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 on: Today at 07:50:20 PM 
Started by Vampire_pilot - Last post by gunny0134
Ah~~ sorry.

I misinterpreted your above comment.

 on: Today at 07:38:32 PM 
Started by Vampire_pilot - Last post by sbz
Yup. I just meant I cant backup 4.2 with its latest patch.
I have 4.3 installed and working.

 on: Today at 07:07:42 PM 
Started by Vampire_pilot - Last post by gunny0134
If not possible I'll go directly from 4.1.3 to 4.3.x

Oh, no !!

You must go through step 4.2.

The files in 4.2 and 4.3 have different contents. Compare 4.2 and 4.3 mod files, then you'll understand what I mean.

 on: Today at 07:05:59 PM 
Started by Draken - Last post by Draken
Beside the driver seat , the jeep and Kubelwagen have 3 empty seats .

Could it be possible to add a loadout of " 3 paratroopers " for these vehicles ?

So , they could drop the paratroopers in an aera to capture , for example .

 on: Today at 06:55:11 PM 
Started by gunny0134 - Last post by gunny0134
That is a lot of patience for this work.  I commend you.

My work is almost done. My work is not to be commendable, because it's just a cloning... ::(

But, your support gives me a lot of strength. Thank you.


The handicap of Asheshouse's 3 Littorio Class battleships is that there is no damage mat. In other words, they are suitable for dioramas.

From that point of view, old Littorio might be more useful in campaigning...

 on: Today at 06:46:00 PM 
Started by firepolo - Last post by Alensezz
Planning on trying it tonight hopefully. Will see how it goes and update soon

 on: Today at 06:32:20 PM 
Started by JG26_Jobbo_Fett - Last post by UberDemon
Nice fixes.  This will make patching BAT much nicer... I think.

 on: Today at 06:31:17 PM 
Started by gunny0134 - Last post by UberDemon
That is a lot of patience for this work.  I commend you.

 on: Today at 04:15:33 PM 
Started by Vampire_pilot - Last post by sbz
Oh Ok.
I am currently on 4.1.3
I was planning on keeping them all separate:
  • My current 4.1.3 backed up
    Upgrade to 4.2.3 then backup
    Then finally go to 4.3.x

If not possible I'll go directly from 4.1.3 to 4.3.x

Thank you!

 on: Today at 04:02:52 PM 
Started by Kopfdorfer - Last post by Kopfdorfer
No , not in BAT.
4.12.2 and 4.13.4  clean installs.
I'll check the sandbag objects and get back to you.


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