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Author Topic: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1  (Read 60397 times)

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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #120 on: March 30, 2011, 09:24:07 AM »

Hi Uufflake, looks interesting :) is it a single - layer texture or it's using the 4 levels of trees?


I used the 5 layer woods textures to create a dense jungle forest. 
As far as I know all forests in IL2 do have the same kind of cone shaped trees with open space around which makes it look very organized.
But as you know the jungle is much denser, chaotic and branches grow in all directions.
So this what I basically did with the 5 slices of woods textures: on the left a typical IL2 cone shaped tree and on the right side my 5 slices to suggest a (sub)tropical foliage tree .

When finished I can post a d/l link if you like. 'Cause the forestfar.tga colour needs to be adjusted a bit too since I changed the jungle colour.  ;)
I redid the random tree files also so now they look denser and colour matches the woods.
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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #121 on: March 30, 2011, 10:28:59 AM »

Hi Uufflakke,

When i first started messing about with il-2 files i tried to devise a way of having more than one water texture so we could create reefs, using the woods tile and its 5 layers was one of the options i explored, we know that a woods tile can go on a water tile, quite often we see trees in rivers and off the coast. I had thoughts of trying to enlarge all the woods layers to the same size and trying to make each layer a different texture before compressing them and making the top layer an actual water layer........even now its beyond me but you seem to know what you're doing here have you any thoughts on this? maybe if something like this could be done?


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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #122 on: March 30, 2011, 11:18:11 AM »

Maybe we could replace the woods with a lot of auto generated trees.
Or maybe a lot of trees at the border of the woods.
Something like this mod by Stuka_40:
But more dense trees.



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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #123 on: March 30, 2011, 12:16:29 PM »

@Blumax: I've read your comment over and over but don't know what you mean. The woods textures are one on top of the other with a maximum of 5 layers.
So don't know why you should lay them on top of, or better said, floating above water to suggest reefs?

Anyway, the only thing I did is creating a new set of .tga's for a dense jungle.

@Santobr: I remember that mod by Stuka_40 but you can not get a dense forest that way and in my opinion it does have an impact on framerate. Not to mention the annoying effect of trees popping up in the distance (which also happens in Clifs of Dover again according the clips I've seen.)

By the way, theoretically it is possible to create something like fields of flowers above groundlevel by using the Woods0 texture for that and leaving the others transparent. When you fly low over it you must have a kind of 3D effect.
(I will try that out another time but I think we are getting off topic now...  ;))
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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #124 on: March 30, 2011, 12:32:40 PM »

That off topic part in your post above sounds also very promising IMHO, Uufflakke! :)   
I look forward to your new tree tgas.. :)


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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #125 on: March 30, 2011, 01:11:58 PM »

Hi Uufflake, looks interesting :) is it a single - layer texture or it's using the 4 levels of trees?


I used the 5 layer woods textures to create a dense jungle forest. 
As far as I know all forests in IL2 do have the same kind of cone shaped trees with open space around which makes it look very organized.
But as you know the jungle is much denser, chaotic and branches grow in all directions.
So this what I basically did with the 5 slices of woods textures: on the left a typical IL2 cone shaped tree and on the right side my 5 slices to suggest a (sub)tropical foliage tree .
When finished I can post a d/l link if you like. 'Cause the forestfar.tga colour needs to be adjusted a bit too since I changed the jungle colour.  ;)
I redid the random tree files also so now they look denser and colour matches the woods.

I see :) for one moment I thought it was another 'I give up IL2 trees, lets make simple textures forests'

Looks promising, I haven't arrived to that point of creating new trees layers, I only have recolored Italy forests and in some occasion I believe I've rotated 90 degrees some textures for example wood 2 and wood 4 leaving the others normal. That generates some chaos as you mention.

But: I find really difficult to find a combination that doesn't give a pattern at med-high altitude, and even if your last close up is very nice, the first one, being the colors lush and nice, shows some pattern (sorry if I'm too picky, and I'm conscious it's still WIP). And the problem with tree textures, as far as I know, is that you can't play with -2,-4, etc with helps in ground textures to minimize patterns. I find that most of the tree textures that have some 'personality' tend to show patterns (example stock pacific Jungle forest), and in other maps what you find is no patterns but too much 'uniform' or forest with 'blanket' effect, specially some winter maps I've seen around (the forest more than a forest from the distance seems too much a brown flat blanket)

That's why for the moment I've stuck to Italy forests (or recoloring of them)

Another trick to minimize patterns I try to use now and then is to use a quite clear layer of trees and then underlying, some ground texture not very plain which breaks a bit the patterns of the trees. But if the trees are too dense or the pattern is too evident, no matter how diverse is the forest ground, they tend to create 'lines'  vertical and horizontal towards the horizon.

