Some months ago, I made a little seasonal pack for Channel Beta ( the final map wasn't finished at that time).
As the final map isn't easy to use in online game, I decided to update this older pack specifically for online game (all texs reduced to 512x512x256c) :
This pack is an ADDON work made of 2 Canon_UK Channel BETA maps renewed with new textures : based on Compans, FlushY, CanonUK & also standard 4.09 (slovakia) textures.
They are installed as new maps, all beginning with "GW" in their name.
They look like (in my idea) as a winter & a spring Channel map as original one fits well with summer and early autumn.
These ones are specifically done for online game as texture files are reduced in size (mainly 512x512x256colors) and no bumph files.
They are modded 4.09 compatible and NEED CANON_UK BETA CHANNEL MAP to be previously installed and running.
They don't need anything for UP 2.01 & HSFX installs
-optimized textures for the landscape with tree rows at the borders of fields
-the winter map has a grey overcast high altitude sky.
-new map-F files for "excellent" video mode in landscape quality.
-The briefing and inflight maps now show the roads & railroads network.
-Reworked Canon-UK Channel heights map and texture map to have better map borders (map_h & map_t file).I also provided a replacement "Replace-CAN_40_load.ini" to have my spring texs instead of default ones (I did that) with a "Default_CAN_40_load.ini"
This ini file is the same as "CAN_spring_load.ini" EXCEPT for heights (map_h file) to keep compatibility in online game.
To use it, backup your "CAN_40_load.ini" then delete it. Rename "Replace-CAN_40_load.ini" into "CAN_40_load.ini" and it's done !
To restore default one, delete "CAN_40_load.ini" & just rename "Default_CAN_40_load.ini" into "CAN_40_load.ini" (or restore your backup).
xxxload.ini offer the possibility to have new (and a lot better) radar towers but ONLY if the objects are already installed (AAA UI 1.1 includes them).
In order to do so, just replace in the [static] section :
actors_40.static with actors_spring.static
Extract the pack in your game folder.
In your MODS/MapMods/Maps/all.ini file just add these 2 lines:
GW_Spring_Channel(Beta) CAN_Channel/CAN_spring_load.ini
GW_Winter_Channel(Beta) CAN_Channel/CAN_winter_load.ini
Done !
Thank's to :
Compans, CanonUK, FlushY & Fly-Zo for their work, and also IL2 & Slovakia map team.