Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Vehicles + Artillery => Topic started by: SAS~Skipper on September 25, 2010, 03:16:41 AM
A little patience. Soldiers armed with semiautomatic rifles is preparing to fight.
Edited by SAS~Epervier
- AAA cavalry
- sniper/rider
nice! hunting season is about to open.... :D 8)
Thats Awesome. I think this is a great idea!
Everything is ready and prvoereno. Only they do not yet know how to die (((.
3D-Master is working ..
I can `t find the right burst of flame ((
Sound I found.
i'd be happy if they just fell over when dead, even if it will look a bit odd - all we really need is some visual confirmation to know that we have killed the poor sods, not super 3D models....
maybe possible to just use the same 3D as live, but orientated so that they lie horizontally..? ;)
i'd be happy if they just fell over when dead, even if it will look a bit odd - all we really need is some visual confirmation to know that we have killed the poor sods, not super 3D models....
maybe possible to just use the same 3D as live, but orientated so that they lie horizontally..? ;)
I think so too, the main thing that they do not burn as tanks))))
Another question that needs to be done a couple - the blue and red,
so as not to click the mouse.
And, whether it is that they move?
great idea! Image all that soldier run, stop, shot, run again and under bombs and machineguns.
Maybe big work to hardware...
They behave like a machine gun DShK AAA, only a low rate of fire and the elevation angle.
to make them move would be more tricky, i agree....but then again, we already have moving infantry in UP201, so it could be a copy/modification of that....
in fact, Skipper, are you aware of the moving infantry in UP? they don't display as one individual soldier, but groups of 3....other than that, they do pretty much what you are trying to make.... :)
Only they do not yet know how to die (((.
Perfect soldiers !!! :)
Oh yeah! I do not know much. Certainly do not know the soldiers of the Super Mega Ultra Pack ...(((
They are somewhere in a separate package? I'd ordered a dozen or so)).
All stop of because of the 3D - I do not know how and to wait ...((((
There's nothing complicated only 3d .. (But it is a stone on my way ..
))) Count me Urfin Juice, but I want an army of soldiers oak (dubolomov )!))))
well, i'll have to go and ask upstairs a bit about maybe separating the moving infantry from UP for a standalone mod, but my feeling is it will be a bit more complicated.
oh yes, and those moving soldiers don't have a 'dead' animation, either, i think they just vanish, as if you have blown them to tiny litlle pieces.... 8)
but maybe this will help for you to make the decision to get yourself a copy of UP201, because of all the nice things that come with it... :D
You serpent tempter! ::)
Hi Sas Skipper,
I hope you or someone can do a jungle camo skin. ;D ;)
In a week or so the first stage; semi populated smallish towns and some industrial areas including short airfields and water strips
Using a totally unexpected region for this ;D 8)
Snark Hunting;Crotch Rought (Jungle Map) 8)
Represents a jungle map in any part of the world and any Th of Op W.W.11 and up
Non historical but centred on jungle intensity. ;D
Now, two soldiers in green and gray uniforms ..
Now they are falling, but still burn .. (
Always in a notebook, what to do? Always in Notepad ((.
add in TECHNICS.ini
Description Beta ver.01 infanterie AA Rifle 12.7mm (MG)
Icon antiaircraft
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Artillery/Russia/SniperAAA/Summer/Live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Artillery/Russia/SniperAAA/Summer/Dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Artillery
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.001
// Weapon
Gun MachineRifleAAA
AttackMaxDistance 1500.0
AttackMaxRadius 1500.0
AttackMaxHeight 1500.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +80.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 100 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 100 // ??
ChainfireTime 1.0
DelayAfterShoot 1.5
FastTargetsAngleError 2.0
FireFastTargets 1
Description Beta ver.01 infanterie AA Rifle 12.7mm (MG)
Icon antiaircraft
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Artillery/Germany/SniperAAA/Summer/Live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Artillery/Germany/SniperAAA/Summer/Dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Artillery
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.001
// Weapon
Gun MachineRifleAAA
AttackMaxDistance 1500.0
AttackMaxRadius 1500.0
AttackMaxHeight 1500.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -5.0
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +80.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 100 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 100 // ??
ChainfireTime 1.0
DelayAfterShoot 1.5
FastTargetsAngleError 2.0
FireFastTargets 1
Description Beta ver.01 infanterie AA Rifle 12.7mm (MG)
Icon antiaircraft
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Artillery/Russia/RiderR/Summer/Live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Artillery/Russia/RiderR/Summer/Dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Artillery
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.001
// Weapon
Gun MachineRifleAAA
AttackMaxDistance 2000.0
AttackMaxRadius 2000.0
AttackMaxHeight 1500.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -10.0
GunStdPitch -5.0
GunMaxPitch +80.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 70 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 90 // ??
