Gun Pods and Bomb Racks of Bf-110E-1/F-2 work like the ones of Bf-110G-2.


No Pods
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img22/3517/3ii9.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/22/3ii9.jpg)

MG151/20 Gun Pod
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)

Bombs Rack
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img546/7866/wgok.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/546/wgok.jpg)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on September 21, 2013, 10:45:30 AM
Stefan, your the Man, thanks Buddy!!!
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Docholiday on September 24, 2013, 05:17:33 AM
Please find updated version of Bf-110 mod for 4.12.1/ModAct 5.22. Not it works regardless of installation of SAS AI mod.
Bf-110s are equipped with cockpit textures of Greif11. Also Gun Pods and Bomb Racks of Bf-110E-1/F-2 work like the ones of Bf-110G-2.

Hallo Stefan.

Great work !!!!

Some time agoo I made a really smal 3dfix for this great Bf-110 Pack:   I gave the Bf-110F  the round Spinners they had in reality.  It is included in the last DBW version too.

Could You please ad the round spinners for the Bf-110F too ??  Then this pack woulf be perfect ! ;)

already Thx in advance  8)

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Stefan SG on September 24, 2013, 05:56:57 AM
Dear Doc,

Thank You for Yr kind reply.
I remember Yr great fix, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Existing links are dead. Unfortunatelly I found that I haven't this file in my computer too although I had downloaded it. I'll try to extract it from DBW. But if it is possible for You, let me ask You give link for Yr good fix and it will be included into Bf-110 pack immediatelly.


Hallo Stefan.

Great work !!!!

Some time agoo I made a really smal 3dfix for this great Bf-110 Pack:   I gave the Bf-110F  the round Spinners they had in reality.  It is included in the last DBW version too.

Could You please ad the round spinners for the Bf-110F too ??  Then this pack woulf be perfect ! ;)

already Thx in advance  8)

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on September 25, 2013, 01:17:43 PM
Bf-110 Spinners   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25142.msg259058.html#msg259058   Scroll down to near bottom of thread.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Stefan SG on September 25, 2013, 01:50:37 PM
Dear Bravo, Thank You for Yr help.

Bf-110 Spinners   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25142.msg259058.html#msg259058   Scroll down to near bottom of thread.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: BravoFxTrt on September 25, 2013, 01:53:02 PM
Your Welcome Stefan.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on October 08, 2013, 02:51:43 PM
I added the Mk101/103 loadouts for the 110E and F as used by 8./ZG26 in Africa.

https://www.mediafire.com/?w7h1z8z07qkpadn (https://www.mediafire.com/?w7h1z8z07qkpadn)

Any chance to get this update integrated into the new version?

In North Africa some pilot is missing such weapons for implement desert rat hunting , some rat is big like a tank....

Thanks in advance for your consideration about!

Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: cuccos19 on June 19, 2014, 09:25:33 AM
I've encountered a problem second time. The game works, loads in, but now 2 aircraft is missing in Quick Mission Builder. I mean, they are in the list, but I cannot select and fly them (if I try to fly them, no cockpit and I have a 'floating in the air' screen), if I'm in the menu where I can see the aircraft and loadouts as well, I cannot see the aircraft. First it was the - I think it is a stock plane - Yak-3 VK-107 and now the Bf-110E. The Yak didn't really bothered me, I don't need it, but another aircraft doing this is a little bit annoying. I have v4.12.2 and ModAct 5.3.

Here are the pictures:

(http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/33407/1a8db9334065233.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/1a8db9334065233) (http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/33407/3f041a334065234.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/3f041a334065234) (http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/33407/d3ff04334065235.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/d3ff04334065235) (http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/33407/e7588e334065236.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/e7588e334065236) (http://thumbnails111.imagebam.com/33407/850144334065237.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/850144334065237) (http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/33407/d17f7f334065240.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/d17f7f334065240) (http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/33407/da667b334066635.jpg) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/da667b334066635)
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: Paulo Hirth on June 28, 2014, 01:12:23 AM
    Cuccos, try find in your #SAS folder all mods for that planes with fixes for 3d parts and delete os do a (-) in name of folder, i believe is just a conflict of parts.
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA
Post by: RAECHER on June 28, 2014, 11:19:40 AM

I also have v4.12.2 and ModAct 5.3. and I found that once 'Cowlings engines and props y PA_Jeronimo' is activated in JSGME, the Yak-3 VK-107 is missing - de-activate that Mod and the Yak-3 VK-107 is back. Maybe this could help?
Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Docholiday on November 09, 2015, 07:52:47 AM
Dinghi - Container for D or E-Models

https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49006.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49006.0.html)


Title: Re: Bf110 family ~SAS~CirX's Most Excellent 110 Pack ~BETA [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: mikejr on November 20, 2015, 07:12:15 AM
Hi there,

I have this mod, and love it, but I do have a problem with the missing '3DO/Cockpit/Bf-110C4-Gun/hier.him,' in that I cannot find said files for the C4 rear gunner cockpit anywhere, and would rather not spend hours downloading a mod-pack to retrieve it.  :(

Is there any way of retrieving these files that provide the correct C4 rear gunner cockpit (rather than the enclosed version from the other versions which I'm using in it's place)?

Here's hoping!  :-|

