Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: HusarderLuft on October 14, 2010, 11:16:52 AM
Il-2 Theme Backgrounds part II.
The long awaited pack of 103 Il-2 Theme backgrounds are up and ready to download.
The pack contains 103 Backgrounds, each 1024 x 768, TGA format for you to use in the game start-up(splash screen) or main menu.
some of the 103 Backgrounds included in this pack
http://www.filefront.com/17405240/Il-2 Theme Backgrounds.rar (http://www.filefront.com/17405240/Il-2 Theme Backgrounds.rar)
1)Unrar the Il-2 Theme Backgrounds.exe file & execute it.
2)Select IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 root folder and Install it in there.
This will create a folder named 'Il-2 Theme backgrounds' in your Il-2 game directory.
3)you may replace any of the stock game/mod backgrounds with any of these
To do this copy your favorite background to IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\gui or to IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\gui
(this will change the background of the Intro picture (the spash screen).
4)To change the in-game menu background select your favorite, and copy to IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\Missions or IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\Missions.
5) be sure to delete the number of the file and rename the image simply as 'background.tga' before copying.
pretty simple - no?
be sure to check out my new Il-2 Wallpapers [55 of them].
IL-2 Backgrounds! - Part II
I have my own which I made and I keep for myself.
If you see anything you like - dont hesitate to ask and I'll send it to you
(unless people here want the whole package - which I can upload no problem ) :-*
it would be wonderful to have the full package. Could you be so kind of upload it?
deal -
they'll be up soon
These look fabulous! Nice work!
These look fabulous! Nice work!
How do I start a new topic just for these ...
I cant seem to find the button to make a new thread. I'm not a modder and have not put mods here yet - thats probably why
How do I start a new topic just for these ...
I cant seem to find the button to make a new thread. I'm not a modder and have not put mods here yet - thats probably why
Go back to 'Visuals' (left top corner) and on that page you see three tabs on the right side. Click on 'New Topic' and there you go!
those look really great! definitely keen on the package deal, and thanks for sharing, Husar. ;D
Yes this is cool. I think the best is to modify your first post to add the link, after which we will clean up the rest of the thread, or post a new topic in the guestmods section, which we will move here then, and replace this one with.
Nice backgrounds :)
all these are here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9058.0.html if you want them and thousand more !
Are the same JG54?
I have downloaded the wonderful images of your previous post, but I haven's seen most of the formal IL-2 backgrounds of this new post.
Yes the same buddy i have all this pack !
i dl ur pack s0crazty and i cant find the 1st pic. i like ur pack but i realy want the 1st big pick in this topic.
I was sure that i have it in ,here... http://kiwi123.cgsociety.org/gallery/115453/
Just edit it a little bit !
Download link now active-
questions and comments welcome
Good work, mate!!You can check this one too--http://old.wallcoo.net/paint/Air_Combat_Art_01/index.html!Cheers!!
Where is the splash screen for UP 3.0 located? The one in gui is still for 2.01 even though I have the new one and it loads.
i cant download it, there's somethings wrong with gamefront, can you please reupload to mediafire?
I'm sorry. This member was banned so he wont be able to post a link anymore but if someone has it they could send it to you in a pm. I'll look in my back up hard drive and see if I have it.
That I.A.R.-80 picture is the one used by PARC Models on their kit. Great image!
I'm sorry. This member was banned so he wont be able to post a link anymore but if someone has it they could send it to you in a pm. I'll look in my back up hard drive and see if I have it.
But please I really want ww2 aircraft artwork and those ones are great and the last 2 links in this post https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9058.0.html are broken too... :'(
please read here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9891.msg342955.html#msg342955 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9891.msg342955.html#msg342955)