Hi Uufflake, looks interesting is it a single - layer texture or it's using the 4 levels of trees?
I used the 5 layer woods textures to create a dense jungle forest.
As far as I know all forests in IL2 do have the same kind of cone shaped trees with open space around which makes it look very organized.
But as you know the jungle is much denser, chaotic and branches grow in all directions.
So this what I basically did with the 5 slices of woods textures: on the left a typical IL2 cone shaped tree and on the right side my 5 slices to suggest a (sub)tropical foliage tree .
When finished I can post a d/l link if you like. 'Cause the forestfar.tga colour needs to be adjusted a bit too since I changed the jungle colour.
I redid the random tree files also so now they look denser and colour matches the woods.
I see
for one moment I thought it was another 'I give up IL2 trees, lets make simple textures forests'
Looks promising, I haven't arrived to that point of creating new trees layers, I only have recolored Italy forests and in some occasion I believe I've rotated 90 degrees some textures for example wood 2 and wood 4 leaving the others normal. That generates some chaos as you mention.
But: I find really difficult to find a combination that doesn't give a pattern at med-high altitude, and even if your last close up is very nice, the first one, being the colors lush and nice, shows some pattern (sorry if I'm too picky, and I'm conscious it's still WIP). And the problem with tree textures, as far as I know, is that you can't play with -2,-4, etc with helps in ground textures to minimize patterns. I find that most of the tree textures that have some 'personality' tend to show patterns (example stock pacific Jungle forest), and in other maps what you find is no patterns but too much 'uniform' or forest with 'blanket' effect, specially some winter maps I've seen around (the forest more than a forest from the distance seems too much a brown flat blanket)
That's why for the moment I've stuck to Italy forests (or recoloring of them)
Another trick to minimize patterns I try to use now and then is to use a quite clear layer of trees and then underlying, some ground texture not very plain which breaks a bit the patterns of the trees. But if the trees are too dense or the pattern is too evident, no matter how diverse is the forest ground, they tend to create 'lines' vertical and horizontal towards the horizon.
but I suspect if you can't make it nobody will, mate