ChainfireTime 1.0
DelayAfterShoot 1.5
FastTargetsAngleError 2.0
FireFastTargets 1
Description Beta ver.01 infanterie AA Rifle 12.7mm (MG)
Icon antiaircraft
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Artillery/Germany/RiderG/Summer/Live.him
MeshSummerDamage 3do/Artillery/Germany/RiderG/Summer/Dead.sim
// Panzer
PanzerType Artillery
PanzerSubtype 1
PanzerBodyFront 0.001
// Weapon
Gun MachineRifleAAA
AttackMaxDistance 2000.0
AttackMaxRadius 2000.0
AttackMaxHeight 1500.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -10.0
GunStdPitch -5.0
GunMaxPitch +80.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 70 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 90 // ??
ChainfireTime 1.0
DelayAfterShoot 1.5
FastTargetsAngleError 2.0
FireFastTargets 1
add in STATIONARY.ini
SniperR vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryInf$SniperR 1
SniperG vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryInf$SniperG 2
RiderR vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryInf$RiderR 1
RiderG vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryInf$RiderG 2
Hmm, maybe not at all correct that in the game objects artillery is burn?
Can not burn a machine gun or a gun ... there is no gasoline and little pieces of wood ...((
Hey, who does effects!
I've been trying to solve this problem myself. So far no luck :(
AH! That mod looks cool. I never knew we could do that to the game. Have an army of little AI soldiers
run and capture an airfield. Very nice Mod indeed.
Congrats on the work done so far Skipper!
You are full of wonderful surprises. Your a great Mod artist 8)
Well, you can always pretend the little guys all have flamethrowers ;)
Hmm, maybe not at all correct that in the game objects artillery is burn?
Can not burn a machine gun or a gun ... there is no gasoline and little pieces of wood ...((
Hey, who does effects!
I've been trying to solve this problem myself. So far no luck :(
I've been trying to solve this problem myself. So far no luck :(
Detachment Basmachi near Bukhara.
Death to the bandits!
If Molva (He is the author of a soldier) attach a gun and the cavalry, there will be cavalry.
hi Skipper
i played around with your sniper yesterday afternoon.
Just a thought any chance to have a seperate sniper aiming up at the sky.
i tried a little mission hoping that they may try and hit Beo's new L-5 floater but I just saw the rounds hit the ocean
Just a thought ;D
Cheers Kirby
Yes I also noticed that on the ocean causing the problems.
I have been studying the problem.
I flew to the shore and saw splashes in the water,
but was killed by flying over the soldier.
((( While I was researching the cause of error, now temporarily for the correct operation of a soldier
use the following line in the two shooters .. ((
MeshSummer 3do/Artillery/Russia/Maxime/Live.him
Soldier will be a picture with a machine gun ((
I would recommend taking off ALL flash from the infantry rifles. They look like flame throwers.
I have problems in the orientation of 3D models.
Any thoughts and help ..
That's working properly, but it's just a nightmare))))
I would recommend taking off ALL flash from the infantry rifles. They look like flame throwers.
Just need to change the flash. If you remove the flash, there is no chance to discover ... ))
Just need to change the flash. If you remove the flash, there is no chance to discover ... ))
Oh yes, You would have to fly veeery low, and veeery slow :D
You might want to give the U-19 some armor below the engine and pilot ;)
Only I, noticed that he's flying a R-5?
BTW Amazing mod Skipper!
Good catch, RealDarco! Can we expect the R-5 also (...please)? 8)
could you try Wfly's infantry modles as well? this seems a very good step in improving the use of the jeep and the wagen ;D
The shots are great!
Looking farward to it!
Thanks for this one!!
So far so here
http://dispersalfield.net.ru/files/my_arms/Sniper_Rider_AAA.7z (http://dispersalfield.net.ru/files/my_arms/Sniper_Rider_AAA.7z)
I think so too, the main thing that they do not burn as tanks))))
Another question that needs to be done a couple - the blue and red,
so as not to click the mouse.
And, whether it is that they move?
Flamethrowers are a perfect solution to that, you know.
IL2 is so enormous that there is no possibility for such a small period of my acquaintance with his skeleton to learn everything. 8) 8) 8) 8)
Any participation is welcome! ;)
can be true to remove the flash will only let the smoke tracer?
::) ::) ::) ::)
http://dispersalfield.ru/files/my_arms/Sniper_Rider_AAA.7z (http://dispersalfield.ru/files/my_arms/Sniper_Rider_AAA.7z)
Nice One Sir Skipper ;D
I'll play around with this when I have a break ha ha ha :D
Cheers Kirby
Maybe I pick up the smoke instead of fire))). Flame is awful!
I've already tried and see no need to improve modelki ...
Although the horse has a bad effect on the log file.
How Do I gte the infantery?
Is there a beta yet?
I just Add teh lines to the INIs and thats it?
Looking Awsom!
You must re-install folder and add a line for the riderR? riderG.
