This is the readme of next release: instead of launching another map I decided to finish this up with some improvements, before you guys finish to play your Iwo campaigns
(by the way, is there around any good Pre Invasion campaign? There were some missions in the stock installation of Il2 1946 but not very populated...)
Iwo Jima repaint by Whitecat v2.0:
- 6 maps: 3 maps Pre Invasion, Invasion and Post Invasion optimized for Perfect mode, and the same 3 maps optimized for lower modes (Excellent and below). The Perfect mode maps are more loyal to the real geology of Iwo coast, but that provoked some ugly effect in Excellent mode, so the Excellent mode is a little bit less loyal, but now looks quite good. You will have to select different map according to the mode in which you are going to play.
- Apart from that now in the coast you'll notice less low green water and more foam and waves. This is Pacific but it's not Tahiti gentlemen, Iwo is rocky, windy and rainy.
- Different Suribachis for different maps. I figured out how to do it, it was there in front of my eyes
- In Iwo invasion you'll be able to bomb the island but you won't be able to land or take off in the airfields without great bumping and risk of crashing your aircraft... the bulldozers can't work under cross fire and the craters are still there