PZL37 is one of the few planes that fought all the war. The same planes, as production ended with the outbreak of war.
new bombing sight FOV for v. 4.12
https://www.mediafire.com/download/777x3txevtno075/PZL37B+Los+v2.2_BombingSight_FOV_Fix.zipWhat new in 2.2:
1) few new 3D parts and many improvements,
2) full skinable,
3) new skin pack
What new in 2.1:
1) new FM made by Kwiatek
2) Fixed bug with wings bombs

==============AIRPLANE====================DOWNLOAD >PZL.37 Los v.2.2========================================Brand new model of PZL.37 Los (Moose) in three slots:
- Poland,
- Romanian,
- multi
Some parts based on 3D PZL from FS
Remove any previous versions.
Add to MODS and PaintSchemes folders, and please add (when not have previous vers.) correct writes - see readme.
You need to have 'PZL_PuW_bombs' from PZL.P23 or PZL.P37 v2.1
1C for original Model & code
Messer (converting some meshes)
CirX(class file editions)
Kumpel - many improvements 
Loku (meshes of bombs and help)
Lucas (some textures)
Birdman (FM)
Kwiatek(new FM)
Kelso (class file editions & skins help)
and Ranwers 
Edited by SAS~Epervier
Following a request, here is the link to the Polish bombs:https://www.mediafire.com/?m1jby5blbm7vvmq