Difficult :) but I suspect if you can't make it nobody will, mate :)


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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #126 on: March 30, 2011, 01:23:11 PM »

Hi Uufflakke,

When i first started messing about with il-2 files i tried to devise a way of having more than one water texture so we could create reefs, using the woods tile and its 5 layers was one of the options i explored, we know that a woods tile can go on a water tile, quite often we see trees in rivers and off the coast. I had thoughts of trying to enlarge all the woods layers to the same size and trying to make each layer a different texture before compressing them and making the top layer an actual water layer........even now its beyond me but you seem to know what you're doing here have you any thoughts on this? maybe if something like this could be done?
@Blumax: I've read your comment over and over but don't know what you mean. The woods textures are one on top of the other with a maximum of 5 layers.
So don't know why you should lay them on top of, or better said, floating above water to suggest reefs?

Anyway, the only thing I did is creating a new set of .tga's for a dense jungle.

@Santobr: I remember that mod by Stuka_40 but you can not get a dense forest that way and in my opinion it does have an impact on framerate. Not to mention the annoying effect of trees popping up in the distance (which also happens in Clifs of Dover again according the clips I've seen.)

By the way, theoretically it is possible to create something like fields of flowers above groundlevel by using the Woods0 texture for that and leaving the others transparent. When you fly low over it you must have a kind of 3D effect.
(I will try that out another time but I think we are getting off topic now...  ;))

I think what Blumax means is that would be nice if we can make that the tree layers go downwards into the water instead of upwards. That would be super cool and MUST be somewhere :) Besides that would imply that you can fly over the water without crashing. Could have even more possibilities like (finally :) ) PROPER rice fields, bogs and marshes :) even if the 'mangroves' with normal trees over water, in some maps, look very nice.

@SantoBr: I've explored already that but I completely agree with Uufflake: bad framerates, and specially annoying popups. I don't want a map that looks nice 20 meters in front of my plane when I fly low, if 10 meters farther there's a line of popup trees that reminds me every second that I'm in a game in my living room and not over the Vietnam Jungle in 1970 :)

@Uuflake about flowers: NICE :) but deadly :P... the transparent trees still are there right? so you clash with them when you want to cut the roses with your propeller...


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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #127 on: March 30, 2011, 02:07:15 PM »

@Uuflake about flowers: NICE :) but deadly :P... the transparent trees still are there right? so you clash with them when you want to cut the roses with your propeller...

I gave it a quick test  and the effect is better than expected. When you fly low (tree top level) the layer of yellow flowers gives a kind of depth to it. Even better noticable when flying with no cockpit view.
And the propeller didn't become a daisy cutter. I could fly below treetop level but crashed when I approached the flowers texture. Well, I think...

Hard to see on a screenshot the depth effect, but it gives the landscape a nice touch anyway. Maybe an idea for mapmakers to suggest fields of sunflowers, wheatfields or whatever?  ;)

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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #128 on: March 30, 2011, 07:14:28 PM »

Hi, Uufflakke. For almost any parts I have zero clue about what is been talked about when
technical details of building textures etc are mentioned. But there's one interisting fact I'd like to mention here.

With an ex WIP Histomod version that became my favourite install, the name when released was Histomod V2.1 (WIP) IIRC..with that one I can fly over and through trees and forests anywhere without exploding. I assumed it was abandoned due to almost impossible circumstances regarding planes exploding. the only way to archieve that was directly hitting a building or mountain. Otherwise the plane would have crashed but not exploded.

Buildings, mountains etc of course were still lethal. It must have had something like a new/alternative destruction code-TBH it's the most fun to fly low and fast in this install, because-as in RL-not every tree must be lethal (albeit in RL a tree confrontation would at least lead to heavy damage.) The result is that flying even lower becomes fun-flying through forest tops looks also quite cool lol.
I remember an F-16 vid where the pilot forgot readjusting his HUD before takeoff and busted a treeline, damaging the engine. In normal IL-2 conditions, he would have exploded. Not so in with that Histo code. :D

The second cool effect is that even when the plane is structurally damaged you have a chance of ejecting or (quite superman-styled) surviving in the plane. I believe it was a WIP error that IMHO had the coolest of all side effects.
Maybe interisting, I think flowers really should not cause a crash. :)

I could post a screen of a flight over forest tops. ..really fun!
Sorry for off topic.


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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #129 on: March 30, 2011, 11:58:28 PM »

Where is this "object pack" mentioned a few posts ago? Missions will not play when I go to test them...


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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #130 on: March 31, 2011, 07:54:22 AM »

Where is this "object pack" mentioned a few posts ago? Missions will not play when I go to test them...

Right below your nose.. :)  :D


Make sure to install it correctly as presented in above's link, I made the dumbass mistake to place the single parent folders in my Mod folder.
For the Hawaiian Islands repaint, you may also in addition need the "p72" folder from the original map by porto72 and Saburo Sakai:

I uploaded it, hope that was okey, otherwise I'll delete it.


...it goes in your
C:...IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MAPMODS\Maps\_tex folder
or your

C:\..\...\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\maps\_Tex folder:

Here's the link to the original map, the objects are not needed with UP~Boomer's pack:

Both, the original and the repainted map rock..! :)
Only thing I miss are some beachbreaks and shallows. But even without it's the most fun of all my Pacific maps, so big thanks again to all authors and  our "repaint"-man!



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Re: Hawaiian Islands repaint by Whitecat - Download now v1.1
« Reply #131 on: March 31, 2011, 09:44:25 PM »

Thanks mate! :)
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