: it's not patch for some existing Ta-152C-3 mod, is's further development of my Ta-152C mod.
This Ta-152C-3 mod may be totally incompatible with existing Ta-152C-3 mods, so use one or another on your own discretion.
If U decided to use this mod, U'll get following features:
- correctly working ammo counters and Askania gyro-gunsight (with rotating wingspan knob), calibrated for Allies wingspan range. Additional wingspan option for B-29 provided.
- wast list of loadout options, including big guns, big bombs on underfuselage rack, homing torpedoes, paraflares, droptanks, X-4 missiles and AI, qualified to use it in guided mode against all air, ground and naval targets. So, IMHO, your Ta-152C-3 AI wingmans will be useful
Exact loadouts list is as follows:
3x MK 103 +2x MG 151 +Abwurftank (C-3 prototype)
3x MK 103/30 + 2x MG 151/20 (C-3 prototype)
default (MK 103/30 Motorkanone, 80 rounds)
Typ D Abwurftank (Type D droptank)
2x Werfer-Granate 21 (each separately launched)
2x Wfr.Gr.21 + Typ D Abwurftank
2x Ruhrstahl X-4
2x Ruhrstahl X-4 +Typ D Abwurftank
2x AB 250
2x AB 250 + Typ D Abwurftank
AB 500 + 2x AB 250
AB 500
AB 500 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
AB 500 + 2x Christbaums ("Christmas trees" - paraflares)
AB 1000
AB 1000 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
AB 1000 + 2x Christbaums
SB 1000 (loadouts with SB 1000 will appear only if U have some mod with Zorin's weapons installed, FW-190D11/D13 mod, for example)
SB 1000 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SB 1000 + 2x Christbaums
2x SC 250
2x SC 250 + Typ D Abwurftank
SC 500 + 2x SC 250
SC 500
SC 500 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SC 500 + 2x Christbaums
SC 1000 Hermann
SC 1000 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SC 1000 + 2x Christbaums
SC 1800 Satan + 2x Christbaums
SC 1800 Satan
SC 2000SC 2500 Der Kleine Max (SC 2500 Max loadout is rather a joke, but there is sufficient, though minimal, ground clearance, and AC can takeoff & climb)
SD 500
SD 500 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SD 500 + 2x Christbaums
3x SD 500
2x SD 500
2x SD 500 + Typ D Abwurftank
PC 1600
PC 1600 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
PC 1600 + 2x Christbaums
PC 1000 Rs Paul (loadouts with PC 1000 Rs will appear only if U have some mod with Zorin's weapons installed)
PC 1000 Rs +2x Typ D Abwurftanks
PC 1000 Rs + 2x Christbaums
LT.F5b torpedo
LT.F5b + 2x Typ D AbwurftanksLT.1B4 Pfau torpedo (acoustic-homing version of LT.F5b anti-ship torpedo, slightly slower than standart LT.F5b, but it homing to closest naval surface target [hostile or friendly] from range about half-kilometer. If it misses target, it goes to another run)
LT.1B4 Pfau +2x Typ D Abwurftanks
MG 151/20 Motorkanone (5x MG 151/20, C-4 prototype)
MG 213/20 MotorkanoneMK 213/30 Motorkanone (MG/MK 213 loadouts will appear, only if U have installed some mod with MK 213 cannon, for example, Me-410 mod by Hunin, Mr.Jolly, VPMedia, Zeppo. Slow, Zorin)
none- different FM. Since Ta-152C stock FM unbelievable... bad
, I ventured to replace it with Ta-152H-1 FM, just with shortened wings and increased weight. I know, this's not a full value replacement, but Ta-152C turned to be a nice & fast flying plane, IMHO. Now the term "heavy fighter" refers rather to armament.
Link to download: http://www.filefront.com/17653236/Ta-152C-3.rarnew link see reply #16.Recommended mod for X-4 missiles, allowing AI to make guided launches at ground targets:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/gjbtobpwbxtvr2b/RocketXseries.rar (for v4.09)
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20401464/RocketXseries410_rar (for v4.10)
To install, unpack RAR folder into your game root directory.
Add following line in
air.ini file:
Ta-152C-3 air.TA_152C3 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMERanother line in
plane_ru.properties file:
Ta-152C-3 Ta-152C-3, 1945and this line in
hud_log.properties file:
AskaniaWing10 Wingspan Selected: B29 Viel Glück !