Got it working The problem I have is that If I get too close to the infantery I get 3 to 10 second freezes of video, but the sim keeps working, I can see speed, heading and Altitud in speed bar...
Anybody else experiences this?
I think that there is a shadow of a horse ..((( I do not like.
But I do not know how to fix it .. I am an ignoramus in 3D.
so um how far along is anyone on a standalone infantry mod, even if the options are like a squad of 3, or a sinlge guy, it would be welcome to my game
especially since i am much more into these kinds of mods, as i have so many planes i have no clue what is what anymore....
Is there a download?
ok, BERLIN: again, if you take the time to READ through the thread, you won't have to ask these questions. but no, it's easier to just ignore me, eh?
i have had enough now. consider this your final warning.
Can they just have normal looking rifles like in the first pic? :-\
Link broken....can someone fix it?
Since it is very difficult to make sense of it all ... Here are two links:
- AAA cavalry
new link in first post !
- sniper/rider
new link in first post !
Great little mod !!! love it, with the falling down , can you get them to run and dive to the ground like we do when we bail out ?
can that code be transfered over to the little men ? be funny to watch them run and dive when hit/killed ;D
In ZP (ZloyPetrushkO) Semireal AAA and ZP Semireal tanks, an old mod, when you dived on AA guns and fired at them but had close hits the crew scattered and you a 30 seconds or so of safety, it used the animations of the pilot running but with soldier uniform skins, so this is possible. I think it has been re-posted somewhere on this site am sure a search would find it. I really enjoyed this mod for immersion when you cought a glimpse of the crew running after a pass
Cheers, Dakpilot
and i think Wolfighter is still working on a running civilians and troops mod, which should also add to the immersion quite a bit.
Horse lovers should on no account read this post. You have been warned! I tried this _08Cavalerie mod in DBW1.6 a few minutes ago. Using the Northwest Europe map, I put 15 of them on a straight bit of road. Then I put in a static camera. Next, I selected a Ba65 with Fragmentation bombs. With the aim point well ahead of the target, I destroyed them all. Using 4x50kg bombs, I got 4. Using a Corsair with Napalm, I only got half of them. Thanks very much indeed for this mod.
David Prosser
Horse lovers should on no account read this post. You have been warned! I tried this _08Cavalerie mod in DBW1.6 a few minutes ago. Using the Northwest Europe map, I put 15 of them on a straight bit of road. Then I put in a static camera. Next, I selected a Ba65 with Fragmentation bombs. With the aim point well ahead of the target, I destroyed them all. Using 4x50kg bombs, I got 4. Using a Corsair with Napalm, I only got half of them. Thanks very much indeed for this mod.
David Prosser
::) ;)
You'll have to wait a few weeks for pics. I'll buy screen shot software when I recharge my credit card. I don't just want it for games.
When the _08 cavalry are attacked by infantry, they don't shoot back. However, they can still be useful in missions. They could just be strafing targets, or central to a given mission. For instance, the player might have been called in to attack something they found. The sniper riders don't engage infantry. So I deleted them.
David Prosser
FRAPS is free :)
Aren't screenshots in the standard game? and in DBW as .JPG, just push PrtScn button on keyboard and find them in Mysreenshots folder in IL-2 root :)
Not sure we need shots of "The great horse massacre" mind ;) LOL
Cheers, Dakpilot
@ Epervier
Your links to the AAA cavalry, and the sniper/rider are dead.
Your links to the AAA cavalry, and the sniper/rider are dead.
Sorry but... They work very well!
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I added all the correspondent lines in Chief, Static and Technics ini and keep getting 70 % CTD. If this works in DBW 1.6 shouldn't it work in 1.7?
horses sound: https://www.mediafire.com/?ackc3lcsu2ufwi1 (https://www.mediafire.com/?ackc3lcsu2ufwi1)
New link for cavalerie & sniper in fisrt post !
I came back with this topic because I have a request about sniper riders!
The cavalerie as it is now is defenceless but can move and the sniper riders as they are now can't move but can shoot!
What about make the latter moving to give cavalerie coulmns a more correct behaviour?
Since the last SCW planes addition some infantry columns attack (as really happen in that war) deserve a little more attention and realism!
All the best!
You'll have to wait a few weeks for pics. I'll buy screen shot software when I recharge my credit card. I don't just want it for games.
When the _08 cavalry are attacked by infantry, they don't shoot back. However, they can still be useful in missions. They could just be strafing targets, or central to a given mission. For instance, the player might have been called in to attack something they found. The sniper riders don't engage infantry. So I deleted them.
David Prosser
Just press Print Screen in game, you'll find your screens in game root folder, you don't need to purchase anything. And if you want software - Fraps is free. Save money for some epic joystick instead.
You can use IrfranView to make some changes in your pics
Use Paint.net for major changes.
Both free!!
Could I just ask, do these infantry fire at aircraft?