One of the SAS headder colour photos recently showed a Ki-43 with a yellow drop tank, which reminded me I'd done a repaint of the Ki-44 tanks
It's here if anyone wants: zip file contains a folder with a backup copy of the original file and a file named skin.tga which you need to copy to this folder and overwrite the existing file:
Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Ki-44\3do\Arms\Ki-44_UnderwingTank
Make sure you choose the right folder because there is one named Ki-44_UnderwingTank2 which contains a file with the same name but if the new file is the same size as the existing - you're in the right place.
Edit bt SAS~Bombsaway: I updated the link for these and here is a link for my way to get them into DBW. Since the KI-44 is in the sfs files in DBW with this folder you can change the droptanks. Also, I added the plane folder to it so you can change the default skin if you want.